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Old 08-13-2008, 06:55 PM   #21

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i strongly recommend anyone that has the inkling to live of the land in small communities to look towards anastasia of russia.
i agree. in this way we will not be in each others space, but have each other around for socialising etc.

i also think that we could then be a great blueprint for the rest of the world to follow, while becomming more and more healed ourselves, we can uplift others by bringing them to visit us in our communites etc and inspire them to help themselves in this same way etc.

i feel the need to take a lot more words and change them into action....i feel i have been uplifting and giving hope to everyone for years now, but they need to see the materialisation now of all of these theories in pracise to have rekinldled hope to move themselves into action as well.

not hiding in a cave at all, but a living example of how things can be.....sooooo simply the whole world can be transofmed into what most people have yearned for for sooooo long.

i think this would raise peoples hopes 1000000000 fold, very quickly to witness something totally out of the box.
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Old 08-13-2008, 10:53 PM   #22

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how funny this topic is coming up here, too. it must be very strong in the mass consciousness right now and bleeding through to those who are open to it, i'm guessing. i'm on a couple of other groups where this exact subject is being talked about! and there is the "we should be close together" groups vs. the "we need to stay in the trenches" groups. i see both sides but would love the proximity of like-minded souls to keep the morale and energy up, you know what i mean? i'm in phoenix, az, a megapolitan area, not exactly the best place to be in a survivalist situation. we don't even know our neighbors here. i've felt pulled for at least 5 years now to live in a communal situation with sto people and doing as one reader suggested, using our talents and combined resourses freely. i wish i could do it here and even though there are a couple of friends who are vaguely interested, it just isn't very feasable and, honestly, it's really unsustainable should the grid go down. but we won't be able to move anytime soon that i can see. i'm pulled either to co or or myself, where there is undeveloped (preferably wooded) land, adequate water resources and good soil. but we will be here for the foreseeable future. i'd love to hear of anyone who is actually going to go for a "commune" type situation! i think it sounds great myself! but i'm such an "old hippie" type! lol
good luck everyone. may you be in the right place for you. be outside the fear and only in love, with preparedness, of course!
in love and peace,
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Old 08-14-2008, 01:03 AM   #23

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@ kilork: are you describing a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc...? hmmmmmm.......
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Old 08-14-2008, 01:22 AM   #24

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i understand what everyone is saying! i moved from a large city (las vegas) to a small ranch 30 miles from the nearest 'small town' in the middle of the north dakota prairie, about a year and a half ago to raise alpacas.(2 babies this year!) http://www.dreamacresalpacas.com/
we enjoy pure well water (had it tested!) cleaner air (gave up all my allergy medications, so did my daughter) and know all our neighbors. we even have a garden, our first, corn, (4 kinds) tomatoes, baby carrots, pumpkins, watermelons, etc. its amazing, because in the city i had thousands of neighbors and hardly knew anyone. no one cared. out here i know all my neighbors! they came and introduced themselves! and the starry sky at night here is beautiful! a clean wind whistles and blows across the prairie. living in the country is nicer!
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Old 08-14-2008, 02:30 AM   #25

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history often repeats itself. that being said might you remember when atlantis collapsed that there were few that went to portugal, turkey and egypt, that is what i would call like consciusness. complex adaptive systems will work the same way. south america will be tomorrows new spot, stay in ecuador or peru. they are one in the same. just an opinion.

peace nelson
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Old 08-14-2008, 05:35 AM   #26

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@ kilork: are you describing a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc...? hmmmmmm.......
i am thinking of a loosely organized intentional neighborhood. i think the idea is more to help each other than to attach labels. the purpose would be to have enough 'help' at harvest, planting etc. times are going to get much tougher, if we can learn to band together and find real solutions that generate positive examples of peaceful communities we are serving others in the highest fashion. mho

anyone have specific ideas on how to do this? we are packed and waiting for a spot to start. lets brainstorm here and come up with a workable plan. for starters,
next, is it prudent to make a list of particular personnel needs, like a teacher or doctor, farmer etc? does one 'order up' a successful community or just wait for it to happen?
how many people can a few acres support? what type of commerce works best? strictly barter or maybe a currency, seashells or walnuts? maybe pennies are the way to go.
i know there are some really smart people here, lets get this thing on the table and see where it takes us.
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Old 09-13-2008, 12:54 AM   #27

