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Old 04-13-2008, 04:35 AM   #1

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Default Tarot Cards
david suggested in one of his most recent blog entries to try to tap into your consciousness potential by:

a) dream journaling
b) studying & using tarot cards (especially the 22 archetypal cards)
c) getting off drugs
d) avoiding getting isolated or secluded.

he recommended the rider-waite deck for beginners (the most common, popular deck out there).

weeeellll, i gotta problem here. please tender your advice, if you have any notions to throw into this forum:

see, even the law of one material states that the archetypal cards were introduced by the venusians. i tend to think the original set was perfect as is.

but then in 1910 along comes a.e. waite & pamela coleman smith who re-illustrate the cards (the minor arcana getting pictures for the first time). this made the deck easier on the eyes by far, but!!!!.... he slipped us a mickey.

he changed 2 of the major arcana cards around. he pushed justice/balance from #8 to #11, and strength from #11 to #8. to make matters worse, he offered no explanation as to why he did this. this "change" remains in the deck to this very day.

for those of you not-too-familiar with tarot cards, this may occur to you as "so what?". but to a cardmonger, this difference is quite a pronounced one. it changes everything (which i won't even go into here... it'd take pages & pages).

later, along came aleister crowley (who was just as knowledgeable about the cabala as waite was), and reset the cards back to their original order in his thoth deck.

therefore, to make use of the cards as they were handed down to us from the venusian culture, one might lean toward using the thoth deck instead.

so why the waite deck, david?


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Old 05-12-2008, 02:54 PM   #2

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in the back of book four of the law of one, there are copies of the original egyptian greater arcana. i have been going to copy those on to heavy card stock and cut them out to use for tarot study. it is unfortunate that ra was unable to complete the discussion of the tarot due to the demise of don. but there is a great amount of interesting material on the first portion of the deck in book 4.
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Old 07-12-2008, 09:21 PM   #3

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i can't remember exactly how he put it in the audio blog, but it has something to do with it having so much usage in the past century or so...somehow it gives the images, etc. a little more ooomph b/c of the collective use. i can understand this because if its what the majority of people are using, and for a sizeable chunk of time, then it may be like a 100th monkey kind of effect?

anyhoo, if you feel more comfortable with a different set, use that set. i think that its a personal decision. whichever set you feel the most/best energy from. personally, i think that the rider-waite deck isn't particular pleasing to the eye, and that a lot of the pictorials are cryptic; not eliciting the feelings that the card is intended to evoke. however, the set of cards i have is rider-waite.

this would be an interesting topic to research. since the tarot cards are so ancient, i bet there was a deck in use (or certain images) for longer than the current rider-waite. anyone know?
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Old 12-13-2008, 01:29 AM   #4

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i did a reading the other day and accidentally started with an alternative deck. the reading felt "off" and i sensed i should start over with the rw. it ended up being a really powerful reading. maybe there is something to the whole collective use thing?
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Old 12-14-2008, 03:43 AM   #5

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several months ago david mentioned in an audioblog that one of his early exposures to the metaphysical was when his mother gave him her tarot deck and he began doing readings. i think he said he was a teen when this happened. he also said she gave him the deck because it was alarmingly accurate and this was too much for her.

that got my attention, so i bought a rider-waite deck and an introductory book and started doing readings. i am a total novice, and rely heavily on the card descriptions from the book and from a few web sites. i am also amazed at the uncanny accuracy and depth of the information that comes out of the readings, even with my neophyte skills and intuitions.

i hope this thread gets a lot of action. i for one would appreciate the insights of others who are more experienced with tarot.

for starters, i have noticed a lot of variation and disagreement between various reference sources on the meanings of the cards. i understand the importance of intuition and individual work with the cards in developing a reliable reading ability, but i'm wondering how others have developed this ability and how you have used various reference materials in the evolution of your personal tarot practices.
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Old 12-14-2008, 12:25 PM   #6

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i've been practicing the tarot on and off for about six years now. i am nowhere near an expert, but usually find very accurate results with my own readings for myself, and when others have done readings for me. i've recently found a great tarot source for card meanings, and they also have a free online course. have a look...


they also have a really good explanation of the "fool's journey", which david and the law of one also speak about - the 22 archetypes that all souls go through during incarnation.
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Old 12-16-2008, 01:53 AM   #7

