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Old 02-04-2007, 04:19 PM   #1

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Default The Vanishing of the Bees
"...in other words, bees may be able to perceive the unobserved quantum fields of zero-point energy, the much-debated property from which all of the phenomenal world may emerge in the eternal quantum moment."

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Old 03-05-2007, 02:35 PM   #2

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good morning all! [well, in my corner of the universe it is the good old a.m.]

folks are beginning to see more and more the extent of the bee crisis and how there is a domino effect. maybe they will soon begin to understand the domino effect regarding what is going on in our universe, if the information is allowed to be passed on. have a great one! jo anne

interesting article here:

mysterious honeybee killer could make dinner bland
posted: 4:50 a.m. edt, may 3, 2007
story highlights
• usda official: "this is the biggest general threat to our food supply"
• one-quarter of u.s. colonies vanish, about five times the normal winter loss
• honeybees pollinate more than 90 of the tastiest flowering crops in u.s.
• not all scientists foresee a food crisis, noting prior large-scale bee die-offs

beltsville, maryland (ap) -- unless someone or something stops it soon, the mysterious killer that is wiping out many of america's honeybees could have a devastating effect on the country's dinner plate, perhaps even reducing its people to a glorified bread-and-water diet.

honeybees do not just make honey; they pollinate more than 90 of the tastiest flowering crops the country has.

among them: apples, nuts, avocados, soybeans, asparagus, broccoli, celery, squash and cucumbers. and lots of the really sweet and tart stuff, too, including citrus fruit, peaches, kiwi, cherries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, cantaloupe and other melons.

in fact, about one-third of the human diet comes from insect-pollinated plants, and the honeybee is responsible for 80 percent of that pollination, according to the u.s. department of agriculture.

[more at link]
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Old 04-06-2007, 04:47 AM   #3

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this thread reminds me of the futurama episode where leila is fretting
about fry's death, eating honey as a sedative and fry keeps appearing
to her telling her to wake up. somehow the honey had traces of fry's
dna and he incarnates as a honey being. eventually leila wakes up from
being in a week long coma and it appears it was fry was trying to save
leila as she was dreaming in her coma of saving fry...anybody see it?
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Old 04-15-2007, 07:20 PM   #4

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first i would like to start out by saying how much i love the bees...i love sitting outside when the sun is shining and watching the bees play among the flowers...before all the bees started disappearing i think they were trying to give me a message for they started to land on me quite frequently and would often hover right in front of my heart, which i must admit was kinda scary

i am not one to spread messages of fear but this whole disappearing of the honey bees does not settle well with me...life without bees is like life without water...there are a lot of ideas floating around the net about what is behind all of this, how can i help? anyone have any ideas?

“if the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. no more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.” albert einstein


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Old 04-15-2007, 07:51 PM   #5

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given the fact that mobile telephones use radio waves to communicate and that the atmosphere has been filled with rw's for some time now i hardly find it natural that the honey bees would have "suddenly" disappeared because of cell phones. i would look more at gm crops - re-member that animals such as those in the tsunami of 2004 weren't affected.

the question is this...

what's this telling us?

be well, be love.

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Old 04-15-2007, 07:54 PM   #6

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it may have to do with sunspots and quantum fields
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Old 04-15-2007, 10:02 PM   #7

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yeah i remember all the animals left for higher ground before the tsunami arrived...i don't know if it is just the honey bees raised by beekeepers that are disappearing or just honey bees in general because i still see the normal amount of "wild" bees around here when there are not cloudy skies in ny whenever that is

well if this is about gm crops, it seems they are trying to tell us to return to organic farming methods or disappear along with them...i did some more digging and found this which at least has a positive outlook on the situation


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Old 04-16-2007, 08:56 AM   #8

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for a scientific exploration: http://rense.com/ , scroll down to the morgellons box- my personal feelings are that some paronoid nut, afraid of, or responsible for the "killer bees" mania is mixing something in the chemtrails, or, as mentioned above, moninsaneto is trying to genitically engineer every thing out of existence, starting with the insects, because they can't shoot back...

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Old 04-16-2007, 09:38 AM   #9

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dear mikey,
may want to see "bees" by rudolf steiner. was reading it but too much competition for my attention at present.
fr bk cover:"from physical depictions of the daily activities of bees to the loftiest esoteric insights, the lectures describe the unconscious wisdom contained in the beehive and its connection to our experience of health, culture and the cosmos. they are essential reading for anyone interested in understanding the ture nature of the honeybee, as well as those who wish to heal the contemporary crisis of the beehive." nina
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Old 04-16-2007, 04:28 PM   #10

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hi all,

i think the bee issue is very much related to gm crops being planted in the us. i attended a major ne flower show in march and a maple festival a few weeks later. in both instances the canadian bee keepers selling their products at the flower show and the festival told me that they have not seen their hives decimated like we have here in the us. in fact, they are thriving up there. the whole thing smells suspiciouly like gm crop plantings here in the us. i would also interject that we aren't seeing them die as much as we are seeing them not repopulate/lay eggs/grow larvae. this could explain why we don't find dead carcasses around en mass. time to support organic more don't you think?

i would also like to note that the maple sugar industry in the us is also failing (supposedly due to global warming with temperatures not dipping low enough for long enough for the trees to produce lots of sweet sap). i remember reading an article a few weeks ago in the ny times that stated that the us used to be the #1 producer of maple sugars/syrups but now production in canada surpasses that of the us (which has declined very drastically).

also i wonder if there isn't indeed some astrological connection between the hexagonal pattern on saturn showing up in recent weeks, the bee (which makes honeycomb in a hexagonal pattern), and the maple trees (note that the maple leaf has a 3-lobed leaf and shape of 1/2 a hexagon).

food for thought.

