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Old 05-08-2008, 08:42 PM   #21

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i had came home from a friends house and i was over whelmed and started to pray to god. then i started to worship him, saying thank you for all he had done. (i had previously been in a deep depression and having sucidal thought consistantly but in thoughs recent months it started to leave). i was crying and everything and this all went on for about an hour. when i was done i opened my eyes and over my bed was a floating ball of light and it stayed there for 10-20 secs. i wanted to go and touch it but i was afriad if i did it would be gone.

i was just so amazed and filled with love at that time. it really helped to change me as a person.

on a side note. this happened some three years ago [drug reference removed] and one year ago i was dianosed with schizophrenia. if some of you choose not to belive me or take me serious than oh well.but i still know what i experiences wasnt a part of either of those.

god bless
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Old 05-19-2008, 01:05 PM   #22

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early morning today on the beach i took some snapshots, marveling at how blue the ocean looked and how gold the sun was, then i took a closer look at the pics in photoshop and expected to see some optical effects from the light (perhaps even a green orb as before) but what the heck is the pink donut?

how can light show up as a donut shape?? a beam of light is one thing, we all understand that, and rainbows are light rays splitting into their component spectrums but how does light make a smoke ring shape? how is that even possible?

i adjusted the saturation of the color but nothing else and that is definitely a donut shape in the pink light with the violet lightblue and green light in the middle.

is this a torsion field maybe???

crickey, i went back and checked most of the other pics and that thing is definitely a thing, not a mark on the lens as in some pics it isn't there and others in different spots (the camera is set at max size so they are all the same size).
i thought maybe it might have been some tiny tiny bug (but i took the last pic on the other side of that pier ruin which is a good five minute walk and then i spent some time drawing on the sand before taking the next pic and the thing is still there, and just about the same size too which is spooky.

this looks like that green orb i caught on film before has a pink aura now! the thing is the same size in all the pics but not in the same place which makes me think it's like a balloon or a kite attached to me, is that some kind of projection of my soul???

(i'm not looking for attention just an answer or a guess!)
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Old 05-19-2008, 06:34 PM   #23

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Old 05-19-2008, 07:37 PM   #24

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if you can do this, although it might be too late, try and switch lenses. maybe next time, if it still happends when you switch lenses, then it would be weird.
im just trying to help and debug, its a way of eliminating options to see if it reoccures or if its a lens distortion....
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Old 05-20-2008, 01:37 AM   #25

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i don't have the type of camera where you can change lenses!
besides, if it is a flaw in the lens, dirt, smudge etc there would be some consistency in the pics, at the very least the colors of the anomaly would be different depending on the angle of the light and what about the pics where the light is similar but there's no trace of the anomaly?

and how does a flaw show the same thing at different angles? look at the pink donut in those pics it's definitely at different angles!

if we can't figure out what this is, and there's no way i can be the only person to have had this show up on a digital snapshot right? then who?
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Old 05-20-2008, 04:04 AM   #26

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dazcox, great shot. as you mentioned, the 1st shot of the deep blue water, almost cobart, against the golden sun has great color. it almost appears like a opening up from the 1st picture shooting the other donut hole image out.

i see the rays of the sun, quite powerful and bright; to the left, there is a slight image of the green-pink. is that image shooting up, rather than down? back to the sun ?

anyway, just throwing out 1st thoughts..

ps: the close up of the green/pink item (2nd), see the red=pink shades all around in the sand and orb....

thanks for sharing
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Old 05-20-2008, 07:21 AM   #27

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i am a photographer and this looks like a 'lens flare'. the different colors 'purple' and 'green' are form the different lens elements having different colored 'coatings'.

it looks like you used a pentax optio e10 for this image and this p&s has a zoom lens quivalent of 34-102mm so this means there are many lens elements in there moving as you zoom in and out.

also most of your pictures were taken at f/5.6 which is probably in the middle range of the aperture for your camera. this means that the aperture opening is large enough for light to internallt reflect inside the lens to create a 'flare'. i am sure that the 'orbs' would have been minimized with the use of a smaller aperture like a f/11 or f/16 if not f/22 or f/32.

