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#1 |
are people really that fragile?
this sounds like a really mean question.. i bet, huh?… but i guess i have been experiencing frustration over the last couple of days and this was a thing i was wondering. i can’t understand why people act so fragile. (we are gods!) it’s like any little thing (depending on the thing) destroys the whole little world of some. are we suppose to pretend that beings like this are indeed as weak as they are pretending to be? are we suppose to agree and nod our heads as they tell they deeply invested stories of suffering and woe and victimization? note: wounding happens: and, there should be time given and attention paid. i am just saying, make it no more and no less then what it is. so many people have story. anything that might threaten the “story” and thereby the wound’s existence is dangerous. they seem to have no “immune” system…. any germ or virus that gets in, wracks havoc. (but immune system is another topic.) years ago, i was at work at an old job. a temp worker was there. she lost her job a bit back. then, she’d just been totally robbed 2 days ago… everything gone. i was a bit down today myself because of something. i spoke to a longtime friend and co worker about it who was appropriately sympathetic. i started talking with the temp and she said, “why don’t you just get over it?’ i was a bit taken aback. chatted a bit more, went to my desk and flipped the calendar to correct day and saw this: the world is sad enough without your woe. no path is wholly rough." -ella wheeler wilcox i got it. if she, who had lost everything could let it go and move on, so could i. move on… “no path is wholly rough”, if you move on. so….. i mean, when is it time to get “helen keller” with folks? anybody see the movie? that “teacher”, anne sullivan was rough…. anne, the teacher/governess, refused to believe that human child helen had the life of little more then an animal before her. anne believed that there was a divine being in there and was committed, compassionate and loving enough to be merciless to get it to come out. i was at an ashram earlier this year that worked with all 10 aspects of the goddess in hindi tradition. kali the fire goddess, is the one who loves you with some much compassion that she will cut off your head so that you may be free. no one likes kali puja so much i am told. i think i’d like it: “look! there’s your sh*t! give it to me or i’m gonna take it! but one way or another, you’re walking out without it!” (i guess some people get really upset when their sh*t is gone because then they have to go out and work really hard to build a new pile. what’d you come to kali for?) i just want to scream sometimes….bang my head against a wall and yell, “…. for god’s sake. no! no, don’t go that way…go to the left, the left! the way out is to the left!” however increasing compassion and non judgement also allows me to just accept them exactly as they are with love and no commenting necessary. so frustration arises over what to do or not do! and what is the better service… i am afraid i would like to just w/o ego open my mouth and speak my truth as i am observing it all the time when i see things…. however, i fear i would soon be much by myself! maybe they would come back… but they usually go off at least for a little while. what is people’s experience with this? do you say it like you see it? what result have you gotten? peacefully, darlyne |
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#2 |
hi stargirl, deep insights on your part. i while back, i recongized how senitive we all are. another word would be "fragile". yes, i agree with you. because we are naturally love (want to be kind, loving, caring and unjudgemental, giving), when we experience something that doesn't feel well, physically, emotionally, spiritually, we get wounded. or if another just isn't their true loving self, they can be quite the bully in protecting themselves form the same wound. this wounds sometimes heals, most times do not and is only doctored when we sense pain again.
other times, we just block out what has tiggered pain and don't deal with it, thus, expressing no self worth and allow the others in the experience to feel better or take from us (taking our power) or as you said, we are so powerful... but our sensitive nature can hold us back. as we all reach to be our true self always, a part of the whole, yet separate, we found that inner peace to except others as they are and except ourself as same. the statement "love thy self as you love another" is so true, yet can also be so hard.... if only each day, everyone could recognize how sensitive and fragile we all are, we might walk, talk and be a little more kind and loving, rather than empty and spacie. good observation, i agree... |
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#3 |
originally, this post was not really about me “whining” about how “fragile” or “sensitive” (good word rhonda and thanks for your comments) people are. i broke it up because it was too long. below is the second part. it was a much longer “rant” as i tried to continue to figure out how more people could be happy now. not that this post is ”the way”. it is merely a sharing and wondering of what i have found/ observed and see…. a view, an interpretation.
