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#1 |
am i alone in this or is anyone else really uncomfortable with the term "sheeple" ? to me it feels like a judgment made on others and suggests a them and us attitude, we are all one ,we are all having different experiences and everything is as it is meant to be for each spirit .
i refuse to put a label on others who have a different awareness, their truth is their truth, the same with perceived evil, if the one creator is the creator of all ,light and dark ,then everything is as it is meant to be and i feel the acceptance of this duality is to love unconditionally. much love and light., |
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#2 |
am i alone in this or is anyone else really uncomfortable with the term "sheeple" ? to me it feels like a judgment made on others and suggests a them and us attitude, we are all one ,we are all having different experiences and everything is as it is meant to be for each spirit . the term "sheeple" is an acurate description of those who follow the mainstream ways and for some reason or another refuse to budge. it is not a derogatory remark either. you could always use the term "sleeple" if that makes you more comfortable ![]() look at it this way, i am human, male and i am no different to anyone else. however, for me i am different because i am gay. now do i take offence of that word gay (good as you!) no of course not. it is a general term to describe my sexual orientation and thats all. you perhaps are straight. i would not say "hi, meet my straight friend" but trust me, you would be amazed at how many times i have been introduced "hi, this is my friend matt who is gay". funnily enough, a while back i had to call to a customer and she said to me - oh i have a friend who is gay (golly was it that obvious!) and i said to her, thats funny, my best friend is straight, small world! its all just a name so try not to get too hung up on it. lets not get politically correct here in our descriptions or we may end up with this... sheeple - p/c version = a member of the public at large, unaware of the controlling mind games played upon him or her! bit of a mouthful eh ![]() i say dont get too hung up on just a slang title, cus thats all it is at the end of the day and i promise you, you will not gain bad karma when you use it - oops sorry, forgot you dont use it. silly me! love and light matt |
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#3 |
i am new to the forum. recently, for the past 6 months, i have been on a quest for knowledge...... who am i. what is my purpose? i always knew there was so much more to the story than we had been told. i never questioned alien life, i knew they had been here and were still here. i knew there were abductions and the alien interplay in our life had been going on for eons. i felt i had lived past lives and i found myself being disillusioned with organized religion over 20 years ago. i still became more spiritual, understanding a supreme force guiding, steering and edging me on in my journey. my question is why do i
feel alone on this journey? why are the intelligent, caring people i know not waking up? they don't seem to care or be aware of what i am feeling, seeking, thinking... i toss a few morsels of info their way, tidbits to enhance, get them to think, to question, but no takers. a few close to me have said, what the heck are you talking about? you're so "out there, crazy, whacko." how do we mentor those around us? how do we make a difference and try to enlighten others? or do we do nothing verbally? we meditate and hope a change will come when it is right for them? nova |
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#4 |
nova, so when we begin, although we are heading in the spiritual path of understanding oneness and that we are not alone, we can find ourselves and connect with others on a spiritual level without physically being near anyone - until we find that, we feel alone. we look for others on the physical level, rather than the spiritual - and when you find others who are not there... well it makes it very hard. when you begin its already bad enough you have to fight your own inset beliefs - but then to have to fight those of others making you question your journey. you have this excitement of knowledge and hope, of peace and spiritual community, and no one there to jump up and down with - it makes you feel like doing just that! the only recourse i know of that each of us can find, is the internet. where with a little searching, you find like minded people, although they are not standing right next to you, they fulfill your physical needs for connection with the one. while we are here, no matter how far we progress, we will need this connection as well as the spiritual. so this is definitely the right track. the part that saddens me is when someone you love, doesnt want to even consider hearing it. you want the transition to be smooth for them, because you love them its not so easy to chalk it up to their free will and leave it at that. all we can do at that point is be an example, and whenever and whatever you can get by with talking about spirituality, do it. each time, you might be able to talk about it more. |
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#5 |
i must be getting the "american low attention span" disease cause i can't even read all these posts.
