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Old 06-04-2009, 11:36 AM   #1

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Default Homeless man talks about the universe and Godhood.
a truly humbling experience i think..

this homeless man goes on and on about spiritual matters and makes more sense than most civilized men do..

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Old 07-05-2009, 01:25 AM   #2

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my girlfriend was writting a paper and wanted to quote something jesus said and googled it. the quote was "what you do to the least of my breathren you do unto me" this first search site that came up was a picture of this "homeless" man. her breath was taken away she sent the picture to me and i just couldn't take my eyes of it.
peace to you all

ps tooo many synchroncities when i am on this site
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Old 07-05-2009, 05:32 AM   #3

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wow! that guy is my hero! he had me hooked and i watched the whole 38 mins.

he talks a lot about abandoning fear. be a perfect servant for humanity. perform your service for free.

interesting that he said he met ascendant masters that live here on earth, too.

abandon fear. that is my next goal i think.

thanks for sharing that!
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Old 07-05-2009, 05:54 AM   #4

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a truly humbling experience i think..

this homeless man goes on and on about spiritual matters and makes more sense than most civilized men do..
he sure nails the law of one right down to a tee. so much it makes you wonder if he has read the whole series
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Old 08-04-2009, 08:00 AM   #5

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vivek, to me, is just more proof of what we here have come to know, and why we found each other. from what hes saying, he received all this information on a spiritual level.

i could tell he was hanging out at the 3rd st promenade in santa monica. both of the kids talking to him, well at least they were listening, but that one with the magnifying glass that was jumping around high fiving...
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Old 08-04-2009, 11:59 AM   #6

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i guess its like working in one of those sweat shops 18 hours a day for a hand full of rice or some thing not that you would want any thing in return except for the occasional slap in the face .
the trick is not to resent it but to do it with love and faith and don't expect any thing in return except pain and suffering and make sure you love the pain and suffering its paramount for your spiritual growth and don't judge the guy above you because he is probably coping it from his superiors coping a bonus that is.

i am glad that this is almost over or is it just the beginning ?
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Old 08-04-2009, 04:50 PM   #7

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it's clear that this guy is being mentally tortured. the girl who popped her head in and accused him of being a druggy was probably not far off, only it isn't a chemical high he's craving, it's the beam of 'love' he was 'raped' with that set him on this path of 'enlightenment'. seems more like he's being punished or punishing himself. most likely because of the erroneous notion that the lust in his head is 'bad', rather than a natural emotion, one of which we have to learn to moderate(*). it's no mystery where that notion came from...

conundrum, your posts always make me smile. i sometimes wonder about that 'bonus' myself.

*that is based on what he said, but you never know for sure what happened to him.
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Old 08-04-2009, 09:01 PM   #8

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as with all things, be discerning. obviously there are distortions in this man's world view, just as assuredly there are distortions in each of our own world views.

is the man tortured? each of us is tortured by our own personal demons. there are more than a few traditions that talk about the 'the higher you go, the easier it becomes to become distorted' so no doubt this man has suffered a bit for the knowledge he came across, and expanding on it in his own personal path has led to a little distortion in his personality. i'd love to go speak with him myself.
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Old 08-05-2009, 12:22 AM   #9

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thank you for sharing ! regardless of distortions ( and yes i agree that is something we all have in one form and/ or another, as well as degrees of them )..... that doesn't detract from the powerful message ... this man is on to something isn't he? :-) fear or love.. it's a message that keeps repeating. it's a choice we all make over and over... nobody is perfect that i know of. but to be aware of the fact that life does seem to distill down to these two choices is just awesome to see in anyone.

like everything else, take the best, what's worthy and meaningful to you and leave the rest is always the wisest approach i think..

well wishes,
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Old 08-05-2009, 02:22 AM   #10

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interesting very interesting!

the guy obviously knows truth. yet is warned not to make the mistake to tell others because they may not be ready. and the other guys in the movie go wild with the knowledge, but without the understanding. and his ego kicks in with the desire to get them to understand. he certainly sees that problem himself which is awesome. and i know a bunch of young sufi's that act in exactly the same way as his young audience. it's natural. there seem to be three phases, the enthusiasm to see something incredible, the desire to mentally understand the incredible, and finally allowing the incredible to be a reality.

the experiences that the guy describes are not uncommon. i've seen drunks explain the same things. (sufi's call the experience "drinking divine wine" for the effects are the same to the uninitiated) understanding them for what they are is uncommon. and i think he does.

but it's an awesome display of intelligence and interpersonal dynamics.

and is it my imagination or did the guy who was actually crying at the end actually get sparked? his hunches were confirmed to the point of self initiation and what happened to the camera, was the point of initiation edited or did the camera really fail?

it's all the more incredible since the guy that got initiated also was playing with magnifying glasses as if he was sherlock holmes trying to crack a code lol. he seems to have cracked it... this movie is just awesome on so many levels. i have to see it again soon!
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Old 08-05-2009, 02:33 AM   #11

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it is very possible that he has chosen the life he is leading so he can experience the creator without distraction. i thought all of his points were very on track and was amazed at the terminology he was using. he even talked about the love/light and being contacted by his higher self.

if more people were open to love like this guy, the world would be a much happier place. it would be a most interesting to have conversation with him about the law of one, face to face.
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Old 08-05-2009, 03:40 AM   #12

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and is it my imagination or did the guy who was actually crying at the end actually get sparked? his hunches were confirmed to the point of self initiation and what happened to the camera, was the point of initiation edited or did the camera really fail?
i couldn't tell for sure, but the edit felt real, not staged.
the blonde kid and the homeless man sure seemed to be on the same vibe or had the same energies flowing through them. like they were passing the 'horn' between them.
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Old 08-05-2009, 04:02 AM   #13

