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what the hell is going on????
at night when i close my eyes to sleep..... I hear very loud and clear voices. Its been 3 nights in a row now. The first night was a girl singing but i couldnt make out what it was, it was in another language.... The last 2 nights was just desturbing. Im closed for recieving when i go to bed, but i still recieve em....... It sounds very evil, very desturbing voice and sounds...... What do you all think this may be? I know like attracts like, but im not like that at all, not nearly or close to......... I think good things as im working on laws of attraction, i dont get scared, it just irretates the hell out of me.... Please give your view on this
Sorry to hear that mate, cant you ask your guides?
If it helps I hear weird noises sometimes, when im in meditation and I have music on, but yeah was kinda scary first im doing well them I hear something, lol. Im not even sure what i hear, but as for mine I believe they are signs to do things eg earlier. I realised one sound is saying look up, as my head goes down and energy cant go threw me. Maybe yours are the same? unless your picking up on things near you etc. xex What do you do for protection? |
hahahahahaha, thats funny......... I still havnt seen my guides...... Nor heard anything from them. Thus far i have only recieved spirit for other people but cant pick up a thing for myself. I do grounding, centering and white light. And a have lots and lots of chrystals and gems
Even though you may be closed off. spirits may be trying to get through. Just brush it off. tell them something to keep your boundaries up. I tell them to go away. if i'm creeped out i call upon archangel michael. there's prayers you can look up of his on the net. i usually say a prayer and feel back in control again.
Hope that helps. |
harmony got a q for you, lets just say i open up for this spirit that has an evil noice, or lets just say he is evil..... If i open up to it and allow him to talk to me, can anything happen?? I have thought about it and have wondered what does this dude want to say to me....... Thanks for the tips on prayers, i will look it up
To me this is the transition time, its when your brain waves are slowing down and your consciousness is moving from the physical daily world, into the astral plane. It's quite simple really you're transiting, shifting your awareness.
The trouble you're having is a good thing, it means you inner world is starting to awaken and in so doing you are awakening. This is a challenging time, as the first encounters are fear based. But you say you don't have fear of the experiences, so you should breeze though this part. |
@pitbull.. Someone once told me that to deal with earth bound spirits you need to know what you're doing. Im not saying this spirit is earthbound.
I hope someone can help you further with this. I got a heap of info once about it on another forum. |
Perhaps its hypnagogic sounds??????
Lol, thats makes sense, I am kinda the same, I can hear like between the lines but between tinitus ringing and neighbours etc its hard to get wheres its coming from.
Im not sure how things are for you pitbull but remember we are all changing. I myself know im strong and powerful in spirit form, only limited in this little skiny body in physical, when I get into spirit form ima kick ass!!!!!!1111 If your imagination is good enough you can fight back off anything, mine isnt, lol but when im deep and it opens up I fly about, power up, let it out all around me sending beings to the other side of the moon! lol salt, burning sage, banishing rituals is what id use first off. |
@ balance, well thankyou for that info. Just one q, the very deep evil sounding voice, is that a evil spirit or allien? As im not sure what that was
@harmony,thanks. I dont know what is was so ill just leave it to yadda yadda til its tired lol
@ eyeopen, this is completely different to how i normaly recieve spirit. This is louder,way louder.... From all mediumship readings i have done up to now no spirit came to me like that.... Even with all the other noises going on i can clearly hear the difference. It doesnt come from outside, its in my head. Its like telling what the difference is between day and night. How it also differs to my spirit readings is when i recieve spirits to give a sitter a msg, i see em first. Then its as if one takes the spotlight and all begins. Mostly they talk, they show images and like slow played videos it comes to me. They also give symbols but i dont know em yet,so i say what i see and then the sitter can put that together. They also give alota thoughts.... But like i said, these voices that i heard the last few nights was completely different. I thought its my lapiz doing that lol....
Their just lower vibrating energy, so don't give them energy and they will leave you alone. |
oh.... Thankyou. This lower realm, were they bad people the last they lived?
Well this is my point on this its what I pick up as I read..... first i 'd like 2 ask a couple question.. when u hear this evil voice do u have any pains in ur head kinda like a headache does the room become colder. Do u feel a evil energy... the reason I ask is because ever since I was a young girl I have been a open door to the spirit world . I have seen and heard so much. it became worst when my mother was in and out of church I believe that's what brought the evil ones, when I seen the human spirits and heard there voices I was always cold, but then I began to hear a evilness, thought I was losing my mind at first and then I seen one my head began 2 hurt. It kept coming back soo I made contact bad thangs happen I don't want 2 share it took many trips with church people 2 my moms house 2 rid me of this evil force they r much powerful then human spirits... PLEASE be careful I suffer from depression afterwards for many years today I kno differance I feel energys and I'm aware of there energy I burn frankincese and pray I believe that I have the power to keep them out if u are going thur something which I sense that u are some kind of sorrow. That's when they come!! Also stress they try 2 get us at are weakess points due 2 the fact we are less able 2 fight back.. when contacting the spiritual world I always start with no evil spirits are allow in and invision an angel of protection grauding the doorway and on closing I do same!!! U have the power to make it leaave jus believe there not going 2 listen to a weak person they respond to authrioty sorry not the best speller.. well i hope this help it did for me the longer its there. the stronger it gets...
it just made me restless. Couldnt sleep for some reason. Other than that i felt no pain, no unease. I do the white light protection. And i have quite a few protection stones. This dont happen every night, all i know is the women sings a song in another language and then theres a guy that seems really angry, he screams and sounds devilish. I got irretated by it cause i have to get up early and as long as this carries on i cant sleep. I also cant make out what he says. This doesnt torment me, i dont fear it, im here and theyre there. Theyre just rude cause they come uninvited. When i open up i only call on those that follow the devine. But thanks for sharing
ok i read up on google about the different planes. I now understand whats going on. But reading there it said that the lower planes have entitys that has unfinished business and may need help. I also read that this entity could attach em self to me and that i dont want. So should i see if i can help or not?? Thats my question now. I mean, if this entity needs help to move to a higher plane why shouldnt we help?
Are we so full of ego that we believe we, strangers and mere humans, are the deciding factor that these "ghosts" have unfinished business?
Every one of us has guides, evil people, nice people, everyone. These guides never leave us or forsake us. These "ghosts" also have family too on the other side. Who are also working to help them. The reason they are here is really none of our business. If they are with you it is only because they know you can see/hear them. That means your "door" is open and your "OPEN" sign is on. You can talk to them, you can ask them why they stay around, you can tell them good things about the light, but ultimately, every SINGLE one of us has the free will to stay or to go if we die. Sending a ghost to the light is like pulling the life breathing machines on a coma patient. So you decide...if you want that karma.. |
If you would like to avoid these "stuck or unfinished spirits" then RAISE your vibrations with meditation.
I don't work with them. I send prayers if they come to me. I wish them well, but they are in a lower realm that now, I don't access because I've been doing this for so long. When you're just starting, you will run in to this level quite often. Especially those that are so eager to open up to give readings to others... |
it only seems right to help them if they want help. This guy that i heard seemed very p#*#+= off..... Thats why i ask before i deal with it. I didnt know what it was. If my gf heard the same voice i promise she would have been into tears of fear. I just dont have that fear for paranormal. And the light would be a better place to be isnt it? The whole reason why i really got so far with this mediumship so quick is because i want to use it for the good, and for me it would be good to help any human/ spirit around. Though i didnt hear him the past 2 or 3 nights so i cant really help anymore. Why would the female sing to me?
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