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Old 01-09-2009, 06:40 AM   #1

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No guys, it's okay, I'm actually reading along, I like listening (or reading) debates so it's okay. I just don't understand how you guys can see them clearly. Mecca, if we really are serious about it then what should we learn in your opinion? And Skye, what are these Universal Laws? I think I saw them on some books when I was looking at the bookstore but didn't think they were that important.

Chakras so it is said are our vital life force energy, so perhaps they should naturally be open, without any help from us

I agree, I've tried meditations with opening and cleansing my chakras but once the meditation was over, I still felt like they were open. People say that when you've left your chakras open, thing can affect you at a higher degree, but even when I feel they are open I feel completely calm and peaceful.
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Old 03-08-2009, 02:32 PM   #2

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Well i respect what you say, and what you do is of course personal choice. Am i am happy for you that you were able to find more meaning and purpose in your life, allot of people are still trying to find meaning and purpose.

I try to maintain this by working with the divine energy, and by consciously being aware of my words, actions, thoughts and surroundings, in addition to making good use of the information outlined in the universal laws which I apply to my life. Believe me, I do still have much too learn and have a long way to go.

Subsequently, I came to an understanding that if I accepted or rejected that all creation is governed by laws, they would still operate, because they cannot be discarded. And no one person can avoid the after effects that always follow when any of these laws are broken. I also came to appreciate that I am the one who is ultimately responsible for whatever outcomes I experience in my life. It didn't take too long for me to realise that this was what spiritual teachers and spiritual guides of the past and present are teaching us.

Furthermore, we all have the divine power of God, the universe, the Creator, the Great Spirit, the Source, or what ever other name we may choose to use, within us. This power can work for us or against us.
If we allow these energies to function in our lives as originally intended we can overcome each and every trial and tribulation we encounter, as well as overcoming sickness and disease. The outcome being we lead a full and rewarding life, one which we will experience happiness, joy, love, peace, harmony and the many positive attributes that life itself contains.
Should we go against or resist these energies, we notice are lives are in a state of disharmony, want, conflict or misery to name a few. Life can appear to have no meaning or purpose.

When i attended school you were taught maths and english and all that and that served me well for many years. Now you have maths coming out that is far different then what we were taught far more advance and indepth then what we were taught in school lol,.. Imagine a child coming home with homework asking for help with their maths....wait....is this maths! was my remark lol but i realised that if i took time to look over and understand it, i realised i was in a better position to help. And i used to think...what good is maths going to do you well it turned out quite allot.

Perhaps the advancement in maths is due to different mathematicians believing there is more to this subject than what was original thought. Their actions obviously enabled a change to take place, which has through study proved to be useful to the teaching of maths. No doubt the children learning it won't think so until they are older too. It's funny isn't it that if it were not for maths, we wouldn't be able to work out the many everyday things that we do in our lives.

You have given me set things in what you do just not how it is processed, however I can see your quite happy in what you are doing so i wont debate with you anymore i dont want to upset the apple cart and i mean that in a nice way not a negative way. We all have to do what is most comfortable and right for each one us. But i just want to say dont rule anything out.

I'm unsure if my following explanation is what you are looking for mecca. Unfortunately I can only speak of my understanding in parts, nonetheless I hope it has meaning for you.

All things physical or non physical exist in the universe and are made of energy. It's said there is only one pure form of energy although it vibrates at different frequencies. Obviously we are able to tune into certain vibrations using our 5 physical senses, which is why we can see, touch, smell, taste or hear a wide range of objects in our world/universe. As for the remainder of those energies classed as unseen, these vibrate outside our range of frequency.

We are each personally responsible for creating our own reality. Every thought or action that we have vibrates on a frequency. When we concentrate on anything, this allows the universe to harmonise (attune) its energy towards our vibration frequency and bring back about all we desire. The universe will always give to us whatever we focus our attention on without question or doubt, 100% of the time.

If we work with the law and desire to practice compassion or be of service, by consciously expressing a vibration of love and goodwill, we will have a positive impact not only on ourselves but on our world, solving and healing the innumerable distressing situations and conditions experienced by many people.
Whenever our thoughts or actions become resistant, or we express doubt, (work against the law) the universe will once again resonate it's vibration with our negative influences which will prevent positive energies to flow to us.