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Old 04-17-2007, 09:57 PM   #11

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existentially i'm trying to place myself in relation to current events right now, particularly vis-a-vis recent reports on colony collapse disorder, as well as in relation to the new scientist's recent report about a looming wheat "super blight".

taken together, these two eruptions in the biosphere could pose imminent hardship on humankind at the level of food scarcity, touching us right at the root chakra center of survival.

at present, however, we are in the position of having to "wait and see," lagooned as we are in this moment in necessary uncertainty before whatever emerging possibilities might happen to be.

myself, i find these reports deeply unsettling. i don't want to imagine negative consequences, and i certainly don't want to magnify fear in my own life and thinking.

so i don't. i let my wonder open up and breathe through all the bad news in the world, as i contemplate the wider context of our common planetary predicament at this point in time.

i remember that we are already in the midst of planetary transformation, and that with this unknown, all other unknowns emerge against a backdrop of sweeping uncertainty and living complexity in which we cannot know the outcome of events beforehand, not only because we are still in 3d and time therefore remains relative, but also because everything is increasingly connected to everything else, and with every possibility for break down comes an equal possibility for break through.

so: i am thinking now in relation to the reports of colony collapse disorder and wheat super-blight in terms of these being nothing less than global catalysts for an increasingly connected human consciousness.

and i am asking the following questions:

if the bees remain scarce and pollen-based crops don't produce as they should, and if wheat fails to produce as it should, how will humanity respond? will we ask for help, both from ourselves, and, possibly, from our spiritual and et friends? what unheard of possibilities for our positive global transformation could emerge from humanity's food supply being put at chronic risk?

on the other hand, i also wonder how these possibilities could play in to the schemes of less-than humanitarian negative interests.....

i wonder, deep down, if things are accelerating before our eyes with unheard of consequences on both sides of the coin.

this moment, of course, remains a moment of uncertainty. uncertainty is a fragile place to hang out in. it is easily filled with fear.

but, as david continues to point out in his blog, given our innate participation in the outcome of future events, how can we use our consciousness of current events -- including the emerging food crises -- to magnify openings for positive outcomes in unheard of ways?

even if we were to find ourselves moving into a time of massive starvation, might this itself be a means for humanity to learn of its one-ness at a root-chakra level? if so, how?

i hesitate to ask these kinds of unsettling questions. yet, it seems that folks here might be some of the most open-minded and positively-oriented people with whom to engage just this level of difficult discussion.

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Old 04-18-2007, 02:18 PM   #12

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you might find it interesting to know that cell phone towers are "planted" in a ...get this...honeycomb "hive" pattern...each one about 6 miles away from the next.

see http://www.privateline.com/mt_digita...lular_defined/

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Old 04-24-2007, 02:59 PM   #13

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here's the latest from the ny times today on the bees.

"bees vanish and scientists race for reasons"


excerpt: more than a quarter of the country’s 2.4 million bee colonies have been lost — tens of billions of bees, according to an estimate from the apiary inspectors of america, a national group that tracks beekeeping. so far, no one can say what is causing the bees to become disoriented and fail to return to their hives.

as with any great mystery, a number of theories have been posed, and many seem to researchers to be more science fiction than science. people have blamed genetically modified crops, cellular phone towers and high-voltage transmission lines for the disappearances. or was it a secret plot by russia or osama bin laden to bring down american agriculture? or, as some blogs have asserted, the rapture of the bees, in which god recalled them to heaven? researchers have heard it all.

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Old 04-25-2007, 11:26 AM   #14

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my brother in law who lives in kansas called just last week and told my husband that the farmers in kansas are really worried about the lack of bees to pollinate the crops this summer. this is important as to whether we will have food to eat or not. not a laughing matter in the least. i feel the so many electronic gadgets that we use today are affecting the ley lines that the bees use to know how to find their way around.

researchers have proven that sonar affects whales and causes them to beach themselves. they can't find their way around with the sonar on the ships making so much racket underwater. this happened in puget sound recently according to a program on pbs called wild kingdom. the researchers that were studying the killer whales in the sound noticed the whales were acting like they were going to beach themselves so they quickly informed the navy so that the naval ships stopped using sonar in puget sound where the orcas live.
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Old 04-25-2007, 05:09 PM   #15

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if the moderator will tolerate one more link, i'd like to share this one...


i am very interested in this subject because i live in a farming community that relies heavily on honeybees. i have indeed noticed a dearth of the little guys even on my property which isn't large, but the usual clouds of them in my plum & pear trees just didn't materialize this spring. i'm thinking the fruit crop in my backyard will be thin at best. i've been trying to include them in my meditations if for no other reason than to let them know that in my own space at least, they are missed and are always welcome. i've never understood the seemingly irrational fear people have of them...so industrious and focused, gentle little souls. i miss them.

i know nothing at all about the science behind the gwen network, although i'm inclined to believe that as vibrationally aware as we are all becoming, it would stand to reason that if the scenario is real, our bee buddies would be feeling it long before we would.

blessings on the bees...and on us all.

