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Old 01-11-2008, 08:23 AM   #1

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hi to you winterlovers!

good timing! this night at 03.00 am my dog woke me up and we went out to see the hughe orion, cassiopeia and the big dipper on the dark heaven! and this morning i wake up to the first minusdegrees in gothenburg, is shining and it's just this crispy frosty layer on the grass and trees.

liliane transiten
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Old 01-11-2008, 11:40 AM   #2

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yes, winter is very beautiful. it makes dark long nights filled with light. in estonian snow is called lumi what is very similar to latin lumen witch means light. last years have been quite snowpoor but i really hope (as most estonians) that this time it will be lots of snow. i like when it is not so cold (we have had minus 30 celsius) but around 5-6 degrees celsius. then it is a very nice winter.

light and love to your journey to oneness
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Old 01-11-2008, 12:41 PM   #3

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i hate winter. i have to spend 10 minuites de-icing my car every morning.
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Old 01-11-2008, 02:24 PM   #4

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~mother nature~ sends the tree's and flowers into a beautiful ~deep sleep~ during the silent winter months.
tree's will sleep their way through winter ~dreaming~ of spring and new fresh green pastures...
the long ~white silence~ is a magical time indeed!

~love to all~
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Old 01-11-2008, 11:38 PM   #5

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hehe yeah i forgot: i live in quebec, canada. where snow is almost a tradition.
last year was especially great to me
quebec city received like 5 meters of snow in a winter.

i was damn happy with all that snow. i love watching snow coming down.
just speaking about this little thing makes me feel happy, thinking about it coming soon.

i find it soooooo beautiful.

and you might have heard of the quebec *crise du verglas/ice storm*on year 1998, where our province was completely blackout for a whole month.

i honestly gotta say it was the best time in my life.
some people heard that people died from co2 while trying to make a fire in their house... those didn't try to get help from others. we were about 20 in my little house here, everyone doing it's part. the sad part is that many trees got broken under the ice weight, but it was really a very beautiful time. of course i was happy not having school for a month, but still. a whole month with my family, having fun, eating on the fireplace, and just by our body heat we kept the house quite hot, but my grand father was the one, at 5am, putting wood in the fireplace. this reminds me sooo many good moments. most people say this winter was a disaster, but it was to me, a lot more like an event that had to happen to *create solidarity* among humans, but i see now that it worked for about a month. now we are back to me myself and i state.


it explains some things about it, yes montreal was out only for 5 days, but i was from january 5-6 to february 5-6 too.
the end of the video is to me, big fear mongering, but this explains a little in english how it was here. though the 30 dead people were all from montreal, trying to light fires in their small homes, instead of looking for someone who could safely heat themselves. that is a good way to show you how solidarity can do good things.

seeing ice on the trees, which didn't break, was soo beautiful. i adds something magic in the physical dimension. it's just water, but to me, gives another beauty to the eye.

anyway, if some people don't like winter, and there are a lot in quebec, then why can't they go away and leave where they want? i do love winter, and i will live where i feel good, and i feel very good at home, with my snow.

and yes, mother nature puts a beautiful surrounding where plants can sleep, as well as grass is covered by a layer of white snow. nature is just perfectly arranged. it may be in a physical dimension, but once again, it is so beautiful physically, that i can really believe it has a special meaning. i have never seen the desert but i do believe it is pretty beautiful to see too. and honestly, i hate watching tall buildings and many artificial stuff. big cities do not attract me at all. i'd rather live in the woods like shaun ellis.
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Old 01-12-2008, 04:19 AM   #6

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i am surprised to see so many winter lovers! personally one of my biggest challenges is not letting the weather affect me. i have been trying to see the positives of all seasons and weather changes but i am still struggling to see the positives in winter. i live in the uk and i find the weak sun a real problem in the winter months. the sun isn't strong enough to provide sufficient levels of vitamin d for the body at such high latitudes from about october to march. this is one of the reasons why i am currently visiting friends in florida! i struggle to deal with the fact that things seem 'dead' to me in winter- the trees lose their leaves, plants and flowers die off and the air seems to lack the pleasant smells you get in spring and summer. i've had such difficulty dealing with winter that i have considered moving further south. perhaps though i will just have to accept and love all the seasons! i certainly admire those of you who love winter!
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Old 02-11-2008, 10:24 PM   #7