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so where can you purchase tarot decks?
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Old 12-16-2008, 02:43 PM   #8

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usually any large bookstore like borders or barnes and noble will have them. personally, i got mine at a health store (which was actually more of a wiccan store). or, there's always online
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Old 12-16-2008, 11:21 PM   #9

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i just started getting into tarot also. i just bought the thoth deck with a book to explain the cards and a bit of a how too.

i love the design of the cards and there very large, which i do like.
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Old 12-21-2008, 04:11 AM   #10

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i find that meditating on the meanings of the tarot cards to be extremely beneficial.


one can start to see the various influences of certain themes in life; how a particular issue in life could be centralised around a certain 'card'.

the actual images can stimulate pathways directly. but holding the meaning in one's mind allows for further exploration, and possible explication of a troubling issue.
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Old 12-21-2008, 05:43 PM   #11

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i bought a set recently too (i wonder how many sets david wilcock inspired us to buy haha!). i got the marseille deck (medieval french) but the poor art turns me off and i can't connect. i'll look for the deck with the victorian art and i'm sure i'll have a better rapport with the cards as i'd really like to increase my psychic abilities!
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Old 12-21-2008, 08:44 PM   #12

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ggw-bach said:
"one can start to see the various influences of certain themes in life; how a particular issue in life could be centralised around a certain 'card'.

the actual images can stimulate pathways directly. but holding the meaning in one's mind allows for further exploration, and possible explication of a troubling issue. "

it if fascinating that you have stumbled on this fact. i would suggest that you read the 4th book of the law of one. ra goes into great lengths discussing that the various greater arcana of the tarot cards represent the 22 different archetypes through which 3rd density entities grow and evolve. it is a valuable study to contemplate each of the cards and let your higher guidance provide you with enlightenment.

as regards the 4th book, it is unfortunate that the ra connection ceased before the whole deck was discussed and we will never have the subtle hints that they provided in this study. but they did say that as we contemplate each of the cards we will be lead to understant what the symbols indicate for us, so they have given us the way to use the cards for our spiritual growth.

acutally ra provided the original deck to the egyptians for the purpose of a teaching method for novices to become adept in the use of white magic as it were. so in the study one might keep this in mind.
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Old 12-21-2008, 09:01 PM   #13

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the most widely known decks are rider-waite and thoth, the later being done by aleister crowley. this 2 decks aproach the meaning of life quite differently.

in rider-waite deck you see the images explaining quite clearly what they mean. that's why they are so powerful and easy to use.

in thoth deck the images are impersonal forces and can take a while to unterstand. but the art in the thoth deck is just plain amazing. even aleister crowley in his book "book of thoth" explains how the cards are more like for meditation instead of reading the possible future.

both decks and many others can also be aquired from amazon. i bought these 2 decks and got them in like 2-3 weeks. i highly recommend amazon.
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Old 12-22-2008, 09:45 AM   #14

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david suggested in one of his most recent blog entries to try to tap into your consciousness potential by:

a) dream journaling
b) studying & using tarot cards (especially the 22 archetypal cards)
c) getting off drugs
d) avoiding getting isolated or secluded.

he recommended the rider-waite deck for beginners (the most common, popular deck out there).
i would caution people who are just starting to look at thier persoal beliefs and what is going to turn them on or off from the cards beacuse a persons own spiritual background will either mesh or clash with certin types of cards and make an informed look into who when how the cards were devlopled this will ultimatley ad to or efectively poision the connection with the deck chosen

weeeellll, i gotta problem here. please tender your advice, if you have any notions to throw into this forum:

see, even the law of one material states that the archetypal cards were introduced by the venusians. i tend to think the original set was perfect as is.

but then in 1910 along comes a.e. waite & pamela coleman smith who re-illustrate the cards (the minor arcana getting pictures for the first time). this made the deck easier on the eyes by far, but!!!!.... he slipped us a mickey.

he changed 2 of the major arcana cards around. he pushed justice/balance from #8 to #11, and strength from #11 to #8. to make matters worse, he offered no explanation as to why he did this. this "change" remains in the deck to this very day.

for those of you not-too-familiar with tarot cards, this may occur to you as "so what?". but to a cardmonger, this difference is quite a pronounced one. it changes everything (which i won't even go into here... it'd take pages & pages).

later, along came aleister crowley (who was just as knowledgeable about the cabala as waite was), and reset the cards back to their original order in his thoth deck. i think your right to be cautious of cards that are reproduced decptivly this says something about the energys that will remain with and surround the cards as they are being used how ever i belive you should have made the point about the cignificance of the alteration in a short form as there is a resonance from them that causes a conflict in there interpretation

therefore, to make use of the cards as they were handed down to us from the venusian culture, one might lean toward using the thoth deck instead.

so why the waite deck, david?


