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Old 02-07-2007, 07:00 PM   #1

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dear friends,

interesting indeed ;-)

be well, be love.


west kennett long barrow, nr avebury, wiltshire

wow! doors of perception!

this thought provoking formation has appeared next to the ancient west kennett long barrow.

it appears to lead into a strange science fiction world where our everyday life is left behind.

julian gibsone

http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2...007.htmlgolden ball hill: a spacetime "ringhole" used for time travel

last year in 2006, a series of increasingly complex "wormhole" crop pictures appeared in wiltshire fields. there were five in total, beginning with avebury trusloe, continuing with savernake forest, then new barn, old hayward and blowingstone. despite the incredible complexity of those wormhole-type crop pictures, some researchers still believed that they might have been human-made fakes.

the simplest showed two spacetime singularities joining to create a single wormhole, while others showed two or four-wormhole combinations known as "roman rings", a topologically stabilized wormhole called a "ringhole", or a "closed timelike curve in expanding spacetime".

now one year later on june 29, 2007, those mysterious crop artists have continued the same theme, by drawing an even more theoretically advanced picture of a ringhole at golden ball hill. it shows the expected "two angular horizons", and also a "shielded craft" entering from one side.

the concept of a spacetime "ringhole" was not discovered theoretically until 1996, when a spanish physicist called pedro gonzalez-diaz found such a solution mathematically in einstein's equations for general relativity:
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Old 02-08-2007, 09:34 AM   #2

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i thought some guys were on t.v. and said that they were behind most of the crop circles...i forgot if it was in europe or america
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Old 02-08-2007, 02:28 PM   #3

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these are fantastic, donald 8/2/07

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Old 02-08-2007, 08:13 PM   #4

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i decided to go ahead and cut out this formation and fold it to see what it would look like and it came out like this:




i then decided to make the whole design out of zome and where i made the fold on the paper i extended the design upwards which formed this...i don't have enough zome parts to finish each pentagon side but if i did it would form into a dodecahedron within a dodecahedron:

dodeca within dodeca within dodeca

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Old 02-09-2007, 04:46 AM   #5

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the poka-dots seem to have an effect of softening lines which otherwise would seem somewhat hard, harsh, and severe. (it must be difficult to pull gradients on lines with this medium. symbolically it doesn't feel so pokey, as without the poka-dots, as if there seems some fluff or cushion element intermixed for some reason.

when i think of the pentacle, i think of the united states with the american flag full of pentacles - as a nation founded upon pagan roots. that and those americans with that important building called "the pentagon."
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Old 04-15-2007, 10:24 PM   #6

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Default Crop Circles' Enfolding

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Old 04-16-2007, 02:24 AM   #7

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this is an interesting circle.

here's what the measured dimensions of the circle was found to be:

"the pattern spans across 333ft of the field with the outer ring of the main circle measuring 33ft width. seven arcs, each approximately 5ft wide cut through the central body of the circle."

i betcha that our dw had done gone snuck over there and did this hissself with a string'n board.

i'll guess that this circle references the harmonic of the 8-octave dimensions of the universe as we know it; the "333" may refer to the trinity and resurrection, as well as a factor of 10 with the number 33, as represented by the width of the outer ring of the circle.

it's a nice circle.
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Old 04-16-2007, 08:30 AM   #8

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hey, bro-

cool pickies on the corn circles. doug & dave are starting early this year!

i've got a ton of pics that i took last july, depicting dozens of delightfully delerious dancing devas doing devizes and the surrounding wiltshire area.

ya think they're gearin' up for a "big" one this year? later on, we chunneled paris, and then had a return flight out of heathrow on 8-11, and got to experience a 9-1-wasn't. oh, them crazy brits, eh?

bobbywon babenco
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Old 05-17-2007, 08:16 PM   #9

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be well, be love.


four megalithic sundials: geometrical and astronomical analyses

the unexpected appearance of a novel "sundial" type of crop picture at oliver's castle on april 15, 2007 has stimulated much excitement and wonder around the world.

