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Old 04-22-2008, 08:01 AM   #1

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That is what happened to me Iris. I am in my 30s now and I am definitely more in tune with my abilities. I think it is like Hermit said...I am ready for it now.
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Old 04-22-2008, 10:56 AM   #2

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I agree with Hermit.

My seeing,feeling whatever you want to call it ( prefer not use abilities, makes me feel like a superhero ) has increased because im in a great time in my life.

I have also been working hard within a meditation group, at releasing old energies, fear, anger, hurt. When you face these things and clear them, its like you've opened the floodgates, again. Ive done a lot of crying and facing my own demons, even spiritual ones i had ac***ulated from a previous life.

I now feel more relaxed, open to whatever comes my way. I have learnt to trust in the natural order of life as a human.

Anything is possible, and everyone can connect with spirit, its not a pre-destined thing. And as you grow and relese and clear your own personal garbage, your pure energy allows spirit to work with you easier.

When we wrap ourselves in our life, we become muddy within our thoughts. So spirit has a hard time getting through to work with us.

Its kinda like swimming through mud, its hard to get through, then you jump into a pool of crystal clear water and its an easier journey, one-side to the other.
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Old 05-13-2008, 04:30 PM   #3

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Hi All,

I don't know if your gifts or abilities enhance as you get older I think that would depend on the individual and if it is meant to happen it will. But I will say this I truly believe that your outlook changes and as you get older you tend to broaden your veiws and opinions which maybe could lead to your gift becoming stronger or more prominent. Seek and you shall find knock and the door shall be opened onto you.

Love Light and Richest Blessings Louise
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Old 05-13-2008, 04:47 PM   #4

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Arthur Ford was considered the primo psychic medium or his time and perhaps all time. He died at the age of 74 and his abilities were stronger than ever when he died. He used his gifts all the time that is why they didn't diminish, they became stronger.

Again as I have said you have to use your gifts, eat well and exercise and very important meditate and study.
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Old 05-13-2008, 08:09 PM   #5

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thanks for the info .I appreciate all the info everyone gives . I will try that . see how things improve .

blessings ,
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Old 05-17-2008, 12:23 PM   #6

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Well I am 51 now and my abilities came in strong at age 50. I am a psychic medium and I astral project, have been doing it since a child. Its how you live your life, how you eat, exercise and take care of yourself. The more you study the more your abilities advance, meditation is very important. Psychic exercises at lease four days a week is advisable otherwise no mater what age you are they will diminish, as they say "use it or lose it". My mother is 90 and very psychic. And the more you progress in your abilities the more guides and Angels you will have around you. Everyone is psychic but some of us are born with our gifts already turned on.
what kind of psychic exercises do you do, soultraveler? i think i'm making pretty decent progress in terms of being able to do/see/know more and better, but it comes on its own. i feel like i should be doing more to help things along, but i don't really know what to do, besides mostly passive things (being open to it, reducing stress as much as possible, etc.). i feel very fortunate and want to make the most of it! so, i'd love to know what has worked for you
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Old 05-17-2008, 01:37 PM   #7

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What works for one doesn't neccessarily mean it will work for you. There are alot of resources available via internet but even here in the forums alot of information has been provided. I always say when it comes to following your instincts and your heart you shall find the way. If you feel you are progressing why push it so it becomes stressfull. Ask your guides for help and they will indeed respond to what they know you can handle and how fast the lessons should come. They know what your heart desires.

Love and blessings
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Old 05-17-2008, 06:23 PM   #8

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what kind of psychic exercises do you do, soultraveler? i think i'm making pretty decent progress in terms of being able to do/see/know more and better, but it comes on its own. i feel like i should be doing more to help things along, but i don't really know what to do, besides mostly passive things (being open to it, reducing stress as much as possible, etc.). i feel very fortunate and want to make the most of it! so, i'd love to know what has worked for you
Hi greenislangirl, I get books in the library like,

1. Psychic Navigator by John Holland
2. Spiritualism & Clairvoyance for Beginners by Elizabeth Owens

Or any other books you can find that teach psychic development. You can also try to find psychic development groups around your area.

One very good exercise is doing card readings to enhance your intuition, at lease 3 times a week or more if you have the time.

The most effective way to get your peniel gland (3rd eye) activated and opened is doing meditation about 5 days weeks, guided meditations are great.

