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#21 |
ain't i already me?
i mean, i came down here for this experience, and like a kid off to college i'm not sure i really want to have to ask the "mom/dad's" help, y'know what i mean? of course, that's the trick: learning the discretion of when one truly needs to ask. i don't seem to get voices that are a more substantial version of myself. but there are gems in the thought stream for me all of the time, nonetheless. and i've long been an appreciative student of the value of a well-placed synchronicity. as well, i work as a chef, and i get to work about 6:30 in the morning. on the weekends i have several hours before anyone else is around. i crank up the tunes (my ipod currently would play for 17.2 days without repeating a song, much of it from the '70's, yes and oregon probably being my favorite bands in the rock to jazz spectrum...) and process information. i am constantly aware of my internal dialogue, to the extent that when i "gossip" or bitch in my head i usually bust myself within moments and attempt to reapply myself to positive, constructive thought. it can be extremely contemplative as well. and it can be other things too, but, hey, work is work sometimes, y'know? as well i get to work with people who, in general, are very open to information of the type we always deal with here in this wonderful place. that truly makes it so much simpler to just express who i am. what i don't get enough of is meds - that is meditation and inner silence. so i guess i could be missing some good advice, but i don't have to expend much energy trying to figure out what is what amongst the "insider's (higher up's)" information! i feel pretty darn present, and awake. at least awakening, and the most painful pin-pricky tingling in my feet is starting to go away. from me and my higher me (who's pretty much here now), love, blessings, and abundance, frank-o |
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#22 |
my experience me being some thing of a novice in regards to communicating with my higher self is that the people that are getting thrown my way are reflections of my self.
i can now see the damage and hurt that i can inflict on some else with out even being aware that i have been doing it, or to be totally honest doing it then as i am walking away feeling like i have done some thing wrong after the event and yet not quite being able to put my finger on what i have done wrong, or even worse doing it and not knowing why . i guess the truth is if you do it to some one else you are basically doing it to yourself if you hate or fear some one you have disconnected from part of your self and severed the link to your higher self. purging ones self of all the fear and lies is not an enjoyable experience but the alternative of being afraid and alone is a good motivator to make the effort. l&l |
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#23 |
dear freiind,
we welcome you back with love. your heart is heard as far as i am concerned. i have a dear friend named bob. i trust him dearly and we have spoke of you. i did not read all of these threads, but i read yours and you are a brother of light. i am your friend. you are sincere and honest to yourself, i am with you, and welcome home! please post regularly as we welcome your perspective, i wish i and many others had the same quality. god bless and know that we are all experiencing an equal exchange of growth at our own level! love, nelson |
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#24 |
leo , true , you are already you , my friend - the interesting thing , in my opinion , is which you will you decide to be? i believe that there are infinite versions of us all , and since time is an illusion , all of our infinite versions have already come and gone - you just choose which you that you want to be , and based on your choices in an infinite number of different situations , you decide which version of you that you will experience. and , how wonderful is it to contact the you that is outside of space and time? that's the appeal of getting "mom/dad's help - they have "been there , done that" , and though it's not necessary , i never mind asking for a helping hand from someone who's willing to give it! or to give one to someone who asks for it!
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#25 |
our higher self and our hearts are the same. would you agree that another way of looking at our "higher selfs" is through our opened heart ?
i will agree tho, you will have a connection with your higher self even if your heart is not fully opened. our higher selfs guides our journey to lift and inspire our quest to reach the highest level of love, the open heart. those bliss moments, that feeling of freedom, when and were nothing else is, only love is. |
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#26 |
i was very struck with something david said about the higher self, which was that it could be a future self coming back to guide one to choose the most favorable conditions for improvement. since this guide is the self, then it knows better than anyone else can what the best choice would be. i don't know why i like that version better than just tuning in to my own present higher self, except that i haven't had much success in linking up consciously to that self.