charles mallet and others have carefully investigated the flattening of fairly-thick plant stems there in oilseed rape; and have concluded that many of those plants were smoothly bent at a 90-degree angle to the ground, just above their roots (by unknown means), leaving them still alive yet growing horizontally.

another "sundial" type of crop picture appeared next to avebury ring four years ago, on the night of the summer solstice june 21, 2003. a large crowd of people were celebrating nearby, yet no one noticed any human activity in the field where that picture was later found. one month later on july 20, 2003, yet another "sundial" (resembling avebury) appeared at hackpen hill.

then two years later at avebury ring on july 27, 2005, a "solar-lunar" type of crop picture appeared, which showed 19 small mini-circles in its very centre, evidently meant to symbolize the 19-year metonic cycle of the moon.

could we be receiving messages today in wiltshire fields, from a group of unknown crop artists who are more technologically advanced than ourselves? or could all of these amazing crop pictures just be the work of clever human fakers?

in order to distinguish between those two hypotheses, i carried out careful geometrical analyses on all four solar-lunar crop pictures from 2003-2007. it seems that a deep astronomical code, based on megalithic astronomy from the ancient british isles, was embedded carefully within all of them. yet no one took any notice for the past four years, until a new picture at oliver's castle brought the subject more closely to our attention!

over ten years ago in the 1990's, astronomer gerald hawkins likewise found a "hidden geometrical code" in many early (and much simpler) crop pictures. it involved five geometrical theorems which were demonstrably true, but which ancient experts such as euclid had missed. hawkins provided good evidence from that work for a paranormal origin of certain crop pictures, but still a slim possibility for human fakery remained. now however, in light of this new work, the possibility for human fakery seems to have become almost negligible. those "hidden astronomical codes" (which no one could decipher for the past four years) are more powerful and complex than the earlier codes found by hawkins. they tell us the precise latitude north of the unknown artists who made such pictures, as well as (in one case) their approximate historical epoch.
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Old 05-23-2007, 07:06 PM   #10

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dear friends,


be well, be love.

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Old 05-24-2007, 08:42 AM   #11

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the next good question, which the movie didn't touch upon, is a follow-up to the evidence that man-made circles do possess weird characteristics which were not expected. if the man-made circles present characteristics which were not expected to be there, then let the skeptics please explain a process by which they may become. perhaps the geometry is responsible; perhaps the mass of dead/damaged crop is responsible; perhaps the thought and/or intention of the persons creating the formation is responsible; perhaps it's all horse-...stuff

again people are too quick to focus on the idea that either something is or it isn't. i like that the film noted how the men who create some formations are themselves somewhat spiritual, and admit having weird experiences while creating them. but where is the scientific research trying to explain why known man-made circles have properties totally unexpected and generally considered to be genuine? i guess i ask too much from scientists to leave their childish comforts behind and to bravely explore the controversial without doing a half-assed job then calling the case conclusively closed. perhaps i'm too hard on people but i consider myself a scientist and have a degree to show for it, yet am disgusted to be even indirectly associated with some of this rubbish which pervades the field.

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Old 05-25-2007, 03:33 AM   #12

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i look at crop glyphs as an artform and as analogous to other forms of art, there can be the art as distinct from the artist. more importantly, for me is the issue - does the artistry speak to me in some way? in this way, first i enjoy the music without wondering how or who made the music - so maybe i'm just a casual observer in such regards.
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Old 05-31-2007, 10:36 PM   #13

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wayland's smithy 2006 and the mayan long count

an amazing crop picture appeared at wayland's smithy on july 8, 2006 which was notable in several respects. first, it showed a highly talented use of three-dimensional perspective, for a drawing made from ordinary field crops. secondly, it provoked much speculation about its deeper meaning: whether "rays from space", "skyscrapers", or "the two world trade towers"? yet despite worldwide publicity on bbc news, no one has yet provided any clear, convincing explanation of what it was meant to say.
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Old 06-08-2007, 04:20 PM   #14

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this one is awesome. donald


the nine pointed star (representing the baha'i faith) is shown here in the midst of nine world religions. baha'is believe all the world's major religions are part of god's continuing revelation of his will for humankind.

they believe each individual has a right and an obligation to pursue truth independently, free of coercion, and so religious freedom is essential for the progress of humanity.

the nine pointed star is shown here in the centre of the world's religious symbols to express the belief that the baha'i revelation fulfills the prophesies found in the scriptures of all past religions.