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i live in a place where winters should be really cold and as i love them , though past couple of years here have been quite a catastrophe. we had almost no snow and temperature was always above zero [celsius]. so, today i was walking around in my garden, wondering what this winter will bring. and guess what? i went upstairs to check out whats new and found this post from winter-lovers

anyway, what i ment to say was - if we do believe that all co-creator thing and possibility to change our future with mind energy, what do you think we can do to make this winter cold and snowy? meditate about it?
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Old 04-11-2008, 06:06 PM   #8

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i have to go with strider on this one...i also despise winter. i know winter is beautiful and the process and order of our seasons is amazing, but my body does not like cold.

ive always been too sensitive to the cold. my body temp. is always below the norm. anyways. ive noticed also that when i share a deep feeling or share a deep thought with someone, i can feel my temp. dropping and i start to shiver. if im in a critical emotional situation, i receive the same effects...my temp. drops and i shiver. i see snow fall mabey once a yr. here in alabama and that is fine with me.

im already ready for spring again.

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Old 04-11-2008, 06:48 PM   #9

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i kind of get the message here that if you are a wanderer, this may inherently be a clue as to where we are from; i.e. what climate seems to fit you best or that you feel most "at home" in. maybe, just maybe, this is a subconcious little bit of cell memory/soul memory eluding to what our "home planet" might be like?

just a thought....

love and light to all.
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Old 04-11-2008, 07:47 PM   #10

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when i lived out west in the mountains although the winter lasted too long for my tastes it was absolutely beautiful. to go cross country skiing out in the middle of nowhere , on a sunny day, in feet and feet of glorious fresh snow that sparkled like a gazillion crystals was one thing.

being "snowed in" some days, shovelling for hours, feeling like it's kind of an adventure getting that much snow or surviving sub zero termperatures and then finishing the day with a warm meal and a cuddle under a quilt by a wood burning stove is another. rosy cheeks, fresh air. i love it.

big storms do bring people together. gives people who wouldn't normally talk to each other something to talk about.

the other side i don't like is driving when i have to drive on an icy highway and i'm not too fond of slush in a city.

if you're going to have snow then in my opinion you might as well have a ton of it.

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Old 04-12-2008, 12:35 AM   #11

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i`m another that loves winter. i enjoy the changes of the seasons,but i have always gotten a special thrill from the first snowfall. we normally get six months of winter, but lately it has been warmer.
last year in march the snow was dwindling and i was wishing for more. it snowed between two and three feet in 24 hours that week. i was ecstatic! the snow melted quickly though, appeasing those who had had enough of winter.
i don`t know what it is, but there is something about the beauty of winter that captures my heart. i don`t know how anyone can hate a season - it is what it is, but thats just me.
barren dark and lonely,bright crisp and engaging.either way it feels spiritual to me.
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Old 04-12-2008, 02:07 AM   #12

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hehe it's nice to see that some people love winter.

though i'm in really deep love, i love being in the cold, feeling the cold get inside me... gives me a good feeling, and just playing in snow is so great.
i hate doing *grassman*, snowman are better

and i really feel *home* when there is snow outside. plus, i love watching my dog play with his ball in it on the first snow every year, he just cries to go out with his ball that's really cute
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Old 04-12-2008, 04:12 AM   #13

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i truly love the cycle of seasons. i grew up in the los angeles area, and i must say there are only about two seasons there: hot and dry, and cooler with occasional moisture. now i live in southern oregon and get to experience four legitimate seasons.

as a matter of fact, for the last few years the changing of the seasons have been like clockwork, with rain the first day of fall, snow down to 2000 feet within the first week of winter, beautiful temperate dry weather in the first week of spring, and a snap of hot clear blue sky as soon as summer rolls around. of course, we have a lot of people in this area who are conscious and awakening, who attend to such things as the weather and the seasons. in my understanding of consciousness (you know, the stuff everything is made of!) the awareness and attention of people upon the seasons, the moon, the natural cycles, will create a resonance, and can indeed create an effect in the weather. be that part of the truth here or not, we have beautiful weather here in southern oregon.