so…. i am very happy on earth… i do tend to recover from drama and issues and i usually don’t get stuck for very long. i go in there, i suffer deep and i get out (knock on wood!)…. ….but i often tend to see others who are not as happy as me… on earth. here. now. physical, in a body. incarnate. where are the happy to be on earth people? even the “wanderer” people who might get into some of these concepts as i’ve written… well, like so many of you (a lot of you are on this forum, so excuse the familiar address) seem to have tickets or reservations for the first ship outta here as soon as your contract expires. ![]() i want to write an idea of how you be happy on earth.. while physical… my thoughts on the attitude needed to feel totally here and at peace, now incarnate… but i’m afraid i’d be shot down for being disconnected, unfeeling, non compassionate…clueless, naïve, out of touch, etc. because…. you know, i’ve never been hurt… b*ll****…. i just get over it! and i can’t figure out why but it is some kind of capital offense to suggest to people, why don’t you heal that. personally, i was ecstatic to realize that such a thing was an option. just do it. i feel shut down around people sometimes cause i don’t want t o push my “holier then thou” happy vibe. (and, lord knows, it don’t take much for people to feel “pushed”.) i really, really like earth and i am happy here, in my body, till 2012 or whatever. i am thankful for this feeling and i know i worked very hard to have it. so it’s harder to identify with all my “miserable” ![]() ultimately, the main point is: they are not able to be happy here and now on earth. last week, i had this dream where i was with a bunch of wanderer types and they didn’t even speak to each other: so busy they were trying to get it all with their personal connection to god and do the work. and i am sorry, they looked neither peaceful nor happy. i tell you, a girl can almost feel ashamed to be content. and i do feel scared to speak on specifics of how it is i am content. it’s like how rich people can feel guilty about having so much money and all their friends, if there are not careful… can add to that. see….? that might have sounded almost pompous to some…. it was not meant to. so that’s the fuller expression of what i’m trying to unravel. i’d love comments. i do wonder of folks think i’ve just plain ol’ fallen off! heck, maybe it ain't even that important to be happy/peaceful... seriously, might just be a value i have. peace and love darlyne |
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#4 |
hi darlyne, wishing you well! : )
.... sharing a post of mine that seems rather relevant : ) onward and upward! ....... creator, source, great spirit, higher consciousness, highest love, god, etc., etc....... is a pure, joyous, blissful, non-judging consciousness and everlasting loving energy ready to help us directly change everything in front of us to unconditional love once each of us decides to change everything in front of us to unconditional love! each living, breathing step we take with the conscious intent and feeling and action of gratitude and humility and wisdom and forgiving and unconditional love, of which each one of us already has connection to from within, changes everything in our own past, present and future---right now! we have the ability to create heaven on earth and they do not want us to connect to that ability... too late...we are connected as never before in time! each of us are powerful-loving-immortal-reality-creating beings! they(the manipulators in government, religion, commerce, etc.) are simply an extension of us that hoodwinked us into believing we were less than what we are because we were duped into allowing this mayhem through clever and thought-out fear and manipulation tactics because they had quite a control and foresight over the future occurrences for a very long time on earth. no more...the future is now out of their control for it cannot be seen and manipulated by them anymore for too many of us have woken up from the heart and consciously connected to our very own source of creator and have allowed for this 'new' future to unfold from a higher realm of loving consciousness because we are now meeting the creator half way by acting in unconditional love in everything we do! hold on for the most beautiful ride of a lifetime (many lifetimes)!!! : ) heaven is unfolding in front of us...because we will it and live it! ![]() |
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#5 |
i can relate. but you have to keep in mind, there is a lot of un-seen forces effecting all of us. some react differently to it than others. quoting nassim haramein "don't take it personally, even if everything you say gets completely miss interpreted, or you get yelled at". watch his video, its fantastic.
