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#21 |
note: the biblical figure of jehova is not, is not! the prime creator. the story behind this saga of good intentions gone sour -- which opened the door to orion usurption and thousands of years of deception -- can be found in the east/west/gnostic studies at can this be such an incredibly outrageous deception that millions of worshippers over hundreds of years have worshipped and are worshipping a manipulative e.t.? i know the answer is 'yes'. but it still boggles my mind. |
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#22 |
have read it, understand it and agree with it. but, i can't help wondering: where does this leave groups like the jehovah's witnesses and other fundamentalists who solidly base all of their beliefs on a strict literal interpretation of bible texts? "incredibly outrageous" does sum it up. there are important principles found in christian religious philosophy that are like beautiful jewels... but often the settings for them are gross distrotions.interestingly enough many hindu gurus have called christianity "the bloody queen of religion." although i hold much in high respect i cannot in all honesty present mysef a "christian" since the term implies that one's state of mind is convinced that jesus is the one and only special son of god ...and that it is a given there is some great gulf of alienation between mankind and god -- the particular distinction between a creator and its creation --that constitues such a huge gulf between the two natures that only a specific and most special bloody "sacrifice" can hope to bridge. does that description/definition sound correct? in my opinion such similar but real great gulf seperates the ra's philosopy of religion from the above "givens" of christianity. in orthodox thinking god has created the cosmos via the special miracle of ex- nihilo (creation out of nothing) a human artisan can create something only if there is material for him to work with. in a creation ex-nihilo god doesn't have any cosmic play dough to play with. a heretical position is that god has formed the cosmos out of his own being... heretical or not that makes infinitely more sense to me! one objection to the above is that the cosmos is then explained by simple pantheism, which many think is an insufficient doctrine that runs into philosohical problems. a way out of this is the concept of panentheism, which envisions god as both immanent to the cosmos and transcendent to it. i think that this conception fits in best with the ra philosophy as expressed in the law of one, and such escapes the dead-end problems of grecian/christian thinking on the idealized nature of god. concerning the pain induced by religious belief systems. many channelings tell us of (et) beings that "feast" on radiated human emotions...much like the masai taking blood from their cattle in preferenc to meat for substinance.emotions of pain. horror, depression, hate, whatever, serve their need. i have a friend who is a "traditional catholic " (holding to doctrines established before vatican 2) she is hooked on pain and suffering...which she dedicates to god/jesus as her loving sacrifice... and think of all the guilt radiating from those who suffer from falling short in living up to the ten suggestions. (it has been said that depression is an occupational hazard for christians) think of the emotional state of the world in this present time....wars, collapse of the economy, the horrors of starvation... thanks largely to the puppet elite serving their masters.. humanity's psyche is reduced to rags and raging. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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#23 |
to me,
jesus is the reflection of a human being. i don't read the bible much, but if anything- i've come to see this as a metaphorical undertone in which, jesus, is living in both a human and spiritual nature. as previously stated, we have christ within us.(holy spirit, christ-consciousness, soul, heart, oneness, etc.) we are a part of the source, we are a part of god- and in turn, we are a part of jesus. is he a person? sure. does it matter? not really. to me, what matters most is- the message. what is the message? -that's really a question you should be asking yourself. we are all on these forums in a sense that we all share an interest in something. a part of this whole, "exploration of self" is coming to understand your truth-ask yourself whatever it is you want to know- although the answer may not come to you in the format you seek it to be presented... i am sure you will manage to find something.... be true to yourself, follow your heart- believe in your instinct's and see where it takes you. i'm not here to debate- and when it comes to these kind of conversations i will tell you now...i have no clue. and i am fine with that. to me, love is of the utmost importance. i think it is very much possible that spiritual awakening could be a representation of the return of jesus christ- of the return of being in tune with the source, being in tune with ourselves, being a part of that which is being. life is good- i hope you all have a wonderful day, and i hope you find whatever it is you are looking for. much love, -eric :} |
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#24 |