When we want to communicate with the spirit world, attuning our thoughts (raise our vibration) helps us to connect with the spiritual energy. To raise our vibrations we take some deep breaths, control our thoughts, listen and wait. That's all we have to do. Nothing more, nothing less. Let's not turn something simple into something more complicated. Meditation teaches us to quieten our minds. Some people prefer to follow a guided meditation or visualisation to help calm down their thoughts. Stopping all thoughts is probably impossible, so don't aim for that. As we raise our vibrations, spirit will lower theirs giving us both a chance to communicate. When we feel confident that we have blended our energies together with spirits, we can then start to ask questions. If there is no answer, continue raising the vibrations. It may not happen on the first attempt. It may be a while before we actually become aware of spirit, keep on practicing.

There is no need to turn ourselves into a tree or other nonsense. We don't need to use chakras to communicate with the spirit world. All we need is a quiet mind, so we can connect our energies to the vibrations of spirit, and listen for the messages to come through.

If people want to do additional things that's fine. I have no wish to stop them doing their own thing. All I am saying is; you do not have to.

Treating others with compassion or striving to be of service, in our daily lives, gives us the opportunity to express the God power (see above) that is within us all. We forget about self, and as a result automatically raise our vibrations.

You didnt know what i was asking did you, its alright after going back i realised i was too vague , that was my fault. I have allot to learn as i know we all do i have learnt allot from the people from this board including you skye.
This is true. Life is one huge learning curve and every one has something to contribute, which is possibly why we can be teachers and students at the same time.
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Old 04-09-2009, 03:33 AM   #3

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And Skye, what are these Universal Laws? I think I saw them on some books when I was looking at the bookstore but didn't think they were that important.
Hello Ayri, I hope my explanation above is helpful to you. Or at most inspires you enough to do some research. There is so much more information to read and digest. They are important in our lives, more than we may at first comprehend. When we live in alignment with the laws, we live in the flow. In other words we live a much more fulfilling life. We are in control. When we are not in alignment with the laws, this is when karma is created. Freewill gives us a choice of which one to use. It's up to the individual if they choose to apply them to their lives or not.
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Old 04-09-2009, 05:40 AM   #4

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I disagree the chakra centers are used with every psychic ability, through chakra stimulation, and just because you did not consciously learn of it does not mean you do not use your chakra centers. Without the stimulation of the chakra centers you would be hard pressed to achieve any psychic manifestation.

I am not disagreeing with this statement. What I am saying is, no one potential medium has to focus on their chakras to be able to communicate with the spirit world.

Granted you didnt learn about the chakra in your development but you would have still stimulated your chakras whether you did it consciously or not.

I have said in a previous posting that if chakra centres are used then I leave them in the hands of my guides. Nonetheless, if as you say we stimulate them on an unconscious level it could also be that guides are the ones who actually control their working efficiency under psychic conditions.

Mediumship is no different when the spirit stimulates the chakras of the medium directly, by melding with the medium and causing psychic abilities, clairvoyance, channeling, healing, production of ectoplasm etc to manifest through the medium.
But you dont need an spirit to help you with this (besides the obvious help of gaining info from loved ones and ectoplasm) If you learn to control your own chakras and energy, you can do these things on your own, with no spirit involved.

We are spiritual beings have a human experience. Everybody is psychic, therefore, we can all tap into these intuitive powers and improve them. Psychic refers to self/soul. A majority of people are able to listen to their intuition for instance when meeting someone for the first time and, during times of crisis, or they just happen to know who is on the other end of the phone. When we are in tune with our inner powers, we have the opportunity to pick up on a number of different feelings and respond accordingly. Thereby, intuition can help to provide us with inspiration and, guide us through our daily lives. Intuition is a natural faculty and requires no effort on our part, other than to listen to it.

As we all possess psychic powers, we each have the potential to develop clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities to a standard where we are able to offer psychic readings for other people. Differences in opinion as to how we manage to achieve this will always be debateable. There are a number of methods that could be followed. Unfortunately, after personal experimentation i've found some to be completely unnecessary. However, it's up to the individual which method they wish to use. Some people will try a variety of ways before they find one they are comfortable with. Practise will expand ones abilities in these areas. Time spent learning symbology, that's appropriate to you will also help with interpretation of the images, coming from meditations or, whatever tools we may use at the time of a reading

The messages a psychic gives to another person is picked up from the energies surrounding the person (aura) no matter what type of tool, if any is used. Generally a reading consists of information which relates to the person and can focus on specific areas or situations that are of importance to the person. Some psychics may make predictions but as we have freewill, these predictions may not come to fruition. No psychic reading will ever contain messages or communications from the spirit world.

Chakras transform raw Kundalini energy into more subtle, and useable, forms of energy, of a different type.