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#6 |
hey darlyne,
i can completely relate to what you are saying. so…. i am very happy on earth… i do tend to recover from drama and issues and i usually don’t get stuck for very long. i go in there, i suffer deep and i get out (knock on wood!)…. i have always tried to stay positive and happy in the moment. however i equate movement with growth. i am continually striving to learn to love more, and while i do love earth and life right now part of me feels like there is so much more awaiting us in 4d and i feel like i need to do something, make an effort, work at it where as another part of me says there is no need to try so hard that all we have to do is just be and accept that we are already gods here in this moment and that there is really nothing we have to do except see the love in each moment. and while i do love life here on earth, part of me knows that it can be sooooo much better and i feel that if i accept that all is wonderful as it is then i will be stuck here in 3d ![]() i do feel like it is an adventure and fun this 3d world, but truly there is sometimes just a little too much drama for me. love, megan |
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#7 |
sadly or humorously take your pick i was so ready to jump on the first ship and get the hell out of here myself leaving every one behind as i flew away screaming in terror.
but as dw has so graciously pointed out in his latest talk on talkshoe the idea behind the pyramids was to face ones fears at which point if the person didn't die from shock a heart attack or some thing the person would become enlightened. he did omit one little point though and that is it becomes increasingly hard to know if you are actually dead.. i mean every thing seems real enough but every thing you think you are suddenly becomes some one else's thoughts or intellectual property ![]() |
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#8 |
we have the ability to create heaven on earth and they do not want us to connect to that ability... -------------------------------------------------------------------- thanks for the quote, klass. also i felt like i should watch the nassim video, so you suggetion may be a confirmation. i do feel like it is an adventure and fun this 3d world, but truly there is sometimes just a little too much drama for me. ![]() thank you all and everyone for your thoughts and comments. |
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#9 |
yes, let there be peace, so the heart can fill and glow as it should.
everyone just needs to feel, see and sense safety in their world. not only physcial, but emotional, spiritual, safety in the whole package. this why our elders points us all to the phrase "love thy neighbor as thyself", "do not judge" etc etc., cause when we do anything else, we only tigger a re-action that usally is a feeling of we are wrong or out of control and someone else is trying to control me, which throws us into a protective nature with all the senses and re=action coming forward to protect us from this feeling. to live and be happy, we must feel within ourselfs that sense of peace for self and the freedom to explore for ourselfs fully. this sense of freedom can create so much new. yes, heaven on earth ! living our true selfs here and now. |
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#10 |
sadly or humorously take your pick i was so ready to jump on the first ship and get the hell out of here myself leaving every one behind as i flew away screaming in terror. ![]() |
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#12 |
hi stargirl,
you seem to have sounded the clarion call for happiness and joy. i want to write an idea of how you be happy on earth.. while physical… my thoughts on the attitude needed to feel totally here and at peace, now incarnate… but i’m afraid i’d be shot down for being disconnected, unfeeling, non compassionate…clueless, naïve, out of touch, etc. because…. you know, i’ve never been hurt… b*ll****…. i just get over it! and i can’t figure out why but it is some kind of capital offense to suggest to people, why don’t you heal that. personally, i was ecstatic to realize that such a thing was an option. just do it . i tell you, a girl can almost feel ashamed to be content. and i do feel scared to speak on specifics of how it is i am content. it’s like how rich people can feel guilty about having so much money and all their friends, if there are not careful… can add to that. see….? that might have sounded almost pompous to some…. it was not meant to. good for you! ![]() yet at the same time, each person is on their own journey, working out things for themselves. sometimes it takes a period of dwelling in darkness and despair to truly appreciate the bright sunlight of joy. for these people, its no good exhorting them to hurry along, or to work it out, or just plain get over it; its their journey, and they walk it their own way. make your own life a grand shining example of what can be done; if it inspires others, then good, if not, then nothing wasted. accept others for who they are, the way they are. one can become a spiritual snob too, you know ![]() |
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#13 |
hello stargirls
