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Old 06-10-2008, 07:14 PM   #21

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thankyou 3dsunset

...for taking your time to look this up. this resonates strongly with me. in1982 i went to a school in a little village in the mountains, where we learned to live a simple and selfsustainable life. at the moment i'm totally occupied with having got my original family back through the passing of my stepmother. i thank her for setting both herself and me free finally.

i'm also finishing a course in mediumship. i have no time whatsoever to loook for another place to live, buy extra food etc. but that's me, i don't say that everybody should act the same way. it depends on where you're living.

i still don't understand what folks like melissamouse are undergoing. are they looking into other dimensions, earlier lifetimes or parallell universes

liliane transiten
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Old 06-10-2008, 08:34 PM   #22

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melisamouse, do you see any disconnects in terms of current events, either locally or globally? are major world leaders the same and the actions they have taken?

love and light,

3d sunset
yes, actually! bush was still around before, but harper had been fired or kicked out in the timeline before summer 2007 last year. at that point he had been kicked out for a while, and i was in the dark about it and everyone couldn't believe i didn't know harper was gone.

in this timeline. harper is apparently still fine until re-elections. never kicked out.
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Old 06-11-2008, 12:00 AM   #23

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yes, actually! bush was still around before, but harper had been fired or kicked out in the timeline before summer 2007 last year. at that point he had been kicked out for a while, and i was in the dark about it and everyone couldn't believe i didn't know harper was gone.

in this timeline. harper is apparently still fine until re-elections. never kicked out.
fascinating, i presume you mean stephen harper in canada. so it sounds like you may have switched timelines more than once and kept your memories, since you may have been in a different timeline than your previous when harper was forced out. that may be why you weren't aware of his firing. any other discrepancies?

3d sunset
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Old 06-11-2008, 12:24 AM   #24

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yes steven harper, and the new guy i never had heard of when i looked it up. then when i went to google it i couldn't find any evidence harper had been removed, or that the new guy exsisted. because of it i have started saving every little thing in my favorites to reference back on. i am trying to think of some more global descrepancies. i will wait for my memory to kick in and then i will come back.

the terreance mckenna passing away in 2000 erks me though, i am going to research that a bit, because last year he was comming out with some really cool stuff about his actual subject, right before the summer 2007 shift.
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Old 06-11-2008, 03:10 AM   #25

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that's really interesting what you've mentioned about terence mckenna. i specifically remember hearing something new from him around 2006, talking about the war in iraq (and no, not the original gulf war). then in the past few weeks i decided to check out some more of his talks and was shocked to find that he passed away in 2000, and all the material i've found now was before that. weird!

you seem to be strongly experiencing what [please pm for author] was going through in his later years. his novel actually documents a timeline he used to be in where nixon was referred to as the only begotten son of god, nukes blew up during the vietnam war and the civil rights movement never happened. strangely enough, uss liberty survivors claim that after the boat was sunk, it was gonna be blamed on egypt and a nuke was to be dropped on cairo! you might enjoy some of his speeches on the subject of multiple realities.

if you think this world is bad you should see some of the others
[link not working and was removed]

how to build a universe that doesn't fall apart two days later
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Old 06-12-2008, 05:01 AM   #26

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hi melissamouse and everyone

i had a dream last night its fuzzy but basically i was in a classroom setting and somehow i changed timelines and ended up in what seemed like the same classroom but the teachers looked shocked to see me there and started telling me i was in the wrong time and i had to go back because the people in my timeline were going to create a beautiful new world and if i didnt go back i would miss out on being a part of it. they put me in this capsule like time machine and my whole body started to vibrate it was especially intense in my third eye and heart chakra areas which i have been feeling tingling and pressure in during my waking state. then th edoor opened and i was back in what felt like the original classroom. the dream went on i was walking around the school seeing variations of people i had gone to school with in my waking life but they felt and looked slightly different. i felt i had somehow jumped timelines again and it was happening to other students at the school as well. needless to say i've felt kinda out of it all day :-)

i'm not sure what to make of my experience or anyones elses on this thread but i believe that no matter what happens we will end up waking to our true nature-we are the one infinite creator

"every little thing, will be alright"

sending you all love and light on your journey home
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Old 07-12-2008, 07:33 AM   #27

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wow, that would really make me feel like i am completely losing it. i feel like that at times already. crazy.

the whole time line or parallel dimension thing is a real mind bender. i mean any time any of us make a decision the other choice splits off into another time line. ok, that is hard enough to grasp considering all the decisions we make just in a day. and now think that all of us are making decisions and splitting off into other dimensions. what a crazy confusing mess of time lines. bizzaro land.

and then there are nexus points in our lives that cross over all the time lines so that it will definitely happen. whether it is meeting someone important or whatever. but then you have a choice what to do with that nexus point.

i have also heard of people being in two parallel dimensions at once which may be happening to you. one story i remember was a man who was watching a plane take off. but the plane kept blinking back and forth. in one second it would be up in the air and then the next second it would be still speeding down the runway about to take off.

