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Old 10-14-2008, 04:14 AM   #1

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Default Desperately need answers - What is wrong with me?
what is wrong with me?

(the following is in no significant order)

  • i don't feel the urge to gather food/supplies or move to a safe area

  • i don't experience synchronicities

  • i haven't felt 'different' in any way, shape, or form than what i normally would feel prior to first discovering d wilcock and project camelot

  • i have not had any spiritual/uplifting or future premonition dreams

  • i am in no way psychic - although my desire to want to be 'special' sometimes creates pangs of ache in my chest

  • i read and understand as much as the next person on this forum and follow plenty of links on a daily basis as provided by david, or the forum moderators, or others on the project camelot or avalon sites/forums - so i am very in the know, and 'awake' you could say

  • i don't meditate - i have no patience to do so, but mostly, deep down inside i have no desire to do so (is it really that necessary?) - but on the occasions i have tried, i didn't feel any different in any way

  • i am strongly against religion - have felt all my life that there was something not right about it - and i'm wholehartedly for the one creator - for me, and i believe that we are all a part of the whole

  • i am extremely open-minded (regardless of what you may read above) more so than anyone else in my life, yet nothing of significance ever happens to me

basically, i am totally at a loss as to what i am even doing here at this time, and why i am extremely interested in these topics if whatever is happening or is going to happen seems to be passing me by as if i was completely invisible. i can only surmise that i am destined to die at some point before or on 2012, as i seem to be ignored by the cosmos!

i really don't understand why others here and others who are 'awake' and 'aware' are experiencing most if not all of the points above, and i am not. i feel like an outcast! due to this reason, i can barely remain positive these days! it's like i am constantly bored and disgruntled if my day doesn't go the way i would like it to. am i a waste of time and space?

i hope there are others out there who are in the same situation as me, who feel as lost as i, but based on the type of 'special' members i see at this forum, i doubt it!

if you feel the desire to respond, please do so. shout at me if you wish, but please offer some explanation before i fizzle off and go back to 'sleep' out of complete dismay and utter rejection.

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Old 10-14-2008, 05:08 AM   #2

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wow! hold on tamarie. there is nothing wrong with you. i know how you feel. the very fact that you are here on this forum and you follow all these links means that you "resonate" with the level of being which predominates this space. which means, even though you are not experiencing any special powers you are still on a high level of consciousness.

it is possible that, for whatever reasons known only to you and your life, that it was most beneficial for you, to have the most impact on this world and your loved ones, to not have these kind of special advanced senses. this does not make you any less advanced at all, love.

i am shouting at you right now! you are just as special as everyone else here!

and you say you have not sort of premonition type of powers and then you predict that "i am destined to die at some point before or on 2012". what is that about?

let's talk about how you would like your life to turn out. and then figure out how you are going to achieve it. anything is possible. and from the sound of your post, you are a powerful soul just waiting to bust loose.

love to all,
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Old 10-14-2008, 05:25 AM   #3

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it's ok! everyone has a different experience. i grew up around people who had visions and mystical experiences and i always felt like i was lacking. i just had to figure out that it was ok as long as we have the desire to progress, even if we don't think we're making progress.

i've found that, for me, putting out the specific intention and prayer for the right guidance/info to come to me always works, even if the heavens (or our third eyes) don't crack open it works- i'm here on this site;-)

don't force yourself to be something that you aren't! focus on really getting to know the essence of who you are and use that as a stepping stone. you might not want to give up on meditation yet. they don't call it a discipline for nothing- it takes practice to see and feel results.
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Old 10-14-2008, 05:36 AM   #4

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it also sounds like you are starting to wake from apathy. my friend also has nothing going on that is vaguely even irritating, he does not meditate and he also does not believe in the creator/god. he states he is mad at god/the creator for abandoning him and all on this planet as so many others are. yet how can you be mad at something that does not exist?

he also tends to naturally have 4th density ideas without knowing it and i can feel his vibration patterns are higher then most. he recognizes the issues as he is extremely intelligent, but accepts them where many fight the situation. maybe you are the same way?

in the end, you must ultimately look inside yourself to find these answers. sounds like you are starting your journey.

