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Old 09-11-2008, 07:37 PM   #1

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Default All Must Enter Heaven One on One?
many years ago i tried channeling my higher self through automatic writing. eventually i got to a point where i could go no further. i kept receiving the following annoying message over and over again:

"all must enter heaven one on one".

i tried again a couple of months ago and got the same frustrating message again. you'd think i'd have an idea what this means after 13 years, but all i can figure out is that i'm either not ready for the communication or i have to wait to die/shift or something to understand.

anyone out there have an idea about what this means or how to break through to a conversation with your higher self?
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Old 10-11-2008, 06:00 PM   #2

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hi gia.

that is an interesting account. let me ask you ---- what does the term "one on one" mean to you? that might be a clue to understanding ...
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Old 10-11-2008, 06:30 PM   #3

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perhaps one on one means something like unity in duality? we all like to gather on boundaries. between hot and cold, wet and dry, land and water. where spirit meets body. that meeting point is where we define ourselves.

also "one on one" tends to mean personally. ascending will be a personal experience. you cannot share it with a third party. that might mean you cannot take someone else with you but also that you might be ready not to be guided by hand in this particular way.

i'm just throwing out some intuitive connections if that triggers something it's cool. but breaking a 13 year old mystery does have something sacrilegious about it.

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Old 11-12-2008, 01:08 AM   #4

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thank you for taking the time to share your kind insights with me.

i believe “all must enter heaven - one on one” could mean that only when we are properly attuned can we connect to our higher selves for guidance. i also think that it could mean that there are no shortcuts to our destinations. we all must do our own individual homework in seeking the communion/reunion and enlightenment that we desire. yet we need each other too, so it’s good that we have friends and this forum to discuss such things. my wish is that we all may enter heaven one on one together!

as was toasted to me in a dream last night… shalom!
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Old 11-12-2008, 02:14 AM   #5

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perhaps the message is:

we are responsible for our own existence.

we are accountable first and foremost to self.
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Old 11-12-2008, 02:48 AM   #6

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dear gia poore',

heaven is a state of eternal bliss.
there is only one place where this is possible, this is the place where souls exist in. i never was quite sure, where souls exist, until david talked about the flip side of the universe. now i call this the creational part of the universe, where we are in the expressional part of the universe.
but to you, heaven might simply mean the next stage, next level, where ever ascension might take you.
one on one, means, even so, we are all one, move often in groups, it is your action or in-action, that will lead you to this goal.

it always fascinates me, how highly evolved beings can express their truth with very little words.
if you prefer less cryptic messages, perhaps try to connect to you no. 1 (guide)

regards detlef
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Old 11-13-2008, 09:56 AM   #7

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in the bible, it says if you want to enter the kingdom of heaven you must come as a child.

the hawaiian huna model of spiritual psychology calls the unihipili- the subconscious mind - the child - because it has an intellectual understanding of a 7-year old child - by their understanding.

in popular psychology this concept is adapted by calling the subconscious mind the "inner child".

the huna model further explains the existence of aumakua - the higher self. the conscious mind (uhane) cannot communicate directly with the higher self - only the subconscious mind. in personal work, i have only been able to communicate with (channel) higher self in deep trance. in my own work with hypnosis i have had clients come up with the same message as the huna model, in two different metaphors.
1. to enter the castle of wisdom you must come naked.
2. to communicate with the higher self, you must take off the mask

the mask is the conscious mind.

to talk to higher self, you can't take your friend, you have to come alone- one on one.

this, i think, is the explanation of your puzzle. how do you come alone?
go into a deep trance, be guided by another, take up the info on tape. you can't do this on your own because the conscious mind must get out of the way.
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Old 11-13-2008, 04:17 PM   #8

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a child is made up of innocence, without the concepts or ideas of good or evil, right or wrong.... it just lives life joyfully without fear of consequences. basically, it lives in the moment where none of these ideas and belief exist in, it is until a child is taught these things that they lose their innocence... or they experience the horrors in life that they lose their innocence too.

one 66
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Old 11-13-2008, 07:43 PM   #9

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do you guys think the loss of innocence can be equated to the loss of now?

when you put on the mask are you fleeing into future or past, away from now?

unihipili sounds very good, i compared it to a 5 year old. because it does what you say or do, not necessarily what you want it to. and this analogy tells you exactly how to communicate with it, if you want to teach yourself something on that level.
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Old 11-17-2008, 12:13 PM   #10

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hi guy's im a newbie and soaking everything up like a sponge :-) i have finally found the information that confirms a lot of things for me that i believed intuitively and more - love reading all your posts :-) i have watched the interview with dw on youtube, i have a question. when the ascension is going to happen do we take our children with us? i sure hope so, other than what i teach my kids in terms of behaviour, morals etc, and since we all have a path to lead how does this fall in the whole scheme of things? does anyone have any insight. thanks.
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Old 11-17-2008, 05:31 PM   #11

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heheh, with some of the kids these days it's just as likely they will guide us

if my understanding is correct. then the process will be more like a reunion than a separation. i don't think you need to doubt that your children will accompany you.