so it hasn't meant much to me, except to know that it probably exists and good look in helping me. i've come to realize how useless it is to get the answer from someone or something else, i heard the words "it's all inside of you" for years and years and forever. there was always that hope that there must be someone out there who knows just the right things to say that will make me understand. about as useless as the belief that if i just met the right "one" everything would fall into place and i would live happily ever after. there has also been this concept of things are ok if everything is going well and everybody's happy and everything is just so. this earth existence isn't like that, polarity is most valuable in growing, and if i'm not growing, then there's no reason to be here. and experiencing polarity, or duality is not a pretty picture sometimes. all the confusion and chaos, why can't there be some peace is the question. but i have experienced peace in the midst of chaos, so i know that it is a condition that comes from within, not without. so maybe latching on to this future higher self is just another way for me to distract from doing my inner work, like it's another "thing" that just may help save me. on the other hand it's a step closer to doing it myself, at least it's not someone else doing it for me. i have definitely felt the presence of something guiding me, and i think i like the idea better that it is a future me doing it, rather than some meddling angel. like the time i was saved from suicide by a force grabbing the steering wheel of my car and not allowing it to crash. if it was some guardian angel, they didn't have the right to infringe on my free will, but if it was my future self, then i can accept that assistance more readily. does this make sense? sometimes i think i don't express myself very well. so, i'm not trying to consciously connect with my future higher self anymore than my present self, because doing those kinds of things don't work for me. like meditation doesn't work, although i practiced it for umpteen years until i got fed up. it seems that everyone on a spiritual path must meditate! even david seems to think you won't get anywhere without it, so if we must quote authorities, i would like to quote krishnamurti who said, "you don't need to meditate". i was so happy to hear that, i could relate to so many other things he said as well. like don't follow anybody, always trust what's inside rather than what somebody else says, and when he talked about being in that state of oneness or bliss, which is so hard to describe because it is beyond this world, i knew what he was talking about, because i have been in that cosmic consciousness if you want to call it that, and it was not brought about by meditation or ritual or being good or anything, it just was. the only way i can describe it is a gift of grace, because nothing i did myself brought it on. so it was like my higher self, or god, or whoever or whatever is in charge, took me to the top of a mountain, showed me the view, then placed me back at the bottom and said, well, you've seen where you want to be, now work your way up yourself. and it's not so bad, once you've seen that view. the sticky situations don't mean as much anymore, sometimes its fun, sometimes it's challenging, it's always changing, and free will means choosing one's attitude to it all, since so much seems to be beyond control. i think that's enough out of me. love, larissa |
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#27 |
i completely agree with your description of your communication with your higher self (and discussed by gttownsend and leo). instead of "communication with" your higher self, it might be more accurate for us to say "communion with" your higher self, since communication gives a connotation of dialogue between two entities, and, as you have said, we are one with our higher selves at all times. i too have had a similar situation, where i gave up my free will to another, and learned the hard lesson that many who are sensitive people must learn. although i might say it is unfortunate to have experienced that, i can't deny the value of the growth gained from that situation, as i'm sure you would agree. to all, with regard to our past lives, my original intention with the first post was to explore the importance of knowing the identity of the entire self. although i understand rhonda's and gttownsend's patience in awaiting more information regarding their past lives/future paths, i can't help but be interested in how we might come to understand our entire selves. what could we have truly been in the past? what will we come to understand about those times and societies? will we only know possible people we may have been, or will we know for sure? how will we know for sure? (and i ask this question because it can not be denied how difficult it is to avoid bias from our imagination and experiences affecting our discernment) is it possible for us to fully understand our past selves, or is the most clarity only possible for wanderers such as david? i ask these questions because i sense that to fully know our past allows us to fully know our present and our possible future paths (as gttownsend said, they are all connected to the present). your thoughts? peace and love in the light, e.j. |
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#28 |
hi ej. i had to think a bit on your question.