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hi i am new on the forums, i followed my inner voice in 1976 and moved to the backblocks to a small land holding with my wife. no power, phone or road at first, a baby came along. it was the best time of my life and i still live here. the city has moved out and costs are increasing.
there is a big event coming and it is close. the situation reminds me of a book i read of a 20 year old jewish boy who survived nazi germany by forging documents, even going into banks and changing money but his parents and familly and most of his friends would not take the opportunity to escape and perished. after the war he moved to australia.
i am a practical person (i think) and need to sell up and move but decided i would only do it if i could be selfsufficient in energy. i am developing some ideas of my own and need time alone to work through them.
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Old 11-12-2008, 01:46 PM   #28

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hi, ok just a thought, is anyone else here looking for a physical community of like-minded folks to team up with and create a sustainable community?
i am sure you are all aware that knowing what we know here from dw makes us quite odd out here in the rest of the world. i am looking for, or going to create a place out here to be in physical contact with a community. a terra-ark if you will.
location is still wide open, any ideas?
it sounds good in theory but in practice you might be better off finding ways to make the world a better place where you are already at than creating an exclusive community.
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Old 11-12-2008, 03:54 PM   #29

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before you leave for greener pastures, do a reality check to see if the underlying intention is to "run from" rather than to "run to".

you'll be taking your habits, biases, intentions, and historical baggage with you and placing them in an environment that's unfamiliar. and, you would be living near or with people like (or unlike) yourself who have done the same.

there is the possibility that if you aren't happy where you are, you won't be happy anywhere.

nancy in oregon
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Old 11-12-2008, 04:02 PM   #30

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hey all,

i think about this alot, the idea of like minds being physically close but also, a place where 'seekers' can reside (if they want to be a part of taking care of the retreat (in a perfect community kinda way) and as a retreat for families that need guidance about 'how to love' and how to accept themselves and others around them. this is the main issue of many people that we see walking around almost zombie like without a care in the world.

i am working towards having such a place but plans for it dont even really begin till after 2012....

my ideal dream would be to have land that provides good growing grounds, natural waters, forests...the retreat part of it would be a library for all materials, gurus that understand the different reasons for different spiritualities of the ages, cooking house and gardens areas that every visitor would be expected to help care for the gardening or land and persoanl consoltations to families that are coming to learn how to 'live together productivly'. i believe the world needs this, and the ones wanting to make this happen need to come together to make it happen. but again, i see this starting right about 2012, i seem to be planning for here instead of planning for somewhere else (or mabey my mind is just more comfortable thinking it will be here).

but if we all are still here>>>lets have a retreat. some could live at the location, others can volunteer for certain amounts of time, and others can come just for the healing and learning experiences.

to really have a community of sorts, a working productive community with living space ect....would take a lot of planning. unless we all just agree to meet up once a yr. in a certain location...then again, the problem of everyone trying to be there at one given time of the yr. fails for many. we need a place that is 'always open' and someone is 'always there' ....we know the benefits to this, we do it here via internet all the time. imagine the benefits of this healing and learning experience being face to face, hand to hand, eyes to eyes with others.

peace to all,
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Old 11-13-2008, 03:31 AM   #31

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isolation can put a person in their head alot, some women don't cope so well, men tolerate it better. for me it was bliss the best time of my life. a compatable social group is a must but even they seem to have their moments. to be come a lone crusader always on the move? is there some hereditary drive to have the species survive that is worked into the consciousness. the animal part. there have been times when i haven't known which way to move and it is better to do something than nothing even if it creates events that take some time to unravel. life needs to be dynamic. intuition the inner voice works better.
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Old 12-23-2008, 11:03 PM   #32

