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Old 10-18-2008, 01:43 AM   #21

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there is a song i like by the eurythmics called "i've tried everything".

the song is lamenting one's lot in life and declaring self a "loser"
because things are not the way we think they should be.

you may find it helpful to concentrate on what is and work
on changing the things that you can, and not worry about the rest.

it takes time and experience. epiphanies are far and few between, otherwise
they wouldn't be considered special.

be kind to yourself. give yourself time.
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Old 10-18-2008, 11:29 AM   #22

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i've been a lurker here for some time, and your post urged me to finally register, so i could give some kind of response to you.

problem is, i really have nothing useful to say. no great wisdom or understanding to share. no fancy revelations, no nothing.

i just feel for you. you're an authentic human being. i love those, so i guess that means i love you.

i sincerely hope you'll find whatever it is you're truly seeking, but i haven't even found whatever it is i'm truly seeking myself, so what help could i possibly give?

if i were to assume the guru position, and dole out some spiritual advice, it would only be this:

have faith.

that's the most useful advice i can come up with. but faith in what? the timely return of jeezus? the soon upcoming ascension?


but more to the point, have faith in your self. if your self doesn't need to meditate at this very moment, simply don't. whatever your path may be, that is your path.

your path always unfolds here and now, never there and when. and you are already walking on your path. always have been, always will.

but then you already know these things yourself.
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Old 10-18-2008, 12:30 PM   #23

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you sound just like my sister... she is generally a very cruisey individual and has always been there for me through out my life picking up the slack when emotional situations arise while i run and look out for myself.

you are living out of your heart while others like my self live out of our heads, your actually very important and sitting pretty so to speak , do your best in not taking it to personally as a lot of us... are lost and confused and don't know what we are doing.

i recently apologized to my sister for being a selfish jerk all my life and told her that i loved her she said there was nothing to apologize for even though i new she felt hurt and neglected.

i have recently channeled seen ufo's and had extreme synchronicities

its pretty freaky stuff if you have a heap of fears and repressed emotions because that is what comes up all the fears hurt and gunk that have been repressed since childhood its like i have been a robot all my life like bender the robot out of futurama my heart is a real mess and now i am walking around to scared to look at any one [simile removed]

if you have fear in your heart you can not love or experience life and emotions to a large degree nature and animals are like a safety net that a lost soul can reconnect to, humans become the enemy and interacting with them becomes a real chore or job its funny how society is constructed isn't it ? i am just grateful that the current system of things is being deconstructed.

you are special appreciated and loved maybe some one whom you love that has taken you for granted will wake up and tell you so and if not i love you because you sound like my sister.
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Old 10-19-2008, 12:19 PM   #24

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dear tamarin!

i just have to respond to you! here i am, on the other end of the world! just like you! i could have written your post myself at least a couple of years ago!

during the last year i have visited david`s site, project camelot and many, many many others, and like you wondered why it seems like everyone else have these "amasing" experiences and not me! but the strange thing is that i do, and proberbly you too! it`s just in a totally different way then we hear others have them! i know you have it, or you would not be here on this site!

like many of the others who responded to your post, it`s my first time to! your words hit us all in the heart i think. like you i have no patience in meditating...but try to sit with your back to a tree....take some deep breath and feel the energy in the nature...focus on the colours, smell, touch the gras and just enjoy that you are a living beeing. that is meditating..then you will excperience the here and now!

to connect with your higher spirit you can do the same, sit under a tree and ask questions and i guarantee you... you will get clear answers...just trust them! when you start doing this you slowly will start to trust your intuition, and the messages you recive! things will be much clearer for you. i bet you already have a vey strong intuition and already have had moments when you connected to the cosmic consiousness...maybe you just think it was supposed to be different? it has taken me many many years to understand this, and hopefully i can help you to understand your qualities and your personal mission here on earth!

i think you and i are supposed to do something quiet different then the ones who get visions and do readings and so on. we are the working bees, and are supposed to help people with love, and learn them to love themselves for who they are. that is why you are going through this prosess yourself! otherwise you would not understand what they go through! i bet you are, like one of the responses to your post says: full of love, and think with your heart and not your head! that`s your quality my friend, and that`s your strength, and that is what your mission on this earth is: to be a lightworker who live in the name of love and give hope to the one who have lost it!

send you a lot of love, and if you wish you can contact me and we could exchange experiences. i sure need someone to talk to also!

lots of love from norway
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Old 10-19-2008, 10:46 PM   #25

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it's nice to see every one rallying to the cause of helping some one who's a little down. every one has doubts, questions and all those things.

i often do not bother to read through all the posts unless i've been following the thread since the beginning.. such is the case here so forgive me if i repeat what others have said already.

a councilor once told me when i was concerned about some depression i was going through 'if your here asking questions.. then most likely your fine.' most people who have the problems.. the ones that are deep down in it.. are always denying that they have the problem to begin with or very rarely ask for help for fear of admitting there is a problem. your asking questions.. your going to be just fine.

besides all that, there is still the simple case of perfection. you are already perfect.. no need to harp on what you don't have.. because what you do have is exactly what your supposed to have. look to your hidden talents, those of helping people and that sort of thing.. isn't that what love is all about? if you do just that, then you've probably passed up a lot of the general populace in your capacity to love and be loved.

some of the illuminati groups are heavy into the occult. they use those abilities to control and manipulate the situation as best they can.. they misuse those abilities in order to harm others. so do not think that psychic ability is a measure of your spiritual progression.. it is just a measure of your knowledge and skills in those areas. you can still misuse it and end up going in a direction you never intended to go.

just remember, your already perfect just as you are.. trust in that, trust in your path and just be. don't try to be anything, just be. live your life without worry of fear, live it in love and in the moment and you will do just fine. remember.. there is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so. we have such a bad habit of judging ourselves that we spend entirely too long on it.

