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Old 10-28-2008, 03:19 PM   #1

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Default Am I an E.T.?
what questions can you ask yourself to find out if you're an e.t.?
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Old 12-27-2008, 08:11 PM   #2

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there's a 12 question quiz available here:


we may also be known as lightworkers, star children, indigos and crystals, etc etc.

i love the term wanderer, and totally identify with all it stands for.
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Old 12-27-2008, 10:36 PM   #3

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from these questions, i can't get any idea, cause i have 6 yes, and 6 no answers. almost like if i was perfectly balanced between the 2.

questions 2-6 are both yes and no. i do not feel my parents are *not my true parents* but i feel they are not the way they should be.
6: i do not really make any actions right now to improve the world or try to, but i really want to help some people to do so, it's just that i have some feeling inside telling me *not now, your time will come*

4-5-8-9 are yes while others are no.
so of course i can't tell but i have the feeling i have been on this planet for a damn while and before being in my body i remember seeing stars, so i do not know. the answer will come someday

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Old 12-27-2008, 11:00 PM   #4

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chances are, if youre even asking yourself that question, theres a high probability that you may very well be.

also, if you can download "a wanderer's handbook" by carla rueckert (i'm pretty sure i downloaded it for free) it has a little quiz in it for you thats pretty thorough yet short...

love and light!
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Old 12-28-2008, 02:15 AM   #5

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what questions can you ask yourself to find out if you're an e.t.?
you can only answer that question to yourself. but if you ask "why do i think i am" and the answer is along the lines of "thats how it feels." or "for some insane reason i know i am, but i can't explain why i know." then part of you identified with e.t. and that means the e.t. mindset is relevant to you.

if something in you has a sense of being from another place. then why not accept it and explore it for a bit. leave the question about what to call it behind and take it as it is. if it doesn't fit, or if you can't identify. then it was a mistake and you go back. no harm done you thought you were an alien for a bit. wouldn't it be worse not to think that?

in my experience this stuff works like portals and gateways. you are on one side. but there is a place in your mind where you can see the other side. whether you call that imagination or a spiritual sense, either way it's relevant to you. and you only figure out what it can mean for you by exploring it. you probably are confused by such a portal. you don't know how real it is. you're not here because you were looking for a site to buy a cheap car. you're looking for something specific because you've seen it inside. i suggest you start exploring there.

as a kid i had something like a voice in my head. i would drift off and get all this information that i just loved. it was better than my books. i didn't know it wasn't an elaborate imagination until i realized years later that what i had learned then was not main stream but it was not unique to me either. and when part of the information was acknowledged by the outside i accepted the rest as well. including being an e.t. and human by birth.

use your imagination. but don't believe everything you imagine. you'll know soon enough if relevant information starts to bleed through. and from that you can make informed decisions.

if you're connected to lives on another world and you relax yourself and imagine those lives then you should get clear intuitive messages about how close you are.
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Old 12-28-2008, 05:12 AM   #6

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i think we are all ets in a sense...but only some are ready to find this out.

we are all a part of a soul group....that came and chose to incarnate here for different purposes.

what is a true earthling anyways...spirits are not of this world, not for anyone. so in a way...we are all from beyond...only experiencing this world.

just thoughts....not facts, its just what i feel.

i feel that many families are incarnated from the same soul group, aligning the future so that they can help each other awaken.

let me ask you this, if your not a et....then what are you? where do you think you will ascend to?

love lynette
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Old 12-29-2008, 10:00 AM   #7

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well, i read the whole thing and really only thought #8 was true about me but barely.. so i'm pretty much not an e.t. soul at all. heh i dont know if i should be happy or sad, i mean this means that i obviously haven't ascended before unlike people who are e.t.'s
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Old 12-29-2008, 03:19 PM   #8

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hello apoc,

i dont claim facts from sources or others....only let them influence you and still use discernment for what only resonates for you. if its giving you a feeling of uneasiness (not knowing whether to be happy or sad) then you have actually accomplished something. the times when we aren't sure about something are actually gems awaiting to be polished.

we all are a part of something that is not of material/flesh. all of us. this material is not our original being. actually, ever single thing/existence began as a thought of the infinite creator. the law of one says this as well as many old religious material. we all began as a thought...before the material came to be, everything emanated from the infinite creator, within the infinite creator, one thought flowing to another and so on.

i dont go by the 'questionnaire' to know where i am from (even though it is interesting)....i go by my feeling of when i look at stars....i feel i could fly home. i dont strive to return to my soul group....i strive to return to the creator.

try not worrying about if you have ever been apart of another planet besides earth and try focusing more on that every single soul groups final match, no matter which roads or spheres (if you will) they choose to experience, the final match places everything right back where we all came from, the infinite creator (i like to call thee a manifestor, because thee really doesnt create our of nothing, thee creates out of theeself). we are all a part of that....earth really isnt a true home for anyone. with the experiences of the material things and people around us, of course most are going to feel like their parents here are really their parents, and in every right, they are their earthly parents, forever in your memory complex.

i have experiences some really nasty sides to myself when younger, i could be very selfish and sometimes had a really bad temper. one of the questions on the guide asks if you have always felt the desire to be peaceful (or something like that). that question was another no for me because while young, i was influenced with alot of things and material gifts, the physical world got the better of my ego for a while...but in the back of my mind, i knew this wasn't my nature. its very possible to answer those questions on the guide and not be able to come up with a positive result due to your environments in this life. the physical world is very misleading to the spirit....this density, to me anyways, seems to be the test of endless material pursuits and a spirit can very well get stuck for a long time.

dont loose thought that we all have a higher self. just knowing this, accepting this, and meditating on this will bring peace to you. i think for some, the purpose isnt knowing if you have ascended before, but knowing there is a higher will that began with the original thought, and that is love my friend. be love and you cant get any closer to your original self then that.

i hope this made sense, i done think you need to feel discouraged at all at the answers to the questions on that guide.

love lynette
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Old 12-29-2008, 04:26 PM   #9

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scott mandelker has an updated et quiz on his official website:


generally speaking, i think the quiz asks the correct questions and is a pretty reasonable way of determining if your soul is not native to this planet. however, i would also add the following 2 questions:

1.) have you always had an aversion to physicality, or are you inexplicably baffled by the solidity around you?

