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Old 08-17-2007, 07:03 AM   #1

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after 9:11 many of my friends including myself saw it on the clock often, and it has since never ceased.

911, 1111 and 144 i see pretty much ever day, one of the three will be apparent for days at a time.

at times, i will turn full around, quite quickly, and find myself look deep into the numbers, as if time stopped then started up again, i believe thats channeling but i don't feel any connection to anything as oppose to meditating. (to be honest)
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Old 08-17-2007, 06:16 PM   #2

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normally seeing numbers like 11:11 etc are not about the numbers themselves it is about what you are doing on these moments, they are important for your own evolution. for example you were thinking about something on a pretty subconscious way and suddenly you see 11:11 then you can be pretty sure these subconscious thoughts from a moment ago can be learned from... at least that's from my experience. but if you are consciously looking for them as in watching at the time to try to see 11:11 then it's something different.

but anywayz if you can just think of a number and always see this number then this is pretty special in itself because it shows some clear psychic abilities, no?

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Old 10-09-2007, 03:17 AM   #3

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Default Astonishing 1111 Facts to Consider
i was reading websites about numerlogy etc because i seen the number 11:11 on the clock and it brought to me a wired feeling.....then i thought to myself nah.....because i remember after 9/11 happened one of my friends told me they kept noticing the number 9:11 so after they said that i started to notice it more often....so anyway i went to this website on 11:11 theories and it talked about the numbers 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 000 so after i read about thise numbers i started to see them more and more almost everyday sometimes on accident or sometimes on purpose. i also read about the number 12:34. so after i read about 1234 i woke up at 12:34 a few days after two mornings in a row, it was weird....but then i thought that i usually woke up for school at a certain area of time because i technically told myself when to everydays, so again i was at the beginning of the starting point....so i said to myself let me test out these numbers this early morning i was thinking of the number 8:18 on the clock i wanted to see if i thought to myself of seeing it would i see it today....so this morning i go to bed at 9 a.m. mind you i was up the whole night, i got up went to work and i got out of work at 9 as i was cleaning up i looked at the clock and when i looked at the clock it was 8:18 and it quickly switched to 8:19.....i was so dissappointed to mean that meant that all you have to do is tell yourself what number you want to see and you will see, where as on those numerlogy websites those numbers have specific meanings....no i am at point 1 again disbelief.....
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Old 11-08-2007, 04:01 PM   #4

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whenever you notice the 11:11 pay attention to what you were thinking/doing at that moment. from the viewpoint of you higher self, it is trying to get your attention. from the third dimensional viewpoint, you are subconsciously being alerted when a particular number is in your field of view. from a quantum physics viewpoint the significant number is created the instant you focus on it and then ceases to exist as soon as you look away.
...so i said to myself let me test out these numbers this early morning i was thinking of the number 8:18 on the clock i wanted to see if i thought to myself of seeing it would i see it today....as i was cleaning up i looked at the clock and when i looked at the clock it was 8:18 and it quickly switched to 8:19.....i was so dissappointed....
i think you should be congratulating yourself instead of being disappointed.
this is very similar to setting a mental alarm clock in your head, which i have done for years, and it's quite amazing what you can train your mind to do. many times when i knew i'd only get a couple hours, i would tell myself to wake up at a specific time feeling rested and rejuvenated. this never failed to work, altho most times i couldn't hold on to the truly rested feeling for very long, but it sure did help me get up.:d
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Old 02-12-2008, 07:45 PM   #5

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the odometer on my car just hit 122112, and the time was 12:21 p.m. wow! i was returning home from a job interview (i have been out of work since january). ive been seeing 11:11, and all other sorts of number combinations everywhere for a while. i had maintained a little piece of skepticism, arguing that i was just seeing what i was looking for. but this today with the odometer and the clock in synch has erased all doubt.
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Old 02-12-2008, 11:41 PM   #6

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this is my 1st post here, but i have been a reader of this website for a couple years. this story is very interesting and was monumental in my awakening.