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Old 04-25-2007, 06:15 PM   #16

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i hesitate to offer what amounts to my own fuzzy subjective guesswork, but i can't help but wonder about the possible synchronicity between "colony collapse disorder" and the recent cassini images from saturn showing the hexagon on its north pole, and an eerie human-like eye on the south pole.

ra mentions how the galactic counsel inhabits the rings of saturn. as with crop circles, are we perhaps being given a visual communication by et beings? specifically, might saturn's hexagon and eye formations correspond to the emerging bee crisis, offering a cosmic clue as to our planetary predicament at this point in time?

like those old mystery bottlecaps we used to decipher when i was a kid, maybe saturn's dual-signs are suggesting that it will require a severe food crisis (the hexagon) for humanity to wake up and see (the eye formation) beyond our current blindness, and begin to read the cosmos for greater signs as to where we are and where we're headed (ascension).

just wondering out loud....

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Old 04-26-2007, 03:45 AM   #17

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perhaps the circle makers were foreshadowing the bees leaving the hive with this crop circle in 2004

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Old 04-26-2007, 05:17 AM   #18

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btw, here's a link showing images of saturn's north and south poles.

nice to see david's latest blog post linking honeybees and et's

it's probably obvious, but on edit, i would just add that the hexagon on the north pole, for me, suggests the honeycomb structure of a bee hive -- hence the connection.

peace. (on earth.)

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Old 04-26-2007, 12:45 PM   #19

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hey group,

i have just a tidty-bit of info to throw out on this: that famous old, heyoka-half-breed red elk has been storing -up honey in five-gallon buckets for some time now. them indians always did know better; it's just a damn shame that we never listened to them. perhaps it is about time to start?

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Old 05-14-2007, 09:30 AM   #20

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dear friends,

new paper from hoagland & dw concerning the bees disappearance.


be well, be love.


the bees' needs:
it's the physics, stupid!
by richard c. hoagland and david wilcock
(c) 2007 the enterprise mission

introduction: new science reveals the solution

the epic, unprecedented, literal disappearance of the world's honeybee population -- termed officially "colony collapse disorder" (ccd), that suddenly began to be reported only last november -- is extraordinarily serious. however, contrary to some of the most severe of these mainstream reports, it does not have to spell "the end of life as we know it on earth."

there is an elegant, inexpensive solution to the crisis -- almost absurdly simple at the face of it -- for both identifying, and then fixing, the underlying problem. mainstream scientists cannot explain why this method would work, in fact, by their own admission they still don't even know the source of ccd ... let alone, that a ready solution also currently exists. therefore, most would automatically assume our proposal to be either a fluke, or outright fantasy.

it is neither.

the answers to the crucial questions now being asked by increasingly desperate beekeepers, baffled scientists and millions of concerned "ordinary folks," as "x-files-type reports" of the literal, escalating, world-wide disappearance of billions of domestic honeybees continue to pour in, is to be found in a long-suppressed "new" branch of science -- which both authors of this report have been researching and developing ... if not openly discussing ... for many years.

our civilization has developed marvelous gadgets, giving us instantaneous, worldwide data and audio-visual communcation. the signals travel through "empty space" on invisible electromagnetic waves -- for which, the existence of civilization (if not our own existence!) now depends. nature and the biology of the "natural world" is no different -- but instead of electromagnetic waves, it uses (in part) something called "torsion fields" for the same essential purpose -- to transmit vital signals into and between living eco-systems, so that they may function properly.

globally, literally thousands of "peer reviewed" scientific papers on these "torsion fields" have been written in the last half century or so, yet wide-spread scientific knowledge of this critical, fundamental aspect of physics and biology has been almost completely excluded from the world of academic scientists and mainstream research institutions -- to say nothing of the popular scientific press -- in the so-called "western world." there is a crucial, calculated reason for this ignorance, which we shall get to.

however, as we shall demonstate in this report, nature doesn't care whether western science has heard about (or "peer reviewed" ...) these fields or not -- it just uses them, to overwhelmingly significant effect.

later in this work, the authors will also prove -- including, with reference to results from their own "torsion field experiments" -- precisely how this "hyperdimensional physics" can now be used to truly answer ... and then solve ... the greatest short-term environmental crisis of our time--

"what's happening to the domestic bees!?"
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