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community anyone?
hi, ok just a thought, is anyone else here looking for a physical community of like-minded folks to team up with and create a sustainable community?
i am sure you are all aware that knowing what we know here from dw makes us quite odd out here in the rest of the world. i am looking for, or going to create a place out here to be in physical contact with a community. a terra-ark if you will.
location is still wide open, any ideas? just as a reminder....this is from dw's blog

permanent retreat from the material world is often a selfish act

for this reason, it is not a spiritual act but often a selfish one to retreat permanently from the demands of the material world, and live in blissful communion with nature.

there is a time for the “forest life”, when solitude and quiet are essential to the pursuit of integration and realization.

there is also a time to return to the difficulties and rewards of normal life, and apply to them the arts of illumined living.

without such men and women, thickly sown through the tapestry of business, politics, industry, education, medicine and religions as stars in the darkness of night, man as a divine being would long ago have perished.
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Old 12-24-2008, 09:23 PM   #33

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the more thickly sown a population is the easier it would be to find a group of like souled folks. a social group can be formed in a city that can share recources, information, assisstance. a group of talents who trade and share what they are good at with each other. like a co-op, corporation but more in tune with nature.

humans have lived in groups or tribes, not single family, for thousands, millions of years. we have lived in nature for that long too. it has only been with our over-consumtion of resources that our population has skyrocketed. our population has doubled since kennedy was in office. we are one species of all the species on our planet and our consumtion and by product's are damaging to the rest.

we can each make a contribution to repair and balance the planet.

spend less "dollars" and produce your own. if you have extra, save it, trade it or sell it.

reduce your pollution contribution. the products you buy and the pollution created in manufacture.

don't support over-consumers and pollutors.
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Old 12-28-2008, 04:52 AM   #34

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re-posting to some comments about how a community is wrong becuase we should not seclude ourselves.

but why cant we have a community/retreat that is open for all who are seeking wisdom of spirituality and humble living and giving? it doesnt have to be secluded at all!!

a place where we ourselves all have a part in running the area, but yet, we offer it as a place for people and families even, to come and gain insight to 'productive living' and 'productive foundations for families' on how to work together and respect and love everyone.

it could be a place with open arms...instead of locked behind doors. a place to allow people to come be with nature, learn from nature, and learn about their self.

just thoughts....
love lynette
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Old 12-28-2008, 03:26 PM   #35

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re-posting to some comments about how a community is wrong becuase we should not seclude ourselves.

but why cant we have a community/retreat that is open for all who are seeking wisdom of spirituality and humble living and giving? it doesnt have to be secluded at all!!
is this concept not the basis of organized religion? have they not proven to be about seclusion, judgmentally, and superiority? and what is the purpose of our incarnation on earth? is it not to be happy and emanate our light onto others? you say the community isnt about seclusion. how is it not, when the people who needs our presence most are the ones who are spiritually disconnected?

believe me, most of us here would love to live in harmony with other like-minded people also. but is this the most effective way to spread love and light to those who needs it most? and isnt the core issue with this (those who are interested in creating this community), has more to do with creating an 'escape' from your own current reality?
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Old 12-28-2008, 04:28 PM   #36

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hello just be and all,

i totally see what you are saying, and this is why i have had to ponder on how this can be done without the seclusion of ourselves.

first, i want to say, david might disagree with me and the ra soul group might disagree....but the place i dream of is a part of me, almost like its what im meant to do. the topic of a 'community' like place in reference to all of as a group coming together. i myself have been wishing for a place to open myself and since last yr. im working on a psychology degree and i found a place that one can get ordained in many different religions or general spiritualities. you might disagree with me on this, but i believe nothing is happenstance....so i believe that religions are not happenstance and carry a purpose of wisdom to teach us about the ages of our fellow man. most people do stop at one religion, for comfort that they have truth and wisdom....and do not continue on the next road of finding one's spirituality. i believe we each have slightly different paths, this path is not found in a day and the influence of others as well as the availability of a variety of materials provided to study many many different cultures, beliefs, myths and sciences of ages are utterly important, if not necessary, for some to experience.