you only need to be 51% positive to take one outcome, the variation in mankind is so slim and the inherent goodness even if it's mostly unmanifested so vast that i think practically all of us will evolve to the positive.
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Old 11-17-2008, 07:33 PM   #12

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you wrote:

anyone out there have an idea about what this means or how to break through to a conversation with your higher self?

my reply:

i don't know what your message means for you but i can tell you how to have a conversation with your "higher self". i usually, for myself, sit down with a pen and paper write out my questions and wait for my "imagination" to give me the answers. it helps to be in your heart space...makes it easier without emotions getting in the way and clouding things up. then i just trust that the answers are exactly what i need for the moment. i also find doing this in the early morning when i am rested is the best for me. all your answers will come from you....or maybe some from this forum....or anywhere else. just pay attention to your "gut" feelings and what comes into your awareness. it is all you anyway. there is nothing outside of you. and have fun. you may be surprised at how much you know.

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Old 11-18-2008, 12:41 AM   #13

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the beauty of the "one on one" statement is that it has so many interpretations, i interpret it as, our journy to heaven is personal, us and god, or us and our higher self. great stuff!
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Old 11-18-2008, 05:45 AM   #14

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what this reminds me of is one of the sayings from the gospel of thomas:

"many are standing at the door, but only those who are alone will enter the bridal suite."

standing alone indicates a kind of spiritual independence, wherein you have a bond with god and don't need to follow the dictates of religious authorities. one on one means a relationship, and i think from my own experience, that this relationship entails a tipping point where you have more faith in your own inner guidance on the journey toward god and are unconcerned about whether other people validate you or encourage you. people often want to do religion as a group, but the real thing is just you and god.
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Old 11-18-2008, 01:56 PM   #15

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well if i understand 'heaven' correctly or the concept of 'heaven'...

heaven is a state of mind. i know from my christian up bring and study, that paul stated that we could have 'heaven on earth' now if only we would believe.

i think this statement goes hand in hand with your "one on one" statement.

we must all make the choice for heaven to be here now...

remember to be the 'change' you want to see in the world.

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Old 11-18-2008, 04:01 PM   #16

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that's pretty awesome.
it's basically what we've always known, that we have to form a relationship with the divine in the moment. not getting caught up with feeling like you "missed the boat", but realizing you can always appreciate yourself knowing you're always evolving and will always be building on becoming more attuned to yourself, your friends and family, the world, the universe and infinity.
i think guilt complexes plague humanity and remove us entirely from realizing just how awesome the present is, wherever you are. this time on earth is a particularly powerful time because so many things are happening, but it can be navigated when you can feel the world itself and the immense histories and dramas that have unfolded. but more and more people are seeing through the veils that have been cast on them for a very long time, like awakening from a concensus sleep where the present seems utterly lucid. this is happening throughout the world...see if you can feel this growing awareness.
for me, living in the moment necessarily running away from your past but forming an accepting relationship with all the facets of your journeys...so they don't have to consume you but inform you. evolution is only possible through acceptance and release, and faith that you will change. this is a form of "one-on-one" where heaven is merging within us and overlaying across the world.
who knows how smooth this transition will be though...there'll be some who've invested so much in their limiting sense of power, but as ali said, most will make the change to the positive when they feel it's balance, joy and trust.
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Old 12-11-2008, 06:08 PM   #17

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one on one is found in the moment, where there's no past or future... where there's no thoughts running through one's mind. when one just is... experiencing the all in one and realizing one is already in heaven, in the present moment.... where love exists in....


one 66
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Old 09-15-2009, 08:19 PM   #18

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11-18 is my birthday....i came upon this thread via onetings request for our prayers to have her son back..i will pray and thank onething for her post about "spiritual indipendence", this is exactly what i needed to read in this very moment.

namaste from transiten
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Old 09-16-2009, 02:54 AM   #19

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one on one fits in with something that i told my 10th grade sunday school class that i help teach.

jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself.

to love one's self is to put one's needs before others: food, raiment, life, opportunity

to love one's neighbor as one loves him/herself would me to put those things first for them over your own needs.

jesus also mentions that we all have the holy spirit inside of us. one part of the trinity(god/jesus/holy spirit) as a spritual guide.

so we have all humans with whom we share a part of the trinity with.

so to love our neighbor is to love ourself because in the end we are all part of god via the trinity.

so to enter heaven one on one would mean that if we do not put the spiritual growth/ascention of other's before our own, it is ourself who ultimately is lost

food for thought

"what i command you is to love one another." jn. 14.27

"this is my commandment: love one another, as i have loved you." jn. 14.22

"i give you a new commandment: love one another; just as i have loved you, you also must love one another. by this love you have for one another, everyone will know that you are my disciples." jn. 13.34-35

"love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who treat you badly." lk. 6.27-28

"be compassionate as your father is compassionate. do not judge, and you will not be judge yourselves; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned yourselves; grant pardon, and you will be pardoned." lk 6.27

but most importantly, dont give up, be strong:

"i have told you all this so that you may find peace in me. in the world you will have trouble, but be brave: i have conquered the world." jn. 16.33
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Old 09-16-2009, 04:28 AM   #20

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one on one is your relationship with god. according to jesus the kingdom of heaven is within you. so heaven must be within your heart.

abba, have mercy.
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