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Old 07-15-2008, 12:48 AM   #1

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you're fine. if anybody thinks that believing in this stuff will hurt you in the future, they're a bit off, i think. the ra material, cayce material, etc. is one of the most benign philosophies you can find. just don't expect to "convert" anybody... :d
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Old 07-17-2008, 12:32 AM   #2

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well, i told my father about 2012 and all this stuff, actually i talked 20 mins without pause. i really could lay out this stuff pretty well to him.

he was really open for this stuff and i guess now he is kinda overwhelmed and really needs to think on his own about what i told him. i guess he needs to realize what all this information actually means. i told him that their might be cataclysmic events happening in the future, but mainly i showed him that its about spiritual evolution and a new consciousness.
unfortunately i cannot show him any videos of david wilcock because he doesnt speak english, but i got a german video which ties the 2012 topic together pretty well and we are going to watch it together the next days.

he also told me to tell him more about these things if i come across new information.

so overall the talk went pretty good and i`m happy that he could handle the information so well. it`s a nice feeling to know that now i`m not the only one of the people around me who know about these things and actually believe in it.

thanks for your help, namaste frederik.
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Old 10-07-2008, 10:43 PM   #3

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Default Talking to Family about Ascension

lately i feel more and more the urge to tell my father about my knowledge regarding what is going to happen in the next years. my father would be the only person who i would tell, because he is very open minded, when he was young he was interested in ufos and spiritual stuff aswell, just like me. unfortunately at his time it was very difficult to find information about these things and so he stopped with it at some point. but since me being
really really interested in these things, we like to talk about it and i share almost everything i know with him. so he knows alot about these things aswell now.he also realizes that we are in a time of change and that there are more and more catastrophes happening and that the truth is coming out alot recently. he also told me that he feels that 2008 is the year where alot of things are changing.he feels that things are going to change, but i think he has no clue of how big the change will be. he is also interested in old civilizations, especially the indians.

i also really would like to tell my mother about it, but i believe she couldnt handle it yet, she really loves me and supports me in whatever i do, and i already told her alot about my knowledge aswell. but she simply doesnt believe so much of it i guess.

but as i said i really feel the need to tell my father about it, my only fear is since iam till a young man and living at home, that they would think that i shouldnt believe in these things and because of that they might think that i rely on this things and wont be able to lead a normal life. you know what i mean, becoming sucessfull in career and these things.

i really tell them alot but we are still at a point, where its nice information and nice to know these things, but also like everyone else i have to live my life and within the next 50 or 100 years nothing will change anyways....

but since the a bit longer than last year, i realized that all these things about our ancient history, spirituality and all these esoteric knowledge is what iam born for, its totally my passion. in the past i never really was interested in anything, i never read books because i found them boring and all science stuff and schoolstuff just wasnt my thing. and all of a sudden i spend like the whole day studying these things each day, read alot of books in very little time, like one book a day and totally became a different person. maybe
im even a wanderer, concerning davids sayings that one of 60 persons is a wanderer, then i would really wonder who if not me would be one.^^

well im drifting a bit away, my reason for this thread is that i want to know some information from you concerning 2012 that i can use to convince him and make him clear that this is real. because if you only watch the news, theres like no evidence of such an event to occur, it looks like some things are changing but you will still be trapped in here for the next 100 years or so... and everything will get worse and worse.

of course i spend the last 10 months studying the subject on my own and by now im totally convinced, but i cant remember all things that made me come to this point of believing in it, because it was so much information.

i really would like my parents to have a more positive future outlook and i already told them that in the end everything will be ok, that higher forces are helping us etc.
i simply didnt tell them yet where its all leading to. i even told them about other dimensions and what it is like to live there and that its normal that at some point in life some souls have to have the chance of going to a higher dimension because they learned enough in this one.

so if you have convincing information, you can tell me everything you know, he is really open minded. it would be nice if we could have a collection in here.
the past months i could handle it, but especially after the interview of drunvalo melchizedek, i really feel that i need to share this information. atm i feel like i would hide something from my parents and friends and that kinda bothers me.

i really hope you can help me in this case, that would be really lovely.

namaste frederik
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Old 10-08-2008, 04:08 AM   #4

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consider yourself very fortunate that you not only have a father, but one who is already open to the more esoteric ideas about life.

what i would suggest, based on what you shared in your post, is to carefully think about the topics of discussion upon which you and your father have already discussed between the two of you and make a note of them; use them as a brige towards the 2012 discussion.