•••avy••• i think the point is the connection with spiritual realm but decernment in what types of spirits you feel comfortable to be in assoiation with is serious factor to be concidered
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Old 01-03-2009, 02:11 AM   #15

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i have a really dumb question, do we all move through the archetypes in a linear fashion beggining with the first archetype and ending with the 22nd, or can we skip a few to another etc.?
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Old 01-03-2009, 03:31 AM   #16

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there's a interesting video on youtube with richard hoagland about crowly, the nazis and the knowledge hidden from us all.

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Old 01-16-2009, 05:09 AM   #17

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[quote=avariel;42337]david suggested in one of his most recent blog entries to try to tap into your consciousness potential by:

a) dream journaling
b) studying & using tarot cards (especially the 22 archetypal cards)
c) getting off drugs
d) avoiding getting isolated or secluded.

i thought being secluded helped you to get in touch with your higher self? can anyone maybe explain my misunderstanding to this? i can understand if you are isolated on bad circumstances which would make you go mentally crazy, but i thought time alone was good for you, not bad?

thanks for the hopeful feedback

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Old 01-16-2009, 04:13 PM   #18

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david suggested in one of his most recent blog entries to try to tap into your consciousness potential by:

a) dream journaling
b) studying & using tarot cards (especially the 22 archetypal cards)
c) getting off drugs
d) avoiding getting isolated or secluded.

i thought being secluded helped you to get in touch with your higher self? can anyone maybe explain my misunderstanding to this? i can understand if you are isolated on bad circumstances which would make you go mentally crazy, but i thought time alone was good for you, not bad?

thanks for the hopeful feedback

yes, time alone can definitely be a very good and beneficial thing. this is what "the hermit" represents.

"sooner or later, the fool is led to ask himself the age-old question "why?" he becomes absorbed with the search for answers, not from an idle curiosity, but out of a deeply felt need to find out why people live, if only to suffer and die. the hermit (9) represents the need to find deeper truth.

the fool begins to look inward, trying to understand his feelings and motivations. the sensual world holds less attraction for him, and he seeks moments of solitude away from the frantic activity of society. in time he may seek a teacher or guide who can give him advice and direction."

the next point along the fool's journey is "the wheel of fortune", which deals with seeing how everything connects. a chance encounter or miraculous occurrence will catalyze a process of change. at this point the fool feels ready for movement and action again, and can see himself within the grander scheme of a universal plan; his sense of purpose being restored.

so, to get back to your question... yes, isolation and solitary contemplation is a good thing, so long as it is a phase, and not a way of life that lasts forever. ultimately, we find ourselves through interaction with others; and really that is how we will attain the greatest soul evolution.
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Old 01-28-2009, 05:15 AM   #19

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when i read tarot cards, i began with the basic meanings of the cards, the very basic, and i added my own meaning to each one of them over time until the meanings for each card was special to me and symbolized a certain thing. this way my subconscious can see the meaning of a reading right away, as soon as the cards are turned, without having to 'do the math'.
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Old 01-29-2009, 06:55 PM   #20

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i've thought alot about this too. when i was in peace corps i started designing my own slightly stylized tarot around the egyptian models (using photoshop) taking into account the input of the loo material. my biggest changes had to do with the thematic backdrop... largely influenced by meditatively inspired guidance. the deck is not finished. i would be willing to send some of the images in a compressed format to this site (if moderators desire) for use with the understanding that if and when i get the motivation to finish the deck, it is my intellectual property (should i choose to try to publish)...


[mod note: the rules do not allow for promoting your own work, but perhaps on your home page or in social groups or in your signature line as a link]
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