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Old 02-12-2008, 03:05 AM   #1

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I channeled Merlin the other day. Yep, THAT Merlin lol. He is one of my higher guides or ascended masters. He doesn't talk to me much but when he does, I know it's for real. He speaks so differently that I have to read what he has said a few times to understand it. Here is what I got the other day.

Knowledge is your power. Learn to grow.

When I was a boy, I faced many challenges which drove me to my frustration in that chaos. I learned to conquer my fear, anger and so forth - which in turn, brought me the peace I was seeking.

Needing no one to fight my battles for me in that lifetime, gave me an inner peace and sense of my self worth.
Above all else, remember to Love thyself, all else will follow.

~ Merlin
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Old 07-11-2008, 08:46 AM   #2

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PM - I have to tell you that both my arms/hands warmed up while I was reading this message... its that tingling feeling. When I read Emanuel, I knew it was meant for me.... when I was pregnant with my son - 3 months - In my dream I saw JESUS in the sky with the word EMANUEL written in white (cursive) behind him. It was like 3D... white... shinny...full of energy... I knew then that I was having a boy..
WOw that is really cool Starlight! That is also who I relate Emanuel to Gotta love those messages!

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Old 10-29-2008, 01:07 AM   #3

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Default Need Book Questions
Hi all. As many of you know I am writing a book.

If you could ask your guides/angels anything what would that question be? I'm looking for questions that would fit a number of people. For example: One question I have already is "Why do the famous psychics seem much more able to connect than most people?"

I would like to pose questions in my book and have spirit answer them through channeling ascended masters and other spirit guides.

If you would like your name included in the book, please let me know in your post - either with your screen name or real name and tell me it is okay to include in the book. Maybe your city and state as well.

If I use them in the book I will also post your answer from spirit here.

Thanks guys I look forward to finishing the book and having it on the shelves by late 2009.

Hugs and Light

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Old 10-29-2008, 03:28 AM   #4

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Why is it so hard for some to open up with thier abilities and for others, it's a piece of cake?

*you may use my screen name if you use my question and I live in Peoria,IL.
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Old 10-29-2008, 04:37 AM   #5

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Awesome Thanks Grapevine

I'll post your answer by tomorrow I'm excited to see what they tell me.


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Old 10-29-2008, 04:53 AM   #6

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Why is it so hard for some to open up with thier abilities and for others, it's a piece of cake?

*you may use my screen name if you use my question and I live in Peoria,IL.
For most that are struggling with abilities it is about the fear of what they will find. The fear that finally knowing what is wrong in their lives means that they will have to make drastic changes in order to “fix” themselves. My suggestion is to relax more and trust your inner voice. We are trying very hard to connect to you. We will never stop trying.
~ ArcAngel Gabriel

In addition which is not in the book. Your main guide is male. He is tall with dark hair. Thank you again for your question!

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Old 10-29-2008, 01:41 PM   #7

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Old 10-29-2008, 09:36 PM   #8

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Thank you so much! I'm glad to have all of you here as well!

Here is what my main guide has channeled through me. I will pick another of your questions and pose it to the masters Hugs Laura

Q: Why are you and the other guides following us mortals around, guiding us, watching out for us, advising us, when someone of your equal status, our own spirit, is within in us? ~ Dann from Washington State

A: Upon your ascension to the earth plane, there was a meeting between several of us. You included. We are all old friends but you do not remember this. It is imperative for your growth that you do not recall what we discussed before your “birth” into body. Since you cannot remember what you chose to learn, you have assigned us, your spirit guides to help you without interferring in your lessons. Some of us had bodies on earth at some time. Your angels or higher spirit guides have not had a body and are more ascended. They keep you from imminent danger when it is not yet your time to come home.
~ Red Fox
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Old 10-29-2008, 09:50 PM   #9

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Q: What is the spirit within us doing? Since a spirit is within us, why can't we mortals contact it instead of a guide?