it has been said and i believe that we are the sum total of all our lifes and experiences. so with that said, i entered life with my heart fully loaded from the stand point of the level of compassion and love that i either gained or lost in my previous lifes experiences. i believe that in this life, i will meet those past experiences through new experiences to balance and learn the lesson that was needed. personnally, for me, if i were to know pieces or actual lifes of the past, i might lose focus in this life and spend time re-visiting events of the past. however, as i write this, i wonder if their is a bit of fear involved too. the responsiblity or lack of. i believe i have already judged myself for those lifes and their results and as such, i am living today to bring balance, closure and perhaps grow in wisdom and strength to all the lives concerned in this quest, in this life's purpose i.,e being a player in this life, 4say as ec has said: people were waiting in line to reincarnate at this time. i have pieces of my past lifes, i know some people and animals have been with me before. i know that i have had certain talents that i don't seem to have an interest in this life. i have been told of certain lifes in certain ers., that have been of some interest. my higher selfs has told me that i have been here a long time, that tried feeling.... when i do sense something in this life has shifted and sense it is deeper than on the surface, i have said, let this event heal completely and be closed. like taking back what i gave out and taking on the responsibility so that the wounds can be healed: spiritually, emotionally, physically etc. i have study a bit on the soul family, soul groups, so i am aware that some of my experiences maybe related to healing more ... so, as i continue to walk life's path, which can get curving at times, i hold the faith and trust in myself and ask for thy will to be done, not my will. ej, can you help me understand more of your own interest in past lifes. are you stepping back in time and viewing the actually healing from a present life experience and result ? is this were you are taking this question ? |
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#29 |
so true rhonda, the higher self expresses through the heart. i had my heart chakra blown wide by a golden shaft of light in an out-of-body experience back in the mid-seventies. it was the most profound, blissful moment of high spirit i have ever experienced. but it was in no way personified. i think ej hits it on the head as a "communion" rather than a communication, which implies separation, that old hobgoblin of a spiritual saboteur.
and that moment of communion happened only once for me in that way. as larissa put it, i got taken to the top of the mountain and plopped back down at the bottom. the rest of life has been seeking the trail back to there, a journey that has wandered through some frightening, and some wonderful (like this one) places. and i wouldn't trade it for the world. so, gt, while the necessary catalysts to the search don't always leave me "happy," i know that i am blessed to be here, and i agree that the most interesting and exciting thing is choosing who i am down here, now. and that me is the one generating a golden shaft of the light of love to infinity (and beyond!). we are becoming who we are. and i think there is a caution to predetermining that too much for ourselves. we are all inestimable and miraculous mysteries. a band called gong once sang, "the more you know the more you know you don't know what you know trees grow words flow you never blow your trip forever" (slight paraphrasing in there i think, but that's the gist of it!) as far as "past" lives go, i don't recall any. i wonder, e.j., if actually remembering a past life would imply that there were still lessons and work left over from them? and maybe i don't recall any because the catalyst in the now is so rich that any lesson that still needs to be learned can manifest just fine in the wild and wooly world we're in now. and most truthfully, the idea of "past" lives, while potentially useful in self-examination, is just too linear for me. i mean, yeah, sure, i'm still here in space/time, but in time/space such a concept just doesn't fly the same, y'know? ultimately, one consciousness, many, many eyes. y'all are my higher self! love, blessings, and abundance, frank-o |
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#30 |
frank, i believe that both are correct. it is an experience and human process.
first, one must recognize or be aware that they have a higher self, begin to trust that voice within, the communications and information that is being given. work and balance that in their human mind (perhaps starting to set the ego aside) and the day to day experiences. at this stage, the human self and the higher self are engaged, they are aware of one another and are excited with the possiblities. communion comes when the human self, which can be driven by worldly expectation, can and wants to step aside and allow the union of self and higher self to merge in the day to day life activities. the person has already dealt with their own restriction related to control, fear, self doubt, ego, judgement and has moved on to trusting, having true faith and discernment as well as an open heart, the union occurs. i think ej hits it on the head as a "communion" rather than a communication, which implies separation, that old hobgoblin of a spiritual saboteur. your thoughts and insights are appreciated. |
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#31 |
i agree that these are actually communions - i actually used that word , if one were to re-read my earlier post, to start the second paragraph on the post dated 5/5/08@5:31 p.m. as far a meditation is concerned , i asked my higher self about diet and meditation , when my mentor was the one in contact with my higher self, before i developed my own. here is what "we" had to say:"give yourself permission to be. all that you do carries you to your destination. will the way be less bumpy with meditation as a cushion? perhaps. but seeing the way without a bump felt is a better way , and is the application of meditation. likewise with diet. all matter is energy , and energy can be transformed by intention. be aware of that and you will be eating light." how beautifully said - i know it is a version of myself saying all of that , but , wow! what a version of myself that is! anyway , i also want to state that i personally have been told , through my own contact, that it is a future version of myself, and that is what i found to be so wonderfully interesting - i even know how many years from the future , but i am not inclined to share all of the particulars. at least not yet , as my fears of defending myself seem to be creeping into the reality of this thread. all i really wanted was to share my experiences , and see if there was any folks out there who had any stories to share , not defend what i am doing or why. i do appreciate all of the positive aspects you all have posted , please do not misunderstand me , but i guess it has turned more into an analysis of what the communication/communion with one's higher self is conceptually , while i was searching more for folks that are doing it , and not conceptualizing it , so we could share stories. any input out there by folks who are doing it , and not judging it , what it is , etc.? if so , please share! i apologize if i am stepping on toes - not my goal , i just wanted to clarify why i started this thread - to share with folks who are communicating with their higher self , not judging me for my choices! or what to call the contact! thanks , i love you all!