the i would suggest that you go to david's blogs, starting with the more-recent ones and make notes of anything that he says about the 2012 big-assed shift, a topic that he has hit upon fairly frequently in his blog posts in the last year or so. make notes of his "talking points" with which he uses in his talking about the 2012 big-assed shift.

watch the 2012 enigma with your father. soon, the transcript of it, which i edited, will be posted, so have him read that after you two talk about it.

display your enthusiasm and be excited about this topic when discussing it with your father. i, too, struggled with school and all the propaganda crap that i was loathe to study...but, give me a book on cosmology, i can read it non-stop all day long, like you. and i really get excited about the 2012 topic, one which i find that people are really, really hungry to know about and they really resonate with the positive aspects of it, rather than any negative, gloom'n doom aspects of it.

give us a report on how it goes with your father, if you wish. it sounds like to me a potentially-successful endeavor and your father will be very grateful for it...as well as you. just cover a few talking points that you can handle talking about...and expand it over time as you absorb the information, as it takes time to absorb it all and to be able to discuss it cogently.

then and only then, after a successful connection with your father on this topic, could you approach your mother about it, i suggest.
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Old 11-07-2008, 06:05 PM   #5

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my suggestion would be to show him this site and ask him what he thinks.
don't push anything.
if it clicks with him, good.
if not, then this may not be the right time for him.
he may come back to it sometime in the future.
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Old 10-06-2009, 11:44 PM   #6

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i'm new to the forum so forgive me if this has been asked before, and please direct me to the thread which might have already answered this question.

as i am soaking up all this information, i feel i am gaining a new respective. when ever i observe a discussion or argument among my friends and/or family of a spiritual nature, i want to contribute to the discussion or perhaps resolve the argument. i am afraid that if i put in my two cents, they will ask how i came to this conclusion. i will reply "by studying the loo". and when they find out the origin of this information (it was channeled information from ra a humble messenger of the loo) they will look at me as if i just escaped from the loony bin. so i sit in silence, keeping my opinions to myself. i want to spread the word, to my loved ones especially, but how do i do this without looking like a space cadet? any suggestions?

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Old 10-07-2009, 01:18 AM   #7

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rico, if you read this post, i would like to say that my son clude me in to 2012 when he was about 18 yrs old. he is no 28. he lives in vancouver canada and i am in ottawa canada. we e-mail back and forth on the subject of 2012. once i retired two years ago i bought a computer and began my journey or exploration on the subject of 2012, law of one and so many other related subjects. things really began to open up when i discovered david's sight divinecosmos.com

i shared my discoveries with my son, who was way ahead of me in these areas, he is also a shamin, and works with many native elders on vancouver island.

we have shared our ideas regarding davids sight which my son is very familiar with as well as so many other sights. don't be concerned about what your father may think, it appears he is very open minded regarding spiritual matters. you may wish to consider directing him to divinecosmos. you may have done this by now, because i am only responding to your post from 2008 and it is now june 11 2009. this is my first post on the forum sight, and i hope to share/learn many things from other selves.

i am very fortunate that my eldest son and i are on the same page. we are both very interested in the subject of 2012 and both of us tend towards the spiritual changes that we know are already happening and will continue to happen leading up to ascension.

don't lose hart, i am sure your dad is more open than you might know. this would be wonderful if you could share this journey together as i and my son are doing.

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Old 10-07-2009, 01:52 AM   #8

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alot of people come here to talk about these things in this forum. so you found the right place. but talking about these things to some one even family may not understand.

i did and didn't get a response, just funny looks.

welcome and feel free to talk away.
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Old 10-07-2009, 04:25 AM   #9

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my suggestion would be to show him this site and ask him what he thinks.
don't push anything.
if it clicks with him, good.
if not, then this may not be the right time for him.
he may come back to it sometime in the future.
this is what i usually do.
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Old 11-06-2009, 09:41 PM   #10

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i'm new to the forum so forgive me if this has been asked before, and please direct me to the thread which might have already answered this question.

as i am soaking up all this information, i feel i am gaining a new respective. when ever i observe a discussion or argument among my friends and/or family of a spiritual nature, i want to contribute to the discussion or perhaps resolve the argument. i am afraid that if i put in my two cents, they will ask how i came to this conclusion. i will reply "by studying the loo". and when they find out the origin of this information (it was channeled information from ra a humble messenger of the loo) they will look at me as if i just escaped from the loony bin. so i sit in silence, keeping my opinions to myself. i want to spread the word, to my loved ones especially, but how do i do this without looking like a space cadet? any suggestions?