as far as meditation issues, when you do it do you let go of everything while doing it or do you feel the need to control the meditation?

light and love

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Old 10-14-2008, 05:53 AM   #5

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there is nothing wrong with you. i think you are trying to set the bar for your experiences too high. and i think you have experienced synchronicities, you found david wilcock's site for example, that is a great synchronicitie. the fact that you watch and understand and most importantly, believe, the videos you watch on the sites you listed; that fact sets you apart from the normal person. and most of these people ajusted to the sick society we live in are far from normal. you sound like a wanderer, keep your mind and heart open
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Old 10-14-2008, 05:59 AM   #6

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i felt almost like you. it seems that everyone here had "got it" and i was only one left in the dark. the things, as i understand them, goes like that the more powerful you are the harder is the configuration on your soul. to awaken or release a powerful soul would damage the surrounding people. but the hotheads are usually in charge.
i looked inside myself and found the things i liked and what calmed me down. i started to collect model cars and watched sci-fi movies (stargate atlantis is my personal favorite). these things calmed me down and i felt happy. more important than be "awakened" is to be happy about yourself. as david said, there is only one awakened soul among us, so really only one person knows what it is to be awakened, others are just guessing. i can guarantee you that each and every person will be visited a "awakened" person and try to "awaken" her or him. bear in mind that time is the greatest advisor. so just find what makes you happy and keep your eyes open.....

ps sorry for mistakes, english is not my native....
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Old 10-14-2008, 06:12 AM   #7

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dear tamarie

there is nothing wrong with you. truly. nothing.

i say this because it is true. i can only speak for myself, and i am fairly new to the site, but...
if you are here, you were drawn here, and to be drawn here is to be apart of this awakening.

i read many of the posts here. (sometimes until i feel like i have circuit overload) i seldom post anything. i feel very new to some of the thoughts and concepts presented here even though i have read quite a bit of david's reading list.
i have had many spiritual experiences in my life, many of them before i knew about this site. over the years i have learned a couple of things about spiritual experiences:

1) they often come when you least expect them to.
2) they sometimes aren't what you are expecting or want for that matter!

and most of all...

they never come when i try to force the issue, or try too hard.

as i read your post the thought came to me that maybe you are trying too hard. i know this might sound trite, or corny, but believe me it's true. sometimes when we see things happening to other people that we would love to have happen to us, we actually try too hard to receive it!! it's like pushing away the very thing you want most.

you said that you don't meditate. one thing i have consistently read and heard is that meditation will help you in many different ways. i have come to believe this. i don't know if others always receive insight every time they meditate, but i know that i don't. i am a "meditation beginner". i have read a lot of different posts and researched different websites about meditation, but i still don't really feel like i've "got it" yet.
i have started to think that meditation is a process, not something that just happens overnight.
is there someone you feel close enough to to try meditating with? any classes near where you live?
you might try just desiring to feel relaxed afterward, nothing more....

as for your other comments:
have food (live in earthquake territory) - not moving.
haven't felt different.
no uplifting dreams or premonitions in dreams.
not psychic - really don't want to be - lot of responsibility there...
not against religion, but do not want to be involved in one - (been there done that)
love and respect the one creator
open minded - trying to use discernment in decisions

i wonder if we took a poll how many people would be willing to share their frustrations about some of the things you listed???

again, tamarie, don't give up. ask the creator to be able to feel loved. state that you need to feel loved. then sit back, relax and don't try to do anything.

i'll be thinking of you this week and sending you love and light. (and trying to meditate!!)

love & light
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Old 10-14-2008, 07:06 AM   #8

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a) we could all sit here and keep telling ourselves that we "are not special" or we "are not psychic" or we "cant meditate cause we arent good at it." and guess what? we would all be exactly what we tell ourselves we are. if we go on convincing ourselves we arent a part of this, we wont be. thats the beauty of what we are as creators. if we tell ourselves we can and will do something, it will happen. if we doubt and deny? if we negate or ignore? if we tell ourselves we cannot??? you see where im going with this....