time is short, but there is plenty of time... that one quote has my head twisted in knots. what people constantly lose sight of is it is all love. the evil is love too. so i don't know if "mentoring" is similar to "controling". but that is the impression i am getting. the trick is to love people no matter what. in my opinion. i went through so many different stages in my life. i was not always a good guy. and if people did not love me through that but also allow me to be free i would be... well... i am in a good place now. that is my point. |
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#6 |
that one quote has my head twisted in knots. a pretty girl sitting on your lap for an hour will seem like ten minutes, yet shovelling snow for ten minutes will seem like an hour. i won't get into non-linear multi-dimensional time... so i don't know if "mentoring" is similar to "controling". but that is the impression i am getting. mentoring is typically in the students best interests. this is not always true, of course, but for the sake of talking about helping people towards goodness and love, i would suggest this is one reality. reality is, of course, only reality to the person viewing it, therefore each person's reality is different. you can see it as you wish. |
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#7 |
i thoroughly enjoy reading all the posts on this thread. i have noticed a few things on the entire forum over the last few weeks. 1. the number of brand new members seems to be increasing all of the time. :d 2. there is a dramatic increase in members stating just how fed up they are with this system. that is positve as it would appear we are moving closer to a big event. ![]() mentoring can come in all shapes and sizes, be it a phone call, a letter or one on one time spent with someone. the dictionary definition is "a wise or trusted counselor - or teacher". i have said before that the spiritual journey is one we take alone and can be lonely as there is no "church service" to bring us all together for a spiritual fix. that got me thinking, especially because lately, i have had a real feeling of wanting contact with like minded people, which to me is a form of mentoring. then a light bulb came on! i thought i would look around the forum and using my intuition, personal message someone - out of the blue! i have in the last 2 weeks made 3 very good friends from the forum who have given me such a boost, i cant thank them enough. no-one needs to be lonely on this journey, just p.m someone who you are drawn to and introduce yourself. ![]() so maybe try that, have loads of fun, swap recipes and beauty tips if you want but enjoy it. there is a big world out there and it is made very small by the use of the internet. it is the best thing i have done since joining the forum. a pretty girl sitting on your lap for an hour will seem like ten minutes, yet shovelling snow for ten minutes will seem like an hour. errr thanks but no thanks - it would be the other way around for me ![]() love and light, matt |
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#8 |
i must say it felt good to be validated, to receive responses from you and to know someone was feeling similar. you are all so correct in saying we find solace in this group. this seems to be a wonderful group of people with good intentions. i have heard and read so many things about future expectations and possible events. i really want to make a difference and be part of the change i hope to see. (paraphrased and personalized from mahatma gandhi). does anyone here have any feelings of a time frame for things that will come our way? again, i hope you feel my sincere thanks and love for responding... i am sending it your way. nova
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#9 |
i would be a tiny bit cautious when enquiring about timeframes. it is very important to live in the moment though i admit the thought of changing times ahead does lend itself to a "i want it now" mentality.
i am trying to stay within this thread here, it is important that we dont go off on tangents as the forum can get a bit messy otherwise! i will mentor you with this information. :d things are changing at great speed in the world. countries like russia, china, india to name a few are turning their backs on the $ which is having major affects in the financial sector. probably soon there will be a global financial upheaval but it is important not to be scared of it. what will appear as something bad will in actual fact be something good for us all. we have been ripped off by the current system for far too long. change is happening as we speak. you are not specific with your question about things coming our way for me to offer you any advice and support so i can only answer in general. if you read davids blog this may give you some of the answers you are looking for, if you have not already read it. also i highly recommend you listening to his audio blog which he recorded on the 10.10.09 - follow link on home page. all i can say is expect change soon, indications are that a lot will be happening between now and the end of this year, which may well involve official disclosure of the et presence - i have not yet come across a single member who doesnt want official disclosure. the affect that will have on the planet will be enormous. keep sending out love to our dear mother earth and all of her residents while you are waiting for the changes to come. love and light to you, matt |
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#10 |
ok then, just to be more clear :d
relativity (perception of linear time travelling on one direction) (insert attractive fantasy person here) sitting on your lap for an hour will seem like ten minutes, yet (insert disliked chore here) for ten minutes will seem like an hour. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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#11 |
my friends thought i was crazy and went off the deep end when i originally started sharing this work with them. i was really upset at first because i started to separate and lose interest in my relationship with them. in fact many of them faded out of my conscious space and new friends came in to support the path that i had chosen.
