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Old 08-09-2008, 08:13 AM   #1

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Default How Do You Stand Up For Yourself?
here we are, wanderers, practicers of the law of one, seekers of spiritual enlightenment. naturally we are more loving, respectful, tolerant, and understanding of each other and others who are not. those who do not share our more loving qualities can sense that we possess these values. from there they begin to test how far they can go with us, how much they can use us to their advantage because they are lower 3rd density understanding and much more animalistic and attached to the physical.

how exactly do you show a violent, physical, and aggressive person that you are not one to be taken advantage of?
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Old 08-09-2008, 11:48 AM   #2

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that's a very good question.
i think it's tricky one.

on one hand, the teachings of pacifism and non-violence do resonate with me.

on the other hand, i do believe in self defense.

in my opinion, i would say violence should be avoided in any way possible, but if absolutely necessary for the means of self defense, then it is acceptable- but only causing as little damage as possible. for example, injuring an arm or leg is not desirable, but it is better than killing.
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Old 08-09-2008, 01:15 PM   #3

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by being yourself as much as you can, that demonstrates confidence and that confidence is something that is very much noticed by others

i've always found a line from desiderata helpful in thinking about relations with others:
speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story.
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Old 08-09-2008, 03:01 PM   #4

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ask them questions, be inquisitive.

inquisitiveness to the point of pestering them with small talk and random questions opens people up. ie what theyre into and what there opinions of on certain things, when they say 'i dont think about it' then proceed to give them a lengthy discourse on what you think.

or learn a martial art.
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Old 08-09-2008, 03:56 PM   #5

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how exactly do you show a violent, physical, and aggressive person that you are not one to be taken advantage of?
great question, consciousnessisdivine! it reminds me of the joke about the difference between involvement and committment being best characterized as how the chicken and the pig are associated with a bacon and egg breakfast. the chicken is involved, because it lays the egg. the pig, on the other hand, is committed...

as we all chat back and forth on this board, we are sort of being the chickens and laying some beautiful eggs that will make some lovely breakfasts. your question, involves our being pigs.

i think the first thing you need to realize when you are faced with such a person or situation, is that they are there for a reason (and so are you). there are as many different ways to approach this as there are people, and you must remember that none of them is wrong (although some may be more painful than others). this is an opportunity for you both to learn and grow. also, by living the law of one, you should recognize god in the individual across from you. if you see a "lower 3rd density understanding and much more animalistic" individual, should you be surprised that he/she acts like one?

the next thing i try to do, is understand where the other person is coming from. is there something that i did or said that they have percieved as threatening or agressive toward them (or their way of thinking, feeling, looking, believing, etc.) if so, then a sincere apology ("im sorry if i offended you. i was wrong.") can go a long way. engaging them in conversation (not talking down to them, btw) is my first approach. i have found that this almost always works. by empathyzing with them, i can usually feel what is at the root of their anger, and help them work through it.

if that doesn't work, i try avoiding them as effectively as possible. if others are present, disarming the situation is possible by taking the focus off the the issue at hand.

if thier agression persists and violence seems unavoidable, then i would make it clear that i do not intend to fight, by both saying so and placing my arms down with my hands palm side up. if any of my loved ones were present, i would see to their safety now. ultimately if they take an agressive action, (i hope) i would become a willing punching bag. i must say that i've never had a situation progress to this point, but i know that violence on my part is not an effective reaction (unless i want to get a chance to do this over again).

i would use gandhi as my rolemodel for this. if you haven't seen the movie gandi recently, then rent it and watch it. it is hard to image a more agressive or violent set of situations than are presented in that movie. and through it all, gandhi embodies the qualities one wants to manifest.

i hope this is helpful,

3d sunset
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Old 08-09-2008, 07:35 PM   #6

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this is very confusing for me, i wrote a whole bunch of stuff but at the very end i figured that it was all wrong and decided to write this. i don't want the animalistic behaving humans bossing me around. i don't want to be a 'human punching bag'. i want to be able to defend myself. i don't want negatively polarized humans like people belonging to the illuminati and other cults to hunt me down as a target because i can't tolerate what they do. it was easy for superman to be righteous and stick up to the bad guys, he had all those superpowers, but what can i do? the only superpower i have is love. it seems as if love will conquer all in a couple short years, too bad the ones who don't understand will have to leave earth. what's so loving about banishing the individuals who don't understand love? it seems as if it's a necessity if the earth is to progress though...
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Old 08-09-2008, 09:08 PM   #7