A: Your spirit, your soul or your higher self. Whatever you wish to call it, is learning valuable lessons that will help you ascend here at home. Our world is made up of many dimensions. Each, like your colleges, have a different soul level. We have jobs to do here just as you do there. Souls who decide to go to earth are searching to learn specific lessons in order to move to a higher dimension here. Maybe to help more souls on earth by guiding, maybe to help those who are coming back from earth that have had a very hard time and need guidance and debriefing.
With meditation, you do contact your higher self, your spirit, but your body has its own agenda to keep your flesh safe. This to you is called your ego. Your ego keeps your body from harm. It will cause you to fear the unknown, question things that you cannot see with your eyes. This is why it is difficult for you to “believe” you are speaking to your higher soul and your ego will, because of its fear of being eliminated, make you feel that you are not hearing the true message. All messages from your higher spirit or soul will be positive and loving. We will never degrade you, punish you or try to steer you from your goal. Quiet your bodies ego and you will hear your soul. You will hear us. You may even see us in your mind’s eye.
~ The spirits of knowing

Thanks Dann I hope they have answered your questions. I even am amazed at the things they say. I'm like "hmm I didn't know that!" lol

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Old 10-29-2008, 09:57 PM   #10

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This is one that I asked spirit.

Q: What is so important about meditation? Do we really need to meditate in order to hear our guides?

A: As you walk the earth, you take in many thoughts. These can be things like, “Did I remember to pay the gas bill? Where did I put my favorite sweater?” Maybe your negative friend calls and tells you all about her terrible day. Now you have all of these things running in your active mind. How can you hear us through all of that chatter? You can’t. Meditation is key to quieting the chatter in order to open up your mind-hearing. When you relax and clear, you raise your vibrations of energy, that more closely match our higher energies here. We in turn, lower our vibrations to equal that of yours. Now, we have an open channel. Like a radio station on earth. The more closely you are to the signal, the more you will receive.
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Old 10-29-2008, 10:10 PM   #11

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I have a question... well actually three lol

If angels have never had a human form ......why am I so positive that I have had at least three actually four encounters with angels in human form?????? Were these males someone else ?

Is it possible that there are certain people who no matter how much they meditate are not meant as part of their path to actually have one on one sessions with their guides or main guide for guidance. Instead have constant lucid dream or visual experiences that are to figure out the meaning of instead??? Thus never actually after years of trying know who their main guide is or their name?

Is it possible for some humans during their sleep time travels to travel to numerous realities, dimensions, planets, parallel universes etc?

laura this is a very interesting thread.......
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Old 10-29-2008, 10:23 PM   #12

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Q: If angels have never had a human form then why am I so positive that I have had at least four encounters with angels in human form? Were these males someone else ? ~ Sophia

A: We spirits can assume any form. We know which forms your mind is more apt to be accepting of and we can chose that form to come to you in. You did see angels. They appeared to you to guide you, to warn you and to give you love. You have seen me. ArcAngel Michael. I appeared to you with long dark hair and the ‘wings’ you saw was actually my ethereal body. The white light of my spirit. You have seen two others as well. One is actually assigned to you. You have been going through much hardship in your life and he hugs you every day to give you strength. Which is what you are asking for.

~ ArcAngel Michael
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Old 10-29-2008, 10:25 PM   #13

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I too am excited to get this book finished! I don't know what each chapter will reveal and as I write it through them, I learn so much as well.

Thank you to everyone for helping me! I will let you know when it's published!
I'm pretty sure I have a publisher already !

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Old 10-29-2008, 10:33 PM   #14

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Sophia - thank you so much. Michael made this a personal message I have included this in the book!

Q: Is it possible that there are certain people who no matter how much they meditate are not meant as part of their path to actually have one on one sessions with their guides or main guide for guidance. Instead have constant lucid dream or visual experiences that are to figure out the meaning of instead?