the difference in the position of the 'color orbs' is from the angle that the direct sunlight comes in to the lens and reflects internally. this would vary greatly because of the small lens with multiple moving elements. the relative position of the sun (and factor in the tilt of the camera as well) and the lens elements in each of the photo looks like its between 8 to 15 degrees. the one that has an absence of 'orbs' is directly straight looking into the sun hence no visible 'orbs'. in the other pictures, the sun is either to the left or right of the center of the picture so the intensity and shape of the 'orbs' differ. they are just lens flares really.
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Old 05-22-2008, 02:53 AM   #28

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well i'm not a digital photographer by any means, but i disagree with everybody else. this is like your third cool picture you have shared so my theory is that you have a magic camera!! it's that simple.

i can't wait to see what you take a picture of next.

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Old 05-22-2008, 03:24 AM   #29

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daz..whatever, the one blowup there is probably the best visual rendition of a toroidal energy manifestation i have ever seen! in the picture, i can sense the crux between a coming out and going within.

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Old 05-22-2008, 11:16 AM   #30

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it's a lens flare,

look at the position of the sun. the flare is gone once you focus the sun at the middle of the pic. the "orb" is always the opposite of the sun. i.e if sun is at the left, the "orb" is at the right and vice versa. your pic proves it.

how come you get the idea that it is torsion field? i haven't studied it that much yet, maybe somebody can brief?

but i do agree that the colour of the "orb" is beautiful.

peace :d
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Old 06-08-2008, 04:50 PM   #31

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i've seen them too, my first encounter was in a log cabin with no electricity. that day while alone in the cabin i decided to communicate to the “universe” directly and i said i’m willing to help in any way to bring whatever changes are coming that will benefit mankind.

in the middle of the night i saw a bright white orb of light (it flashed in and out from time to time). the weird thing was the light it cast didn’t create light on the walls round it; it didn’t illuminate like a flashlight would, but had the same quality of brightness.

my friend also got them video with his cell phone, his house was super haunted and he took some video in the dark, you could clearly see 3 orbs flying around (again not illuminating the area). it was chilling.
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Old 06-15-2008, 06:29 PM   #32

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hello all,

does anyone here have any pictures of orbs? i believe that orbs are real. recently i was looking around on ebay, doing a metaphysical search for different things. i found a guy who .....has pictures showing a very bright orb over a muffin sized orgone energy device. he also makes different orgone energy device. he is also asking for any one to prove him wrong, the pictures of the orbs that is. i believe that this guy is onto something big.

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Old 06-15-2008, 09:13 PM   #33

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in an english tv-series about spirits "haunting" different places, the mediums and other participants often see orbs. they signal the presence of a spirit. also on photographs the energy of a spirit can be captured.

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Old 02-03-2009, 06:14 PM   #34

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dear friends,


be well, be love.


robbert van den broeke photographs: "light" phenomena
by nancy talbott
blt research team inc.

- part 1 -

robbert, self-portrait, daytime-september 2004.

all photos in this report are taken by robbert v/d broeke unless otherwise noted & may not be reproduced without written permission from him, or the blt research team.

beginning in the early to mid-1990s, when robbert van den broeke was just a teenager, he began to regularly record strange objects and light phenomena in his photographs. in some instances he would see something unusual prior to taking photos, but often the anomalies were only apparent on the developed film (or, since 2002, on the led screen of his digital camera). by now (spring, 2009) robbert has taken literally thousands of bizarre photographs—using many different cameras--most of which have been catalogued by date in an archive which i estimate must contain a minimum of 10,000 photographs.

i have been visiting robbert and his family for 10 years, usually spending 2-3 weeks each summer with them in their home in hoeven, holland. during this time i have personally witnessed a variety of amazing incidents, most of which have included the production by robbert of hundreds of anomalous photographs. i have observed him closely as he has taken an enormous range of very strange photos, using several different cameras in both daytime and at night—and i have never seen any indication that he has deliberately manipulated either the cameras or the physical environment to produce these bizarre events or the photographic images.

