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Old 02-15-2008, 05:16 PM   #1

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mozart, i sent you a pm about some george green stuff.
if anyone else is interested in it, just send me a pm. i love to share!
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Old 04-21-2008, 08:46 AM   #2

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i just watched george's video on youtube. he seems to paint a different picture of things to come compared to david. i did a search here, and this is the only thread discussing this video.

supermanny, i'm interested in the material you have on george green. thanks
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Old 04-21-2008, 01:57 PM   #3

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after watching the interview i posted a thread that was not allowed apparently. i mentioned the likeness of the ra (loo) material with that of the reading that george green gave that out of the book that was printed on the screen. kerry had asked about the ra material and david wilcock, which he validated as bona fide as well as anastasia from russia. i thought he was spot on and it was an excellent interview. you should try reading the new paradigm on his web site.
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Old 04-21-2008, 05:17 PM   #4

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you should try reading the new paradigm on his web site.
as they always say, "the book's so much better than the movie!"

i highly recommend the books, which you can get with a free registration on his site.

frankly i couldn't even watch the video, because of the negative overtones. i watched part of the first one and found it to be kinda depressing, so i started watching the 2nd one. i didn't get very far with it either; this is some real depressing, negative stuff!

when it comes to conspiracy theories, etc., i like to be aware of the issues, because with awareness you can start the healing process. however, i do not need to be constantly bombarded with the idea that all the people in the northern hemisphere will be wiped out (according to george green) because i choose to not create that in my world.

that timeline is not set in stone; there are more peaceful ones that are just as likely, and i am choosing one of those, along with david wilcock and probably most of the members here.

choose wisely, what you focus on!
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Old 04-21-2008, 08:20 PM   #5

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choose wisely, what you focus on!
amen to that!

thanks for your report, supermanny; it'll still get transcribed, but i hope that people don't buy into it with any major focus.

btw, we have more than enough transcribers, now that we got a huge influx of transcribers from the project camelot site, so there is no need for anyone who is not already a transcriber on either site to volunteer for transcribing the george green stuff.
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Old 04-21-2008, 10:16 PM   #6

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i also watched this video a few days ago and found it very disturbing....truth mixed with things to steer one in a negtive direction of focus?

i found the saving up money etc, (i am saving seeds, and planting things for the future etc), but don't see where money is gonna take us.....money is something i am trying to depend on less and less and i really want nothing to do with that whole system.

as i have said in other threads, where i live now, we are all already growing things and giving it all away to each other so we all have an overabundance of food, which is all i feel i really need besides shelter, which is also good here etc....also, leaving the northern hemisphere seems like something "they" have allways "wanted" us to do for some reason.

i had dreams for years, and despite many people saying stay away from the west coast, i purposly moved back to the west coast, as i feel this is the best place for me to stay put....i have such different dreams compared to this mans interpretation, that i wanna trust my intuition over his in this case.

just my personal opinion though.
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Old 04-21-2008, 10:44 PM   #7

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amen to that!
he got my attention by using a phrase like "we are all one". kerry asked a number of times if there was some positive message or some hope. i was looking for that too.

my initial reaction was one of fear/protection. how do i take care of myself and my family? protection is a good thing, but i wanted to understand how that information can be used in stos. i'm still trying to balance that energy.

love and light
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Old 04-22-2008, 03:27 AM   #8

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george says in his book that these "negative" things are not necessarily going to happen, if humanity manages to return to love over fear, etc. this is the way i choose to energetically go. i think he is just getting prepared in case we don't "fire the grid" so to speak.

i personally like ben fulford's take on what is going to happen, if the ruling few decide not to get on board the love train.
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Old 04-22-2008, 04:47 AM   #9

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i listened to that interview yesterday several times, the poor guy seems to be exactly what dw was talking about in his last project camelot interview.

as kerry said (from what david w. said), why build camps for the public when they're already in a self-imposed prison of mind-numbing work and recreation?

and the public will literally kill for food after a week? that seems a little extreme, if that is truly the case then why do the aliens bother giving him info? no one will survive if we're all going to turn into mad max after a week of no power!

one good thing though, the info on the new us coins, so i bought a 25 dollar roll of the new golden-esque one dollar coins wheee! shiny coins make me happy!
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Old 04-23-2008, 03:38 PM   #10

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america is no longer land of the free.

it is the land of the greed.
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Old 04-23-2008, 10:20 PM   #11