b) you dont have to be the frickin' dhali lama. seriously. we are just normal people, no different than you, or her, or him, or tony danza. you can spread your light and love whichever way you wish to. it doesnt mean you have to meditate or experience synchronicities or dance in a drum circle. you choose what works for you. period. if meditating doesnt work for you, find something that does. dont just give up and ignore all of this. in fact, you can even make meditating work for you. its up to you and you alone. no one else is going to come along and make it happen. you are the only one making the decisions. we ask for synchronicites. thats why we experience them. we want it to happen, so it does.

c) stop being so down on yourself. it sounds to me like maybe working on some stuff inside before you actually try to apply all of this would be greatly beneficial. if we dont love ourselves, we simply wont be able to give love to every one else or even feel anothers love fully. your not malfunctioning or broken. you are us. we have the same abilites and the same value!!!! please, learn to love yourself, if not to attain anything but a happier life and a better viewpoint. it makes life so much easier!! and if you feel like your already almost there, then keep going! theres more!!

it takes a ton of bravery to come out and say this stuff to strangers. dont worry, though. we are here to support everyone. no matter who they are or how they are feeling. youre in the right place to get to where you want to be. and if you want it and really try, you will get it. that goes for anything. it sounds cheesey and cliche' but it is truly and beautifully that simple. theres nothing else to it.

you need to create your reality. mr. wilcock says, "our thoughts create our experiences." and it sounds to me like you gotta really consider your thoughts, and examine if they are being a detriment to you, or inspiring and aiding you in your search for love and happiness and whatever else you want. and it may not come all at once, it takes hard work on the inside first, then applying the rest is easy after you get over that speed bump. but if your determined and you genuinely want it in your heart and stay strong, you will achieve.

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Old 10-14-2008, 07:45 AM   #9

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wow, tamarie.

i'll try not to be to lengthy here but first let me say that i can relate to you on many points except i would urge you to stop thinking of yourself as nothing special and that the cosmos has forgotten about you. and let me state right up front that everything i'm about to say is something i have to remind myself of all of the time because i too, get impatient with myself and wish that something spectacular and other-worldly would happen to me as well.

i only discovered the law of one and this site about 4-5 months ago but i have been familiar with the basic concepts since i was roughly 13 (about 30 years ago) when i first became intently interested in the work of edgar cayce, which i found to make infinitely more sense than anything taught by mainstream religion.

in all of that time, nothing really "special" has happened to me either. but maybe that depends on how you look at it. i think it's pretty cool that i know what i do, although, i realize that there's a difference between knowing something just because you've read about it and knowing something empirically. i haven't had much experience with the latter.

but do you know how truly unusual it really is that you are open to the concepts presented on this site and have made an effort to understand them? the vast majority of people walking around are totally uninterested in asking questions beyond what they've been told. they figure if the man in the pulpit says it's so, or if they saw it on tv then it must be true and that's that. please give yourself some credit there. when the time comes, you will be equipped to help others understand.

i don't really meditate either. i keep meaning to get into the habit of doing so. the few times i've tried, nothing really happens for me either. but you know what, (and i'm speaking not by personal experience but by comparison) learning to meditate effectively takes practice. you can't learn a foreign language or how to play the piano by reading a book. you have to put effort into actually going through the motions. and it will be difficult at first. is it really necessary to meditate? if you have no interest in doing so, then i would say no. don't worry about it. hopefully others here will add to what i'm saying but realize that there are various methods and degrees of meditating. i would be willing to bet that more often than not, you will not experience a divine revelation or have an out-of-body experience. meditation can be as simple as going out and spending some quite time in nature.

no synchronicities? well, maybe you're expecting something way too dramatic? the creation gives us little hints that it's with us all the time but they are usually small, and if you let your conscience mind tell you "oh, that was just a coincidence" then they're easy to overlook. god is rarely going to hit you over the head with a frying pan.

again, i'm writing this as much for my own benefit as i am for you. be patient with yourself. being impatient and judgmental with yourself is no different than being impatient and judgmental with the creator. there is no hurry.

trust that you are right where you need to be. the fact that you are willing and want to be more speaks volumes to the fact that you are doing ok.

to paraphrase an edgar cayce quote: "you only fail if you stop trying, for the trying is often counted as righteousness."