come to think of it, i see exactly what you're saying. the 10 commandments cannot save us from from ourselves nor was it meant to for that purpose. it only shows us people's unbalanced way of thinking on the negative and not thinking on all the great things we can do. it's like a mirror of how we sometimes percieve things. rocky, ya sorta lost me. what is this business about being "justified by the sacrifice of the creator"? etc" have you tried to think this through in regard to the loo? being called the "children" of god goes smoothly past the lips yet is misleading as we are differentiated aspects of the undifferentiated god, not really children, per se. and what about those of negative polarity...those we might confuse with the anti-christ. how are they managing to save themselves from themselves?don't forget that the distortion of the negative polarity path (budhists call it the left-had path) is a legitimate spiritual path...are those left-handers causing god to wring its hands in dispair? the outstanding feature of the ra philosophy of religion is that all will be reconciled! now that is a revolutionary thought-bite bombshell! it is really tough for some to pick up on the ra material especially if they are carrying religious thought baggage into the study. in my case i struggled for a long time to break away from church-thought. it is rather ironic because i didn't become a christian until i was in my late 50's ... before that i was a disorganized new-ager/spiritualist. i was reading edgar cayce material back in the 1950's. i was a member of the are for some years (a quote from cayce sticks in my mind..."god will not be mocked") but for some unexplaineable reason i needed to experience the church ambience and to familiarize myself with basic theology. after some ten years i found that i had studied myself out of orthodoxy and started to look around a second tim .... and met up with cayce again (tho this time around he came back on steroids) ![]() time to go on a nature walk to clear my head... at least it is cooling off with the sun now hanging at noon time it would have been instant death to venture forth ![]() bill g aka bbb ps desclaimer: bbb knows just enough to be if my thoughts don't resonate please ignore my rambling. forgive me when i come across as sounding too rigid and dogmatic, its 'cus i don't have time to be properly humble. like most here i'm still just a student trying to get through the preface so i can finally tackle the main work! |
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#25 |
if there is no right and wrong, what do you care if i still hold my beliefs? i don't means to sound harsh, but who are you to make me feel guilty about my faith? the guilt you claim doesn't exist is still manifesting so apparently it must exist. the fears of organized belief (religion) also exist, but if you fear organization then you love disorder and not unity. true, there can be counterfeit unity, but why judge others on their sense of unity or perception of oneness, love, light, truth?
if there no right and wrong i shouldn't care about staying asleep in some illusion nor awakening, nor annihilation or eternal life, etc because creation and recreation is inevitable and life just moves on with or without me. if there is no right or wrong then logically there should be no such thing as an illusion or distortion because everything would be real and revolve around on self and becomes what ever we want. i could say two plus three is fish and that would be your "truth" in your "reality" and say five plus tree is nine in my "reality' and since there would be no definite reality, there is no such thing as truth or error. how can there be unity when there is no definite reality, truth, right, etc for common ground? we're reasonable people, we know that and say that it's more than knowing right, but actually experiencing it. well does that mean we shouldn't listen to the advice of other people who have been through that road of trial and error and copy the same mistakes? now if somone gives you advice on something they have no idea about, then they're just being a little hypocritical on their part, but you know what i mean. so again i say, why do you judge me or project guilt? perhaps you love me as much as you fear for me, but i'd like to you (and everyone) to know i also do the same and am no different that you. you have your perception of truth and i have mine, but then again, you could say it's only a perception and not truth itself. i don't see anything wrong in believing that all human kind are children of god because of the infinite grace of love (always giving and never expecting in return). i do not need to even be a "christian" to appreciate the "grace" of the creator in us. panenthiesm pretty much covers my beliefs and i believe is that we are all saved if we let the creator do it's creative and re-creative (redemptive) work. i do not see why i should feel fear or guilt in that and if you feel that way then i feel sorry for you because you're letting your feelings control you... ![]() |
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#26 |
greeting to you nina, as always, your post are deep and insightful. may i be the 1st to encourage you to continue to spread your unique favor on these topics. they reach those that they need to reach.