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how exactly do you show a violent, physical, and aggressive person that you are not one to be taken advantage of?
i have had a few experiences in this area. it does depend a whole lot on the individual, as does anything.

for instance, i have a friend who meets these people sometimes when we are out, in fact, it is something i have known with two people of a similar astrology. it happens, from my understanding of him, and i am usually very accurate, partly because he has that same configured animal strength center, which he hasn't completely, or at the time even partly, accepted within himself.

my experience was when i was coming back from martial arts one day, competition fighting. some guy a bit younger than me wanted to start something. i looked him straight in the eye and told him i didn't want to fight him. and after that (years ago) i never found myself in that situation again. until recently when i wanted to leave the gym but hadn't gone through with it. i think what was important about that first situation up there was that there was very little stopping me from doing some damage that night, i had just come back from competition fighting which was practiced and probably, unless a weapon was concealed, far superior to an untrained and nervous trouble starter. but i chose not to, therefore rejecting the idea of violence.
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Old 08-09-2008, 11:27 PM   #8

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practice defensive matrial arts like judo
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Old 08-10-2008, 12:17 AM   #9

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consciousnessdivine, if after setting your boundaries with this person verbally and they do not honor your space or wishes, then i would suggest that you get out of the situation and relationship of a person that has a need to be aggressive by physical violents.

if a person can not respect or honor your limits, then, you are no serving anyone, including yourself. a clear "thanks, but no thanks" maybe in order.

allow this person the time to heal the wounds that have created this type of behavior. pray and send thoughts of love and point the way if an opportunity arises, but also honor your own self.

remember, you only can control yourself, not another. this includes physical, mental and emotional. they need to own up to their own responsibilities to self and to others and not try to control another by testing. don't play there game.

here we are, wanderers, practicers of the law of one, seekers of spiritual enlightenment. naturally we are more loving, respectful, tolerant, and understanding of each other and others who are not. those who do not share our more loving qualities can sense that we possess these values. from there they begin to test how far they can go with us, how much they can use us to their advantage because they are lower 3rd density understanding and much more animalistic and attached to the physical.

how exactly do you show a violent, physical, and aggressive person that you are not one to be taken advantage of?
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Old 08-10-2008, 03:16 AM   #10

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everyday my goal is to "do nothing in fear and everything in love". from this point of view i try to move forward through all situations.

love & light,
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Old 08-10-2008, 07:08 AM   #11

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those are very good suggestions rhonda. i suppose that i get too caught up with the sacrifice of my well being so i can help out another, which can lead to several negative situations. i just want to teach that person love, but the more i discuss it in this forum and meditate on it the more i realize that the only way a person can be taught love is within themselves. all i can be is just an example of a loving individual to someone who wants to discover how and why they should be a loving individual.

p-bass, i would have to agree that "do nothing in fear and everything in love" is a great quote to live by.
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Old 08-10-2008, 07:16 AM   #12

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wow... what an interesting post... i am humbled by the number of "committed to peace and only peace" replies that have posted here....

i myself, imagined i was feeling feeling more of a firewalker or al_emt response. (be prepared to fight so you don't have to/ learn judo).

i certainly believe in the right to defend yourself or your loved ones, or any others placed specifically in your protection. i also can understand sometimes, one will simple choose not to fight as thier "fight".

but, i think this goes deeper... i think this comes down to ability to choose....

do you truely feel the ability and choice and freedom that you can pick either option? ie, do you feel you can truely choose stand in pacifist strength? are you willing? conversely, do you really feel you could truely have the option of "fight/defend"? are you willing? (depending on the case, "fight/defend" could mean being willing to aquire what means will give you the ability to fight: ie, clear decision, training, a lawyer, a big strong friend...)

sometimes these things come up just to make us have clarity. to test the committment. it may not matter so much which option you choose... just are you committed to and willing to accept the consquences of each options' possible outcomes.

much love and support


ps.. just for the record, i wholeheartly agree in the "try and defuse situation first" ideas or just leave... however, occassionally things do escalate....
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Old 09-09-2008, 08:12 AM   #13

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awesome timing, and awesome question!!!

i feel being service to others, is not being service to the sts.....i am in service to all other sto.

i am not a doormat to help these ones accomplish their sts schemes, and feel it is a service to those that are protected from their schemes.

i know what you mean about sto sniffing us out and taking advantage in every way they can possibly get away with, but then one day i had this dream.