2.) do you intuitively 'know' that you're not from here?

in my opinion, the second questions overrides the others in terms of importance, and is the closest way of discovering your answer. mandelker (and others) estimate that approximately 1.5% of the world's population are wanderers. when you're standing in a room of around 70 people, what are the odds of you being the wanderer? if you're on this forum, i would say very high!
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Old 12-29-2008, 05:31 PM   #10

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well, i read the whole thing and really only thought #8 was true about me but barely.. so i'm pretty much not an e.t. soul at all. heh i dont know if i should be happy or sad, i mean this means that i obviously haven't ascended before unlike people who are e.t.'s
there is no reason for you to post a little sad face about that. we are all equal here! there is no ascension competition. you are awake and doing positive things for this world! and in reality, is that not the same thing the rest of us are doing anyway?

living here on earth in this time period is not about the past. it is about now. life is always about now. you are the same as all. all souls are the same.
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Old 12-30-2008, 09:42 AM   #11

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cassandra and litllady you gave me a lot to think about

really, your both right and i shouldn't be so focused on the past (definately one of my vices)
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Old 12-31-2008, 09:00 AM   #12

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hello last_epoc

i found the mandelker quiz somewhat simplified. i've been deeply into cg.jungs work and feel that a psyche is more complex. senta ra had some additional examples f.i. to be a "creep-in" which i can very much identify with;a soul having completely forgot about it's origin and going through heavy catalysts suddenly gets "back on track".

happy new et-year! from transiten
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Old 12-31-2008, 02:23 PM   #13

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i beleive if the question arises in your consciousness then there is a high chance you are. plus being lead to this message and the forums is a good sign as well.

try not to focus on a lable of what you are but focus on the emotions and feelings that arise. i find lables very cliche, for lack of a better word.

me, i always looked around at everything and wondered where it all came from and everything has always seemed alien to me. i would look at people and even wonder where they were from, untill i finally asked that same question to my self, oh my... how many doors of perception that opened up.

happy journeys!
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Old 02-01-2009, 09:31 PM   #14

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apoc, in truth who you are is more a function of who you choose to be than who you were.

whoever you are, you came here to do something that was worth while enough to come here for.

i don't want you to sell yourself short. if the feeling of being a wanderer does not go away then a quiz does not tell you much. in the end it's you that is the final authority on the matter. i for one have no opinion on your status and i will accept your conclusions.

i don't score high on the quiz myself. i don't have a classic wanderer profile of always feeling out of place. i had it but i think i resolved it. i'm also not emotionally detached from life as they suggest i should be. i'm emotional and i enjoy that. again, i might have had that at a younger age. so according to the profile i was a wanderer but am no more... guess that means i settled in
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Old 02-01-2009, 10:49 PM   #15

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if you are reading the law of one material, it's a good chance you're an e.t.
it resonates with us per default
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Old 02-02-2009, 01:48 AM   #16

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serving also as an echo of ayadew's post...here is an informative quote from the ra material about the percentages of wanderers who are aware of their position and to what degree (keeping in mind that this was chanelled in the 80's):

questioner: ...can you tell me what percentage of the wanderers on earth today have been successful in penetrating the memory block and have become aware of who they are, and finally, is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or to improve the contact?

ra: i am ra. we can approximate the percentage of those penetrating intelligently their status. this is between eight and one-half and nine and three-quarters percent. there is a larger percentile group of those who have a fairly well defined, shall we say, symptomology indicating to them that they are not of this, shall we say, “insanity.” this amounts to a bit over fifty percent of the remainder. nearly one-third of the remainder are aware that something about them is different, so you see there are many gradations of awakening to the knowledge of being a wanderer. we may add that it is to the middle and first of these groups that this information [the ra material] will, shall we say, make sense. (my own emphasis added)
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Old 02-02-2009, 06:12 AM   #17

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hey kassandra thanks for showing me a wanderer's handbook, i got it and i'll start reading.

thanks and talk to you in 566 pages
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Old 04-01-2009, 08:19 AM   #18

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another approach is not to worry about it things will occur in your life that will let you know without a doubt, but the most important thing is that you just put yourself out there and raise the vibes of everything around you by being yourself and seeking to aid others when the call arises. the journey of discovery about your spiritual identity will become clearer after you've made conscious decisions that demonstrate that you can "handle the truth". so basically, just seek out the catalyst to experience love and connection with those around you, and act with empathy...and those you were meant to meet, the visions you were supposed to have, the words you were supposed to hear, will reveal themselves.
just get out there and bask in anothers smile :d
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Old 04-01-2009, 07:05 PM   #19

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hey kassandra thanks for showing me a wanderer's handbook, i got it and i'll start reading.

thanks and talk to you in 566 pages
hey no problem...i suggest that book like crazy to people who have had the wanderer symptoms throughout their lives...it feels really good to read it and to get advice on how to cope with our state, you know? ive been driven to tears reading it sometimes...

im sure youll enjoy it :d
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Old 08-01-2009, 07:20 PM   #20

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i am new here but, i have to answer yes to all 12 questions.

this illusion is the best test of self and the worst energy for ego.
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