since i am aware that photographic images can be manipulated and because i am not technically sophisticated myself, i have enlisted the expertise of an mit-trained analyst in evaluating many of robbert's images and have also carried out some control experiments myself. at the end of each section i've provided the relevant results from these exercises.

additionally, although i have seen many of the thousands of photographs taken by robbert when i have not been present—and although those photographs are every bit as curious as those contained in this report—it seemed sensible that, in this introductory report, i use primarily those photos taken by robbert while he was in my presence and using my camera. during the early years i paid close attention to everything he did, and didn't, do. in recent years i have sometimes been less rigorous, although i have continued to devise new strategies in my attempts to figure out what is going on.
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Old 06-05-2009, 09:21 PM   #35

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this past weekend my husband and i went up to the woods for a weekend. friday night we were having a discussion on the universe etc. he has always been a skeptic one of the mind that believes after seeing. so i had asked the universal consciousness to "let him see"... the next night we decided to take a walk on the rail trail behind the cabin. this was about 11:30 at night i decided to bring along my camera. i took pictures along the way. i decided i wanted to take a picture of the trail behind us and what i saw in my camera amazed me. a bright colorful orb filled with a colorful geometric spiral! we were both speechless.... i snapped another picture and the orb was further down the trail and to the right of the path the 3rd pic it was gone totally... anyway i've never seen this before. but i think its amazing.

i hope it attaches not sure i did it right...
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Old 06-06-2009, 01:54 AM   #36

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this past weekend my husband and i went up to the woods for a weekend. friday night we were having a discussion on the universe etc. he has always been a skeptic one of the mind that believes after seeing. so i had asked the universal consciousness to "let him see"... the next night we decided to take a walk on the rail trail behind the cabin. this was about 11:30 at night i decided to bring along my camera. i took pictures along the way. i decided i wanted to take a picture of the trail behind us and what i saw in my camera amazed me. a bright colorful orb filled with a colorful geometric spiral! we were both speechless.... i snapped another picture and the orb was further down the trail and to the right of the path the 3rd pic it was gone totally... anyway i've never seen this before. but i think its amazing.

i hope it attaches not sure i did it right...
actually yes with a digital camera you can get orbs. i can get them in my house. these are spirits from earth and visiting earth during these times we can expect the paranormal. if the mods would hurry up and approve the pic i would like to see to.
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Old 07-04-2009, 12:55 AM   #37

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i've seen a number of floating lights. generally only once you've worked to open your 3rd eye and can maintain that for an extended period of time, however your favorite of method of doing that may be.

once you accomplish that, all one needs to do is walk outside and look up at the sky. daylight or at night, there almost always balls of light in the sky to the trained eye.

one night camping in the woods after a spiritual day i had a close encounter with a flying ball of light that no one else saw or noticed. it had a willow-o-wisp feel, like a guardian spirit, and it just spent some time around the campsite and then left.
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Old 07-05-2009, 03:39 PM   #38

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its hard to see the pattern in this pic so i zoomed in and cropped it maybe you can see it better here.
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Old 07-21-2009, 10:18 PM   #39

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i noticed that in this picture of larry seyer and david w. that there are two angel orbs floating above larry. http://divinecosmos.com/index.php?op...=482&itemid=70

type in angel orbs on google search, and click the first link (or if you're feeling lucky, feel lucky).

read the bible verses through, and look at the pictures. and if you have some time, read the words on the page too.

it's a pretty thing to be noteworthy of if you're taking pictures, in room environments or dim lightning around.

never be alone again! always know that the holy spirit is traveling with these wheel creatures.

-divine peace
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Old 09-26-2009, 11:54 PM   #40

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hi all,

i was looking at some photos that i have taken in a place that i love very very much by the way), and i noticed a strange light in some of them.
i have made a little video, and downloaded it in youtube, and i wanted to share with you guys to help me understand what is that light!

maybe it is just a reflection from the sunlight in the length of the camera, but still....

note: there was no reflecting objects in my clothe and no water on the ground.. . only grass. and in the sequence of photos you can see that i am walking around the terrace, meaning they were taken in near, but different places...

well, just wondering and hopping any one can give an idea of what a ... is that light!


ps: it is not in english, but it does not matter the intro was just a trip...

in gratitude

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