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i guess its like working in one of those sweat shops 18 hours a day for a hand full of rice or some thing not that you would want any thing in return except for the occasional slap in the face .
the trick is not to resent it but to do it with love and faith and don't expect any thing in return except pain and suffering and make sure you love the pain and suffering its paramount for your spiritual growth and don't judge the guy above you because he is probably coping it from his superiors coping a bonus that is.

i am glad that this is almost over or is it just the beginning ?
i quite agree - sometimes a situation like they are in ends up being more profound then not being homeless. its a real eye opener, because it can definitely shake one out of a set way of thinking.

i also agree, the trick is to not resent it, and not to judge others just because they are, as you say, above you - because no one is above anyone anyways - we are one.

thank you for sharing ! regardless of distortions ( and yes i agree that is something we all have in one form and/ or another, as well as degrees of them )..... that doesn't detract from the powerful message ... this man is on to something isn't he? :-) fear or love.. it's a message that keeps repeating. it's a choice we all make over and over... nobody is perfect that i know of. but to be aware of the fact that life does seem to distill down to these two choices is just awesome to see in anyone.

like everything else, take the best, what's worthy and meaningful to you and leave the rest is always the wisest approach i think..
this is something else i agree with
the same goes when we hear something - look at the message for what it is, and distinguish both the perceptions of the one relaying the message, and our own forming as we hear them.

i too thought it was interesting that hes met ascended individuals, as he says. or perhaps very high up towards ascension.

if i had been there i would have told him its okay that you are relaying the message because fate planted those two (or three?) guys there at exact synchronicity for this to occur, so it was meant to be. even if their video touched just one person, its begun its purpose

because in the end, all he can do is share the information - it is those who hear it who make the choice of belief or not - it is they who discern if they are ready to hear it. so to have avoided/stopped talking about it is a bit like taking away their free will as they wanted to hear it. all we can do is put the information out there.

the experiences that the guy describes are not uncommon. i've seen drunks explain the same things. (sufi's call the experience "drinking divine wine" for the effects are the same to the uninitiated) understanding them for what they are is uncommon. and i think he does.
i believe it was david i heard saying that indeed, alcohol is considered spirits for this reason
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Old 08-05-2009, 04:34 AM   #14

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that was simply amazing.
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Old 09-04-2009, 10:30 AM   #15

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i couldn't tell for sure, but the edit felt real, not staged.
the blonde kid and the homeless man sure seemed to be on the same vibe or had the same energies flowing through them. like they were passing the 'horn' between them.
yes, i thought so! and as happens more often. the homeless guy as the initiator is not completely aware of what is happening. he's not in control of the process. but his actions did help the other to get sparked.

this is considered slightly messy i believe. i believe etiquette is to initiate only on request. and with some preparations.. certainly not by accident... then again these are the best experiences... sometimes a student is so ready that he just self initiates in the presence of a master. the energy releases in the few cases that i have seen are usually brutal!

one of my sufi friends explained how people getting close together is like putting burnable materials close to each other. when a spark hits one of them, it's likely more of them will catch fire. just by being in the presence of a master you become more of a master yourself. even if that master is a half grown master. this is a function of energy. and requires no training or preparation. just proximity and some empathy.

and if even the camera was affected by this release of energy.. then i can certainly understand that the blonde kid got a little emotional. matter is atomic energy man! look at me this is important!
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Old 09-04-2009, 02:20 PM   #16

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this guy was amazing, made me feel so good to watch this video. thanks very much for sharing this. it reminded me of a few occasions in my life i met inspired people with messages of this nature and i would have loved to video tape it. these kind of profound messages can stick in sentiment and memory but without the detail of exact wording that can be captured by video. technology can be used to bring about positive results!
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Old 09-04-2009, 02:26 PM   #17

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when buddha was going round begging for alms as a mendicant, his father, suddhodhana, called him and said: "son! why are you going about as a beggar? i am a king and you are leading the life of a beggar. this is not proper at all." buddha gave him a fitting reply. "sire, you are brahmam (the one god) and i am brahmam. you are not the father and i am not the son. both of us are brahmam. in the phenomenal world, you belong to the lineage of rulers. i belong to the lineage of renunciants. all those who follow my ideals are all renunciants. your lineage is based on attachment. my lineage is based on renunciation. to those who have attachment, it becomes a disease. to the renunciants, detachment becomes the means to nirvana (liberation from bondage)". http://www.cosmicharmony.com/av/buddha/buddha.htm
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Old 09-04-2009, 04:31 PM   #18

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wow! thank you for this, i loved this video, there is sooo much truth in this.

blessings to you!
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Old 09-04-2009, 07:22 PM   #19

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about two years later , the italian tv (state tv) rai transmitted a special on homeless peoples in italy
at some point one homeless said to the journalist :"jesus is about to return very soon"..
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Old 09-04-2009, 09:12 PM   #20

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about two years later , the italian tv (state tv) rai transmitted a special on homeless peoples in italy
at some point one homeless said to the journalist :"jesus is about to return very soon"..
another homeless once called me jesus. i think he was schizophrenic. he told me he loved me and then accused me of smoking a pipe. what could i do? i told him i loved him too, said that i was proud of him and told him to get well and have faith. he had a beautiful dalmatian with him.

i suppose not everything the homeless say is true. but in his defense, my looks have been compared to jesus before.
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