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Old 10-14-2008, 08:24 AM   #10

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i sense your feelings of wonderment of how all of this mysterious information on this site is relating to you. i still dont know how it relates to me, but i still love the info that comes here as well as the experience of others that i learn through my 'otherselves'.

i think its easy to get caught up in the 'want' for evidence within yourself that you are to be a part of the bigger picture. but, my dear, you are! we all must except that our paths are different, and not to get caught up in the attachment or dependency of what 'others' experience. for all in all hun, the others are you....and through this site, you experience yourself through your other selves.

by reading other posts of you, you do seem to have synchronicity, and if i remember right, you once posted a dream that really resonated with me, i remember it because i had a dream very close to the time period that you had posted your dream, and mine was similar to yours. i haven't dreamed in months.

i think what is important, and easy to loose sight of, is that feeling that we get that tells us something is so....is the most prominent experience one can have...to know, you are a part of it all perfectly. if your aching for something to show you, like a phenomenal experience....all i can advise is to humble yourself that you dont need this. you might desire it, but you dont need it. sometimes we feel we need it, especially when we see someone else, say something like...'i can see ufos when ever i want to'. hell, show me where you live i say, so i can come see one!! ive never seen a ufo, and im simply dying to! but, if its meant for me to see, i will, if its not, i need to be ok with that...and not think something is wrong with me.

i have no answers hun, i just wanted to tell you -you are loved. mabey your experience is still yet ahead. i dont think we are all sapposed to have a great experience that says yes, you are a part of this or that. if we were all going to have these kinda of things, then we wouldnt need eachother to learn from (experience through). sometimes, i think certain people are to be more of the 'eye's' for our prime self instead of the instrument.

if i remember right, you have a daughter who you thought was very intune with the world around her, and you are i are very close in age. i believe my purpose is really about helping my children in the 'next round'...this kinda goes against the law of one, but that is what i feel. i can see us on a new earth, replenishing, regrowing, reteaching, redoing all the rights that went wrong. mabey your experience that your looking for will come through your daughter...we never know hun, we never know. most likely, it will come when you arent looking. that is why i find it very important to stay active in the world, stay active...just living.

it can be very frustrating when we 'want' it to show us something fantastic. but the true thing we must keep in perspective, is 'knowing' by intuition, that 'it' is showing us all something....'it' has brought some wonderful bright spirits/souls together on one website so we can all share ourselves, through eachother, so we learn to except that we are all one. sharing our experiences, is sharing it to our otherselves. many of yourselves have shared their experiences, we can live through their experiences just as well as we could learn through one of our own.

this might make no sense, its 2am and i too for once had trouble sleeping.

sometimes, sharing our desires and wants is just what our others need to see through us, to let our other selves know, they arent alone, for they might too be seeking these exact 'wants' and 'wonders'. if someone has a phenomenal experience, learn through it, experience through it with them, within yourself...for we are all one.

much love, and wishing you dreams.

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Old 10-14-2008, 08:26 AM   #11

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hey many people are at the same place. you're not alone.

it might feel frightening or frustrating because maybe your needs for clarity and contribution and understanding aren't being met.

everyday i wonder about this world and my place in it ... how i look at it ... how others see it ... why i feel so different.

maybe you have found peace in your existence here and you don't even know it ... yet.

maybe you are where others are trying to get. don't think you are behind ... maybe you are ahead.

how about focusing on keeping your energy/vibration in the love and light zone as a contribution to humanity?

i can feel by your email that you have wonderful powers and abilities.

many earth angels or light worker or wanderers are here for the sole (soul) purpose of holding a vibration of love and light to keep the energy up.

it's a vitally important job and it comes with what appears to be little earthly reward and certainly many days of shaking one's head at what appears to be the insanity of it all.

i know you have said that you have gone over david's material.

here is what really helps me when i wonder what the heck i'm doing here...

read and re-read david's really good law of one study guide at http://divinecosmos.com/index.php?op...d=23&itemid=36

listen and listen again to every one of david's radio interviews at http://divinecosmos.com/index.php?op...d=29&itemid=70

and try his science of peace over and over.

i pray a lot in a positive affirming way.

