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Old 01-08-2009, 06:51 PM   #1

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yes. this is what i've had, in a chronic form, since 2006 and i so much want to get rid of it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/derealization
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Old 01-08-2009, 11:19 PM   #2

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yes. this is what i've had, in a chronic form, since 2006 and i so much want to get rid of it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/derealization
i've never heard this term before!! i understand completely. i would suggest taking a trip somewhere if possible, or trying something entirely new ... anything to break out of that "rut" feeling. i feel that way when i feel stuck in a monotonous situation ...

it's killin' me"

i can't do 9-5 jobs, for example. my soul would wither up and die. unless of course that 9-5 job was something i absolutely love to do, obviously, but you know what i mean. don't know if that's any help or not but hang in there.
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Old 04-09-2009, 04:19 PM   #3

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hi all,

does anyone have a few thousand pounds to ditch? it doesnt matter how many, the more the merrier.

you see i have a problem (well i have lots actually) and as much as i do not like the problems money has caused on this dear planet - for the first time in a long time i wish i had loads.

you see in the uk, we have a fairly new tv channel which goes out on sky on channel 200. it is called the controversial channel. i am not sure but i think it has been going for about a year, though i only came across it a few months ago.

as myself and my partner decided a few months ago to boycott the mainstream channels - in particular the news - finding this channel was a well timed piece of synchronicity. they show lots of programmes about a variety of topics, all spiritual in nature. amongst many shows zeitgeist is a regular along with lots of interviews with people like david icke and the likes. they should re-name it the truth channel as they are not afraid of showing anything, right down to 911. their schedules run from 6 am to 10pm.

now the problem i have is last night, the presenter of a talk show said at the end of his show, we may be back next week. i contacted edge media (the channels owners) and they said that they have had to sell their "prime time" airing schedule in order to (for now anyway) survive. this means from 7 o clock in the evening, this wonderful channel of truth, metamorphosizes into a bloody shopping channel!!! arrrrgggg!

i am so upset about this. all of my life i have been glad that i have not been rich (seen too many times what money does to people) and now i wish i could send them a load of cash to get their prime time air back.

it is just so sad that this channel had started to get popular and is now shrinking. if nothing else would you all be so kind and send these great people a prayer of positive vibrations. i wrote to them this morning and gave them the details of this site (d.c) with a nice explanation about david wilcock. maybe they could show some of his stuff. who knows! sadly it will not be on prime time, except they have managed to keep hold of thursday evenings.

anyway, i am feeling down about this as this channel was my main source of tv. oh and [name], if you are behind this (someone is i am sure) you can run and jump if you think i am going to watch the mind numbing **** you supply. i would rather watch my hair grow in the mirror.

there i feel a bit better now. only a bit mind!

thank you all for your support.

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Old 05-09-2009, 07:35 PM   #4

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i know what you mean. i've been in this frame of mind for about 10 years. i love living on the earth and i like people for the most part but feel more and more intolerant of those who are service to self. i feel the need to pull far away from them lately. i just feel so icky (slimed) being around them. i see everything that's wrong and wonder why i'm here in this muck? did i come too late or too soon? what can i do to change this to the positive dirction i am so craving? no job suits me, luckily i'm married to a loving, talented, hard working man who provides for us so i don't have to work outside the home. but i'm in a quandry. i need people, esp. people that radiate light like i do. but i just can't stand all the other nonsense--the bickering, hatred, violence, self-centeredness, self-degrading, lies and greed, freedoms disappearing daily, so many without work, too many drug-addicted people, the military-corporate-pharma machine that is rolling over the planet it seems with no regard to consequence.

i'm looking for light-filled, intelligent like-minded people on a spiritual path like me (not religious per se) who care about this world and the plight of all on it. but i'm bombarded daily and just wonder why am i here? i'm so thankful for this group and a couple of others with like-minded people but i don't live near any! and i feel a strong need for a physical contact, like a community of really good people. i'm so done with negatives. but here i am...

i'm looking for light at the end of this very dark tunnel. thank god/dess/creator/source for david. he keeps me sane and grounded. and hopeful.