this sounds like the same discomfort people face when responding with any information out of a religious text, such as loo. all of them are supposed to be "channeled" from a higher being, some claiming "god wrote it", because it ups people's own opinion status.

i(personally) prefer to come to my own conclusions based on my life's experiences and the experiences of the people around me, because they are the most solid(to me); it takes "faith" to take someone else's word for it that their information is "channeled" or from "god", which is why you feel funny mentioning it to the people you know. your inner higher self is crying out for you to come to your own conclusions based on much research of many philosophies.
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Old 11-16-2009, 06:19 AM   #11

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so how many of you out there have "officially" converted your parents? lol. i chose the title "when the child becomes the teacher" because i've heard that saying a lot in the past few days. so i just thought it would be neat to use it as a topic to ask folks when exactly did they turn their parents on to david's research/law of one teachings/2012 phenomenon? it doesn't have to be your parents, but basically any relative or friend that's been deep rooted in their belief system that you've found would be extremely difficult to open up to think outside the box. in my case, it would be my mom. not that she's firmly rooted in religion, but she just finds these topics to be too scary for her.

i've been aware of this site for (at least) two years now. and everything i read, i relay it back to my mom. we've been getting closer these last few years and i pretty much can talk to her about anything since she's the most open minded of my family. my family's actually a pretty cool christian family that comes with all the positives of being christian and very little negatives. but my mom is still the most open minded. my grandmother tells me all the time, that only jesus knows when he's coming back and i rather not say anything because she is a woman with a good heart and very little judgment. so as much as i (personally) dislike religions, i'm glad she's using it the way they are suppose to be used.

my mom does listen to me, but you can still see the uneasiness in her. probably most of it is from me. i'm not really good at explaining things as i am writing them, so i can imagine all kinds of disinformation that comes out of me when i'm trying to explain to her what was in david's latest blog. lol i'm shy by heart, and even speaking with my mom at times makes me nervous. i doubt she'll ever come to the site or read up herself, so i try to explain and simplify it down so she can get it. and she does. i mean, she's a smart woman, she obviously gets it. but she's never been so religious, so at times i think she's shaking her head - hoping that i'm not being led down the wrong path, or is just reading some "conspiracy theory" website.

i've been very nervous trying to explain to people the law of one and such, until this past summer. something happened to me, that made me absolutely know that this was truth. in conjunction with wilcock's articles and books, i also look at some similar stuff and at the time, i was reading something on devachanic realms. one night, after staying up all night..even though i was barely tired, i decided to turn in. it was around 7am. i was lying in bed. i think i was chewing my nails, since i do that when i'm bored. my sister came into my room, since i have a personal bathroom she uses to get ready for her college classes and she told me that her laptop needed fixing. i said "ok" and closed my eyes 3 seconds after. keep in mind, i'm still not tired or even on the verge of sleep. with my eyes closed, a "peephole' opened in my forehead and spread wider like a camera lens. out of the lens, i could see clouds everywhere, along with low classical music, getting louder and everything was intense. not a bad intense, but just really surreal since it was the first time i experienced it.

i "snapped" myself out of it. not because i was afraid, although it was a little too much for me. but more because i wanted to let someone know what i just saw. my sister had only been in the bathroom for a minute, and as soon as she gotten out, i told her " i've been to heaven. " me, telling them heaven was a way for me to simplify what they didn't understand, since most people don't go reading about earth being split like an onion into planes. but i've told a few people. and the response i've always gotten. "nice dream." and i just reply as usual - this wasn't a dream.

so, fortunately that have been the turning point for my mom. after i told her, i think she's easing herself into it. when i'm explaining stuff to her now, i just know it's right and no one can tell me otherwise and i guess she can tell the difference in my voice. so i think i'm helping her think outside of the box. and it's funny, because a few days ago she came to me shocked. she had just gotten off the phone with the wife of a family friend, richard from philadelphia. apparently, she didn't know what to do with him anymore because she said he was running around, saying all these crazy things about illuminati this and, how things are not how it seems and how we have to keep an eye out for the signs. lol me and my mom just finished talking about that maybe a few days earlier. i asked her if she thought he was crazy. she said "maybe, if i just didn't finish talking to you about this, i would have." so, i asked her if she thought i was crazy. " she said no. than i said "that's good to know." and walked away, lol.