i look at my expectations and realize that i feel better when i focus on holding the energy of love and light and gratitude and forgiveness and then simply having preferences of what i'd like to see.

i do this because i don't fully know what i am here for. what if in your life review you find a huge contribution is holding the positive energy for the planet?

david has said this many times.

what if your life is about service to others and your service is holding the positive energy and contributing it to the field of humanity?

it's a noble and brave service.

every person counts. every positive contribution matters ... it really matters ... it matters into matter
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:29 AM   #12

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ok, here's what's wrong:

you are not patient. you need to show your spirit guide that you really can be patient. and while doing so, you need to read and study things in which direction you want to go.

the biggest point of success in life is to go beyond hope! once you are not emotionally attached to anything, and once you accept whatever it comes, you will achieve what you wish for, if it's acceptable within universal limits.

you cannot rush things!

you also need to understand that you are growing spiritually, no matter what, it's just that you are way to attached emotionally to it.

if you were your spirit guide, or your higher self (which you actually are, but nevermind, it's just an example :d), i'm sure you wouldn't grant yourself your wish neither, at least until you would transcend hope. and became more patient

so, imagine what would happen if you would get all you ask for, while you are still so emotionally attached?

you are getting ahead of yourself. things need to come in order. soon after you improve in the area mentioned above, you will be a perfect candidate for all you wish for.

right now, we can simply say it is not your time, or that you are not meant to be what you wish, but that simply is not true! just fix this hope and patience thing, and you'll see you don't need to wait another lifetime, but you will have to, unless you do so.

you're gonna make it, i'm sure of it! it doesn't take much.

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Old 10-14-2008, 08:30 AM   #13

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you asked for it, so i'm going to shout at you.

there's nothing wrong with you! you sound like you're doing great!

not everybody has clairvoyant dreams or channels their dead grandmother living on the fourth ring of saturn.
and there is little need to gather food or move to safe areas. not from the deepest viewpoint, anyway. and possibly not from the shallower ones either.

you sound quite a bit like me ten years ago: much, much too concerned about what was wrong and not paying anywhere near enough attention to what i was doing right.

remember: what draws you into a group isn't what you can do. we don't conduct interviews or screen people out. all that holds you is interest. or in seth's words, fun! fun is the only prerequisite. and when you stop having fun, stop coming and go somewhere else. that's all there is to it.

those of us that have had experiences are here to answer what questions you may have and possibly guide you to yours. the potential is in you: if it wasn't, you wouldn't be human. let it come to fruition in its own time.
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:36 AM   #14

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oh yeah, sorry, forgot something.. so, be patient, transcend hope, and (the part i forgot to mention) while doing so, read, study and "get into it" hehehehe (but i believe you already are doing this)

this third part is also important, but i got worried that i didn't emphasize it enough, so that you wouldn't just sit and wait while doing nothin hehe :d

good luck!

if you need anything else, i'll do my best to help!

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Old 10-14-2008, 09:19 AM   #15

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my friend...there are a couple things i have to say to your post. first and foremost, as someone who "experiences some of those cool things" or whatever, let me tell you that there is absolutely nothing amazing about it in my opinion...it complicates things. sometimes i drive myself nuts trying to figure out the importance of an intense dream or synchronicity, and find myself second-guessing the importance of certain people and events. i have to come back to my center and trust in the flow of life. i have a suggestion for you, and it's something i would have suggested to myself in the past if i could time travel...


surrender to the fact that we as a people and as individuals know very little to be 100% true, including most of our scientific laws which have come under dispute from new models and theories. if you have an open mind as you say you do, then i suggest you try to let go of even caring about any of the things that bother you, for just a moment, and just breathe...you just may feel a sense of peace that you have not had in a while, or ever, in this life.

this is why i feel meditation is so important. not because some "ra" or whatever says so, but because it brings peace, clarity, and sensations of love into my being, if i dedicate more than just a short minute of my time into it. with a daily habit of meditation, my life has changed dramatically. i would not expect you or anyone else for that matter to figure everything out, experience crazy abilities, or even have amazing dreams just because of meditation. but, i am certain it will be a beneficial thing to your own mental/emotional/physical well being, in whatever way it needs to be. and if you have any kind of trouble with it, just focus on your breath...solely your breath.