you all rock!:d
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Old 05-10-2009, 06:21 AM   #5

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i have lived 38 years on planet earth, i don't think i have been here before.., my veil is not allowing me to know that.

i awakened rather abruptly, earlier this year to what i am. it has been an extremely rough ride. i was never able to comprehend why people were mean to each other, picked on each other, gossiped about each other, and so on.

the experience and sensations of sexuality though, are by far the most intense in this density. it is the reason for this dimension. to understand "me" and the other, the "desired" is most profoundly and potently made clear by the creator, in the third dimension. this is the place to be. this is the school to be in. souls line up to be here, to go through this unbelievably intense experience.
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Old 07-11-2009, 09:16 AM   #6

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i totally understand what you mean when you say, "disconnected". i've felt that way my entire life. upon reading, viewing, and listening to much of david's material i feel i've centered myself a lot more. i have begun to understand much more of why i'm here, and why things are the way they are in america, and the world.

after "going down the rabbit hole" as it is described in "the matrix", reality just doesn't seem real anymore. it's kinda hard not to feel disconected! i'd rather feel this way though, than be just another sheep in the herd like so many sleeping people.

i have faith in a greater good, and i know everything is going to be ok. everyone moves at their own pace, and increases vibrations when they are ready.

i'm also looking forward to david's documentary on sci-fi tomorrow night!

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Old 07-15-2009, 03:46 AM   #7

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Default Who else is feeling a little disconnected?
not sure if it's just me or if this is happening to anyone else here. lately it seems that i have been feeling more and more disconnected from life as usual. i spend a lot of time thinking about many of the topics on this site mainly because i find it all so interesting, not to mention that most of it makes so much sense. but as a result i find that i can't connect with my friends anymore conversationally. talking about football, sports, work and gossip all seems so petty and i just can not get into that anymore. and no one that i know cares to talk about much else. it's like taking a sponge out of a tiny box --- now i can't get back into the box. lol.
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Old 07-16-2009, 01:20 AM   #8

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yes, i have been having this "problem" also, but long before i discovered the material on this site. i've never really thought talking about those subjects was very important, but ever since i've woken up to the entire agenda of the new world order and the material on this site, i find talking about these things and pop culture in general as such a nuisance, meant to distract us from real issues such as these. i can't help but laugh at people who call me crazy and a cook, yet their just so entrenched in the false reality. but anyway, yes, my social life with my friends has gone down the tubes, and i'm only 19, but i just cannot engage in my previous life style of partying and drinking anymore, i just can't do it.
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Old 07-16-2009, 06:47 AM   #9

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well, i read the seth books, when i was twenty, so that catapulted me out of 'normal' thinking, then, that was in the early 80's! my only good fortune was having a mother that had had so called 'weird' experiences and had found those books on her way looking for understanding what had happened to her. so i could at least talk to her.
there weren't as many people spiritually oriented then, as there are now, but by looking and searching (and traveling) i found friends and more and more of them....
so, i guess, the phase you are in seems to be happening to many of us who are awakening, but from my experience it will pass and you're going to find new friends and 'real' ones, soon.
good luck!
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Old 07-16-2009, 05:03 PM   #10

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i guess everyone has to find what works for them.

here's what works for me.

i just try and be the best person i can, on each particular day. with the

different people i interact with.

i don't start a conversation about this unless i realy know someone and get a

vibe that they might be receptive and then i start out slow.

a large part of it for me is listening to the other person.
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Old 07-16-2009, 05:22 PM   #11

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not sure if it's just me or if this is happening to anyone else here. lately it seems that i have been feeling more and more disconnected from life as usual. i spend a lot of time thinking about many of the topics on this site mainly because i find it all so interesting, not to mention that most of it makes so much sense. but as a result i find that i can't connect with my friends anymore conversationally. talking about football, sports, work and gossip all seems so petty and i just can not get into that anymore. and no one that i know cares to talk about much else. it's like taking a sponge out of a tiny box --- now i can't get back into the box. lol.
i see you have been a member since early 2008. i awakened last year in july. its a few days from a year now. i was obsessed by what had happened to me and wanted to find out everything i could. there is still a lot to learn, but im now happy that im up to date and i have been able to calm myself with satisfaction.