Kundalini energy is, in essence, pure thought energy that permeates and binds the universe together. This living energy field can be tapped, more deeply, by the application of focused, creative will. It can be drawn into the human body and transformed by the chakra system into a more subtle and useable form of energy.
As universal energy works in the same way, perhaps universal energy and kundalini energy or one and the same thing!
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Old 05-09-2009, 06:26 AM   #5

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I think what both of you have to say is all very interesting. I appreciate all of the info! And thank you Aryi for asking such thought provoking questions.
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Old 06-08-2009, 03:25 PM   #6

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No psychic reading will ever contain messages or communications from the spirit world.

And just for the record Skye i was talking about mediums, and also you are discounting psychic mediums .
I don't know how you can say that i'm discounting psychic mediums!

In my previous post I said
As we all possess psychic powers, we each have the potential to develop clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities to a standard where we are able to offer psychic readings for other people.

This is a psychic medium. This is what they do. When a medium says they see you reading books or doing something else, this is psychic not spiritual.

For all those who don't know, there is a difference between a psychic medium and a spiritual medium. Unfortunately many people seem to get confused between the two.

A psychic medium is just that, psychic. They cannot communicate with the spirit world whatsoever. To do that they must have mediumistic ability.

Whereas a spiritual medium will combine their psychic skills with their mediumistic abilities to communicate directly with our guides or loved ones in the spirit world.
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Old 06-08-2009, 03:30 PM   #7

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I think what both of you have to say is all very interesting. I appreciate all of the info! And thank you Aryi for asking such thought provoking questions.
Thank you Raine Storm. This is what is great about discussion forums, everyone including the posters can learn something to their advantage.
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Old 06-08-2009, 05:05 PM   #8

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John Edwards is a psychic medium. A psychic medium is just that someone who uses psychic abilities and mediumistic abilities they can communicate with the spirit world.
Mediumship is the term used to describe a form of communication with spirits.

Nonetheless there are some people who claim to be a psychic medium when they are not. They are simply picking up the information from a living person.

A psychic reader alone cannot interact with spiritual beings. They have not developed their mediumistic ability.

As for John Edward, I know he is a psychic medium.
The psychic part is when he receives impressions from living people.
The medium part is when he communicates with spirits.

Hence the difference between a psychic and a psychic/spiritual medium
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Old 06-08-2009, 07:28 PM   #9

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Aha but thats not what you said earlier.

A psychic medium is just that, psychic. They cannot communicate with the spirit world whatsoever. To do that they must have mediumistic ability

But your right a just straight psychic reading would probably not connect you with those dearly departed unless you were a psychic medium and were able to become the vessal to "channel" the information. However considering we all have the ability to be a medium..Whether a person should pursue that course would depend on the person.
LOL. I said psychic medium because most people refer to psychics in this manner. At least we got there in the end

Absolutely down to their choice.
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Old 06-09-2009, 01:24 AM   #10

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Ah, the debate continues! Lol, I think I'm going to squeeze a quick question in while I can. Today I have killed about 30 maybe 40 flies that were swarming around my windows. I don't know how they got in but it was a mess to clean up. I'm wondering if this is an omen or some type of message. Any advice of the matter would be lovely!

And all I really did was ask a question so I can't take any credit.
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Old 06-09-2009, 05:41 AM   #11

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Lol, I see where you could get confused. Actually, I meant I have lots of flies in my house and it really isn't normal. I've killed another 10-15 already and I still see more flying around. I know that flies are common but this is just not normal, it seems like I kill one and that one multiplies into two. It's very weird.
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Old 07-26-2009, 12:33 PM   #12

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Default Sensing

I just wanted to share with everyone some strange experiences I've been having. I've been looking over some topics during the past few weeks and I have been trying to build up my spiritual awareness during the time. I keep seeing the same sequence of numbers on the clock, in movies, and on the internet.

One thing that was spooky was what happened today, and it was the simplest thing. I had been bored out of my mind, about to fall asleep on the couch as I was waiting for the pizza to arrive. Well, I had been meditating for a while before that but as I looked at the T.V. I said to myself,' When I look out the window, the pizza is going to arrive and I'll be able to eat and take a nap.' I looked out the window, and there he was, the pizza guy (lol), walking right past it and to the front door.

It shocked me beyond belief so I'm thinking it was just a coincidence, but is it? I was looking over one topic about psychic abilities being genetic. My family, from my Mom and Dad's sides have never touch on the topic of psychic awareness and think it is all full of lies. So if your family, from both lines, has never dealt with improving their 'gifts' then would it be that much harder for me? I've been told that what I've been doing has increased my vibrations, and that I have many spirit guides, but honestly the only thing I've noticed as of late are the numbers. I've read over the sacred numbers, so I have an idea of what could be happening in that moment. Also, I feel that I'm so close to breaking the wall that seems to be blocking me but it just seems like nothing I do can break it.