i love the flow of the seasons in spiritual and conceptual terms as well. the spring rises like the morning sun, that which has been gestating breaks forth into the awareness. the summer with sun at zenith. the peak of production and fullness, the height of the solar season. the fall, like the setting sun, always with a promise of renewal. and the winter, the night, the sun at its minimum. east, south, north, and west. air, fire, water, and earth.

i must point out then, in this love of the seasons, that here in "america" (whatever that means this day of all days) we are only half way through fall. winter is quite a ways off yet.

the difference to me? fall is the death of things, the "fall". it is the withdrawing of energy into stasis. this is what people commonly think and feel about winter: it is a dead time with nothing occurring. but winter is in actuality a wonderfully formative time. it is the time of the crystallization of those thoughts and intents that will take form in emergence in the spring. in that sense, it is perhaps the most important time of the year to be attentive to intention.

winter is a wonderful time indeed. i look forward to it.
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Old 08-11-2008, 06:24 PM   #14

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another thing i really love with winter is that i, for whatever reason, do not need to sleep as much as in summer.

i summer i really need 9 hours to be ok for the day, but in winter, 6:30-7h can do the job without feeling weird and tired.
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Old 10-31-2008, 05:14 AM   #15

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Default In deep love with winter
hello everyone.

it snowed here 2 days ago, and i wondered one thing.
how many people here love winter, but not only saying it's beautiful.
it's really my favorite season. i feel kind of *home* in snow.
i do believe i was once a wolf spirit or something like that, cause i associate snow with myself. i do see many more positive, poetic, and beautiful thing in winter.

yes winter is cold - a good reason to sit next to you friend or love, to heat yourself and your fellow.

it's hard to walk on ice without falling - learn to walk on ice, or ask your friend to hold your hand.

winter sucks, always white for months - white is the purest color, mix of many colors, meaning the combination of many to become one, reflected by the sun to whoever watches it.

what made me want to talk about winter was one thing. i was to a cousin's house, and when i was on the way home, i was driving against the wind. watching the snow coming toward me, reminded me, or gave me an image of some kind of black hole. i was in the center, almost no snow flakes were hitting my windshield. and i compared snow flakes to stars, entities or whatever that is bright.

so i want to ask you people, for those who have snow sometime, if you do love winter. honestly, seeing the first snow in the year makes me sooo happy, almost crying, cause to me, it's the most beautiful season and time of a year. in winter, i do feel very happy, joyful, peaceful, i want to move, play in snow, just running in the snow. i really feel home, in my land, reality. plus, there is christmas, where i see my whole family, both sides, every year, twice, with the new year. i feel more alive in the *dead/sleeping* season than in summer.

i do not really like summer, as heat is really affecting me. 24 celsius or more is too hot for me. and i do not really love seeing all that green for time. though i do love nature, but not the heat, intense here, because of high humidity (25celsius with humidity can be felt somewhere around 33-35).

anyway, anyone is feeling like me? snow is to me, really my home and my favorite season.
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Old 10-31-2008, 05:00 PM   #16

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yes, there's something nice about the snow. you don't say where you are, it seems awfully early for it to snow. since i spend a lot of time in places where winter doesn't happen, it's extra special to see that snow.
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Old 10-31-2008, 06:23 PM   #17

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agree 100%
autumn and winter are my favourite times - although we don't really get snow here in southern scotland, but crisp frosty days, wrapping up warm, where the colours outside seem so intense - perfect
hot weather makes me melt into a heap of patheticness
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Old 10-31-2008, 07:51 PM   #18

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ditto on all of these!

i love fall/winter!!
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Old 10-31-2008, 08:47 PM   #19

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i love all seasons, but winter is a very spiritual time when we should turn inwards and not get caught up in the crazy consumist commercial christmas. it's almost as the powers that be want to distract us from having this contact and peace in this time of year...

liliane transiten
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Old 11-01-2008, 03:12 AM   #20

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well put liliane.

i also love winter. high in the canadian rockies winter lasts at least eight months and we sometimes get snow in july and/or august.

i spent the first few years of my life way up north and i have very fond memories of the forest in winter and being able to see the night sky all day in the middle of winter...along with the northern lights on special occasions.

surprisingly, it hasn't snowed here yet but its nice for the kids out trick or treatin' tonight.
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