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Old 06-09-2007, 04:26 AM   #15

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...they believe each individual has a right and an obligation to pursue truth independently, free of coercion, and so religious freedom is essential for the progress of humanity... thank you for sharing about that.
maybe that's part of this mysterious notion about "the law of responsibility".

to me there seems to be some message of imbedded imbalance in it, as if we sleep a third of our day and are awake the rest, as a sort of generalization - though possibly it is degrees of awake and asleep for some of us. it reminds me of that idea of how almost everyone sleeps and has dreams. i know some people have sleep rituals before bed (i.e. religiously) that help them remember their dreams.
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Old 06-17-2007, 07:44 PM   #16

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be well, be love.


the 2007 crop circle season promises to be enchanting. the following is both, a introduction to the kamadon mystery school as well as a primer in crop circles … for their meaning goes deep into the reality of our soul. but why are crop circle gifted to us at this time? we find much better understanding through experience … feeling is believing. ma’at and the sacred rose of magdalena
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Old 06-30-2007, 10:51 PM   #17

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check out this formation;

west kennett long barrow, nr avebury, wiltshire

wow! doors of perception!


be well, be love.

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Old 07-06-2007, 07:31 PM   #18

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i found this article today, seems like we are being told we are on a schedule and they are letting us know where we are on it. what do you think? there is also a link to part one of the same post. very interesting reading.

one earthfiles viewer, mark, who studies mayan glyphs and calendars, sent me the following comments/images concerning the yatesbury, england, spiral and the madisonville, tennessee, 9-fold geometry of circles.

from: mark
date: june 4, 2007
to: earthfiles@earthfiles.com

"regarding the yatesbury spiral crop circle, there are 57 circles. if the spiral (gaps) were filled in, there would be 87 circles.

"if the spiral is counted both inward and outward then 87 + 87 = 174 and k’in 174 in the mayan calendar is '5 ix.'

5 ix mayan calendar glyph.

on day '4 ix,' according to the mayan chilam balam book, the 'sky and earth tilted' when our present age began. thus, this crop circle’s '5 ix' number 174 would relate to the birth of the next age called the fifth world by the hopi or the sixth sun by the aztec.

"the '5 ix' is another portal on pakal's tomb lid (see images below) at palenque, which is related to the portal images i emailed you concerning the other '9 circles' in madisonville, tennessee, crop circle. that 'completion portal' is positioned on the tomb lid as day 134 - '4 ix' on which the chilam balam book states the 'sky and earth tilted.' the portal glyph for pakal tomb lid at palenque this symbol relates to the beginning and end of our cycle. you can see how the 9-circle madisonville, tennessee, pattern overlays on this image.

"completion portal" glyph on pakal's tomb lid in mayan
ruins of palenque, chiapas, mexico.

madisonville, tennessee, 9-fold geometry discovered may 15, 2007.
aerial image © 2007 by mark boring, monroe county buzz.
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Old 07-07-2007, 05:15 AM   #19

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i stumbled across this site today while doing a search for 'ideal chanting chamber geometry' and it has a picture of the musical fifth which closely resembles the yatesbury crop formation


here is what i came up with so far using zome for a chamber design...this is my niece 'shay' sitting indian style within it

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Old 07-09-2007, 07:25 AM   #20

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there's a crop glyph of oliver's castle of 4-15-07 that resembles an interferogram, or interference (or fringe) pattern as produced by an interferometer. the pattern is caused by two coherent wavefronts combining, usually a reference wavefront and a test wavefront where the resulting interference pattern indicates a wavefront error in the test wavefront. this is a very common way of using light for measurement purposes.


there is a scientific paper available that describes the effect and gives examples of interferograms that seem to resemble this crop glyph. the crop glyph seems to indicate a tilted wavefront. (the amount of the tilt would depend upon the wavelength of light used and the diameter of the pupil.)

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