another story was about 3 friends who were listening to a radio show. i think it was one of them listened to the show just fine. but the show never came on for the other two people. so they called the radio station and they said they haven't carried that show for a long time and they won't be anymore in the future. but then a week or so later they heard the show was on again. they called the radio station again and they said they never took the radio show off the air! very weird stuff.

i guess we should be getting used to phenomenon like this because reality could start bending before our eyes like this more often in the not too distant future. i hope so anyway.

love to all,
Roxanjbra is offline

Old 10-18-2008, 12:40 AM   #28

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that's really interesting what you've mentioned about terence mckenna. i specifically remember hearing something new from him around 2006, talking about the war in iraq (and no, not the original gulf war). then in the past few weeks i decided to check out some more of his talks and was shocked to find that he passed away in 2000, and all the material i've found now was before that. weird!

if you think this world is bad you should see some of the others
[link not working and was removed]

how to build a universe that doesn't fall apart two days later
wow. yeah, i was so shocked to hear he died at all. sorry it took me a while to respond, i haven't been around much....still in a bit of shock.

i would love if you could pm me the author and the link that dosen't work. i just really wish i could find a way to get back, unless like in the other thread, as a lightworker, we had done a good job there, and were needed more here, then i better stay i guess?

this world desperatly needs love on a scale unheard of. i need to think more about handing it out and stop worrying that i don't recieve much here. that is my job.
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Old 10-18-2008, 02:03 AM   #29

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you know...i was shocked to find out about his death...

i'm not sure why...i just recently find his information a month ago. then last week i found out he was dead.

peace, love, and unity
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Old 10-18-2008, 01:16 PM   #30

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i'm so bored about this timeline right now, i kind of envy you for your ability to shop around.

anyway, i have a possible such experience to share too:

as a kid, i used to go to a little candy store just a couple of blocks from where i lived as soon as i had the money.

one day, the building housing the candy store was simply gone.

perplexed and bewildered, i went home and told my mum i couldn't buy candy because the candy store was all gone.

she had no idea what i was talking about. no matter what, there was no way i could get her to acknowledge the fact there used to be a candy store right there. she had never seen it.

guess i shifted into this sucky no-candy-for-you timeline right then, and have been stuck here ever since!

p.s. if you got some unknown queen music from an alternative timeline, i'd be interested in hearing it! ;-)
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Old 10-20-2008, 01:39 AM   #31

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woah. met up with some old friends from high school, and got another wake up call to jerk me into the fact that this is a different reality.

there are people who dated in highschool in this reality, that never dated in the past in this reality...

there are also people who got married to different people, or never married them. couples i have know as a couple for years, not ever together supposedly, and one person, who i supposedly dated even. someone i used to have a major crush on and wished i had dated. people have pictures of us together......

i feel lost.

could this mean i am a walk-in as opposed to a star-seed, and have just been hoping around the different realities of this person, and am not actually this person?

wouldn't i know that?

i am confused about this whole situation. this timeline is wayyyyy too different.

like i said, even the brady bunch is way out there.

i am getting a bit depressed about it.

it is like i got transplanted into here in summer 2007, but this one got screwed with back in the early 90's, and this is the results of that screwing around.
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Old 10-20-2008, 03:56 AM   #32

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woah. met up with some old friends from high school, and got another wake up call to jerk me into the fact that this is a different reality.

there are people who dated in highschool in this reality, that never dated in the past in this reality...

i feel lost.

i am getting a bit depressed about it.
look at it this way...in 4d you are basically a combination of all you your space-time selves...

what is happening is we are collasping in our ourselves...that is what i said...know yourself!!!

we already exist in 4d...we just don't know it...

now you know...

we are one

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Old 10-20-2008, 04:07 AM   #33

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could this mean i am a walk-in as opposed to a star-seed, and have just been hoping around the different realities of this person, and am not actually this person?

wouldn't i know that? my understanding is that the walk-in will not be aware of the transition and would assume the person's memories. changes in habit, taste, and other choice related areas are apparently common.

you could be a walk-in, but that doesn't necessarily explain the differences you are noting.

i imagine it would be very comforting if someone else in your life noted the same differences that you have. it appears that sometimes, as part of our spiritual maturation, we find ourselves in situations where we can doubt ourselves, or believe in ourselves. whatever you face, i hope you choose the latter.
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Old 10-20-2008, 07:12 AM   #34

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hi mellissamouse

whatever you're going through i hope you'll sort it out and find some support in your immediate surroundings. as for synchronicities i have still not found a living person that i can talk to face to face that truly understands this phenomenon and i've been experiencing heavy loads of them-both scary, helpful and funny-since 1983 and read every sinlge book i could come across.