i'm pretty sure my time here is limited because several of my posts which ask for a more critical look at ra have been declined.) these 10 or 11 (love) are still valid for these moments of now. the golden bull; the golden bull and moses anger with this displayed, showed that the people were worshiping or needed something outside of their selfs to worship, rather than looking within and worshipping the force within their own selfs. they lost there way and the teachings. i had not associated the lower charkras in this way, but it is interesting...and can see the tries, since our lower c are more associated with security, power, self, rather than our higherselfs which is connected directly to our source. anyway, interesting discussions and exchange, i appreciate everyone's individual view of the same. we all hold the answers to the various ways that truth is told in our world. peace and good flow of energy ! |
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#27 |
if there is no right and wrong, what do you care if i still hold my beliefs? i don't means to sound harsh, but who are you to make me feel guilty about my faith? the guilt you claim doesn't exist is still manifesting so apparently it must exist. the fears of organized belief (religion) also exist, but if you fear organization then you love disorder and not unity. true, there can be counterfeit unity, but why judge others on their sense of unity or perception of oneness, love, light, truth? your right/wrong example is an reductio ad absurdum argument. it completly misses the point. but as a matter of fact the concept of poloraized rightvswrong is a distortion only perceived at this level... the one creator is undifferentiated and thus not polarized. evil is one thing but "sin" is yet another; they are not synonymous. the definition of sin is rebellion against god...does god rebel against herself? i hope not! the bible states that god creates/instigates evil (that really throws a lot of believers when that passage is pointed out to them) evil taken in that sense means a disruption of order. my main concern is with your exclusive emphasis of the "saved" "good and godly vs the "unsaved" sinners in any relationship with god, the one creator. the real basic difference in the ra philosophy is that those of positive polarity worship god in others, while those of negative polarity worship god in themselves...the fact is that both worship god! all are of equal value in god's vision...she/it is divinely delighted in both now, to set the record straight, i'm strongly inclined to follow the positive path...i'm a goody two-shoes and proud of it. and i have a hard time feeling thankfulness to the negatives who provide us with the needed catalyst for growth...but that is the job they were enrolled in. in some readings it is said that when the re-polarized negatives offer their special life experiences to the one creator their wealth is especially appreciated. that reading does cause one to stop and think! also keep in mind that earlier experiments in 3d planets were a dissapointing bust as cosmic experiencers because most --fully aware of the loo -- sat around yawning away their lifespans in the comfort of their particular edens. good, but good for nothing. for our planet things were spiced up a bit; for the first time negatives and positives were dumped in together. my opinion, going by the earth history, is that the sub-logi overdid the jalepenos! furthermore i should add that i'm not against organization per se. i belong to several, including this loosly organized one. i assumed that you are on this forum to explore the particular ideas that it is centered around. no? for many people the figure of jesus fills the need to have a meaningful object of devotion. thats okay with me. i find many things in the bible inspiring i have a book of golden sayings from the bible that i occasionally ponder....i just don't take particular doctrines seriously i.e., those that seem especialy designed to control believers. (control -- even for the 'good' -- is negative) okay, i've run on too long. the thought i would leave you with is that we are not necessarily so much helplessly fallen-down-and-can't-get-up-again souls clamouring to be saved, but rather brave explorers doing our divinely appointed duty in checking out all aspects of this wonderful cosmos. and rocky, i'm not judging your worth, just discussing your borrowed ideas. and as for being saved...i would only like to convince you that you were never thrown away and lost in the first place. ![]() the usual vital desclaimer... accept what resonates, ignore what doesn't. ![]() ps i'm glad to see you faver panentheism...please do a google for, panentheism charles hartshorne...the einstein of religion. pax galactica, bill g aka bbb |
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#28 |
god in others god in you, who is making such distinction? it's like saying the tap water in your cup and the tap water in my what? same thing lol yet it's easy to create a false god just as it is in polluting my tap water o.o
i never made a distinction of saved and unsaved, i said that everyone is already saved, being unsaved is just a futile fantasy of trying to run away from your mission of growth and love. sin is a fantasy, it's not really real and neither is the false identity you create in it. when you leave the fantasy you accept your true eternal identity (what you're meant to be), your mind is changed and you become as a new creature. before all this you realize all the futile attempts you've done to change yourself, but you accept the power of the creator in us all and then you just let her (the creation) do it's job and believe it will happen. thoughts and words from others have somewhat a supernatural influence on you and you have the choice to either take it and repeat them or deny them and say something different. in the same way if you read some of the nice things in a bible or even books from let suppose...ellen g. could imagine you're in the book and it's talking to you. perhaps in a bible story you imagine you're some character and see what lessons he learned. of course remember not to be to attached to your or someone's present (or past) identity because you would just be stunting your spiritual growth and losing focus on your purpose. as you may know, our purpose here is to keep learning and grow in the light/love. sure we face trials and error along the way and perhaps take some advice from somone who made those mistakes before you did so that you don't do the same thing. thinking and speaking positive believing we are all children of god we'd be happier in good and bad times. it's good to know we all have potential in our weaknesses to accept change in our minds. fear turns to love, pride turns you humility, controlling others turns into self control, and wrath becomes patience. to every weakness there is a strength. |
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#29 |
god in others god in you, who is making such distinction? it's like saying the tap water in your cup and the tap water in my what? same thing lol yet it's easy to create a false god just as it is in polluting my tap water o.o for the second time i owe you an apology, i grabbed at a word of yours here and there, and then without sufficient thought ran for the goal...the one at the wrong end of the playing field i'm embarrassed to say ![]() but perhaps some of the concepts that were touched on were actually meant for someone or the other needy reader. addressing your reply, "god in others god in you, who is making such distinction?" the ra makes the distinction. the difference is not found in the god quality per se but rather the focus of the individual entity i.e, on herself or on another. as for instantly "becoming a new creature" that is a pretty big first step! when i was baptized i vowed to myself, "ok! now i'm making a free-will choice to love god with all my heart and mind!" the following flat result of that vain vow sparked my interest in the philosphical question of just what, and what not, constitutes what is sloppily thought of as, "free will". (the will may perhaps be best thought of as "the abiding inclination of the permanent spiritual self... the will is not an independant thing of power but merely reflects the essential nature of a particular entity) thanks for the interchange. i will go in peace and sin no more ![]() bbb |
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#30 |
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#31 |
i know the bible says in what manner he will return (coming in the clouds never touching the ground, with all his angels, resurrecting the dead, ascending people to the sky, and then returning to god's paradise somewhere in outer space and will bring paradise here 1000 years later to recreate the earth. the ones who didn't want to go get recreated into something else i suppose).