no one on these forums, or david wilcock or anyone on this earth, is above you in any way. this isn't some cool club of wannabe psychic preachers and sages. this is a place where people can communicate with other people and try to help one another in various ways. why place importance on the idea of obtaining some kind of psychic ability or synchronicity, when instead you can reflect on yourself and find out that you are already a marvel of existence, who is important, who does change/interact with this world in important ways...because ultimately...you are a part of this world, you are not separate from it.
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Old 10-14-2008, 11:15 AM   #16

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hi tamarie,

actually this is the first time i post someth on this forum.
i wonder where did you get the idea that:

""others here and others who are 'awake' and 'aware' are experiencing most if not all of the points above..""

not everyone thats into davids work is actually posting on the forums, so you cant really draw conclusions about what "everyone" experiences only from what you read here.

as for me:

* i don't feel the urge to gather food/supplies or move to a safe area

* i don't experience synchronicities

(except for somtimes i look at the clock exactly at the full hour, or 14:14 or smth....but does that have a significant meaning per se? )

* i haven't felt 'different' in any way, shape, or form than what i normally would feel prior to first discovering d wilcock and project camelot.
(well i must say my views on a lot of stuff changed! no doubt you could say the same thing)

* i read and understand as much as the next person on this forum and follow plenty of links on a daily basis as provided by david, or the forum moderators, or others on the project camelot or avalon sites/forums - so i am very in the know, and 'awake' you could say

* i don't meditate - i have no patience to do so

maybe some people like you could get the wrong idea (that everyone is experiencing more then you) when confronted with such a lot of people that are seeming to experience all kinds of things.

i also think that the more you want to experience 'special' things, the less the chance that you will....
its like when you are looking for something you will not find it, and as soon as you let go, suddenly you will!

the thing you say here:
"i am in no way psychic - although my desire to want to be 'special' sometimes creates pangs of ache in my chest"
....seems to me that you have a very low self esteem and seem to think everyone else is more special or whatever then you.

for many (or most of the) people self esteem is a big issue, for myself for example....
keep working on that. i am 26 now and "spiraling ever upwards".

remember what david has said (if im not mistaken at the end of the 2012 conference):

"...every soul is precious beyond imagination.."

i hope this helped you a little , just felt i should respond

love to you and everyone else out there!!

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Old 10-14-2008, 12:58 PM   #17

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hi tamarie,

lots of great responses here for you! a few thoughts from me. . .

the idea that there is something "wrong" with you is, in fact, a form of the idea of "specialness". both actually interfere with the manifestation of some of the things you are speaking about.

the more you try to have prophetic dreams, synchronicities, intuitions, etc., the more you actually block yourself off from having them, or distort them from their original form. you must realize that these things are very natural, and therefore do not set any one of us apart as "more special" or "better than" anybody else.

if you come across anybody who is making prophecies or performing psychic feats while proclaiming (or allowing others to proclaim) that they are somehow more special, better than, or the "one true messenger" my suggestion to you is to keep on walking. this person is at best a fool, and at worst, dangerous.

if anything is "wrong" with you, it can only be the idea itself that something is "wrong" with you. that you are somehow broken and in need of fixing, or that you are "less than" or somehow not as important.

there is no one single viewpoint or consensus present here on this forum that you are missing. what you are experiencing here is not a group of individuals that share in a common prophecy, and have come together to talk about it.

rather what you see here is a group of individuals who probably started out feeling just as lost or confounded as you, and who went seeking for some sort of reason why, and who found that the law of one and the theory of ascension provides a suitable explanation. i am sure there are many more who came across this forum, found that the material did not resonate with them at all, and moved on to something else. of course. . you don't hear from those folks here!

as you continue to read the various writings here, i am sure you will find that we do not all speak with the same voice on these matters, and that we each came to this material in our own unique way and with our own particular set of frustrations and bewilderment.


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Old 10-14-2008, 02:14 PM   #18

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[*]i don't feel the urge to gather food/supplies or move to a safe area[/list] maby you don't need to.