with that said, no i do not think this concept is the basis of organized relgion because there shouldnt be anyone telling others what to believe. if you want to study materials that dont believe in reincarnation, then you would be free to do so. if you want to study materials about any belief, the material would be waiting for you and there would be a 'librarian' lets say, to help you find materials of your interests.

what would be so special about this is that its a place to find the inner self, and that might be a path of many twists.

there was something i remember about going to church that has left imiprints on me and that was the envolvment in the city that the church acted in. at christmas we took gifts and food to needing families, every month we had a certain amount of goods to give to families that would come in and ask for clothes and food. we even had a softball team that played in the regular city leagues (ymca) haha.

with my ideas i tried to mesh them a litle with the idea that we all could do this, we all could help 'run' such a place.

there would be no judgmentally and superiority.....it would be just like it is here.....welcoming arms that reach out. we wouldnt be telling people you should believe in this and that and if you dont then you are lost ectt ectt....no one here would ever want to be a part of something that did that. but i think alot will say that their searches through different beliefs did help them to a degree, but the difference is they realized, there had to be more.

i dont think its escaping any realitiy (sorry we see things different)....i more see it as the reality of showing others how we all can live productive with eachother and the planet, showing others, we dont have to fight, showing others about working together, and showing others, you have the right to your mind and your thoughts.

the only ones that would need to be a live in in my idea of what i see as a community would be the main managers for caring for the lands and housing for kitchen areas and storage for foods. the community area would be more of a retreat...some place you could bring your family to for a weekend, garden together, prepare meals together, and a great library to study in for whatever suits you (including the law of one....but it wouldn't be pushed, just available).

just adding my thoughts,

peace to all,

is this concept not the basis of organized religion? have they not proven to be about seclusion, judgmentally, and superiority? and what is the purpose of our incarnation on earth? is it not to be happy and emanate our light onto others? you say the community isnt about seclusion. how is it not, when the people who needs our presence most are the ones who are spiritually disconnected?

believe me, most of us here would love to live in harmony with other like-minded people also. but is this the most effective way to spread love and light to those who needs it most? and isnt the core issue with this (those who are interested in creating this community), has more to do with creating an 'escape' from your own current reality?
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Old 12-28-2008, 07:03 PM   #37

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is this concept not the basis of organized religion? while an organized religion is a group with similiar beliefs and directive, they are just one example of a "community". communities in structure and beliefs can be as varied as the people they include. maybe a good first question is, "what is the community organized to achieve?" if seclusion is the answer, may you find seclusion and time to reflect and meditate. many people are overwhelmed by the demands created in city life and need room to expand.

i have lived in city's and seclusion. coming from seclusion into a city, it is apparent how small energies can become. people rarely make eye contact or interact with strangers in cities. with so many energies, man made included, people tend to draw there energies in close to them.

with room to expand and be part of nature as we really are, we can grow personally and bring this to others.

if the goal of the community is to provide food, shelter and other needs to members than this is something we should support. this whole, "working for dollars to buy food and rent shelter" thing is a new concept in terms of our time on earth. me and you should be able to create our own food and shelter without dependancy on dollars. we should also reap the rewards of the work we do rather than collecting a small percentage of proffit in a "wage".

maybe the goal of a community would be to do good in the world. this we can all do in our homes. have a group and spend time together meditating and intentionally creating the future you want. focus on fixing problems and righting wrongs with love. learn together and from each other.

so what is a valid objective for a community? anything you want, i'd say.
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Old 12-28-2008, 11:26 PM   #38