what do you say? christ will come as jesus again in the clouds after everybody receives his spirit and spreads his gospel of love and salvation? or is he going to reincarnate and lead a us into a new age? or is he already here in some other density and we're going to see him appear when we have some density shift? |
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#32 |
what do you say? christ will come as jesus again in the clouds after everybody receives his spirit and spreads his gospel of love and salvation? or is he going to reincarnate and lead a us into a new age? or is he already here in some other density and we're going to see him appear when we have some density shift?[/quote]
i have posted the following excerpt from seth speaks on another thread about jesus. according to this material, jesus is currently incarnated on earth. it would follow that when the time is right, his identity will be made known. :d i have read in several places that lucifer is also incarnated at this time. his identity also being secret, for now. ![]() ![]() peace, (:-deeze the following are excerpts from "seth speaks". pages 370-371 the third personality, mentioned many times by me, has not in your terms yet appeared, although his existence has been prophesied as the "second coming". now, these prophecies were given in terms of the current culture at that time, and therefore, while the stage has been set, the distortions are deplorable, for this christ will not come at the end of your world as the prophecies have been maintaining. he will not come to reward the righteous and send evildoers to eternal doom. he will, however, begin a new religious drama. a certain historical continuity will be maintained. as happened once before, however, he will not be generally known for who he is. there will be no glorious proclamation to which the whole world will bow. he will return to straighten out christianity, which will be in a shambles at the time of his arrival, and to set up a new system of thought when the world is sorely in need of one. |
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#33 |
first, we are all one. one of many, yet the same. of which is jesus christ. jesus, through his teachings, way of life, his respect and love of one another and ultimately, his death, gave us life. he opened our hearts, he expanded our horizon to be as he was and more. we are all very powerful beings, we just have to believe in our selfs and in one another.
thus, we all have within us, the light of christ, within our heart. as we awaken and begin to work our path to be "who we truly are", this light, this love within, will just be and shine forth. daily, we meet our selfs, both dark and light, battling our own battles within for truth, peace and love. once we realize, that the light and dark within our selfs, is equal, we come back to our center, our heart and began to balance our selfs. as the answers and questions are addressed for our selfs, by our selfs, our christ light within grows in strength and we began the journey of "and more". giving and being unconditionally, from our true selfs, to our selfs and to one another. we become our christ selfs. our needs, wants change. we change, for we have changed and see life and our neighbors differently. we no longer look for gratitude externally, but internally, from our selfs. we know, this is all we need and all anyone else, truly needs. it becomes enough for it is enough. i believe jesus christ will return and lead us all back to salvation. we will walk together as one, yet separate in our unique selfs as we are. the 2nd coming will include all other christ beings walking today on earth. make the love within your heart real, for it already is. |
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#34 |
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#35 |
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#36 |
@ rockyrojas88 quote 'most of christianity is following a counterfeit christ (lucifer in disguise),' unquote
the scriptures make it apparent that jesus christ had ascended to his higher self: his 'christ consciousness' or true self, or identity, who we really are! so to speak. jesus states in the bible 'i and my father are one and the same'. this says it all, he was an ascended master. he wanted to be a pattern for us to follow. what he could do, he wants us to do, as children of the most high god. in our higher state we probably have unlimited power to create and destroy. i do get the feeling he didn't mind us worshiping him, because this is a gateway, or one possible way to our higher god selves as well. such as prayer, meditation, patience. how accurate the rest of the bible is i can't say. much of it is taken by faith. |
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#37 |
according to the cayce material, jesus and adam were different incarnations of the same christ soul. eve and the virgin mary (jesus' twin soul) were also different incarnations of the same soul. this karmic connection between adam and jesus explains why jesus was able to pay the "karmic debt" by atoning for the "sin of adam." this adam-jesus connection can be seen in the following excerpt from the cayce readings:
question: "when did the knowledge come to jesus that he was to be the savior of the world?" cayce: "when he fell in eden." [2067-7] cayce also stated in a trance that many other personalities from the old testament and history were also incarnations of jesus. the cayce material describes the entire christian bible as part of the story of jesus' long struggle to attain "christhood" and provide humanity a pattern to do the same. cayce made a distinction between jesus and "the christ." he said that "christhood" is the goal which every human should strive for. jesus was simply the first evolved human to attain it. cayce referred to jesus as our "elder brother" and "the pattern" for our own spiritual growth. the bible states that christ fulfilled the law and, according to cayce, so can we. that is the entire purpose of jesus' teaching. cayce wrote: "the law of god made manifest [that] he becomes the law by manifesting same before man; and thus - as man, even as you becomes one with the father" because of jesus' triumph over "flesh and temptation", jesus "became the first of those that overcame death in the body, enabling him to so illuminate, to so revivify that body as to take it up again, even when those fluids of the body had been drained away by the nail holes in his hands and by the spear piercing his side." (1152-1) in essence, cayce described the christ soul as the impelling force and core of truth behind all religions that teach that "god is one." "i and my father are one. then they took up stones again to stone him. jesus answered them, many good works have i shown you from my father; for which of these do you stone me? they answered him, saying, for a good work we stone you not; but for blasphemy; and because that you, being a man, make yourself god. jesus answered them, "is it not written in your law: i said 'you are gods?" - john 10:30-34, jesus quoting psalm 82:6 to defend his teaching that god dwells within all human beings. |
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#38 |
hello rockyrojas88
according to q'uo, which is a part of the social complex of ra, jesus isn't necessarily coming back. jesus is described as an entity given special leeway - that leeway is to incarnate without the veil to its cumulative incarnate experience. he/she is born knowing everything he/she has ever learned. q'uo is very careful to note that this entity has incarnated on many planets through existence with just that one special condition that does give it a special advantage. the entity who was known as jesus on our planet, has incarnated many many times across creation. in the larger scheme of things with out galaxy comprised of billions of planets and innumerable solar systems, the probability that our planet is the one that this entity could help on in my mind is very low. if jesus is coming back ~ he would have to be here very soon as our harvest is coming, but the incarnation would be different. could you imagine if the entity who once was named jesus was a 7 year old calling for peace and universal love? just something to consider ![]() the q'uo materials can be seen at l/lresearch archives after 1984 |
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#39 |
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#40 |
from my understanding there is a sumerian story from long ago which speaks of two "gods" who were brothers one got upset with humanity and wanted to wipe them out with a flood and another who wanted to save them and went to them and warned them of the impending flood.
i know the biblical story is that god was upset with humans and wanted to wipe them out but yet decided to save a few of them(noah's family) what if there were really 2 gods fighting over the fate of humanity? we always here in the bible god changed his mind over and over but what if it really wasn't the true story. from my understanding before the bible was translated there were different names and different gods. just like abraham getting ready to sacrafice his child and then an "angel" of god came down and told him he didn't need to do this. i think yahweh demanded a sacrafice and then a compassionate god or jesus himself appeared to abraham and told him you don't need to do this. makes more sense then some angry god changing his mind all the time. i now a lot is lost in translations but my feeling is if i god is telling you to kill or sacrafice someone or do anything along those lines its an angry god if someone is telling you to be compassionate and loving then its a compassionate god. if one re-reads the bible and just goes by the fruits of the message and does not pay attention to names you start to see a completely different story. there is a god that loves humanity and wants to protect them and then there is an angry god that wants humanity to keep killing each other in the name of him. from my understanding jesus was trying to lead us away from this angry god and teach us of a different god who was utterly compassionate and loved us unconditionally and he was everywhere the real creator who exists through the universe and all of us. i feel he was trying to tell us yahweh was not the real god. i also wanted to say we get caught up on names alot but i have personally learned that beings can say they are someone even though its not the truth someone can speak to you and say they are god but its been my experience that when someone starts hearing things the first thing that is supposed to be looked at is what that "someone" is saying what is it teaching? "by their fruits you will know them" i think a very wise being said that ![]() of course this is just my interpretation and it may not resonate with everyone. i hope i did not offend anyone. i read over some of the ra material and see that there is similar information in those writtings so i assume this is appropriate. i will post a link to the sumerian story. peace to you lisa |
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