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#32 |
rhonda and leo, i greatly appreciate your responses. i apologize if my questions are confusing. i spent some time last night reading some of the law of one study guide, and also the 70th and 71st readings of the law of one on i think my perspective was one of naivete. i didn't understand the proper place of past lives within our selves. ra goes into excellent detail regarding time/space in the 70th and 71st readings. after seeing the point of what our religions would call the "afterlife" inbetween incarnations, it makes sense that our past lives aren't known to us now, and won't be known to us in the present, even if we are in full communion with our higher selves. our past lives were to be learned from during our period in time/space. i am just beginning to read into the law of one in detail, so i may not be interpreting this clearly, however, from what i have read in readings 70 and 71, this is what seems to be the case. what are your thoughts on this?
rhonda's quote below does spark some interest for me yet in the knowledge of past lives, for if we are to only deal with our past lives in time/space, why would we have any awareness at all of details of our past lives in this incarnation? i have pieces of my past lifes, i know some people and animals have been with me before. i know that i have had certain talents that i don't seem to have an interest in this life. i have been told of certain lifes in certain ers., that have been of some interest. rhonda, these may be private questions, and you do not have to answer: how do you know that some people and animals have been with you before? with regard to talents, in your understanding, must a talent originate from a past life? peace and love in the light, e.j. |
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#33 |
hi gttownsend, what i was writing was my own journey, my own experience of experiencing this. i actually haven't really sat down to try to step it through as to what events occur, and when and how i saw it come together.
![]() from the every beginning of working with my higher self, i was fully aware of were we were going, "communion" or being one with my full self, the golden rod, the union in this life with my soul. so, i understand what you are saying and agree. e.j., some of past knowledge and connections have be given to me by readers and directly by my animals. i too would also like to hear others stories. |
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#34 |
rhonda , i apologize as i never meant for you to defend anything , either! you words are always beautiful , full of understanding , and heartfelt. i truly do admire you , and meant no ill will!
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#35 |
i was taught by my spiritual teacher to go into a protected meditative state, and ask my higher self to join as fully as possible with me. and then to ask her questions that can be answered with yes or no, and to ask her to move my head like a pendulum with the answers. when she answers yes, she nods my head slightly forward, and when she answers no, she nods my head from side to side. if she does not have an answer then she just doesn't move my head. this technique has proven to be very helpful over the years.
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#36 |
cool debbie! my method is basically setting up protections , stating clearly what is and is not allowed in/through our communion , asking for certain entities to oversee/protect the communication , and then sort of "feeling around" energetically for the correct "frequency" , then it's on! you know when it's locked in , and the more it's done , the easier it is to recognize the sensations that mark your selected frequency of contact. hard to describe , kind of like putting your finger in electrical socket , (and i have actually seen lights get brighter and dimmer , in cycles , during some sessions!) anyway , i could write forever trying to describe the sensations , but as i say , you know when it's locked in , and you have that good , clear , strong , loving , and wise energy surging through your entire being! wonderful!
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#37 |
debbie, that's interesting. i've never taken any classes in meditation, i think i just naturally do it, and have done so for most of my life.
