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#1 |
here is a kewl link to a one world goverment site
[please e-mail for link] also, here are 2 article on einsten who believed in one world goverment i advocate world government because i am convinced that there is no other possible way of eliminating the most terrible danger in which man has ever found himself. the objective of avoiding total destruction must have priority over any other objective. (albert einstein, 1947) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- einstein's passionate commitment to the cause of global peace led him to support the creation of a single, unified world government. einstein thought that patriotic zeal often became an excuse for violence: "as a citizen of germany," he wrote in 1947, "i saw how excessive nationalism can spread like a disease, bringing tragedy to millions." to combat this "disease," einstein wanted to eliminate nationalistic sentiments—first by erasing the political borders between countries and then by instituting an international government with sovereignty over individual states. during world war i, einstein supported the formation of the "united states of europe." he later endorsed the league of nations and its successor, the united nations. but einstein worried that the united nations did not have enough authority to ensure world peace. you are truely loved paul |
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#2 |
from my readings of the cwg material i have come to the conclusion that, while overwhelmingly positive, portions of it were corrupted by negative influences, most notably in book 2 where it is talking about a one world government. this is perhaps not surprising, as this would be a prime target for manipulation, and neale donald walsch, at least at the time when that book was written, seemed to have a particular propensity to naivety where negative agendas are concerned.
that being said i am not totally against a one world government. i think there is general consensus here that any form of one world government that would appeal to those of an sto orientation would be democratic in nature. that being said, here are some characteristics that i believe would be critical for proper function.. firstly, it should be a truly democratic system. currently, there is no real democracy on this planet, but republics, whereby elected representatives cast votes on "behalf" of their constituents. clearly, this feature of republics is what makes them particularly susceptible to corruption and manipulation by special interest groups. a representative congress whose job it is to draft law makes sense to me. having this same body then vote on the law to pass it seems quite antiquated. with the advent of the internet, there is no reason why votes cannot be put to the people directly. as for the voting process itself, i tend to think that votes should not be equal, but weighted according to the stated interests of the voter. kind of like in rpg, where you get so many points to be distributed among different characteristics, so would each person receive an equal measure of voting power, but be required to distribute that power among various interests. as an example, say person a gets 100 "voting points" and distributes them with a high priority among education and health care, while person b also gets 100 "voting points" and distributes them with a high priority on taxes and government spending. if a health care bill is then put to a vote, person a's vote would be weighted more heavily than person b's, and vice-versa in the case of a tax bill. in this manner, there can be a recognition that each person counts equally from the perspective of totality while acknowledging the reality of the fact that all are not affected equally by the existence of a particular law. obviously, this is an oversimplified example, but i am using it just for illustrative purposes. each person's point distribution would be public information, and could be changed on a regular basis, at whatever interval is deemed to be appropriate. in this manner, there would be a greater emphasis placed on supporting what one is for, rather than fighting what one is against, and also would create an environment of transparency whereby an individual or group, could not make false projections about its values to the public. as far as the executive branch of said world government, i would be comfortable with it if those elected and assigned to leadership positions were held in strict accountability to their word, including whatever oaths of office might be taken. you either keep your word, or you're out. plain and simple. lies, half-truths, and empty promises must not be tolerated in the least bit from those who would be our leaders. |
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#3 |
i too am surprised and in a sense dumbfounded that such a conversation and thought process is even occurring with the individuals on this board and website. having a governmental system looks great on paper, but in reality it is far from the glory of what is on that paper. human history and earth history have proven this. this is then another case and way that history then repeats itself.
in 4d, which is more set to service to others that service to self, why would we then need a government? if we all stemmed from the same consciousness of service to others then why would be need a governmental system looking over us and guiding us to what is "right"? after voting and misunderstanding of people and "agendas" trying to then further it, we would end up with nothing more than a start of free will that is then pushed into a controlled grid and then thrown out just as the constitution did. if everyone just woke up, felt the 4d sto and threw out the past, we would all strive to make a utopia that was in better interest to ourselves and others! would we not want the best for others as though they were us? a teacher of mine once said, “i do things for others because it then in return makes me happy. if i tell my wife she is beautiful, it makes her happy, and then in return seeing her with that happiness in return makes me happy, this goes for everything in life” this utopia we all hope for and want to manifest would crumble underneath a governmental system after a few terms and when "new ideas" get enforced with voting, there would be separation, the ones voting for another side will still feel the other side is then better for others and so forth. it would then end the same way. free will is not governmental. “"govern" is from latin meaning "control", and "ment is from latin meaning "mind". mind control. and in most, if not all governing hierarchies, propoganda and manufacturing consent of the population - often in pursuit of hidden agendas - is of paramount importance to self-serving politicians. "king", denotes a monarchy from a recognized bloodline with power derived from the church in an usually uneasy alliance of necessity. "kingdom", a sovereign, automonous population of 'subjects', or 'subordinates' at the command of the recognized king and his delegates. “ - love and light to all. -john |
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#4 |
i'm in favor of the ancient kingship system, actually.