so! progress is being made! and she's really starting to ask me questions with her own free will - so i'm glad i'm not forcing her to accept anything. i do wish she would visit the site though. i'm trying to describe to her the positives of the event. it is working, but every so often, she still dwell on the doom & gloom stuff.
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Old 11-16-2009, 05:31 PM   #12

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hi marlon,

i am sooooo pleased to see that you are in a much better place now than when we last had contact - i am so happy for you.

great post my friend and thank you for sharing that story with us.

you are doing the right thing (imo) by persevering with your mum. it certainly seems to be paying off, although these things take time. i know you and your mum have a great relationship and it is taking time to get the message across to her. now you can see how difficult it is to try and wake up humanity to these issues without them thinking you are totally barking!

i posted yesterday under thread contact has begun with a couple of experiences i have had recently. also today walking the dog, i met a person in the woods who commented on what a great looking dog max was. one of the things i am passionate about is getting people to realise that all dog food, whether tinned or biscuit variety, are in fact **** and not at all good for them as their systems require proper natural food. he was intrigued and i explained the benefit of feeding raw chicken, bones and all. i know this is off thread but not really when you consider i try and make animals lives better, after all they deserve respect and proper nutition as well as us.

last night again while walking max (you should see the size of my legs lol!) i got chatting to a nice lady and managed to get onto the swine flu subject.(as you do) i went into great detail and asked her to look at the flucase website. she said that lots of people at work are certain there is more to this than the media is telling us. i did explain the truth and guess where it turns out she works? ha ha - southmead hospital in bristol! synchronicity or what!

i love the way you are able to explain things and put it to your family members in a different way but in a way you know they will listen to you. that is a good gift to have under your belt. actually i am able to do the same but in my case it is purely for the purposes of manipulation

hey you should introduce richard from phili to the forum!

well thats all i wanted to say, keep at it marlon and dont give up spreading the words of truth - they will thank you for it in the long run i promise.

love and best wishes,

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Old 11-16-2009, 07:12 PM   #13

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i keep finding reasons to appreciate this forum

i'm definitely the 'wierdie' of my family and friends. sometimes i question my own sanity in the sense of 'how do you know this is true? you don't, so how can you believe it?' it's hard not to when almost everyone i know is a firm feet-on-the-ground pragmatist, 'life's a bitch, then you die, oh well deal with it' type. so, that being said, i've made a few attempts of discussing these issues (nwo, ufo reality, 9-11 cover-up) with my closest people (mainly my mom and my brother. i've tested a few friends to get a feel for their 'temperature'--none too warm to it).

anyway, it's a difficult conversation because my people tend to want to trust what they see and hear every day on 'the news'. it's very challenging to try to inform them that what they see and hear might not necessarily be true, and not only that but they might be willfully being lied to for quite sinister purposes. i'm not great with words when it comes to these things, because i feel like i have far too much information swimming about in my dome, and my mouth just isn't quick enough to get the words out properly, ha ha (not to mention how downright crazy this stuff must sound to those who haven't the faintest clue). so mainly at this point (a good few years after having a major awakening regarding the world's 'truth embargo'), i'm resigned to keeping quiet mostly. people don't like having their reality messed with, and i've come to understand and respect that...as much as possible

i've also come to see with my own eyes and trust that these issues are slowly being disclosed in a more public way, and that it's only a matter of time before these 'conspiracies' are much more common knowledge. also, dw has stated that we will all have our minds blown on what has been hidden from us our whole lives, so i'm looking forward to some deeper surprises myself.

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Old 11-17-2009, 12:33 AM   #14

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dw has stated that we will all have our minds blown on what has been hidden from us our whole lives, so i'm looking forward to some deeper surprises myself.
i do not look forward to these surprises, though perhaps they will not be surprises to me.

think about it like this. when ra stated there were 60 million wanderers here, if the amount has increased by some small amount of say 800,000, then the ratio of non-wanderer to wanderer on earth at this time would be 100 to 1. this means for each one of us, the chance of having someone in our circle of family or friends that is also a wanderer is minimal. i would suggest that we agree prior to incarnation to be distanced in relationship of birth from other wanderer entities, so as to have the greatest vibrational effect on the harvest. having us all on one island would have a lesser effect on everyone else...

