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Old 01-10-2008, 04:59 PM   #1

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perhaps the advent of the age of aquarius will bring a closer connection between us rather than detatchment.
hi ds, yep i know all about aquarius. here's some good reading to better understand us. (pm for url)

many people believe detachment is a bad thing. for myself i see people ruining their lives and relationships by creating dramas and emotional scenes all the time. and i see people spending more time deciding what new car to buy or new purse to buy than thinking of what might happen if we lose power for a day. a little more detachment (from emotions as well as the material plane) in the world might actually allow people to have closer long-term relationships in their lives. the kind of relationships that allow us to create and sustain (with free energy) our world past 2012....this is what an aquarian might say.

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Old 01-10-2008, 05:53 PM   #2

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i was contemplating recently if there was a lot of air type influence being manifested upon earth because it seems as if there has been a shift from being a lot more grounded than they are today. i notice many are also so much in there minds they tend to be forgetful of happenings that we would have retained with much more precision in the last decade. so it does feel like something is transitioning to air to me at least and seeing its worldly manifestations. just look at the birth and explosion of the internet. it is a physical manifestation of infomation so that part would seem as if it is aquarius.

i don't believe aquarius is marginally communal and empathetical compared to yin signs. ds37ds mentioned the glyph as being the water bearer but i have actually always wondered why that was other than maybe they provide work and services to humanity so that makes them giving, they don't tend to base much of thier being off intution or inspiration or feminine love i think they are more fascinated with such things so the few that do look into these things are noticed by what they have thier attention and energy focused on. aquarius is definitely a yang sign, a few aquarious'; oprah, eckhart tolle, paris hilton, franklin d. roosevelt, ronald reagan, garth brooks, john travolta, charles darwin and paul newman... if you think those are yin i dunno what to say. although it is air it doesn't make a difference. kind of like a leo of fire that is yin sign. this might not be evident in books but i can assure you that myself the person i know best is definitely of yin energy. this aquarius anology would be the equivalent reverse to a taurus with a fascination to building, grouded work, construction ect ect. even though most feminine signs don't enjoy long days of hard labor and construction for large periods of thier lives taurus would have an easier time with it because it is an earth element.
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Old 01-10-2008, 09:24 PM   #3

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hi astraya

finally aquarians may feel more able to be here and now and have use for their utopian social energies: -when the moon is in the seventh house and jupiter aligns with mars
it is the dawning of the age of aquarius.... and the "aliens" will become our neighbours and aquarians will not feel alienated as easily anymore..lolololol

liliane with many aquarian friends and aquarian father
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Old 02-10-2008, 12:11 PM   #4

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there has always been a great deal of controversy and confusion surrounding what aquarius represents. it is not considered to be governed purely by the air element [aspect of the divine masculine] or the water element [aspect of the divine feminine] but a combination of the two.therefore, it cannot be "this" or "that".

"this" and "that" can be applied to attachment and non-attachment. when they are observed as a witness, they are neither of the two but in fact mere "distinct" aspects of oneness. the idea that "it's time to detach" is therefore contradictory and an expression of duality. is detachment a split second decision that we make when are living/experiencing an emotional drama or situation. non-attachment or acceptance occurs naturally when the purpose of the catalyst has been fulfilled. trying to detach prematurely is a form of control and suppression. the catalyst will be offered again and again until it [and we] has been burnt off or exhausted .

not allowing this to occur leaves residue, taints the aether and the quality of the energy.

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Old 02-10-2008, 04:51 PM   #5

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well "aqua" is water and the image is a man pouring water out of an urn. in the age of pisces the image is to fish swimming in two directions and totally surrounded by the element of water/feelings that they cannot control or be aware of. the aquarian symbol, a human being pouring the water out of an urn gives me the image of awareness and conscious use of the water. now neptune the ruler of pisces has and uranus the ruler of aquarius have been in eachothers sign for a long time, preparing for this balancing and paving the way for "the age of aquarius".

liliane transiten
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Old 03-11-2008, 12:44 AM   #6

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there has always been a great deal of controversy and confusion surrounding what aquarius represents. it is not considered to be governed purely by the air element [aspect of the divine masculine] or the water element [aspect of the divine feminine] but a combination of the two.therefore, it cannot be "this" or "that".