yes , at some stages in their life pple can be fragile and in other stages they may have learned to cope with it. pple that seem to be very strong can also be the meost vulnerable, since they hide theit vulnerability away and when they finally in the face of too much oppression give in, they "break" instead of bend. if on the contrary one has been allowed to show ones vulnarable sides one may instead "bend" like a straw of grass and then more easily come back on track. of course the "victimrole" is also something one can derive some pervertive "positive" gains from, but all "weakness" is not a sign of victimhood. to always be "happy and strong" is not a true sign of strenght, but to deal with the wounds and sorrows on a deeper level, to find the truth about ones shortcomings and traumas and rise through them, not above them, will give you true strength and happiness. as the dalai lama states, pain has to be accepted to gain true happiness. ![]() "to everything turn turn turn, there is a season , turn turn turn, and a time for every purpose under heaven" transiten |
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#14 |
hi stargirl, some stages in their life pple can be fragile and in other stages they may have learned to cope with it. pple that seem to be very strong can also be the meost vulnerable, since they hide theit vulnerability away and when they finally in the face of too much oppression give in, they "break" instead of bend. if on the contrary one has been allowed to show ones vulnarable sides one may instead "bend" like a straw of grass and then more easily come back on track. stargirl: if everyone had to hide their tragic stories or had to pretend cope with it, suck it up, so to speak, we'd all be a bunch of stiff bricks, ready to crumble into peices when a 'real' tragidy strikes, like a national disaster, for example. that's what i love about our time period, all the open communication. it lets people know it's ok to be imperfect and have an imperfect family history, so that everyone can feel comfortable enough to share with each other. it didn't used to be like this fifty years ago, when people felt shame when someone found out about a hidden family detail. the shame and humiliation was often the means to a person's eventual demise. but it wouldn't have been like that if they'd known of other people's situation, that other people's families had just as much complexity as their's. and if they'd known that other people grieved differently and for different amounts of time, no one judging another or competing at who grieves more 'efficiently', it may have helped them to deal with their own situation better and accept their own pace so as not to further their shame. when you hide your pain or don't tell other people about it, you could be doing a disservice to someone near you who could have used that reassurance that their are other's who can sympathies with their situation. so, you can say it's selfish to act like a brick and 'get over it' quickly. also if someone seems to have a harder time dealing with a certain aspect of their life, maybe there's more going on than they're willing to tell about. maybe they have a compilation of problems but are only willing to share a few. maybe some of that compilation is their own empathy towards another family near them who is suffering, or several families, you never really know all of what's going on, you only know what you're being offered by the one you're complaining about, complaining about their issues. |
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#15 |
i'm totally with you there mmariebored...
...and at the same time there are pple (including myself now and then, mostly then nowadays ![]() transiten |
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#16 |
i'm totally with you there mmariebored... ![]() |
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#17 |
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#18 |
this was posted like seems like months ago... it's still alive!! ![]() hmmm... i seem to have not made myself clear (surprise planet earth) a few folks seem to think i mean hiding or repressing hurt and wounds. this is not what i mean at all. being happy all the time irregardless of what is going on... having no choice to be (or fearing to be) anything other the "happy" is, indeed i would agree, limiting. i am simply saying -choice. often it seems people do not feel or believe they have a choice over how to feel about something... that is what i really point to. i beleive, before (and during) every emotion/ feeling there is the choice to feel something different... people don't seem to always acknowledge or notice that.... doesn't mean they need to pick a particular "popular emotion or not but just to be made aware of thier options. i cry all the time or get angry or upset or whatever... i have done deep depression like i guess every wanderer here... that is why i speak so shamelessly... by college, i got sick of it.. like, "i've done that enough" i am just going to choose to be happy and see what happens. so i know anyone can do it cause i didn't start out that way... oh sure, i always had a high bouncing off the walls energy level (other people's comments about me from childhood on) but a focused willful intent to be joyful, positive, look at glasses half full and not half empty.. that was a clean break. "happy" is not the goal, peace is. from a state of concious willful peace you will naturally flow with conciousness into whatever feeling needs to be expressed/ addreses at the time and then you will naturally flow back out of it in timing as well. i would never want to suppress feelings