I have patience but it slightly frustrating. I want to develope my abilities and improve them but I have a slight feeling that I'll never be able to. It's weird..

Anyway, any help or advice would be wonderful, from anyone! Thank you!


Edit: I don't know why I labeled it sensing..? Oh well..
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Old 07-26-2009, 01:32 PM   #13

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Thank you Mecca, I felt better after reading your post.

I know for certain I can feel others emotions very well, very empathetic. I get irritated at my school often and I found out a while ago that the whole school is made of stone and from what I've read, the stone absorbs the negative energy and holds it, so that may be the reason for my mood. I also remember hearing about how this pregnant lady died in an intersection near our house one day (from a drunk driver), and when I got home I started crying because I felt like that woman was looking forward to having that baby. It makes me sad remembering it..

I like to play this guessing game with myself, and see if I can tell what kind of emotions some of my close friends are feeling.

Anyway, one ability I want to work on and improve is becoming clairvoyant. During meditations, I get deep enough to where I feel completely relaxed and calm, happy, but the slightest thump or bang will shake me out of it and have my heart pumping for a little bit. When I go into meditations, I see these wonderful colors around my vision but then after a while of just watching them, my temple starts to feel pressured, like something is pushing on it. Then after I stop, it goes away.

I have the Opening To The Channel Book and the first time I used it, it didn't work for me, but I'm starting to re-read it now so hopefully something might go right. Well, I'll be going to sleep now, hopefully my guides can show me in my dreams some guidence.. I'll ask for it.

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Old 07-26-2009, 02:52 PM   #14

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That is a great book. I recommend that one to everyone no matter what level they are on because it gives the basics. Now figure out doing different things what works best for you and switch it up. Instead of concentrating on walking up the stairs and opening a door to meet your guide.....try climbing a mountain with a particular stone you are drawn to in your pocket and even include music. Switch it up always. Always find what helps and what doesn't help. You'll get there and your time and patience is a key factor.

Love and blessings

ps. empath I would suggest doing a protective shield before going to school and at least twice a day until you can decipher if it's your mood or your picking up on something.
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Old 07-26-2009, 03:56 PM   #15

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I don't know why I labeled it sensing..? Oh well..
Well, You got me to click on it, lol. Sometimes vagueness draws one in.

Anyway, there's more walls behind the one you're almost through. Don't mean to discourage, but I want to encourage you.

You seem like you're doing real good.

Keep trusting, and keep sensing, lol.

Be cautious as well.
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Old 07-27-2009, 12:01 AM   #16

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I just wanted to share with everyone some strange experiences I've been having. I've been looking over some topics during the past few weeks and I have been trying to build up my spiritual awareness during the time. I keep seeing the same sequence of numbers on the clock, in movies, and on the internet.

One thing that was spooky was what happened today, and it was the simplest thing. I had been bored out of my mind, about to fall asleep on the couch as I was waiting for the pizza to arrive. Well, I had been meditating for a while before that but as I looked at the T.V. I said to myself,' When I look out the window, the pizza is going to arrive and I'll be able to eat and take a nap.' I looked out the window, and there he was, the pizza guy (lol), walking right past it and to the front door.

This incident proves your psychic abilities are heightened and working well so as to allow you to pick up on everyday affairs or events. Keep practising using this ability, it will serve you well.

It shocked me beyond belief so I'm thinking it was just a coincidence, but is it? I was looking over one topic about psychic abilities being genetic. My family, from my Mom and Dad's sides have never touch on the topic of psychic awareness and think it is all full of lies. So if your family, from both lines, has never dealt with improving their 'gifts' then would it be that much harder for me? I've been told that what I've been doing has increased my vibrations, and that I have many spirit guides, but honestly the only thing I've noticed as of late are the numbers.

This is due to using your psychic senses that are developing rather than spiritual communication.

Everyone possess's the psychic ability. What tends to happen is that some people are either unaware that they do have it, or simply don't believe they will be able to develop it to a higher level. There are also those who choose to ignore it for whatever reason.

I've read over the sacred numbers, so I have an idea of what could be happening in that moment. Also, I feel that I'm so close to breaking the wall that seems to be blocking me but it just seems like nothing I do can break it.

I have patience but it slightly frustrating. I want to develope my abilities and improve them but I have a slight feeling that I'll never be able to. It's weird..

Keep up with the practise. Developing ones psychic and spiritual abilities takes much perseverance and patience beyond what is normal. When it comes down to spiritual communication, one can only work at the speed which spirit allows.

Anyway, any help or advice would be wonderful, from anyone! Thank you!