"this" and "that" can be applied to attachment and non-attachment. when they are observed as a witness, they are neither of the two but in fact mere "distinct" aspects of oneness. the idea that "it's time to detach" is therefore contradictory and an expression of duality. is detachment a split second decision that we make when are living/experiencing an emotional drama or situation. non-attachment or acceptance occurs naturally when the purpose of the catalyst has been fulfilled. trying to detach prematurely is a form of control and suppression. the catalyst will be offered again and again until it [and we] has been burnt off or exhausted .

not allowing this to occur leaves residue, taints the aether and the quality of the energy.

haha hope this doesn't sound like an arguement but i believe you are responding to my post and want to put out a few pointers.

air signs are divine feminine that is if you are calculating an overall percentage because both gemini and libra are essentially feminine signs or of yin energy with a few exceptions of attitude but not introvert/extrovert.. where aquarious is the only yang air sign. water is divine feminine. pisces and cancer are both yin as are gemini and libra where scorpio is the extrovert in the picture.

i never mention anything concrete as this or that but usually generally speak of course never using absolutes and only doing so if i explain everything in detail pointing out why it would be an absolute. of course you are right when you say the portrayel is a bit different in everyones personal perception but at the same time if everyone says the sky is blue and you think it is more of a light indigo it should probably be looked upon more carefully. with contreversial subjects sometimes it can be hard to distiguish therefore everyone has an opinion and more concrete answers are hard to come by and that is why it is hard to speak about maybe politics and religion.

hope i didn't butcher what was trying to be conveyed but was hard to pinpoint the expression of the post and was providing clarification.
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Old 03-11-2008, 03:56 AM   #7

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now neptune the ruler of pisces has and uranus the ruler of aquarius have been in eachothers sign for a long time, preparing for this balancing and paving the way for "the age of aquarius".

liliane transiten
hi liliane,

another excellent point! [personal planet reference omitted]

and i was also wondering about the upcoming t-square alignment of saturn, uranus and pluto until 2011 and how it relates? the last t-square of these planets was between 1929-1933 and the last hard aspect from 1964-1968 (when i was born). revolution anyone?

haha hope this doesn't sound like an arguement but i believe you are responding to my post and want to put out a few pointers.
also, spiral cycle, thanks for clarifying that, i was very confused by that post.

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Old 04-10-2008, 05:54 PM   #8

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hi spiral of light. i was surprised to read that you think i was refering directly to something you wrote in your post. i was speaking generally but it seems we are not talking about the same thing. i wasn't refering to the the elements and their polarities in a classical "astro-logical" sense.

what i was talking about [to a certain degree] is on this link:


transiten, what you said about "awareness and conscious use of the water" is a perfect example of balancing these elements.

oh, by the way, it's normal for me to say the sky is indigo when everyone else says its blue.

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Old 04-11-2008, 03:55 AM   #9

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hi spiral of light. i was surprised to read that you think i was refering directly to something you wrote in your post. love
hi ds,
it wasn't me, spiral of light, who wrote that comment. it was spiralcycle.

no worries. you're not the first one who has gotten us confused.

love and light,
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Old 05-10-2008, 09:39 AM   #10

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he he he!

now that everything is "spiriling" faster and faster, we might consider this and the following mercuryretrogradeperiods the "age of confusion". according to the mayan calendar the last steps of the pyramid containing extremely much more and faster evolution than the earlier, so one month now correspond to several years in the earlier periods on earth.

liliae transiten
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Old 05-10-2008, 07:20 PM   #11

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hi to the spirals. sorry about the name mix-up. funnily enough, i checked the name a couple of times so i would use the right one but still got it wrong.:d

transiten, i think i'd better keep this short to avoid what you might call:

a "mercuryretrogradecommunicationmeltdown"

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Old 09-28-2008, 07:27 PM   #12

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Default The Age of Water
dear friends,


be well, be love.


the age of water
charles eisenstein

for tens of thousands of years, fire has defined our civilization. it is fire that has allowed us to smelt metals, to purify chemicals, to power cars, trains and airplanes, to pave over the earth and travel to the moon. without fire there would be no silicon chips, no pharmaceutical drugs, no plastic toys, no guns or bombs, no televisions or computers. ours is surely an age of fire -- an age which is rapidly drawing to a close.

the age of fire is an age of separation, during which humans have sought to dominate and control nature. from the very beginning, the circle of the campfire divided the world into two parts: the safe, domestic part, and the wild. here was the hearth, the center of the circle of domesticity. here was warmth, keeping the cold world at a distance. here was safety, keeping predators at bay. here was light, defining a human realm but making the night beyond all the deeper, all the more alien. outside the circle of firelight was the other, the wild, the unknown.

the age of fire is also an age of domination. the original technologies of fire mostly employed wood, thereby removing it from the normal biological cycle and preempting the natural flow of matter and energy. no longer did it nourish generations of insects, fungi, and soil. this arrogation of wood's oxidative energy to human purposes defined very early on the dominating relationship that technology embodies; today, the same logic sees all the materials of the world as "resources," classifying them according to their usefulness to man. today we burn oil, not wood, but the mentality of burning is the same: the arrogation of stored energy to human purposes of control, accompanied by the degradation of other phases of the cycle in an unsustainable pretense of eternal linear growth.