peace & love

about 6 or 7 years ago i moved to south florida after graduating from full sail recording arts and film school with a associate science degree in recording arts. once i moved there my good friend chris gave me a phone number to a friend of his that i meet once before in new york city some 3 years before. his name was frank and he became one of my best friends. so i called him and we meet up and i turns out that i moved 2 blocks from where he lived at the time. so we instantly hit it off big and did everything together. frank mentioned to me one day early in our relationship that his birthday was 11/11. after the time he mentioned that to me, together we began seeing 11:11 on the clock all the time. our relationship was a very spiritual one, we discussed many deep issues from physics to jesus, dimensions, time travel, etc...... now fast forward about 3 years, i am working for frank in his company as project manger re modeling a water front house. we are still seeing 11:11 all the time on clocks and we discuss the reason why we see it, realizing that it is a higher force. i found my consciousness expanding thru out these years. then in 06' i discover edgar cayce and david wilcock. so i read about these two important people and i discover that david wilcock talks about seeing 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33 on clocks. this are called synchronicities(coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related) well let me tell you there is no coincidence about this phenomena. when you see this numbers it means you are on the right path and becoming more understanding of your higher purpose. then i began to read the law of one books and they also state the same thing david wilcock talked about. now fast forward to 11/11/07, weeks before this date i' am very aware of the mass meditation on this date around the globe. so i post bulletins on myspace about it and eagerly await this day. when 11/11/07 comes i message my mother and tell her about the mass meditation, she messages me back and tells me it is also her father's birthday, my grandfather who passed when she was 9 years old. i had completely forgotten that his birthday was 11/11.

at that moment the thought came into my mind that i may be my grandfather reincarnated. after thinking about it for a little while, i went to find my birth certificate and sure enough my time of birth was 11:12 am, so i was being given birth to at exactly 11:11 am.

this was monumental in my awakening. i called my mother and told her what i have figured out, but she is still skeptical to this day about it. i called my friend frank and wished him a happy birthday and told him too along with other friends. about a month later that year i meet another new friend who's birthday was 11/11. then at thanksgiving that year a another friend of mine of about ten years told me his birthday was 11/11. my grandfather has 11 letters in his name too. and his mother is a friend of my family and always tells me about how loving my grandfather was and tells me stories about him. so this is really incredible to me, i think all these people are part of my soul group. now fast forward to this year, i just moved back home with my family and i' am living with my mother and father. if you think the synchronicities stop there, no they don't, our next store neighbor was my grandfather's best friend through out school and he showed me and my mother and class picture of them and i look just like my grandfather when i was that age.

also i meet a new friend close to were i live and we conserve in spiritual things with one another and his address is 111 and his birthday is the same day my grandfather passed on, may 31.

i have been meeting alot of people that are seeing 11:11 and have 11 around them in some way.

another thing is that i' am i i not a junior, so i i (11) is in my name
i still see 11:11 all the time along with 1:11, i see it everywhere. this is my 11 11 story

you can also visit my myspace page and look under the blog section for pictures proving this story


thanks for reading
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Old 02-13-2008, 05:01 PM   #7

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the most interesting thing about 11 11 is that the mayan calendar "ends" at 11:11


there are no coincidences, no accidents...


2012 2012
perihelion jan 5 00 equinoxes mar 20 05 14 sept 22 14 49
aphelion july 5 03 solstices june 20 23 09 dec 21 11 11

you also have this site which is ok;

seeing is believing chapter 11:11


juli was a member - i'm not sure if he is now...

i forgot this site;


an end of days and the sun is on the cross
by c. donald martin
second revision
(c)2001/2003/2004 timecrystal

it is like a large check mark on the calendar, a pointer aimed at, the "end date" of the mayan long count calendar. from the mayan point of view, this is the "end of days." it is so significant that the calendar just comes to a stop. it is like having an alarm set when it's time to take your medicine. this date is also december 21, 2012, the day of the winter solstice. but what is this check mark trying to tell us. what medicine are we suppose to remember to take?

the mayan calendar was started in 3113 bc. but, most of the documents that could tell us what this calendar was for were destroyed long ago. in mesoamerica, south america and on easter island, zealot priests destroyed almost all the written documents. before that the library at alexandria in egypt was distorted by fire, several times. almost all ancient history books in china were destroyed on the order of a dying emperor. someone does not seem to want us to know where we come from or where we are going.

yet not all was lost. writings on stone, lost to the world when the past was being destroyed, have since been found. in mesopotamia were found thousands of clay tablets. on these tablets is the description of a society in which the government, economy and religion was controlled by one organization. this organization is a family of fallen gods . in mesoamerica, the writings are on the temples, altars and other stone structures. even better, in mesoamerica, there still live the descendants of these ancient people. there are those that still follow the ancient ways.

so here we are. someone put this big check mark on the calendar. if there was a note telling us what the mark is for, it was destroyed with most of the history of the ancient world. so what is one to do? look for clues.

be well, be love.