there were three of me, and as usual, people were doing things to me like stealing from me, not paying their part of the rent, or bills, taking all my food, etc, etc, etc, and i was just putting up with it and not doing anything.......then two of the "me's" turned around and looked at me, and the "me's" turned into my little sisters....well, i protect my little sisters like a pit bull because they are the sweetest most innocent people i know.

i woke up realizing, that i am not doing any service to anyone by not standing up for myself. instead of people facing the consequences of their actions, i was being an enabler and protecting them by not taking action to protect myself. i was perpetuating the situation by allowing them to feel benefits from ripping someone off instead of seeing that there are consequences.

i realized that if i am not part of the solution i am part of the problem. if i give the bully my lunch money, then he will just get the courage to go and harrass the next kid and keep doing it. if i stand up to the bully i am helping to save the next kid the hassle instead.

this is totally just my opinion as usual, but it is what i have been learning, and still am finally in the process of implementing into my real life situations.
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Old 09-09-2008, 11:24 AM   #14

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for when walking away just isn't an option:

remember: fighting can be just as valid an expression of respect as a pat on the back. learning how to fight well, and stay in control of a situation, actually results in less injury if you can bring down an aggressive jerk quickly.

even knocking someone out cold is an act of mercy when the alternative (especially to a lesser fighter) is hitting them in the head with a rock. or a bottle. get it?

let them throw the first punch, but try to stay in control of the situation and trust your common sense. we're not meant to be pure positive here in 3d land. rainbows and purple unicorns are great when you're with like-minded friends, but sometimes you just have to fight. so try to do it well and with class.

oh. a small caveat: this advice is meant for one-on-one situations. if he has friends and you don't, look over their shoulders, yell "sh*t! my ex-wife!" and then run the other way as fast as you can!

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Old 09-09-2008, 08:06 PM   #15

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ever heard of a martial art called akido? i think it is the perfect answer for defending yourself in a violent, war like world. it teaches you how to defend yourself, causing a minor amount of pain in order to quell your attacker, without any serious or permanent injury.

here is the wikipedia description:

aikido (合気道, aikidō?) is a japanese martial art developed by morihei ueshiba as a synthesis of his martial studies, philosophy, and religious beliefs. aikido is often translated as "the way of unifying (with) life energy"[1] or as "the way of harmonious spirit."[2] ueshiba's goal was to create an art that practitioners could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attacker from injury.

aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. the aikidōka (aikido practitioner) "leads" the attacker's momentum using entering and turning movements. the techniques are completed with various throws or joint locks.[3] aikido can be categorized under the general umbrella of grappling arts.

aikido derives mainly from the martial art of daitō-ryū aiki-jūjutsu, but began to diverge from it in the late 1920s, partly due to ueshiba's involvement with the Ōmoto-kyō religion. ueshiba's early students' documents bear the term aiki-jūjutsu.[4] many of ueshiba's senior students have different approaches to aikido, depending on when they studied with him. today aikido is found all over the world in a number of styles, with broad ranges of interpretation and emphasis. however, they all share techniques learned from ueshiba and most have concern for the well-being of the attacker. this attitude has been at the core of criticisms of aikido and related arts. and another website:

note from mod...site is cluttered with ads...here is the article

akido is a form of martial art that is often referred to as ‘the art of peace’ as it has a spiritual component to it. it is very much alike jujitsu as focus is on being smooth with the opponent and not on force. of course, there are attacking stances in akido, but more emphasis is placed on self-defense and control of oncoming attacks.

akido was developed by master mohirei ueshiba in 1931 where his first dojo was in tokyo. it was after studying under numerous masters the different styles of jujitsu (unarmed combat), kenjitsu (sword fighting) and sojitsu (spear fighting) that he immersed in religious and philosophical studies as he was dissatisfied with his technical mastery.

this was because o-sensei had fought a match with a naval fencing instructor who had a wooden sword, and him, unarmed. however he managed to win the match just by evading blows as he could sense his opponent’s moves before execution, which was a sign and the beginning of enlightenment. o-sensei had managed to defeat an armed attacker without any harm and it was this teaching that he implemented in akido as uyeshiba’s ideologies. this was in addition to the joint locks and throws of jujitsu, the swordsmanship movements of kenjitsu that are taught in akido.

on passing away on april 26, 1969, he was declared a sacred national treasure of japan while his son kisshomaru ueshiba inherited the title doshu. he then continued where his father had left at aikido world headquarters in tokyo to bring more than one million akidoists to the world.