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i only watched about 20 minutes of the video and decided to turn it off. the sad thing is, deep in my heart, i know what he is saying is true...

i try very hard to be optimistic about the future, working together towards unity and solving the current challenges we face. this is what i spend most of my energy on. with that said, i also realize that for this "new world" to be born, the "old world" must "die". and all the happiness and good feelings that come from that majority focus can be quickly overshadowed by even 20 minutes of "tough truth". but thats ok, because i've learned from you, the members of this forum, that i can channel these "tough feelings" into something useful for my personal growth.

the harsh reality is that we are in for some rough times ahead as the old structures are tore down. spending too much time thinking about this will only lead to depression. sure, i'd like to see the greed dissipate, but when that happens, there is sure to be some suffering; and not only will it be felt in the us, but all over the world. along those lines then, i think of those people in the world who are trying their best just to get by each and every day. how much more can they take?

i guess the saving grace is that while we are aware of this possible near future, we are also looking beyond, into the creation and dawning of the new age. again, spending too much time focusing on the hardships to come will only make that reality stronger, and we'll miss out on the wonderful things that are happening now. the key is that when these things do start happening, we will be prepared in advance and be able to "lighten" the impact on not only ourselves, but those around us. and if we're able to do this in our communities, then our communities can band together, and on, and on...

i think back to what's been said many times on this forum... let it be. there's no need in trying to stop this, because that would only extend the injustice and suffering; delay the birthing of the new age, unity consciousness, oneness...

so i guess i'll be spending the rest of the day "saying goodbye" to those things i won't be needing in this new world we're trying to usher in. you'd think i would have already done that, not so. for surely, if i remain tethered to some of my current reality, i'll only be making things more difficult on myself when the time comes...

thank you for reading. sent with positive intentions, believe it or not. glad to be here learning and growing with all of you - we'll need to draw from the collective energy of the "awakened" when times are rough, so that we can keep our heads above water and ours eyes on the future.

humbly yours,


p.s. - i haven't read his e-books. i'm sure there's some great information that will reinforce my current understandings. however, i'm not sure thats what i need at this point - more reinforcement of things i already know... maybe its time to stop preparing and start doing?
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Old 04-24-2008, 12:58 AM   #12

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well, it dosen't hve to get worse for anyone. especially when you jump ahead and live now without the old systems....

the old systems aren't exaclty "beneficial" to most of us anyways...you can live now, as if already past that point, and you will have no shock, and help others live now as if past that point, and life will seem to go on, (at a much more sustainable quality) without skipping a beat.

what we do today in each choice can eliminate the impact on us personally in the the future, and on those around us observing this "early" change as well.....

if you think about yourself being ok, and spend each day past that point already, how can things get anything but better from this moment forward?

there is no need for doom or gloom. i know this with ever fiber of my being.

it can be ok, starting now, you can create your future from moment to moment until it orchastrates itself into a song you know how to sing by heart. it make take some longer to learn the lyrics, timing, or tune, but if you sing it often enough you will learn it by heart.
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Old 04-24-2008, 05:16 AM   #13

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the light in me is more awake then ever. i am glad this is seeing the light, but sadden by the play in action.

the truth will be known by all. i still feel in my heart that light will be the power and unity of all that is, will shine more brighter than ever.

my will will keep my faith alive. my strength will be strengthen.

i am that i am will stay and will be
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Old 04-24-2008, 01:47 PM   #14

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well, it dosen't hve to get worse for anyone. especially when you jump ahead and live now without the old systems....

the old systems aren't exaclty "beneficial" to most of us anyways...you can live now, as if already past that point, and you will have no shock, and help others live now as if past that point, and life will seem to go on, (at a much more sustainable quality) without skipping a beat.

what we do today in each choice can eliminate the impact on us personally in the the future, and on those around us observing this "early" change as well.....

if you think about yourself being ok, and spend each day past that point already, how can things get anything but better from this moment forward?

there is no need for doom or gloom. i know this with ever fiber of my being.

it can be ok, starting now, you can create your future from moment to moment until it orchastrates itself into a song you know how to sing by heart. it make take some longer to learn the lyrics, timing, or tune, but if you sing it often enough you will learn it by heart.

very good advice. why wait for change to come to you later when you can willfully change now? :d as i didn't see the whole video, i'm not sure how much gloom and doom was presented... usually i won't even watch something like that, but since it had a monetary theme, i thought it would complement another video i recently watched about money is debt, posted by bbb...

thank you for posting your reply - it was a nice counter to my post. there certainly isn't anything to fear, which we all need to be reminded of now and again.