a king would serve for a certain amount of time and then be ritually slaughtered in public. in some cultures the king would do it himself, body part by body part, until he began to pass out from the pain and then the finish would be administered by an assistant. this way you weed out many of the sts types quite systematically. |
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#5 |
in 4d, which is more set to service to others that service to self, why would we then need a government? distribution of resources resolution of conflicts sharing of culture and philosophy record keeping public health and education . . . among many of the other issues which must be dealt with in a collective sense that we also find here in the world in which we currently live. it is somewhat naive to think that a 4d sto world, at least in the beginning stages of development, has no need for organization that would be, for lack of a better term, government. even a world "100 times more harmonious" than our own has plenty of room to grow where harmony is concerned. in movement toward "utopia" there will still be conflicts of will as to the best way to bring it about, and what it would look like in the end. and even after the attainment of "utopia" there need to be systems in place to make it work. don't get me wrong, i don't like the negative aspects of our current system any more than you do. i am just pointing out that there still needs to be a system. a world full of 4d sto souls does not mean that everybody shares the same opinions or desires, or that there is no conflict or suffering. as far as i can fathom, that sort of situation wouldn't occur until the formation of a 6d social memory complex. |
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#6 |
why not self governing?
i don’t think that we need governments, what we need is to become responsible ourselves and to love ourselves unconditionally thus accepting and loving others in the same way. small units organized with unconditional love, where the welfare of all is paramount is really the only way ahead. power corrupts if it is not accompanied by wisdom…. in our planet, show me one president or prime minister that is wise….as far as i see there are none…. food for thought i guess love |
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#7 |
actually that's pretty cool, sort of like what george carlin suggested about televised executions.
i'm in favor of the ancient kingship system, actually. |
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#8 |
one world government in a polarized society would work fine because the rest of the world would be thinking in the same way. its something very different on this planet with a mixed dualitet. its so simple and government would not be big either. it would just have responsibility for infrastructures.
mike |
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#9 |
you don't need to be conspiratorial to be skeptical of the desirability of so-called "one world government". third density human nature is simply not cut out for it. why do i think this? because humans aren't doing a very good job with the limited, territorial governments that exist now! a government with no competition and with no possibility of escaping would be despotic.
now, this is all given the current human nature on this planet. if things change - in other words, in fourth density - the rules would be totally different. without the capability to deceive others, government might work. but that would be a change in humans, not in government. and if that change happened, i doubt we'd need any government at all - after all, government is really just legitimated violence. i'm writing an essay on the political implications of the law of one for an upcoming l/l seminar, and when it's complete i'll link to it. but i basically believe that with humans becoming enlightened, questions of governance become totally irrelevant. |
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#10 |
me and some guys got into a long conversation last night that started with all the hypocrisies in the bible. like, for instance, god says (according to the bible) "thou shall not judge", but then turns around and judges us on whether we have been good enough to get into heaven or are we going to burn in hell. this is hypocritical. do as i say and not as i do, type of thing. and one guy said, "well, he is god, he can do whatever he wants to." and then i said how i think the idea of laws or commands is inherently negative, like the 10 commandments. and one guy said, "well we can't have a world without laws, the people would go crazy." i disagree, i think everything would naturally balance its self. chaos would organize itself.
if something bad happens the people would figure a way to remedy the situation. so in a nut shell. i don't think we need any laws at all, and therefore no government at all, either. what do you think? |
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#11 |
i believe you are correct in what you say. first off, our creator does not judge us, the creator gave us free will to judge ourselves, hence, we can either forgive ourselves for what we do, or, we do not forgive ourselves. if we forgive ourselves, there is no need to go back to school to relearn the lesson (reincarnation). if we do not forgive ourselves, then we have to go back to school and repeat that lesson all over again till we do learn from it.