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Old 09-09-2008, 09:36 PM   #16

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i've never heard of akido before, i like it's qualities though only the most athletic of martial artists can pull it off. that kind of reminds me of the movie fearless, it's based on a true story as well, there might be some dramatizations in it though.

so now that we have a pretty good discussion about defending yourself from the more, i hate to say it (can't think of a better word right now) but, 'primitive' people, how would you go about defending yourself from a member of the illuminati? they have a higher level of understanding than most, they are on their way to negative 4d. i don't have any fear of the illuminati but they have this little plan for world domination and will not let anything stop them until they achieve it.

i hope it doesn't sound like i'm dwelling on the negative aspect of life, i'm just trying to figure out every angle. should we just be martyrs? or should we unite and defend ourselves?

the only reason i'm struggling with this question is because i don't really believe in martyrdom, most of the spiritual leaders throughout history are martyrs though, an organization that is dedicated enough will just get rid of all the martyrs, stay in power, and the masses will just live in fear from there on out, so i believe that in a 3rd density world the sto people should stick up and fight the sts people. we have all read in the ra transcripts that 4th density negative and 4th density positive have wars and they are of a higher understanding of oneness than we are.
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Old 09-10-2008, 01:03 AM   #17

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well the best way to fight the illuminati roles, is through our life style. the more susatainable and independant we are, the less and less control they have. many are fighting hard right now by hitting them in the pocket book. growing our own food, going green, getting of the grid as much as possible, composting, compost toilets, reduce, re-use recycle, etc, etc, etc....... the electric car won't be held back anymore because enough of us have had enough. it is sweet freedom needing less and less things to spend money on as you eat your own food etc. it rocks!

also, by being happy and having fun, letting your light shine so it will bring out the joy in others....that is not only contagious but it puts negativity away pretty fast, the more we can laugh about things the better etc.


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Old 09-10-2008, 02:42 AM   #18

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well the best way to fight the illuminati roles, is through our life style. the more susatainable and independant we are, the less and less control they have. many are fighting hard right now by hitting them in the pocket book. growing our own food, going green, getting of the grid as much as possible, composting, compost toilets, reduce, re-use recycle, etc, etc, etc....... the electric car won't be held back anymore because enough of us have had enough. it is sweet freedom needing less and less things to spend money on as you eat your own food etc. it rocks!

also, by being happy and having fun, letting your light shine so it will bring out the joy in others....that is not only contagious but it puts negativity away pretty fast, the more we can laugh about things the better etc.


bbb here

according to some reading i've done it has been advanced that the "powers-that-be" are keen students of human psychology and are prepared to counter any number of anticipated patterns of rebellion mounted by their unruly serfs.

in order to succeed in throwing off the shackles it has been suggested that something radically new must be employed -- an approach that is so different that it has not even been imagined yet! the idea is to mount an ongoing prayer asking for an unspecified change that will be in everyone's best possible interest. filling the vacuum will come a realized answer of a surprising nature completely unexpected and which will beautifully fulfill the appeal.

if you continually try over the ages and never succeed --don't be a fool about it, change the strategy.:d

i'm "praying" best i can! bbbb
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:33 AM   #19

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i'm as spiritual as the next guy but... as the old saying goes "two hands at work accomplishes more than 1000 hands clasped in prayer.". that doesn't mean that we should give up on praying, i believe prayer combined with hard work is the perfect culmination of spiritual and physical realms working hand in hand.

spiritual realm and physical realm working together in perfect harmony is what must be accomplished in this 3d world i believe, which brings up an idea that i think is pretty good. i thought of it out of nowhere one day so it might have been channeled to me, a spiritual workers union. although it has somewhat been done with the salvation army, the one i thought of is much more simple and effective for the entire planet and every person on it. with a great depression possibly looming over the horizon this might be the solution to the horrors that could occur.
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Old 09-13-2008, 10:29 PM   #20

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the first thing to recognize is that if these people keep reoccuring in your life, it is happening because you are supposed to learn something from it. ... find a way of thinking in which the actions of these people is no longer important to you. you will be shocked at how powerless they become when they realize that no matter what they do, you are uneffected.
omg! metaman, your statements above have turned on the lightbulb of awareness for me.

i had already become aware that the reoccurance of bullying loved ones in my life was/is a life lesson that i have been working on...and working on....

but your comment to 'find a way of thinking in which the actions of these people is no longer important to you" is the key that i needed to finally move through the challenges and end the lesson for good.

it's all about our own attitude and 'way of thinking'. how simple, eloquent, and true.
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