i think that was the hardest thing of all - letting go of relationships that i had had for over 20 years. i tried many different ways to communicate as well as living the example. sometimes you aren't the one to deliver the wake up call, but the one to place the road in front of them, so that the real wayshower will appear with the voice and message that is attuned to these people you couldn't get through to in the first place. and remember, we are all on a different time path of development, if you want to call it that. for me i was so far ahead and a visionary, the gap was so large. they ridiculed me constantly and that just wasn't supportive to what in my heart i felt was right. i was doing the best that i could at the time with the utmost loving intentions and excitement to share my learnings. even this year, after years of telling my parents how i wanted them to treat me, and after saying that i was hurt by what they did and only asked for an apology (something i thought was really simple to do?!) they still couldn't get it. so when i get stuck or someone doesn't hear, i remember to let go. to let go of the idea that i have to be the one to deliver the message they will finally hear or to always have the answer now. i've learned that people come and go according to where i am - that's a process i can trust and i come and go where i am needed. some will linger a little longer than others and some will stay for what seems like a twinkle. when the student is ready with openness, the teacher will appear. without going on too much, i also wanted to share that i had asked a friend of mine to mentor me from a business stand point. when we started getting into structure and values/beliefs, i realized he was a bulldozer with a heavy hand and lots of negativity and pessimism. he was attempting to convince me his way was the way to go. that's how he has always been successful and gotten what he wanted in the corporate world. for months i explained that the world has shifted from that viewpoint into a more cooperative cohesion structure with a more loving approach to interconnecting with others. besides being a 'bitch' as it was explained to me to become, just wasn't me. it wasn't until a series of events took place in my personal life that resulted in him trying to control everything in my life, including tracking who was coming to my home! if i was going to become a ceo he said, he had to know everything. the anger came out big time which hurt me emotionally. he said his attacks were his attempt to toughen me up for the future role. i prefer leading with compassion and as a facilitator of the process myself! so why do i go on about this? it wasn't until he saw me crying and telling him he really hurt me that started the shift. i allowed him to see what his actions had triggered in me. he thought i was joking until i stood my ground. i told him i had had enough and that was the end of the friendship. i knew that he was going through some other things (lost his wife the year earlier), so i was just a catalyst. we hadn't talked for about a week. so the next week he called me and said he thought he was having a heart attack. he said i was the only one he had called he said he could trust. i didn't say anything but listened and waited without judgement. he apologized and i forgave. since that time, he has trusted me and now looks at me and others in a different way. he's very old school and now even though i've been sharing the divine cosmos stuff which can be over the head to some, he's listening with an open heart. and now the student has become the mentor. |
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#12 |
stop seeing yourself as special.
then you will immediately start to feel even better. stop trying to change people. they have a right to be how they chose/choose to be. if you still want to hang around with the 'unenlightened', nothing wrong with that either, but why be disappointed when they disappoint you. feel the silence. the ancient mystery. unlimited power is within each of us. |
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#13 |
stop seeing yourself as special. one of my favorite quotes: consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.~ jacob m. braude ~ something i have done as of late is based upon buddhism. in the buddhist belief, one of the things you can do to increase your spiritual energy and closeness with the light is to treat everyone as though they were your mother, in the belief that if you treat everyone like that, you will treat them with love and respect. alternately, if that doesn't work for you, you can use your father. personally, my relationship with both mother and father were less than desirable, so i practice this in a different, yet simple way. each person i see/ meet in my day, i say to myself "i love you" as though they were a dear family member or friend. in this way, i have changed my perception so that not only do i see them all as someone very dear to me, but it also makes me a more loving person. people seem to recognize this, as they do a lot more smiling when i am around, and their energy levels seem to be increased. |
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#14 |
each person i see/ meet in my day, i say to myself "i love you" as though they were a dear family member or friend. in this way, i have changed my perception so if i see someone when i am out and about who looks like they are in a bad way (for instance a homeless person) i direct the feeling to them, not a conscious thought. afterwards, i consider them zapped with love! love and light, matt |
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#15 |