my sister, though enlightened and spiritual, thinks and says "you are taking this too far" when i explain what i understand to be the truth, to her. she thinks this is a simple change in consciousness, and that although she read some of ra years ago, it lost her attention and was "quite boring".

i refrain from telling others about this, simply because they might have me committed. i could see myself like in the terminator movies, with some shrink asking me questions, "so, there are aliens living here right now? (snicker snicker)". "just another typical paranoid schizophenic hysteria due to the pressures of life and the understanding that 2012 is going to be a cataclysm...", "he actually believes this to be true"...

it is not our place to awaken those that prefer to sleep. allow them to sleep. it is their free will at play. at most plant a seed, allowing them to water and nurture it, or allow it to die, as they wish.
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Old 11-17-2009, 02:08 AM   #15

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hi marlon,

i am sooooo pleased to see that you are in a much better place now than when we last had contact - i am so happy for you.

great post my friend and thank you for sharing that story with us.
thank you. i'm doing much much better. almost to the point of whatever i posted was an embarassment. lol! i said it before and i'll say it again. this forum is a huge support system to anyone who needs it, and it's really cool talking to other people who have the same problems as you. i wouldn't have ever thought there was a forum like this stashed somewhere. on those other sites, people even bash you for being honest. lol i've been called a troll or energetic vampire once or twice. it left me thinking "this is what i get for asking for help? better be quiet next time." lol


one of the things i am passionate about is getting people to realise that all dog food, whether tinned or biscuit variety, are in fact **** and not at all good for them as their systems require proper natural food. he was intrigued and i explained the benefit of feeding raw chicken, bones and all. i know this is off thread but not really when you consider i try and make animals lives better, after all they deserve respect and proper nutrition as well as us.
oh, believe me. nothing about animals is off limits with me. lol i love my dog and it's nice to see you're going out of your way to make sure your dog is getting the best. lol he's probably eating better than you. and you know what question i was thinking the other day? do we have the options as higher beings to look back and aid our animals in their evolution? i'm sure it'll be something that's possible since ra is the 5th or 6th density looking back, helping the 3rd density. i just really love my dog to death and i really want her to be able to ascend with me, if i'm going to 4th density at all.

i love the way you are able to explain things and put it to your family members in a different way but in a way you know they will listen to you. that is a good gift to have under your belt. actually i am able to do the same but in my case it is purely for the purposes of manipulation
i'm glad you think so! i can be my own worse enemy and i really feel uncomfortable trying to get people to understand this, but amazingly they get it! lol but thank you, i am getting better and better at it. you know what i told a few of my friends, and my mom one night during a conversation? i forgot what the conversation was about exactly but it had to do with extra terrestrials and crop circles. they wanted to know why didn't "aliens" just blow up the planet as i was trying to explain to them i think they are our extended family in a way. i said "imagine yourself in kindergarten. now imagine you had a big sister or brother who was in 5th grade, who occasionally walked past your classroom and poked their head inside to make sure you were doing alright. now is it hard to believe they are our big brother or sister, higher in the evolutionary scale just checking up on us? " - it wasn't word for word, but something of that nature. but everyone understood and it clicked, which is good enough for me lol.

hey you should introduce richard from phili to the forum!
you know what? i am trying to find a way to introduce this to richard and other people. because they know something is up. but at the same time - it's like people are ready to write this off because it seems too fantasy for them. they are more ready to accept some conspiracy theory/doom & gloom/everyone's reptilian point of view before they can get into this.

i keep finding reasons to appreciate this forum
i know. the support here is amazing!

i've also come to see with my own eyes and trust that these issues are slowly being disclosed in a more public way, and that it's only a matter of time before these 'conspiracies' are much more common knowledge. also, dw has stated that we will all have our minds blown on what has been hidden from us our whole lives, so i'm looking forward to some deeper surprises myself.

this is how i feel as well. i'm really just sitting patiently waiting for these things to be revealed on a more grander scale. i just decided to talk openly with my family about it though because i know they get very weirded out about things. and i know they won't be able to handle some of it! lol negative or positive, when you realize the world you live in was a bubble, it'll totally flip your mind. and i'm just trying to lend my support and be a cushion for them to fall on.