your comment about the head nod made me think about how i get answers when i need advice. somewhere along the way i came up with this technique, which works very well for me. i mentally ask the question, take a deep breath, then think the word "yes" while taking in a deep breath, then "no" while taking in a deep breath. i get a feeling similar to exhilaration during the breath when the "yes" or "no" answer is correct. (if yes, i feel it during that breath, if no, during that one.) it hadn't occurred to me until i read your post that this was one of the ways i communicate with my higher self. for quite some time now, i have let the "powers that be" lead me to where i'm supposed to be at the time i'm supposed to go. by feeling more than anything, i have been led halfway across the country, met people in need of my particular kind of help, and just recently bought a house, because i felt i was being led to do it. and my husband and i chose the house by our feeling when we walked in the front door. we had looked at a couple of dozen before that, but the "feeling" of it being the right place didn't come to either of us until we found this one. and the timing was planned for me as well. my daughter had been dating a guy for almost a year and he was studying to be a realtor like his mother. the place i'm moving out from was bought about 3 years ago by a realty company who has suddenly decided to do quarterly inspections and change the furnace filters for all the tenants, along with weird new rules like no patio furniture on your patio. sorry, not my thing - don't enter my home without my permission. (i've been here for over 11 years and always liked this place until then.) so i contacted the boyfriend's mother a couple of months ago and here i am, making my next move. i do feel like it's my higher self that's putting me where i need to be. peace, barb |
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#38 |
i was taught by my spiritual teacher to go into a protected meditative state, and ask my higher self to join as fully as possible with me. and then to ask her questions that can be answered with yes or no, and to ask her to move my head like a pendulum with the answers. when she answers yes, she nods my head slightly forward, and when she answers no, she nods my head from side to side. if she does not have an answer then she just doesn't move my head. this technique has proven to be very helpful over the years. i've been wanting to get in on this thread but it's been moving so fast i didn't have time to read all the responses until now! that sounds really cool debbie. i must check it out.
for myself contacting the higher self happens in a more round about way. i will ask myself a question during the day and then what has happened so many times is that i will pick up the book i am reading before bed and the answer will be inside. now whether i'm actually getting an answer or if the question is actually a way of seeing the future i'm not sure. another way that happens tons, is i will find myself thinking about something and then look at the clock and it will have the "magic" time on it. it is not always 11:11 but i have basically decided that when i the last two numbers are the same then it's my higher self commenting about something i just read or was thinking about. i also walk a lot, and i'm sure some of the thoughts that come to me while walking are from my higher self. they sound just like my thoughts so i suppose one could ask how do i know they are from my higher self. i guess the only way i can describe it is they are somewhat more profound in nature than the regular prattle that goes on and they usually address some concern of mine. now i'm not 100% sure if ra is my higher self or not. i do feel quite attuned to them. but this winter i was shovelling a driveway. there was a period of time this winter when my family was out of town where i was responsible for shovelling two driveways. i had to do them both twice in one week and the one was really hard because it was on a busy street so i couldn't just put the snow on the road because the cars would spray it right back at me. the snow was really heavy. i was doing my "superwoman" impression pretending that the snow was light as a feather, talking to the snow asking it to fly off the shovel. well none of this was working and i was getting exhausted. finally i basically yelled out inside my head, "this isn't funny anymore, i could really use some help please ra" ;30 seconds later a young man walks by "do you want some help?" no kidding. he finished off the job in no time flat. so i do know that i am being helped and guided every step of the way. thanks for the thread, it's fun to share stories. megan |
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#39 |
after reading all the other posts , i have to ask: does anyone else have the energy surges accompany their communion? for me , it is such a integral and important part of the communion , i had to ask of anyone else feels the surges of "love energy" during contact! i mean , to the point of lights in the house going brighter and dimmer , up and down , over and over , because the energy exchange is that strong! anyone? i honestly feel that for me , it is the single best way for me to assure myself that the contact has been established and i am not just making the written part of the communication up in my own head (the 3-d greg)! what i mean is , i know i can make up words and write them down , but i cannot possibly falsify that amount of (love) energy running through my entire being!
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#40 |
not sure if this has been said or not, but i believe the higher self communicates to you through symbols you are already comfortable with. so if you are a christian it will appear as jesus, or angels. if you are into star wars it will probably appears as obi-wan kenobi, or if you're into lord of the rings, it may appear as gandalf, or if you're into the lion king it could appear as rafiki or some other character you were close to as a kid... and on and on. it will take whatever guise it can depending on whatever you subconsciously would expect it to look like.
my guess is that most religions were an attempt to bridge contact between the higher self and human beings through certain simple avatars that 3d folk could understand. humans communicate through language and symbolism and understand the world as such, and so i think a main tenant of understanding the higher self is that it understands our comprehension of the world in order to try to communicate to us via said comprehension. |
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