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#21 |
found these today, these are for july donald this one intriuged me a great deal down to the explanation of it. |
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#22 |
donald's link in his previous post didn't work - on closer examination the word "scroll" got into the address and the "l" was deleted off of html. lighteye's thread "stream systems..." connected this crop circle with the following: interestingly enough, someone else thought it strongly related to another the comparison between milk hill and east field: either way, i enjoy viewing the complex geometries in crop circles - they truly are great works of art. :d art |
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#23 |
i can see the antakarana geometry within the 7-7-07 glyph at toot balden: i also found a page that describes another antakarana crop circle glyph: |
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#24 |
the golden ball hill glyph of 6-29-07 looks like
a symbolic representation of optical misalignment, as if a waverfront sheared by decentered component(s) to cause a comatic aberration. i don't agree that the center spot is circular, it looks more like a spot of light degraded by coma. |
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#25 |
the glyph of west kennett, nr avebury, wiltshire - reported 25th july,
reminds me of the synodic cycles of venus which can be understood to form a pentacle shape pattern. it seems an opportunity of "goodwill relations" between those interested in astrology and those interested in the et phenomena. |
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#26 |
here is more information about post a couple of days ago, donald august 7, 2007 pewsey, wiltshire, england - in my july 23, 2007, earthfiles report entitled, "070707 east field wheat formation: viewer comments," there is a section written by an australian scientist who requests anonymity. the earthfiles report shares his "lunar cycle count down to august 18, 2007" analysis of the 150 circles in the east field that were discovered shortly after a bright flash of light around 3 am on july 7, 2007. see: 072307 earthfiles. on august 6, he emailed about the 9-fold wheat geometry reported august 4, 2007, below the pewsey white horse, pewsey, wiltshire, england. from: australian scientist who requests anonymity subject: pewsey moon dates date: august 6, 2007 to: "dear linda, attached are new astronomical analyses of pewsey. either interpretation tells us about two dates based on a lunar phase of 32-34%. those two dates are either august 7 (not likely), or just after midnight on august 18, 2007. their other time code from sugar hill said '18 days after midnight on july 31.'" on august 1, 2007, photographer steve alexander discovered this wheat formation at sugar hill, near aldbourne, wiltshire, england. its approximately 300-foot-diameter pattern consists of thirty-six outer points around a center of eighteen 3-dimensional squares. aerial image © 2007 by steve alexander. also see: more information: if viewers have more information about other crop formations in your area, please email me at for further reports about crop formations, please see reports below in |
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#27 |
i found this interesting, donald here is a possible interpretation for the latest circle containing a line and a dot. it is the mayan numeral six. i wonder if it is tilted at six degrees from the rows. heather horning stanton st. bernard of august 12: six days left until a significant if unknown event on august 18 a new crop picture from stanton st. bernard shows the ancient mayan symbol for number "6", as a long bar drawn just below a filled circle (many thanks to michelle jennings and heather horning for their quick and astute observations): furthermore, on close inspection, one can see that its "filled circle" contains 13 smaller mini-swirls: taken together, both observations lead one to believe that those crop artists are trying to tell us about "6 days" from their ancient 13-month calendar (based on motions of venus and the sun), where any month contained 20 days, and any year contained 13 x 20 = 260 days. the "long bar" in that same crop picture is skewed with respect to a nearby tramline by approximately 10 degrees. such a small but precise angle might be intended to represent the small angular fraction of "6 days" within any complete 260-day mayan year as (6 / 260) x 360 = 8.3 degrees. but i cannot be sure from current photographs: would someone like to measure in the field? why would they show us the ancient mayan symbol for "6 days" right now, on a particular date of august 12, 2007? in the context of other pictures from 2007, this new message seems to represent the continuation of some countdown until a significant if unknown event on august 18. that same date was implied symbolically at east field on july 7 in terms of "lunar cycles", at sugar hill on august 1 in terms of "cube sundials", and at pewsey on august 4 in terms of a "solar-lunar calendar". the sun and venus are moving towards an inferior conjunction on august 18, thereby ending their current 260-day sun-venus calendar, and beginning another. so they could be trying to tell us about that, or maybe something else entirely? in the context of other pictures from 2004 or 2005, this new message seems to represent the continuation of mayan sunstone messages from silbury 2004 and wayland's smithy 2005. the latter also coded for a near-future date of august 16-19, 2007 in terms of an ancient 52-year sun-venus calendar. red |
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#28 |
i was surfing through some crop circle pages when i decided to go to freddy silva's page (author of "secrets in the fields"; great book by the way) and i was looking for info on new formations. but what i found made me very disappointed. according to silva, just about all crop circles since 2004 have been man made. i sent him an email regarding the 7/7/7 formations and a few others and this was his reply:
"sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but just about everything in the uk since 2004 is man made. all have mechanical signs of planking, no anomalies, and the designs are all coming from the same groups who we already knew were making them, especially when they were caught." "there is still a phenomenon but these days it is more rare than people with commercial interests want you to believe. it is worth believing, just don't buy everything you see." -freddy silva i was quite surprised to hear this since many formations these days 'look' genuine. does anybody else have any comments on this or can offer a rebuttal? ~gabe |
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#29 |
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#30 |
there's a glyph reported august 17 at west overton, nr east kennett, wiltshire that reminds me of the honey bee comb pattern as mentioned recently in the torsion wave article... . |
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#31 |
"sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but just about everything in the uk since 2004 is man made. all have mechanical signs of planking, no anomalies, and the designs are all coming from the same groups who we already knew were making them, especially when they were caught." ![]() it's actually a very complex phenomenon. what you find is that when you talk to the human circle makers they are often influenced to create the formations at a certain time and place, and in a certain design. i agree with freddy silva for the most part, that the only non man made formation this year is probably the simple circle and ring at etchilhampton (of course this is only based on my visual observation), it is only my expectation. people are capable of creating these incredible formations and many of them do it to inspire and help people anonymously. besides this, i still do believe its entirely possibly that recent formations have been influenced to contain a reference to a rough date around now, man made or otherwise. if you talk to freddy silva some more, he might tell you that he also has heard credible channeled material that suggests people are being used to create formations... he just doesn't mention it all the time. i just don't think he realizes just how big a number of man made formations this encompasses! eris |
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#32 |
...the honey bee comb pattern as mentioned recently in the torsion wave article... apparently the three dimensional structure of a honey comb "cell" has tri-hedral closed ends which allows opposing layers of honeycomb to nest to each other, offset in that interface. that is, two layers don't stack aligned right on top of each other, they stack with cells offset between opposing cells. so it may be possible that within the glyph depiction there's symbolic diffferences that distinguish the geometry at play within say two layers of opposing honeycomb interfacing. |
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#33 |
the crop glyph of "north down, nr beckhampton, wiltshire. reported 19th august", has symbolisms that remind me of the rotating piece of an 8-shot revolver. specifically the outside perimeter seems symbolize the fluted cylinder, and the inner portion seems to symbolize a drive cog which is aligned to chambers. maybe its a statement about the geometry of guns. |
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#34 |
it was a cool synchronicity that occured while i was listening to the blog talk radio show that david did on july 8th.