A: The first part of your question is no. You are capable. Your ego is on overdrive and though you feel you are raising your energy enough, your ego is keeping you afraid of us. Do not worry, we are working hard to lower our vibrations to meet yours. It will happen. Keep talking to us.
The second question is we do come to you in dreams when we cannot penetrate the veil of your ego self. It is the way we can bypass your body’s defense system. In your personal case, I will say that you have a lot going on in your life at the moment and are having a hard time letting go of your daily chatter. This is keeping you confused when you do hear us. You feel it is only your own voice. You have three guides that are around you. ArcAngel Michael for your strength, a male who once was in a past life with you, his name at that time was Jerry. This was your father figure in that life. Your other guide has chosen to be a joy guide, a small girl to make you laugh and smile. Keep trying. It will happen! We will never give up on you!
~ ArcAngel Michael
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Old 10-29-2008, 10:57 PM   #15

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thanks Pagan
the four males who appeared to me at different times within a three month span were three blondes and one huge (tall) dark haired male.
the give away was the things they said to me ...and they were total strangers...things no one should have known....made me step back
the first one (50ish blone) did a 15 minute monologue with me in a hardware store trying to get me to sing. lol
the second and third were the same 30ish blonde mail when i was going through a kundalaini that was shaking t e crap out of my body... was when i was at grocery store buying food. approached me two different days from out of no where.the fourth was the dark haired male ...same grocery store...was standing in line and made a comment that almost knocked me off my feet......

Laura if you want the hardware store story .. pm me and i will type it up for you.....
__________________________________________________ _

on the second part the little girls name is Shanna......she giggles and hides things lol
the father figure is puzzling to me as I see so many faces behind my eyes
the Micheal issue ...I know he is around all the time...I see his orbs, and smell him a lot.....I feel him touch me
i thought he was the blonde i see all the time and the dark haired one was someone else...hmmmm now i am going to have to look at this closer.....
thanks honey this is very interesting........and yes i have been in the school of hard knocks for some time so in order to survive my mind is constantly going a mile a minute searching for solutions to problems......and it is often very difficult for me to shut it down to hear them.
but I must add I have absolutely NO FEAR of any of them that did surprise me a bit .....

thanks laura this is interesting.
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Old 10-29-2008, 11:14 PM   #16

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The large one is Michael. He's sooo huge! I don't know about the others, Michael didn't mention them. Maybe he is leaving them up to you to find. I wish I could tell you more. Sounds awesome though! You ever read Doreen Virtue? Messages from your Angels? You should!


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Old 10-29-2008, 11:38 PM   #17

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This is what I found on Michael. I do see that most images of him are blonde. Funny that he appears to me with long darker brown hair.

Archangel Michael

Michael's name means 'He who is like God' or 'He who looks like God' His chief function is to rid the earth and its inhabitants of the toxins associated with fear. Michael gives guidance and direction for people who are stuck or lost with respect to their life's purpose or career path. Defender of the Element of Fire and of the South. Leader of the Archangels, he is the Angel of Protection, Justice & Strength.
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Old 10-30-2008, 10:46 PM   #18

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Hey Laura, I have a question...

Why is it so difficult for people to accept and understand that indeed there are normal people with special gifts and that we don't always have to look for help in any particular formal religion when there is someone right besides you who can help you find your answers without condemning ?

sorry the question is too long

I have to thank you for starting this thread... some of the questions asked and answered was just what I wanted to know. Bless you!
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Old 10-30-2008, 11:41 PM   #19

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You are very welcome and trust me, you are all helping me write this book!

I will pose this to them tonight and let you know what I get


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Old 10-30-2008, 11:55 PM   #20

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Why is it so difficult for people to accept and understand that indeed there are normal people with special gifts and that we don't always have to look for help in any particular formal religion when there is someone right besides you who can help you find your answers without condemning ?

A: You are all on different levels. Just like here at home, you each grow and learn differently. Those who are condemning of your abilities are on a much lower frequency and have not allowed themselves to see the light within. Those even who claim to all that they know “God” and are following in His ways, are actually going through the motions like sheep following a shepherd. They have not found the divine within. People who do not judge others for their beliefs, who do not try and change you because you do not match what they think is right, are the most enlightened souls. Your question about the religion is hard for me to put into words. Let me say this. There is no one “TRUE” religion.

~ Emmanuel

** Emmanuel often channels to me, his name oddly enough means "God is with us".
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