Edit: I don't know why I labeled it sensing..? Oh well..
As for chakras this is a personal preference. Some people choose to work with them. When I was developing, (we never stop learning though), chakras and various other techniques were not taught therefore, I never have followed this route and this has not affected my psychic and spiritual development whatsoever. Nonetheless, you will notice that some will say you must do this and that to succeed at this work. Make your own mind up as to what you wish to use, for instance, you could always try working both with them and without and see which you prefer or what works for you.

Good luck on your journey
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Old 07-27-2009, 08:13 AM   #17

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Thank you so much everyone, I loved all the advice. There is so much I seem to want to understand and learn about being psychic and having these psychic gifts that I really don't know where to begin. Like I said, I want to be able to become more clairvoyant. As it is now, when ever I try to 'listen' for my guides, I only get the faintest hush, if even that much.

My inspiration was from this psychic called Bob Hickman, I'm not sure if anyone has heard of him or not. He helped me a lot with answering questions I could never answer and now I want to learn to be a psychic and help people just like he does. What would be a good way to build up my abilities and actually see a result from working on them?


P.S. I'll go search for a beginners exercise of Chakras, thanks for the info
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Old 07-28-2009, 05:23 AM   #18

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-You can learn about the body, in that we have a head, arms, legs ect and do fine with just that knowledge. But if you want to find out how each part works in conjunction with each other and how they affect you then you have to go deeper learn about how the muscle,nervous system..well the anatomy you could even go deeper with dna.

Your right though in saying you dont need to learn it yet, but it does help to understand how it can relate to your spiritual growth.
I don't deny chakra points do exist within the aura, it's the new age bunkem that comes along with them that in my opinion is useless. If Gurus and Yogis of the East have spent many years trying to understand chakras, I personally don't see how anyone can reach a similar level of understanding in such a short space of time that we are here.
Mediums of the past never gave chakras a second thought when doing spiritual demonstrations and I know some working mediums of today who do not work with them and yet they have each given amazing evidence to their sitters, be it in private or in public sittings.
If people are serious about developing mediumship and understanding all the different aspects that it entails, then there are more important things that should be studied, again in my opinion.
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Old 07-28-2009, 07:06 AM   #19

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Just be careful when you open pandoras box Anna.

You may get more than you wished for.

This stuff is fascinating and if the Lord has given it to you as a Spiritual gift than you are blessed.

Hone it. Don't forget Him though... Just tread lightly, for there is as much positive as negative with this stuff. Don't just jump into it. Don't be alarmed, I'd just like to warn you to be cautious when getting into this deep spiritual stuff. If you aren't well versed in the light, the darkness can have it's way with you. Walk with the Lord upon this, pray for guidance in what He would want you to do with these gifts. Make sure you don't do only that which is right in your own eyes. Your eyes can be easily tricked, by the shifting shadows. The Lord is strong, His light pervades all things and brings all things in the darkness to light, to truth. Make sure He is with you.

On the bright side, this is a great blessing!
The Lord will come to you if you come to Him.
For He knows all about these things. He knows why He gave you these gifts. Reside in Him, pray for His wisdom and The Holy Spirit to reside in you, so you can walk in strength upon this path. All will be revealed as He wills it to be.

God Bless.
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Old 07-28-2009, 08:17 PM   #20

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You dont have to reach their level of understanding, they chose that life and it has taken many years of what? their many years as you put it is their spiritual journey and growth which would have included among things the energy centres(chakras) . What makes you think that they didnt garner the understanding of their energy centres earlier on and to use that understanding for balance and growth and yes there is more room for growth and learning. And i was not suggesting anyone become a guru.

Neither am I. Neither am I saying that chakras do not have a purpose or in someway can affect ones physical anatomy and overall well being.

Actually Edgar cayce did though they were called energy centres.

This may have been due to Edgar Cayce's keen interest in healing. Knowledge of the endocrine system would be benefical in his work. I was refering to some of the mediums who performed mental mediumship and maybe physical mediumship too.

John Edward, James Van praagh have an understanding of chakras and their roles

I admire both these mediums in their work but understanding the roles of chakras is totally different to giving evidence that we can do anything to them. Until evidence can actually prove without any doubt that this is indeed the case, then perhaps to some it would appear that the knowledge of chakras has little use in developing ones ability in mediumship.

Well yes it is your opinion and we are all entitled to one.
Thankfully we are, I wasn't suggesting otherwise. I don't see the harm in informing people that not everything that is mentioned on the internet, or in books regarding the spirit world and spiritual communication is relevant in their mediumistic development. Knowledge of the chakras however may be helpful in other areas, besides it being interesting reading
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