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Old 02-14-2008, 05:35 AM   #8

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can someone point me or give me a link about the meaning of 1111?
thanks for asking that. i've been curious and did not thnk to ask!
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Old 02-14-2008, 02:44 PM   #9

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i agree that crystal links has a great page on 11 11-if you check it out, just take the things that resonate with you out of it. the first time i started ready dw material on this site i read for a couple hours straight. i was deeply entranced but it was late so i decided i better look at the clock to check the time. it was 11:11pm. being that i just read about this-i told myself to allow my curiosities more time and to read for a while longer. again, when i told myself enough-time for bed-it was 1:11am. at the time i did not have the comp. clock set, i had to get up from my computer to check the time. ever since things have fell deeply into place for me, my life, and everything that ever existed.

peace to all,
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Old 02-14-2008, 09:31 PM   #10

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the most interesting thing about 11 11 is that the mayan calendar "ends" at 11:11

nope, no coincidence.

according to richard hoagland's 3rd interview in project camelot, the gregorian calendar was set to the mayan calendar at the time when a major adjustment was needed fix the major flaws in the julian calendar.

this information--the fact of the gregorian calendar being set to the mayan calendar--about knocked me outta my chair, i'll tell ya. i hated the gregorian calendar for years, but, now with this new bit of information (new to me, at least), i now don't cast such aspersions to the gregorian calendar.

it's so funny to me that, time after time, the agendas of the negative elites wind up serving the agendas of the truly enlightened ones who are overseeing our shift upwards to 4-d and this example of the gregorian calendar being set in accord to the mayan calendar is a classic example.

the "meek" (meaning seeker of truth, peaceful and loving, not weak!) will have the last laugh, after all and, after all, it's about time, pun intended. i look forward to having that big-azzed last laugh.

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Old 02-15-2008, 03:12 AM   #11

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11:11 has been haunting me for years.
a few noteworthy things(some fanciful,some not)......

world war i ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.]

11:11 is said to be a pre-encoded trigger placed in our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which when activated, signifies that our time of completion and ascension is near. it is believed that one knows when this particular gateway opens for them by continually seeing the numbers 11:11 in there every day lives as a continuous ocurrence. activation of other gateways may be symbolized by other digits.

the space shuttle went up on its 11th mission, weighing 11 tons and fixed an errant sattelite on the 11th day of the 11th month.

in systems such as astrology and basic numerology, eleven is considered to be a master number. eleven can also represent sin; transgression and peril. ten being the perfect number, eleven represents the exceeding of both. it is interesting to note that eleven when broken down ( 1+1=2) comprises the two of duality. number eleven is a master vibration and as such should not be reduced to a single number.people with this number could be both idealistic and visionary, and they are attracted to the unknown.they can be both unusual, interesting and magnetic personalities.




...and so on...if you google 'significance of 11:11' etc etc
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Old 10-12-2008, 04:32 AM   #12

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tomorrow will be 11-11. we should keep our thoughs as positive as we can. it well may be a gate of oportunity is opening or our dna is being activated.

physical reality is a consciousness program created by digital codes. numbers, numeric codes, define our existence. human dna, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital codes at specific times and frequencies. those codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness. 11:11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of dna


love and light

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Old 11-14-2008, 12:47 AM   #13

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wow, do you think those numbers concerning my eldest son's birth are a kind of sign? i'm thinking of what david said about the number 8 and infinity.
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Old 11-14-2008, 12:49 PM   #14

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has anyone else experienced an increase of these numbers "111, 333, 555, 666, 1111, etc..." during this week? i do see them a few times a day, everyday, but this week there has been a surge...and i was just wondering if anyone else had the same "surge".
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Old 11-14-2008, 11:57 PM   #15

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has anyone else experienced an increase of these numbers "111, 333, 555, 666, 1111, etc..." during this week? i do see them a few times a day, everyday, but this week there has been a surge...and i was just wondering if anyone else had the same "surge".
yes, i've been seeing 33 lately.
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Old 11-16-2008, 10:07 AM   #16

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i am wondering maybe it was because on nov.13th we've entered the mayan sixth day? any thoughts?
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Old 11-24-2008, 08:18 PM   #17

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one other possible significance of the number 11:11 that occurred to me is that whichever of the four directions (n,s,e,w) one looks, one sees only unity, one.

peace, philip
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Old 11-27-2008, 08:13 PM   #18

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dear friends,

this guy "died" to young...

part i

part ii

be well, be love.


rik clay walks us through some amazing facts that revolves around 1111 and 11 numerology.

11 and 1111 keep popping up throughout history with amazing undeniable accuracy.

from the september 11th attacks to birth of christ and to the future with the mayan calendar ending at 11:11ut, this is one interview you do not want miss!
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Old 11-28-2008, 06:32 AM   #19

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i've been seeing alot of 11:11 and 1:11 as of late. irony is the mega millions lottery that illinois is part of is at 111 million. i think i shall get a ticket tomorrow.
bill "the doctor"
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Old 11-28-2008, 06:29 PM   #20

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thanks for this info, very good indeed

**light and love to all**
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