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Old 04-24-2008, 04:07 PM   #15

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if you want to solve the crime, then follow the money. towards the end of the interview, george recounts how he used to finance the ekkers people in what turned out to be a fraudlent exercise. they in turn are connected with a v.k.durham, who in turn has connections to leo wanta !!!

i have to say that the whole affair incorportaing the above people is the most bizarre i've ever come across, and extremely complicated. to now find george green involved makes it even more incredulous.

i'm going to ask some questions of people, and do some more digging, but i doubt if i'll ever understand fully what has been going on.
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Old 04-24-2008, 04:10 PM   #16

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choose wisely, what you focus on!
indeed! probably the most important thing for any of us to do amidst this wave of negative predictions.
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Old 04-24-2008, 05:38 PM   #17

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hello folks. i also viewed the george green interview and have read through the pardigm published writings. everyone on this thread have hit on some good points. i can see how easy it is to fall into sadness over the flow of events and processing it through the head mind of egoic consciousness. the heartmind on the other hand is unerring in its alignment to the divine plan. the axis of the eternal present like a time/space plumbline into the temporal moment connects to the white fire core of being. the connection to this insures that we are always synchronisticly connecting to our true self through intuition. the greater our trust in this ground of reality, the more life appears to flow effortlessly, as we each cocreate our timeline spontaneously with the process. divine intelligence is coordinating all points of consciousness through the created universes.i have recognized that this connection transmutes any and all fear that arises in our conditioned egoic mind into expanded consciousness. as the saying goes," the only thing to fear is fear itself". things appear very dramatic at times but at the core of being there is great joy that allows us to walk our chosen path supported by infinite love.:d
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Old 04-24-2008, 05:51 PM   #18

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yeah i've watched all of his videos, and they are very negative. i do like the fact that he is very consistent in his stories, so i think he genuinely is telling the truth or what he believes to be true. i have gotten some good info from him in terms of financial advice.

however, i quickly get to the point where i'm like "whatever". there is only so much i'm willing to prepare for, and take precautions against. i'm not moving to ecuador to be with the rest of the negative elite, or build a house that can withstand 400 mph winds. i'm here in wisconsin for very good reasons. this my home, the place i love. and it is here that i will love others. i'm only going to die when i suppose to die, and not a moment before. so i walk without fear.

plus, i think he is still getting information from his old friends, who are on the negative path, or get their intel from negative ets. the chain of information is very questionable.

the only things that i take out of his videos, are the things i will do anyways. such as exiting the banking system and markets, growing more of my own food, and waking up others.
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Old 04-24-2008, 06:58 PM   #19

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i saw the interview on project camelot, went to his website and downloaded the three books he has provided. here are my conclusions for what they are worth. the books are never going to wake up third density consciousness the way they are presented - seems to me to be preaching to the choir.

i think there is a lot of possibilities for manipulation through fear here. ok winds may be heavy - i have had those dreams too and it is necessary to be underground to avoid flying objects - but will it be any idea to try and survive through all of this if the planet is going to rotate off its axis and the sun is going to flip out?

a lot of things feel wrong with his understanding of the future. there is no room for fourth density awareness and abilities coming through - only an never ending fight to fight off dominance and negative polarization.

i was left speed reading his work because there was really little essence in it from my point of view. at first i felt a connection because i thought he was trying to wake people up - it seems that he has more taken care of his own agenda in an elite sort of way.

ra makes a lot more sense to me!
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Old 04-27-2008, 02:11 PM   #20

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i think this guy is just another disinfo agent planted to instill fear and take us down a timeline to our doom. i mean, look what the guy used to do for a living! i find it hard to believe he is all love and light after yrs of deceiveng and ripping off people! so, we are all supposed to enmasse, migrate to s. america if we want to survive? even if he succeeded in waking up a large part of the population, how many of them have gold coins (or could afford to) stockpiled in offshore banks so they are ensured to be able to provide for themselves? i also find it hard to believe of all the millions of people in the world, the pleadians (so he says) chose him, someone who definately has not been a very compassionate person in his dealing with people most of his life, to be the one to advise the world's population.
this is a good lesson in discernment folks. just because someone seems charming and trying to be helpful doesnt make it so. he's up to no good as far as im concerned.
metamike said it right, "it seems that he has more taken care of his own agenda in an elite sort of way".
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