and in all things
be the blessing (by understanding your nature as a spiritual being, not by trying to be anything through effort.)
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Old 10-20-2008, 03:15 AM   #26

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thank you for your presence on the planet at this time and gnosis that you are greatly loved.
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Old 10-20-2008, 08:34 AM   #27

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hi tamarie

i can tell you that when coming into this forum i was suspiscious all the time, since i've been brainwashed by a meditationguru that made me meditate for days and days during several years and when i broke out of his spell i've had an enormous resistance towards meditation. i find my peace mostly by going to a solitary spot in nature with my dog, meditating on a tree or the ocean with open eyes like some buddhists do.

sometimes i felt desperate in spite of all synchronicities, premonitions and visons i have and thought "what's the meaning of having all these phenomena when i feel like crap and nothing ever changes anyway.

i can even feel suspiscious about the things other pple experience here just because i have not had first hand experience myself and having let myself been so deluded..

examine your emotions and frustrations and where they are coming from; is it a pattern from earlier experiences in your childhood or later? we all have different paths toward enlightenment and how interesting would it be if everybody was experiencing the same things at the same time?

i was 27 when i took interest in astrology and other synchronicities started at 32 and i'm now 58, what age are you?
you may be here to ask this question to give us all the opportunity to express our own doubts, that's a big contribution to this forum

thankyou for being so brave and honest!

liliane the transit
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Old 10-20-2008, 01:19 PM   #28

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the fact that you even know about these things show how special you are.
special powers are not needed, you are not being ignored, you are aware that something is happening, thats more then most.
i think you're doing really well, you may not be good at recognising the beauty in your simple gifts and talents...
seeing the future is not important, loving yourself and others, being of service to others not of self, thats where its at, everything else is distraction.

i think your amazing, love elektra (babyblue) x x x
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Old 10-20-2008, 11:31 PM   #29

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hello to absolutely everyone who gave up some of their precious time to respond to my original post. it means so much to me - it truly does.

i've been reading through the replies each day and thinking on some of the things that have been said. i haven't replied because i've been so gobsmacked that i didn't know where to start! and who to thank first!

i still don't know what to say...but i think it's only right that i write something to show my appreciation and to let you all know that i do now feel some sort of . . . family kinship/belonging . . . with this life and all that's in it.

i have to expand on and explain something that i wrote at the start, and that was the point that i don't feel the urge to gather food/supplies or move to a safe area. i wrote this as i've been spending some time (too much time perhaps) at project avalon, and plently of its members are talking so strongly (and seem so dedicated) about finding a safe area to survive the coming times! that includes the very members of my australian ground crew! and that's why i wonder whether i am meant to 'survive' the years to come as we head towards 2012, because i have no desire to be a part of any ground crew or 'survivilist camp', and feel no inner yearning, however small, to even worry about it! yet, i find myself doubting the authenticity of my own 'lack of inner yearning' and wonder whether it simply comes down to pure laziness, or just that i can't imagine my quality of life changing so much, or just the fact that i don't have to worry about it because i won't be around (dead) to experience it.

i really get what you are all saying to me, and perhaps i should open my eyes and my heart to your words and stop wasting energy worrying about such things as above. but can you see why i'm concerned, when others around me are so pedantic?

thanks again to all the wonderfully loving people here on divine cosmos - you kick project avalon's a**! :d

with love,

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Old 10-21-2008, 12:58 PM   #30

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we are all special, that is the point. there is not one teacher but rather we are all the teachers and we are all the students as well. perhaps "guided" meditation, and/or meditation in a group setting would help you to get the best results. thats how i got started.
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Old 10-23-2008, 04:47 PM   #31

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hello to all,

ive been thinking about this thread and the experience my mother has had of seeing things. it was all very exciting in some ways, but it really has added to confussion for me and her both i think.

we came together on many levels but now we are back to where we were. she is again qouting her bible to show me that the blood she was in was neccesary and we all must be washed in the blood because of our sins that go all the way back to adam and eve. for a little while, her mind opened and 'god' came out of the box, but she closed thee back up pretty fast. she has sadden me to some degree because i hoped she was my other part of me that was going to be with me on the same level of thinking...even though im prepared to venture these thoughts on my own, i got my hopes up that she and i were gong to see through the same set of eyes. now, i dont know what to think of her vision really, she was washed in blood....but i just cant place god back in that box of blood, even though this is what she saw. so then i think, mabey this was 'her' thoughts of what is 'next', mabey we all have our 'box' of thoughts...do these create our next round? did she see these things because this is what her mind had keys to see? but what about the obe to egypt and petra...was it all in the mind or truly a real experience on another realhm/world/heaven?

im not sure any experience would bring all the answers, but only point you to new questions. possibly, even misleading a person.

peace to all,
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Old 10-23-2008, 11:19 PM   #32

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right after i posted for former post, my mom told me about watching some of davids videos (finally) last night. i think part of her was scared to watch them, yet part of her, she said, knew that she would hear things that she always felt was true>

so with a huge smile of her face this morning, she had opened the box again to peek in and was asking all sorts of questions and pondering again. dont get me wrong, i know all ways and paths have a purpose and who am i to say what that purpose is for another...but knowing it took 2 yrs. for me to let my mind twist out of the knot that was placed there, i feel that her higher self is trying to reach to her. she told me alot of neat things that were sychronising with her spirit...so just when im willing to accept my path being solo once again, she was accepting that she might not know it all and mabey there is more to god then this order of righteousness and sins. mabey her and i arent as far off as i thought.

still, the experience, brought more questions then answers....and how does one know if he or she is worthy to say what it means or what it is for....its one of those questions we can ask others, but really, is there a correct answer?

peace and love,
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