![]() ![]() when i went to the website, i noticed that i was the 8,888th person to visit that page. david was earlier talking about synchronicities and had just finished talking about dr. moon's studies which discovered a harmonic geometry in the atom and how when you understand geometry you understand secrets of antigravity, free energy, the real nature of dna and protein synthesis. this same energy is part of our global energy grid where ancient megoliths were built. the same geometry is in the galaxy, superclusters of galaxies, and in the background dust from when the universe was formed. geometry makes matter, atoms and molecules based on frequency. geometric shapes appear when you vibrate sand or liquid at a certain frequency through sound. the topic was very profound and has been a subject of major interest of mine in the last several years. that being the geometry involved with everything and the oneness of it all. ![]() well, these synchronicities are happening more and more so i must be doing something right. :d david is doing a great job in getting this wonderful knowledge out there and especially in the recent radio broadcasts. thanks david! ~gabe |
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#35 |
i have found some interesting articles from this russian scientist, very thought provoking and it all fits in with what is going on. donald
here is the orginal site i linked to that began my journey and let me to find the following. explore this site it makes many references to david and his work here is link to original article below russian biophysicist and molecular biologist pjotr garjajev and his colleagues have been carrying out cutting-edge research the more esoteric nature of dna. they simply did not believe that 90% of our dna is ‘junk dna’. from the german book vernetzte intelligenz by grazyna fosar and franz bludorf (summarised and translated by baerbel): the latest research explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light-auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind's influence on weather-patterns and much more. the russian scientists also found out that our dna can cause disturbing patterns in the vacuum, thus producing magnetized wormholes! wormholes are the microscopic equivalents of the so-called einstein-rosen bridges in the vicinity of black holes (left by burned-out stars). these are tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. the dna attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness. what we are seeing here is ‘hyper-communication’, where information is passed inter dimensionally. it is as though the dna acts as a ‘stargate’ between this dimension and others. in the book there are several stories of how this information is downloaded via dna. here is second article about how this links in with crop cirlces the findings of the molecular biologists dr pjotr p. garjajev and dr. vladimir poponin of the russian academy of science concerning the ‘phantom-dna effect’ have a radical connection with the formation of crop circles in the united kingdom and throughout the world in recent times. according to these scientists the dna is emitting electromagnetic waves that continue to manifest even after the dna sample has been removed from the experiment. hence the name ‘phantom-dna effect’. the genetic procedures being adopted by these scientists have been commented on and explained by grazyna fosar and franz bludorf in their book vernetzte intelligenz (1), who have put forward the theory that self-radiating balls of light often seen in the sky and mistaken for extra-terrestrial visitors are in fact a group consciousness phenomenon brought about by hypercommunication within the dna. this theory by fosar and bludorf can also explain the formation of crop circles which are also commonly attributed to extra-terrestrial visitors. in addition it will be shown that the precise technology being adopted by the aforesaid scientists in moscow represents a new energy source, previously unknown to mankind, that is capable also of creating crop circles. here is link to that site |
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#36 |
good links/stories on that russian research, donald!
some here are aware of much of it, i'm sure... but that is about one of the best outlays of the matter inside/outside matters wormholing(etc.) to "re-connecting" us! gonna be a very interesting year and/or 2 or 3...coming at us : ) hold on to your "intuitive"'ll be the ride of a lifetime! |
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#37 |
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#38 |
dear friends,
the site's been updated. be well, be love. david |
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#39 |
hi all!
did we miss this? i felt blessed, a great deal of euphoria . . . by tristan cork 08:00 - 20 july 2007 it could be the first and most compelling evidence of a mysterious creator of wiltshire's famous crop circles - a flash of white light and a crop circle appears in front of startled researchers. and all this captured in the dead of night on an array of hi-tech cameras without a sniff of any hoaxers with ropes and boards. yesterday the crop circle community in wiltshire was buzzing with probably the most significant single piece of evidence since the entire phenomenon began more than 30 years ago - a crop circle created in front of three eye-witnesses, a bank of light-sensitive video cameras and a mysterious flash minutes before the circle appeared. the incident occurred two weeks ago, in the early hours of july 7..... love. neil |
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