my advice to you would be to keep yourself centred, meditate on your questions and take each situation as it comes with you new found higher vibrational level.
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Old 07-16-2009, 07:00 PM   #12

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spiritual awakening will do that, and it doesn't really matter so much what, where, who you are with, or whose ideas you are paying attention to. it has been my experience that getting started truly working on the 12 steps (aa, na, acoa, etc.) will put a person "out of step" with current society and its focus on shallow appearances, money, material possessions, and whatever else it can throw at a person to encourage them to forget their own soul.

for quite some time i was at a total loss whenever i happened to be in a group of people talking about the latest football game. for me, that lasted quite a while, but not forever. now i find myself able to enjoy a good football game again, and join a conversation about it if i want to. i make a point of watching the super bowl so i won't end up giving dumb looks to anybody who mentions the game the day after. it's possible to flow with the current just enough not to stick out like a sore thumb, but imo it's far more important to stay involved with the deeper spiritual currents and not worry about the awkwardness of being "out of step." my opinion only - your mileage may vary.

- deerclan
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Old 07-18-2009, 12:19 AM   #13

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you know what it feels like to me is like that understanding that something is ruined for you once youve had better kind of thing.

like i dont know say you go to a special restaurant and have a steak done the best way youve ever had it - and so now any other place just doesnt compare.

for me, i relish it. its like seeing everything in a new light, i cant look at things as i used to anymore. i either see them as they are now to my understanding, or overlook them as we all tend to do as we continue the mundane tasks of 3d life lol

it feels like we are walking in the future and everyone else who has not caught up to this are from the past. now that would be a weird twisted form of 'time travel' lol
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Old 07-19-2009, 08:49 AM   #14

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...lately it seems that i have been feeling more and more disconnected from life as usual. i spend a lot of time thinking about many of the topics on this site mainly because i find it all so interesting, not to mention that most of it makes so much sense. but as a result i find that i can't connect with my friends anymore conversationally. talking about football, sports, work and gossip all seems so petty and i just can not get into that anymore....
i feel this too and it drives me almost to insanity. from my experience, i could throw a steak out a window and hit someone who wants to talk about michael jackson or football. but finding conversation about spirituality a la things on this site, is just impossible in the 3d world. online it's not much easier. because everyone seems to have their own take on what's happening on this planet right now. and as soon as something i say doesn't jive with their distorted view then i get inundated in negative energy in the form of very insulting advice on reading material.

as much as i don't like it, i'm forced to function in the 3d world for physical survival and go through the motions as an electrician and husband and father and taxpayer. but in my heart, i just don't live the same 3d world anymore. i live "here" and just to avoid negative energy i have to keep it a secret as if i were ashamed. it's gone beyond having a foot in two doors, it's more like being slip up the middle, a very painful and lonely experience. and it's why i came to this site, i'm desperate for conversation with other souls who are on similar spiritual path. surely i'm not the only one. this is my first post.
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Old 07-20-2009, 03:41 AM   #15

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i always think about shamans, when i think about being disconnected. shamans are trained to have one foot in this world, and the other in the infinite timelessness of the soul. you could say a shaman is disconnected, but in a productive way. the shaman can look into the spirit world, and into this world, and not be afraid, bored, confused, or even attached.

i think that sense of disconnectedness is us starting to wake up on that ‘other side’, but still being groggy, and unsure of our surroundings.

that does not, however, make this experience less valuable. every moment in this sleepy 3d world, is a gem, a jewel in the crown of our own majestic experience. this world, with it’s inconsistencies, it’s pain, it’s non-truths, is the most beautiful thing ever conceived because it was conceived by us fragments of god, us splinters of our holographic universe.

true, you might have more fun on some higher level, but then what you call fun now, will see rather trivial when you get there. but never forget, there is nothing that is, that is not perfect, for nothing under heaven can be imperfect, even the flawed.