You will have to be patient, it will come when you are ready, and depending on how you go about developing your gifts.
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Old 05-18-2008, 11:31 AM   #9

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thanks for the advice, soultraveler! i know i definitely have an impetuous streak, but i also know it's time that i do more to cultivate the abilities i've been given. i read tarot for myself every day and i've started doing reiki a couple of times a week, but i've been getting a little lax on the meditation, so i'm going to take your advice and do it on a consistent basis. i'm also going to check out the books you recommended. thanks
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Old 05-18-2008, 11:52 AM   #10

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What works for one doesn't neccessarily mean it will work for you. There are alot of resources available via internet but even here in the forums alot of information has been provided. I always say when it comes to following your instincts and your heart you shall find the way. If you feel you are progressing why push it so it becomes stressfull. Ask your guides for help and they will indeed respond to what they know you can handle and how fast the lessons should come. They know what your heart desires.

Love and blessings
I agree with you completely. Everyone is different just as abilities are different. Some are born with them, some develop on their own, and some are sought and achieved.

I am a purist in this area and personally like them to come when I am ready for them.
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Old 05-18-2008, 12:02 PM   #11

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but, once they do come, do you not do anything to develop them or make sure to make use of what you've been given?
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Old 05-18-2008, 01:29 PM   #12

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but, once they do come, do you not do anything to develop them or make sure to make use of what you've been given?
Do anything to develop is a statement that needs to be examined by you and yourself only. What do you mean by anything and how far are you willing to go at this point in time? These are questions for you to answer personally. Not something you have to answer to anyone else. With all things in life some things are gifts given to us that we need to work with and develop stronger. It takes time as nothing comes over night. If you persue things to no end and become a zombie because you feel that is your calling....well, blessings to you but to what end are you becoming what you need to be or perhaps better yet....what are you willing to become in order to achieve that which you desire.

You don't have to do things at full speed...nor do you have to do anything at all......whomever you chose to believe in believes in you and you shall do what you desire. Like I said it will take time but the time is what the experience is. The experience is what helps manifest that in which you desire.

Sorry if I'm talking in riddles or making no sense but sometimes following a path and giving it your all can at points make no sense. It comes from within...knowing what your instincts and heart tells you is right. It doesn't matter if someone else is a little more advanced than you....what matters is that you are trying and at your own pace.

Love and blessings
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Old 05-18-2008, 06:24 PM   #13

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but, once they do come, do you not do anything to develop them or make sure to make use of what you've been given?
Maybe I am different than most, my gifts it seems to me anyway, were given to me for a purpose, to help others. In that sense, yes I use them all the time and other than asking for guidance from my spirit guide and from above, no I really don't do anything to hone them. Could I? Probably, but in the past when I've attempted this, the abilities seems to weaken and I lose touch with my guides. So again, I think everyone is different in their path and their search. As stated before, it's a very individual thing.

We all have some sort of gift or ability and some are so wound up in day to day life that they don't pay attention to their potential to use these gifts. I think that is why some people don't even notice them until their lives calm down and major responsibilities are taken care of. They sort of "stop to smell the roses" and notice there is something there that they want to know more about.

I think the most important message is "Relax" don't worry about it because that is one sure way to hinder your gifts.
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Old 06-28-2008, 08:44 PM   #14

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it is nice to hear other people's opinions on the subject .thanks for the info .

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Old 09-06-2008, 02:28 AM   #15

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Thank you all for responding . The info you guys gave me was very helpful . I am having a hard time meditating & making time to meditate ,but I am starting to do it more . So, that might help .

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Old 09-06-2008, 04:24 AM   #16

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I think it's an individual thing. Some people tend to block their abilities for one reason or another. Misusing them may diminish their presence. I know people that never attuned to them until they were older.

Basically, there is no guideline to when and how they develop. It's a personal path and one that most have to work at.
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Old 10-04-2008, 09:55 AM   #17

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Default Do our gifts or abilities enhance as we get older ?
A friend of mine had told me that she noticed her psychic abilities enhance as she got in her 30's .
Sorry for the bad spelling today. Could that be possible ? To all who view or respond thank you.


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Old 10-04-2008, 10:58 AM   #18
Dr. Shon Thomson

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Im not sure. I have a friend that has a some sort of gift. She can feel peoples feelings by just being around them. Shs only 18 and Im 20 so were to young to know.
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Old 12-04-2008, 11:04 AM   #19

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Thanks for the response .I guess it is different for everyone.

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Old 12-04-2008, 11:31 AM   #20

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I think its possible that your abilities don't change
When you are young your mind is wrapped up in fun
As you age you have more time for you
When this happens you reflect more
And its only when you have time to stop
Do you really notice what you really have
Then when you notice it
It comes and goes like waves on the ocean
The less relaxed you are the further away your gifts seem
The more relaxed you are the closer things become
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