![]() they all adress issues i've had for a long time, and just the other day while summing my traumas up to an old aqauaintance i said exactly those words from the quote by jacob m braude- not that i knew about it until now- but as i 5 years ago broke out of a 10 year destructive relationship i realized and stated exactly that: how could i ever think of my x to change when i, who thought of myself as the one that understood the mechanisms of co-dependency and had "so much love to give" and therefore could make him change- was not even able to give myself enough love to break out of the viscious circle? instead i was playing the victim/controlgame and of course had a perverted gain from identifying with the role of being able to love such a disturbed person and also looked forward to get the reward when he would finally "love me back". i know this originates from my dysfunctional upbringing and that one is drawn to persons that will activate those early scars that you want to finally gain control over and also reach the love and security from "mom and dad" that you couldn't have at the time. therefore it has to be someone with the same personal traits and problems cause that's what you learned was intimacy and "love". also the early symbioses has not been dealt with; one has not been able to separate from ones parents in a healthy way which even more contributes to the risk of being unable to break away from a destructive relationship later in life. i'm not saying i didn't feel love for this x-partner, that it was all in vain and that my motives were all "distorted", i just say that ones motive can camouflage another like "double standards" and paradoxes. the true purpose is to get to know yourself and your own shadow and hopefully transcend the "evil", (turn the word around and you get "live") learn some valuable lifelessons and come out on the other side. also i'm happy to have a very fine relationship to one of my earlier partners wher i was the one who could not "be close" due to unresolved emotional matters and broke up. i can see different personalities within myself, one very social and happy and the other one extremely depressed, unhappy and isolated but feel i'm slowly learning the balancing and that in this perspective we are all one with all the facets of human feelings, thoughts and potentials. i was not always "a believer" myself. just remember that and you will forgive yourself for it and all the other "nonbelievers" too. just "send your love", great song by sting by the way. transiten |
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#16 |
the reason man understands time the way he does is because he travels in linear time in only one direction. time can be slow or speed up though, depending on the viewers perception if it. i always loved einstein's simple view of linear time and perception. it went something like this: controlling is typically in the controllers best interests. mentoring is typically in the students best interests. i like this and i agree. |
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#17 |
sometimes love is not giving them what they want. i have dealt closely with addicts the last few years, having been in relationships with two of them. i have come to some conclusions that addiction and life/ love have similarities. addiction in order to get on with their lives, by controlling their addiction, addicts/ alcoholics have to have two things, the want and the need. the want is easy. most addicts, though not all, want to control their addiction. all addicts did not choose to be addicts, and more often than not they don't like it. the want is why, when they are forced to go into treatment (rehab), they appear to do well, and are very positive even themselves, easily being able to make or fool others to think they have found their way. without fail, however, these people go back to active addiction. without the need, they cannot control their addiction. what then, is the need? the need is what they have after they have hit their bottom. the need is where they saw that the result of the addiction would result in their death or some other devastating outcome, and they chose life/ a better way. once the addict has the need, their path has been forever altered. even if they "fall off the wagon", they most often get back on the wagon with a ferver of a suffocating person gasping for air. with the want and the need, their life can continue. what is interesting is that because of the lows addicts reach, they often reverse life's polarity and become more spiritual because of it. as i have always said, "without the rain, one would not truly appreciate the sunshine". love/ life in order to evolve their spiritual development, souls have to have two things, the want and the need. the want is inherent unconscious knowledge. in this every soul knows where the path leads, but is allowed to make choices so that the soul can learn from its mistakes. i'm not sure who said "learn from the mistakes of others. you can't live long enough to make them all yourself", but they were wrong. you do make them all yourself. "don't curse the darkness -- light a candle." chinese proverb. think of earth and its lessons as being out on a cold dark night. one is usually most desperate and miserable just before the light. the need is where the soul comes to the realization that they have no control over their universe, but only over their own attitude and choices, and that only blind faith in love and goodness is required. some wonderful quotes that go along these lines... "i am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation i may be; for i have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances." martha washington "people grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. this is how character is built." eleanor roosevelt "it makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there's nothing you can do about them, and why worry about things you do control? the activity of worrying keeps you immobilized." wayne dyer “you're alive. do something. the directive in life, the moral imperative was so uncomplicated. it could be expressed in single words, not complete sentences. it sounded like this: look. listen. choose. act." barbara hall "when i hear somebody sigh, 'life is hard,' i am always tempted to ask, 'compared to what?'" sydney harris and finally, one about current world circumstances "if there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character. if there be beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the family home. if there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. when there is order in each nation, there will be peace in the world." ancient chinese proverb |