of course, i’m an optimist ;^)

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Old 07-20-2009, 10:24 AM   #16

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i always think about shamans, when i think about being disconnected. shamans are trained to have one foot in this world, and the other in the infinite timelessness of the soul. you could say a shaman is disconnected, but in a productive way. the shaman can look into the spirit world, and into this world, and not be afraid, bored, confused, or even attached.

wow, i really loved this shaman quote, it feels inspired. i would love to learn to be more productive with this feeling. interesting enough, when i first awakened, i entered a solitary period, then i moved to france where i was even more disconnected by the language barrier. now over two years later, i have maintained that solitary feeling though i work well with others and interact, i have always kept that outsider feeling. i understand it too well, but it is a peacful thing now. i prefer this reflectiveness and i am learning how to balance it more. i still feel like i should work harder at not being separated to go out in it more, but it is hard sometimes. does anyone have any good advice at how to learn to do this?
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Old 07-21-2009, 12:37 AM   #17

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as of late i am feeling like im in between 2 realities, i feel somewhat dis-orientated and at times frustrated and lost. its hard for me to touch down here anymore, i am even becoming hermit like and refuse to partake in social events in my community..... my only real interest in is the unified field and merging my consciousness to its natural higher frequency!
life is becoming hard as i tarry along the sensual by-lanes of this programmed reality! it is not mine and i reject it!
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Old 07-21-2009, 03:43 AM   #18

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what if the disconntion we feel, has to with codex alimentarius and/or chemtrails, i read somewhere that oxygenes had become lesser and lesser though the years.
if you live in pollutet area, the problem is proberly higher.
if you dont get enough oxygene, you will lose energy.
an advice for some mayby:
if you have a snoring, you have no energy in the morning.
i use a nasal opening device which increases the air flow in the nose, which means that i am totally fresh in the morning.

well this is meant as suggestion

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Old 07-21-2009, 08:50 PM   #19

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hi j_stubler,

in response to your post -

it's like taking a sponge out of a tiny box --- now i can't get back into the box....

wow nicely put. thats because your spirituality is bigger than the box that is all - count yourself as being very lucky!!!

another angle to put on it regarding you not being able to connect with your friends anymore - or they cant connect with you?

i applause your sincerity to the cause, stick with it and trust. the rewards will be more than you can imagine.

for most of my life i have felt the same as you. i remember 10 years or so ago (way before my awakening) looking up to the stars one night and crying because i felt i just wanted to go "home". i have never forgot that night and the pull to go back "up there".

in fact many people throughout my life (i am 42 on 23 july) have said i am not from this planet (sarcastically of course ) i always took that as a compliment!

stick with it my friend - you have us as friends on this forum and i bet we are more sincere than your circle of friends.

a message to the _g_man :- i am also deeply touched at your story and i take my hat off to you. being so young and together makes me feel you are an old soul and a wanderer. i applaud you by standing by the courage of your convictions.

may you both (and all visitors) have a wonderful journey and enjoy every bump life throws at you.

for now i have to return to my own planet lol and make supper!

oh by the way has anyone got change of a zonc for the parking meter?

love and light

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Old 07-23-2009, 05:27 AM   #20

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i strongly relate to the concern of schizophrenically living in two realities - one being the '3d-earth-this is all there is' reality and the more deep one encapsulating all of it and more.

i have struggled in the past as i began to notice the second more vast sense of things and accepted it more and more. i thought that it would be so much easier to simply live in this alternative framework and disregard the one we were all raised in. using the 'disconnection' metaphor, i pictured a life fully 'unplugged' from the mainstream reality to be much less stressful and more natural to my being.

such a desired disconnection i think leads to a loss of credibility and a loss of overall effectiveness with the majority of others on this planet. i've come to believe, for me personally, that i would be wasting my potential by jumping off the proverbial train to take the easy road on my own. it's possible that the disposition of straddling these two frameworks is a positive challenge to face and overcome.

to me, i think that operating in both of these paradigms is integral. i think that by synchronizing both in my own being i can then work to synchronize them in others as well.

-my first post, enjoy!
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