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the only ones that would need to be a live in in my idea of what i see as a community would be the main managers for caring for the lands and housing for kitchen areas and storage for foods. the community area would be more of a retreat...some place you could bring your family to for a weekend, garden together, prepare meals together, and a great library to study in for whatever suits you (including the law of one....but it wouldn't be pushed, just available). lynette,
i have no issues with creating a retreat, i thought you were referring to a live-in community.

if the goal of the community is to provide food, shelter and other needs to members than this is something we should support. this whole, "working for dollars to buy food and rent shelter" thing is a new concept in terms of our time on earth. me and you should be able to create our own food and shelter without dependancy on dollars. we should also reap the rewards of the work we do rather than collecting a small percentage of proffit in a "wage".

maybe the goal of a community would be to do good in the world. this we can all do in our homes. have a group and spend time together meditating and intentionally creating the future you want. focus on fixing problems and righting wrongs with love. learn together and from each other. benone,

the main problem i have with a live-in community is that it seems like a rather selfish act. i agree that life "can" be better (creating our own food/shelter and not depending on dollar as you have mentioned). but 99% of our population who needs spiritual growth do not live in this type of environment. so my question to you is...how do we reach out to the 99% of our population, if we are not living among them? afterall, isnt this the reason we are here on this planet at this moment?
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Old 12-29-2008, 11:19 AM   #39

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the main problem i have with a live-in community is that it seems like a rather selfish act. i agree that life "can" be better (creating our own food/shelter and not depending on dollar as you have mentioned). but 99% of our population who needs spiritual growth do not live in this type of environment. so my question to you is...how do we reach out to the 99% of our population, if we are not living among them? afterall, isnt this the reason we are here on this planet at this moment? a very valid question. how can a live-in community reach out and be a positive, continual impact on a population they are not a part of?

if these members have no city jobs then they would not interact with co-workers. with no trips to the grocery there wouldn't be the (rare) interaction with customers. what other sources of interaction are there? mingling with strangers on the street and neighbors?

what i have seen from city's is a very limited interaction between people. unless people are a part of a group or are in a slow paced enviroment where there is time to interact(like on a bus). talking aside, we can radiate love to others we are around. the more we are around people the more etheric love they will feel. this can be done through meditation and intention, too.

if a community is in or near a city and formed to provide for the basic needs of the members (this may be due to economy, too). this community can effect the city populace as it's super enlightened members will still interact, maybe more, maybe less, with the city.

the community can produce products to sell to the city folk.

the community can offer classes to the city folk. this will bring in people who live in the city, who will take this info and spread it to others.

the community can offer a retreat, resting place for city folk.

the community can organize events. concerts or seminars where info can be spread.

the community can encourage members to join social groups and seek ways to be a positive influence on the city folk.

[sidenote] i have a buddy who travels the world connecting organic farms with people who want to learn about it. people can go to his website and find a farm somewhere where they can stay for free. they trade work for room, board and education.

i see an organized, live-in community as a possible neccessity in the future. people pooling there resources. one big house payment is cheaper than 3 little ones. one big pot of chili is cheaper than.....and so on. i don't picture hippies or amish but that will work too.

while these people are living together in close quarters, they might as well focus on doing something good. this way they are a team, not just roommates. keep them busy producing, meditating, singing, laughing.

i can see many benefits of living together, pooling resources. i can see a group better organizing ways of effecting the populace. where i might reach 5 people today, a group can reach many more. in the future, communal living might be the only way for many to survive. if a local group already has a functioning framework and offers classes, this would be very valuable.

i would speculate that a live-in community would have just as much impact as they intend to have. if members find seclusion to be fulfilling, selfish or not, this will be the way they live. if members want to be of service to others than so they shall.

i think a functioning community framework that others can build from is important. so we can be seperate in our home life, but, still influencial the rest of the day.

peace and abundance
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Old 12-30-2008, 12:19 AM   #40

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thanks for the clarification. in that case, i have no issues with the community as long as their is opportunities to connect to everyday people since they're the ones who need our presence the most.
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