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Old 10-20-2008, 07:22 AM   #35

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i remembered few sentences a morning a week back. sentences were "normality restored" and "no more tears". i figured it meant that timeline is chosen for our planet and there are no more tears in time-space. i have no weird memories and everything seems fine. i went on 26th of august through my awakening and downloaded three of my past lives. well, then my really weird life started. for a brief time i had what i think a full access to akashic records. i closed most of it because it fried my brain. now i have balanced most of myself and put on a straight face even though my mind is telling something other. i myself believe that i am the first to awaken here on earth but who knows, maybe last or somewhere in between. i also think that david is/will be second one to awaken. i have also recognized people from my past lives. this can be my awakening dream but it is a lot of fun. well, this is to show that really freaky stuff is happening in peoples heads and it is important to take as it is and not to lose your mind but be a little detective and have fun figuring out what is happening. we have to keep ourselves together until 24 dec 2012.

be well
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Old 10-23-2008, 11:29 PM   #36

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ok, now i've just experienced something that i've never come across before.
i subscribe to motor trend, and the latest issue has an editorial that contains, word for word, a portion of an article that was written at least several years ago. i have subscribed for nearly 20 years and have never seen this happen before.

i tried searching for the old article on google and motor trend's own site but came up empty-handed.

i know i have read this before.

there are several explanations for this including plagarism, recycling articles by the same author, etc. but where is the old article?

something is very strange here.

the article is below for those that are interested:

[please pm for link]
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Old 10-24-2008, 04:56 AM   #37

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neat-oh, and wow.

thank you so much everyone for helping me through this. i am feeling much much better, and trying to just flow with it, instead of fighting it...

some good/neat karma type things are happening to me again inspite of all the weirdness. i think i may have mentioned before, in another thread, about trying to spend money.

i will go out with $45, spend and spend, and somehow come home with $60.....last night, i went out with $60, payed for cabs, bought a few drinks, and somehow came home with $120! it is like my money allways grow or doubles! it is weird. i am not complaining at all.....but it is neat. people want to shake my hand to share some of my "good luck. " lol

also, i think i do reiki kind of. this man i met a few months ago, said he came here to die, as he was old and sick and ready to die. i said, well, it can't hurt for me to try and heal you, so you can be happy, get better, and go on to live a worthwhile life where you can enjoy life and feel happy.

i took his hand in mine, and said, "just accept any love you can," and intentionally tried to send him love from my hand to his.

well, i saw him last night and didn't even recognise him! he looks awesome! he said none of his friends recognise him either, he looks so much younger. also he tod me someone mysteriously left a book about reiki on his door step, and he thought it was me, but it wasn't.

kinda cool! i guess just trying to go with the flow is the best we can do, no matter how weird things are trying to look out there.
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Old 10-28-2008, 07:11 PM   #38

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you came over to this timeline to meet us all ;-)

seriously though, that is some pretty trippy integrating. i think most of us do this type of timeline merging in our dream state. for example, when you have a dream where you pretty much feel like yourself, but you're someone else. or you have a dream where things are mostly the same, but significant details are different. in the dream it seems weird, but then it starts to make sense.

since you have the remarkable gift of remembering clearly the "other" timeline that shifted significantly for you in the 90s, then again in 2000 / 2007, i think you should really write as much of it down as you can. the old version you remember, and what actually happened. then look for shift points that are keyed into certain decisions made or actions taken.

for example, take the guy who was just the object of a crush in otv1 (original timeline version 1) who you dated in ntv1 (new timeline, version 1) -- in the new timeline, you must have made a decision to get his attention.

so see if you can track back each of those *personal* decisions you made that directly changed your experience in the old vs new timeline. maybe you will be able to find the original "split point" -- that key decision that moved you in one direction instead of another.

maybe there's no one decision that you can identify, but by lining up these different shift points, you could probably get a good sci-fi story / movie written based on this experience.

in love,
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Old 10-28-2008, 07:48 PM   #39

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whats next? george w was the best president ever. i won't hold my breath on that one.
since i was born in dc, i've long been a cynic of politicians. my great-uncle (james van der veldt, ph.d.s, best friend of the "good pope," and emissary from the vatican to the us) used to bring politicians to our home for entertainment. he was a franciscan (no home) and i can remember dragging james to the kitchen to say, "that man's energies are all grey and black, how could you bring such a man to our home?"

point being, i'm no stranger to politicians being liars.

and, w has given me the workout of a lifetime to find forgiveness and compassion.

i must confess, my grandmother forgave the nazis who executed her husband by firing squad (head of the dutch underground, no, we're not jewish) three months after the war.

such a level of forgiveness and compassion is something i aspire to but have not achieved.

but, i finally did manage to start praying for bush ii a year ago.

love and light,

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Old 10-30-2008, 03:40 PM   #40

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wow melissamouse, i've never heard of that happening to such an extent, i've heard of people jumping thru this timeline, but not sliding inbetween parallell timelines, thats just crazeeeee for the brain i'm sure.
at least you have a beautiful 4 year old to love and cherish so it's not all bad!
hope you find your constant, with love babyblue x x x
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