  • i don't experience synchronicities
95% of synchronicities have to do with the stuff in your subconscious. if your carrying around the belief in your sub conscious that synchronicities are a fuzzy idea and nothing more then even when they happen you will fail to recognize them.

  • i haven't felt 'different' in any way, shape, or form than what i normally would feel prior to first discovering d wilcock and project camelot
most people are or have been on that boat up to this point. usually if you have esoteric gifts you will know about it before you ever study it.

  • i have not had any spiritual/uplifting or future premonition dreams
very few people do.

  • i am in no way psychic - although my desire to want to be 'special' sometimes creates pangs of ache in my chest
let go of any desire you have to be judged by others as special. that is the ego. e.g.o. = edging god out

  • i don't meditate - i have no patience to do so, but mostly, deep down inside i have no desire to do so (is it really that necessary?) - but on the occasions i have tried, i didn't feel any different in any way
i do not think that anyone has a natural desire to want to meditate. the thing you have to realize is that when you where born you had an ability to be completely in the moment. no one had ever tought you to focus on the emotions of the past or worry about the future.

you don't have the patience to meditate because your consciousness is focused on what will happen and what has happend. when you are split like this there is no room in the conscious mind for the moment.

the meditation teaches you to allow yourself to return to your original natural state of being in the moment. this is where patience is born from. consider it like working out. it is a pain in the butt at first, but once you get going you wonder why you did not start sooner.

  • i am strongly against religion - have felt all my life that there was something not right about it - and i'm wholehartedly for the one creator - for me, and i believe that we are all a part of the whole
nothing wrong with that, religion seperates people into groups. we are all one.

  • i am extremely open-minded (regardless of what you may read above) more so than anyone else in my life, yet nothing of significance ever happens to me
you are programming the world around you to never show you anything significant. your consciousness determines the world you experience.

basically, i am totally at a loss as to what i am even doing here at this time, and why i am extremely interested in these topics if whatever is happening or is going to happen seems to be passing me by as if i was completely invisible. i can only surmise that i am destined to die at some point before or on 2012, as i seem to be ignored by the cosmos! you are not being ignored. your core beliefs are shielding you from the neat stuff happening. the only way to get to those core belifes and change them is to clear out the giant pile of junk on top of them. you do this by training yourself to be in the moment.

i really don't understand why others here and others who are 'awake' and 'aware' are experiencing most if not all of the points above, and i am not. i feel like an outcast! due to this reason, i can barely remain positive these days! it's like i am constantly bored and disgruntled if my day doesn't go the way i would like it to. am i a waste of time and space? you have taken on the role of the victim. this more than likely stems from being exposed to people in this consciousness during your life. in order to make radical changes in your consciousness you are going to have to stop this. the best way to do this is to get your mind out of the past by training yourself to be in the moment. this disgruntled mind set is due to focusing on the emotions of the past. even if it was 5 min ago it is still the emotions of the past.

i hope there are others out there who are in the same situation as me, who feel as lost as i, but based on the type of 'special' members i see at this forum, i doubt it! the people who are not seeking help like you are and are still ignoring the greater picture all together are in a much worse perdicament than you are. you are taking the first steps in the right direction by asking for help.
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Old 10-14-2008, 02:22 PM   #19

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here's something i scribbled on a notepad last night:

it isn't that anybody is "superior" to another; only that we focus on different things.

we all have different strengths (and weaknesses), depending on what we have experienced, etc. there is something special and unique in everybody. think of the human soul like, perhaps, snowflakes- no two snowflakes are alike. (i got that from an author).

i shall try to take my own advice here two, as i tend to battle with low self esteem on a regular basis.

as for not experiencing premonitions or synchronicities, don't worry. i think you can do in time. i wish i was able to dream more often; i use to dream all the time as a child, but very rarely these days- if i do i usually forget them.......maybe also the left brained conditioning has had an impact; this is a very tough thing to gradually break free from, so i'd say just give it time.
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Old 10-14-2008, 02:34 PM   #20

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i think you're just going through an emotional detachment period. think of it as a growth stage, you are digesting everything around you. i've been through this too it does progress from here. just understand there is nothing wrong with you, everything is as it's meant to be.
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