the unsustainability of our present system derives from its linearity, its assumption of an infinite reservoir of inputs and limitless capacity for waste. fire is a fitting metaphor for such a system, for it involves a one-way conversion of matter from one form to another, liberating energy-heat and light-in the process. just as our economy is burning through all forms of stored cultural and natural wealth to liberate energy in the form of money, so also does our industry burn up stored fossil fuels to liberate the energy that powers our technology. both generate heat for a while, but also increasing amounts of cold, dead, toxic ash and pollution, whether the ash-heap of wasted human lives or the strip-mine pits and toxic waste dumps of industry.
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Old 09-29-2008, 12:17 AM   #13

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very interesting article. thanks. i have heard this called the "age of oil" but the "age of fire" seems to fit better on a larger scale. ever heard that the 4 shades of human skin actually represent an element as well?

water = asian (emotions, spirituality, intuitive)
earth = latin, american indians (stability, solidarity, practicality, close to the earth)
fire = african (active, creative, energetic)
air = anglo saxon (philosophical, intellectual, communitcation)

makes sense to me as the different races do seem to embody these traits.

thanks again!
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Old 09-29-2008, 06:03 PM   #14

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quoting from the article:

...above, when speaking of animism, i said that each water droplet or other object "has a unique spirit," but that is not quite correct. the conception of spirit as something to be "had," and therefore extrinsic to matter, is a metaphor of separation and of fire. what animism actually implies is that each thing is a unique spirit, that matter itself is spiritual, sacred, and special. spirit can no more be abstracted out from matter than structure can be removed from the water that carries it... i think we (at least i) tend to miss this very important fact. there is a profound shift from seeing spirit as a tangential aspect of matter to seeing spirit as the very nature of matter. very nice article.
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Old 09-29-2008, 08:11 PM   #15

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charles eisenstein has some interesting theories but they don't tie in with the astrology or the age of aquarius. aquarius is an air sign. many assume the glyph for aquarius is water but most astrologers believe the glyph represents the waves of electromagnetic energy or electricity.

astrologically we are moving from the sign of pisces to aquarius so actually water to air if you want to concentrate only on that transition.

another way to look at it would be to see the water as emotion and that we have been caught up in the two basic emotions (love and fear) throughout the age of pisces. and now it's time to detach from our emotions (very aquarian) to envision and live a more humanitarian lifestyle.
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Old 09-30-2008, 02:10 AM   #16

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hello astraya, let's take that one step further and look at the "air" as perhaps aether or prana or whatever. now the water unifies the planet right? then perhaps the aether unifies the universe for example. as a child i understood the potential connection with water ways and then i realised the water table connects to the oceans unifying the planet, then i don't remember how but i stumbled on the possibility of this aether unyfying all of the cosmos, i swear, to this day i can still feel something when i move my hand back and forth slowly through the air, yes i do feel the air but aside from that i can feel sort of a tingling and what feels like a small current, hard to describe but it's been the same for 30 years so there's definately something there. anyway what ever we are moving in, it's exciting, it's been a long long time comming, i can feel it, some of my friends can feel it, most of us here can definately feel it, and we know it's "all good":d.........................sylvain........... ...........
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Old 09-30-2008, 06:35 AM   #17

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hi sylvain,
yes, i believe that too...maybe it's a stretch but i'm thinking water might be a 3d phenomenon?? and ether more 4d?
both mediums for "the message"?...which i'm vibing with too!
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Old 09-30-2008, 05:43 PM   #18

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hi astraya. from my basic knowledge of astrology aquarius is ruled by uranus which is associated with the air element; in other words intellect and logic.

the symbol for aquarius is the water bearer - often depicted as an angel holding a vessel from which water is pouring, symbolically giving water to the world. water represents that which is beyond logic and intellect - intuition, inspiration and love.

perhaps the advent of the age of aquarius will bring a closer connection between us rather than detatchment.

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Old 05-10-2011, 12:11 PM   #19

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that's why, i think, david is here to bring the age of pieces to an end... because he is a pieces!
so jesus brought the age, and david will bring it to the end/change...
just as moses brought the age of aries... and so on!

well, it is the turn for air now! and that includes me a libra!
and yes, the earth will be purified much during this age!

ra ma
:djeja! i would rather think david is here to bring the "pieces" together into "oneness" or maybe david is here to bring the age of "peaces" because he is a "peacis"....i should perhaps have made a caréer as a proof-reader...david is pisces and i've got too much probing mercury in my chart

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Old 05-10-2011, 05:54 PM   #20

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:djeja! i would rather think david is here to bring the "pieces" together into "oneness" or maybe david is here to bring the age of "peaces" because he is a "peacis"....i should perhaps have made a caréer as a proof-reader...david is pisces and i've got too much probing mercury in my chart

well david is a piece, as you are a piece, and as i am a piece, as everyone is a piece. a puzzle isnt fun with only one piece, and its not satisfying if any pieces are missing (you cant get the whole picture). however, i would say he is deffinately scouting ahead for many paths to find thier way home, and very well at that.

we have always been "one", the problems come when we try convincing everyone of that.
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