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#18 |
you have given me peace by confirming that i am not alone on this journey. i think the intangible things are the most difficult to grasp at first. i am glad to see this website growing with new people. all the good thoughts you are sending out are reaching people. i was drawn here like a moth to a flame. now i can continue my spiritual journey knowing that the "awakening train" is filling with light and starting to roll. anyone know what's on this tour? serenity and peace to you. nova
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#19 |
hello all,
i don't post much but felt led to post here to say embrace your 'crazy' as you can. i am lately getting folks to talk more and more about this, or maybe the way to say it is the conversations have balanced out a bit. and i agree that as time gets shorter there is more of it and so more that can happen. that is all really... be well and blessed, matthew. |
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#20 |
well done for joining the best site in the whole of internet land! my question is why do i feel alone on this journey? why are the intelligent, caring people i know not waking up? if it is any help to you i went through the exact same feelings you are going through at the beginning of my journey. my thirst for knowledge was insatiable and the nourishment it gave to my soul was at times overwhelming. if you are at this stage, trust me you will settle down and find your own level so to speak. your comment about feeling alone struck the biggest chord with me. i have mentioned (somewhere on this forum) that unlike going to church for a religious fix, the spiritual journey is one we take alone. remember though that we are never truly alone - ever. one of the great things about this site and its forum is the fact you can contact like minded people who are on the same journey as you. if you feel alone, have a dig around here and see what threads resonate with you, then post on it. you will find people reply with encouraging support and are all too willing to answer any questions you have. the people who are not waking up are not ready to at this point. do not judge them or get annoyed at this fact. just try your best to keep your own thoughts positive as much as you can. after a short time it will become natural it takes a week to make a habit and 6 weeks to break one! i work 25 miles away from where i live at have had many journies to work where people have cut me up, pulled out in front of me etc etc. i used to curse them, now i send them love and forgiveness, pretty much without thinking about it. i toss a few morsels of info their way, tidbits to enhance, get them to think, to question, but no takers. that is their own free will choice. the only thing i will add to this is your tidbits are going in, even if you dont think they are. people do not want to take responsibility for themselves and are happy to follow the rest of the sheeple. there will come a time and i think it will be sooner rather than later, when something is going to happen in the world which will make everyone stop and think. probably disclosure. you will find when that happens, people will be much more willing to listen to what you have got to say. when people are taken out of their comfort zone, they look outside for answers, though this time it will not be governments they will look to! remember you are up against years of human "conditioning" which includes brain washing by the media and poisons we have all taken in to dumb us down. take your time and enjoy the ride. ![]() a few close to me have said, what the heck are you talking about? you're so "out there, crazy, whacko. firstly we have all had to come to the realisation that the truth will set you free but will piss you off first. remember, they laugh at us because we are different, we laugh at them because they are all the same!! it wont be long before these people will need support from people like us so do not let the comments affect you in any way. you cannot blame them for being ignorant of the truth. send them love constantly, that is all you can do for them just now. how do we make a difference and try to enlighten others? or do we do nothing verbally? the best way in my opinion to make a difference is live your life as a shining example. keep doing your best to spread the truth of what this is all about. i suggest you go through davids blogs (there are loads of them) and read the ones whose titles resonate with you. i have managed to get into some great conversations with people about topics i pick up they are interested in. there is so much information in those blogs and the knowledge you gain can be used as another tool in your kit! i wish you all the best on your journey, do not try and be a spititual superhero as you will not be doing yourself any favours in the long run. i am off now as i have a new world order faction to bring down! ![]() love, light and peace, matt |
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