or vunerability. the problem is, so many people fear the "vunerability" because they fear 1) they will not be able to "get back out" of it or 2) that if they are "attacked" (example, some very mean thing is said or done) they will be deeply wounded for such a long time that it had better be worth the incredible risk of being vunerable with this person... my god! i can think of not greater hell! to literally be afraid to love the beings around you because if you are vunerable and "risk" opening to love them back, you may be "irrevocabily" wounded if anything goes wrong. if you know that you will survive. if you trust the healing of your emotional body and have built it up to recover so, it will be like people who play sports or who dance or who take other phyiscal classes.... you take percautions but the "risk" is highly acceptable. it is not a scary dangerous thing. this is the true reason why i am so freaked out and presenting my like "what about this idea?" i see people suffering longer then they say they want to, and then avoiding all situations that might lead them to the suffering again at all cost. you are right... everyone is allowed thier own pace of recovery. i know i get impatienct sometimes and that is my judgement/weakness. i thought i might just dare to offer for consideration that there might be other ways as well. everyone can and will of course do what is best for themselves and all will be well. peace and love darlyne ps i feel if one really gets this right, you actully can become more empathic because you can go to whatever emotional level a person is at by your choice and if they want to, they can then follow you back up (if they are in a dark place) because you have done this work and walked that path within yourself so many times. it's an elevator. love! ![]() |
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#19 |
it seems important to try and be clear. (it's funny, cause i thought this post died weeks ago... i can't believe it's still here: like a mad scientist creation… “it’s still alive”, not sure if i'm glad about that or not)
to restate: i get plenty of current real emotions of varying intensity and flavor (“good” and “bad”) i just feel like more of a co-creator with the emotions. when those waves come in, i grab my surf board and try to pick the best one for the ride… but the waves are coming no matter what, and if i’ve put myself out there… i’m gonna get it. so i try to be prepared and ready to make it work for me and carry me back to shore…. but who doesn’t “wipe out” every once in a while? it happens and sometimes you even need help. it just seemed to me… lots of people are out there in big waves with no surf board. and many of them don’t look happy. in fact… many look quite terrified and as if they might go down at any moment… we have a few excellent swimmers, but i wondered if that didn’t sometimes gets tiresome in big waves. i thought, “hey! i tell them about the surf board!! then, they can get one and ride too!” this seemed logical to me. fool that i was!! (get telepathic for the comedy here, cause i’m not gonna type it) i thought… someone might feel like that with the “you can have more control over your emotional state if you want to” idea. that someone might go, “really? i didn’t know that was an option.” when you have that moment of choice beforehand… when you “pick your wave”: it seems, you "see" the door that you went through to get wherever you end up inside yourself emotionally... so at some point when you decide to leave... it's like you drove your own car there... you know how to get back out. i know i am a slow in this area… i have tried to watch and understand that people need to go through whatever, as long as they need to… but… this is how it looks to me. not in all cases, but in some: i see people with their hand… as it is healing from what ever trauma. they remember what it felt like when it first happened… in order to remember it more clearly, they re-injure the hand about to where it was before so that the picture is more clear. that is sometimes what it looks like to me… and it… it hurts! and i have not yet learned to see how this is helping. i admit this. this is the core of my judgment: why can’t they use that same energy to apply salve or bandages or even makeup (illusion) to pretend that the hand is healthy and the way they want it? fake it till you make it can be a powerful bridge until you get there. peace and love darlyne |
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#20 |
hey darlyne and all. what a great post. if i could make an observation i would say that this post continues because of the passion you have put into it. i can feel your love and frustration in your posts, darlyne.
if you feel deeply moved in the direction of offering guidance to others that might be something to try as trade. if you can forsee where the steps of others will lead them, than this can be of great service to humankind. you have so much powerful "service to others" energy in you without a large enough outflow. learning to communicate your insight with others in an uplifting manner is something we should all be educated on. communication in general has been downgraded to text messages, emails and tv downloads. as we can all read minds all of the time, maybe offering advice telepathically is a good start to let others know your intentions. any gift offered with love is rarely refused |
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