as for a one world government at this time, no, not with the leaders we have today, the only way it would work, is if you were to remove all the leader we now have, and replaced them with people who are not self centered and power corrupted as are so many who hold office this day. i believe what we are going through right now, is a wake up call to ourselves. we have become so spiritually stagnant, that we have created this unrest as a way to force us to open our eye within. we have built such a wall between our physical selves and our spiritual selves, that we have stopped growing as spiritual beings. and that wall is the everyday mundane lives we live, we now allow ourselves to be lead around by the nose (by our government), because if we were to stop for a moment to think for ourselves, what would happen? we would become the enemy of our government for not letting them do the thinking for us, and you will see this grow at an alarming rate as time goes by. it`s all around you now, just open your eyes long enough to allow yourself to see it. |
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#12 |
i believe you are correct in what you say. first off, our creator does not judge us, the creator gave us free will to judge ourselves, hence, we can either forgive ourselves for what we do, or, we do not forgive ourselves. if we forgive ourselves, there is no need to go back to school to relearn the lesson (reincarnation). if we do not forgive ourselves, then we have to go back to school and repeat that lesson all over again till we do learn from it. living in fear of man made laws will make things worse. now we all feel dependent on these laws which is not good. |
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#13 |
and one guy said, "well we can't have a world without laws, the people would go crazy." i disagree, i think everything would naturally balance its self. chaos would organize itself. if something bad happens the people would figure a way to remedy the situation. government is the natural result of chaos. all you would be doing by abolishing laws is starting all over again from scratch. |
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#14 |
yes. they would make laws. ![]() all "governments" tend to have two things in common....corruption & self interest. i have never heard of, or come across a government that's sole interest is to serve the people it purports to care about. if i have missed one please point it out. history, time and time again, has proved that no government is free from self interest in some shape or form. i'm not saying that members of governments don't begin with good intentions but unfortunately this does not last......and you only need a few bad apples to spoil the bunch. there any reason to be governed.......govern yourself and pray that all souls will have the insight and courage to do the same. love to you all jim |
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#15 |
a one world government could work. but not now. only after 2012 could it work as we will all be part of the government as one. we will know who is lying, what agendas are being thought of, as we will all know what each other is thinking. we can come up with ideas together that pleases everyone, not just the people in power. honesty and justice will prevail.
like bluebird said, there has never been a government that started out with good intentions and stayed that way. all governments are or become corrupted and greedy. they keep things from the people, use mass disinformation and confusion so truthers will never quiet know the 100% details behind the scenes. heck the roman empire's government was so corrupted that a official or emperor were assassinated or killed every year by a inside job. it was crazy. lies were spewed every where. however, the problem is, they always fall. all secret overpowering groups fall. the illuminati are trying to be the first ruling power to not fall and be exposed. but we all know that will not happen. too much people are starting to find out about them now, and they are panicking frantically. yet they still have one bad master plan left. still, 2012 is just around the corner so their time is not enough. |
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#16 |
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#18 |
yes, i agree. the strongest would begin organizing into gangs, the gangs would organize into armies, and then the armies would support the most charismatic and cutthroat among them, institute governments, and plan wars of conquest. so maybe having no laws is not the answer but i know that the current law system is not the answer either. so what are some alternative solutions that will get everyone working together? instead of living in fear. |
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#19 |
i was reading some of neale donald walsch's material, the conversations with god books, and was somewhat surprised to find that he is a proponent of the idea of a one world government.
i could simply refer you to the book in which he goes into this (it's book 2) but in a nutshell he is basically saying we need to do with the nations the same thing that we ended up doing with the united states when we united all of the states under a single republic and abandoned the articles of confederation. i hardly ever see any data that actually supports such an idea, because as you no doubt know, the idea of a one world government is the subject of more conspiracy mongering and illuminati theories than anything else and is for the most part feared, regarded by those who even know anything about it as the final stamp of the book of revelations, signifying the power elite's ability to control all humanity and enforce a "big brother" type of governance. and i have to ask: is it possible that a one world government could be a good thing? could this really be what the doctor ordered after all? maybe if it were instated without too much involvement by the power elite and with the same level of compassion and human concern that originally sparked the writing of the us constitution? what are your thoughts on this? |
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#20 |
remember, a one world government is just another technology, neither good nor evil of its own, but rather only as a result of how that technology is used.
ultimately, it is one planet, and we need to comport ourselves in light of that truth. while we need to cherish and sustain the unique personalities of every culture, for diversity is key to our evolution, we need to govern this world as one. so, to hell with nationalism. no longer should we allow the beauty of our diversity to be marred by the ugliness of the separative mentality of nationality. so, yes, to my mind appropriate governance based on a consciousness of the interdependency of all things is needed, and would be highly beneficial for this planet and its peoples. however, unless we have a world-wide epiphany to get everyone on the same page any world government would likely be one of force, not unity, whatever its orientation - as a government that serves itself or a government that serves the people. sts or sto. this also points out to me that an sts based world government will likely never form as there is no unifying concept for it, as ultimately the sts persona that would be attracted to power within such a system will have their own ultimate design in mind. a government made up of many such individuals would not likely function well, if at all, as most parties involved would be at least secretly, if not actively, pursuing their own goals. and without unity, how can one expect to govern a whole system?! so, an sto one world government wouldn't have some giant egyptian/roman knock-off building where dudes in wigs usurp free-will. no, the real seat of the sto world government will, of necessity, exist in the heart of each and every one of us. so why wait! vote now! i am an sto oriented individual assuming responsibility for myself as best as possible by the law of one. when we all do that, we'll have appropriate world governance. love, blessings, and abundance, frank-o |
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