it is not our place to awaken those that prefer to sleep. allow them to sleep. it is their free will at play. at most plant a seed, allowing them to water and nurture it, or allow it to die, as they wish.
i do agree with you on that, and i'm hoping that i'm helping them water their seed rather than "gardening the plants" for them. a reason i decided to open up and share what i've been learning to my mother is because she had been on a fear frenzy. as i mentioned, she's not very religious and i know that decision weighs down on her at times. so i can see her second-guessing her path in life a lot. it's not my position to choose anything for her, but i'm also not going to sit back and let my mom worry herself sick over something very trivial, religious fanatics stress over constantly. am i going to hell? have i been a good enough christian? have i been a good enough wife/mother? have i followed the commandments? will jesus pick me? i thought only a specific group was being picked? will all of us sit in hell before we're picked? - those are some of the topics we talk about on a regular basis before i got into all of this. i respect what ever religion someone wants to worship, but i know when there's a person whose looking for answers. and since i seem to be the only person in my family who won't just accept the bible as the ultimate truth and nothing else, i'm glad i can help her branch out to a more simple way of looking at life.
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Old 11-17-2009, 06:43 AM   #16

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i do not look forward to these surprises, though perhaps they will not be surprises to me.
hm. i'm curious as to what you have in mind here. i didn't get the sense that these 'suprises' were to be negative in nature from dw? in fact i believe he stated they were to have quite a positive effect on society as a whole.

i refrain from telling others about this, simply because they might have me committed. i could see myself like in the terminator movies, with some shrink asking me questions, "so, there are aliens living here right now? (snicker snicker)". "just another typical paranoid schizophenic hysteria due to the pressures of life and the understanding that 2012 is going to be a cataclysm...", "he actually believes this to be true"...
again, i'm not following you here. are you saying that you believe 2012 is going to be 'a cataclysm', or am i missing something? that is quite contrary to the evidence provided here, if i'm not mistaken. (btw, please don't take me as a dw 'devotee', though i do find his research to be pretty compelling, and at the very least a refreshing distraction from the bulk of the negative reporting going on just about everywhere else one can look.)

it is not our place to awaken those that prefer to sleep. allow them to sleep. it is their free will at play. at most plant a seed, allowing them to water and nurture it, or allow it to die, as they wish.
yes, i agree with you here. i realized a while back that discussing these issues was only serving to alienate those i care about. these issues (which are endlessly interesting and exciting to me) seem to really get under the skin of other folks. i'm content to keep myself up to speed, and to patiently wait and see if certain disclosures are indeed penetrating the veil of silence and spin. i have no idea if i'm a 'wanderer' or not, i just know what i perceive to be true. and i absolutely could be wrong. we all could be. lord knows i question everything these days. we shall see, we shall see
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Old 11-17-2009, 06:35 PM   #17

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hm. i'm curious as to what you have in mind here. i didn't get the sense that these 'surprises' were to be negative in nature from dw? in fact i believe he stated they were to have quite a positive effect on society as a whole.
although i agree that these interim events prior to the harvest will be for the better, the immediate short term effects could be difficult. not all will understand that these are good things and many may take advantage of others. that is the nature of many of earth at this time.

again, i'm not following you here. are you saying that you believe 2012 is going to be 'a cataclysm', or am i missing something?
my meaning was that would be the shrink's interpretation of what i was saying. i do not speculate nor believe a cataclysm will occur. i look forward to this with great joy.
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Old 11-18-2009, 04:12 AM   #18

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many explorers and dreamers from the past to the present have felt the way you do --- you might feel comfort in knowing that you are in good company ---- galilieo, coperincus, columbus, magellan, to name a few --- and all of your many friends on ths site. i too wish that i had someone to share my newfound perspectives and discoveries with. would love more than anything to spend hours talking about these ideas with my spouse --- but she is very 3d oriented and even gets agitated when i bring these things up --- so i don't push it. she's her own gal and it is up to here to seek and stretch or to stay with the status qou. but i love her and will stand by her side and just maybe the higher vibrations that are coming in will nudge her awake. either way -- i will hold her hand and share this journey with her as far as i am able ...
dmoiknlasd is offline

Old 11-18-2009, 06:15 AM   #19

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Oct 2005
Senior Member
thanks for clearing that up for me, evolving.

soonahonsefalh is offline

Old 11-18-2009, 08:44 AM   #20

Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
thanks for clearing that up for me, evolving.

you are most welcome brother. at times the clarity of this typing/writing/reading complex are insufficient for proper transmission/reception of the actual thought/emotional processes in this space/time.
arcalmanard is offline

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