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Old 08-20-2008, 10:31 PM   #1

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Default My conscience is messed up
hi there.

i noticed something rather weird about me, but it kinda worries me.

i would actually be eaten alive from feeling bad after i would accidentally hurt an animal, or refuse to help somebody, but at the same time, i would feel no guilt at all to attack somebody who is acting illogical and and who is making himself believe some things which can not be.

this mostly applies to the people who are not open minded and who refuse intelligent arguments for the sake of their beliefs, and make all sorts of stupid arguments just to justify their beliefs. i'd feel no guilt at all to smite them to the ground, no matter how they feel. and this kinda scares me, cos i actually am not valuing the free will by doing so.

but how can this be? i know i am very compassionate, but when somebody is insulting my intelligence (like lots of common christian floks), i actually feel bad if i don't explode.

but again, the free will.. whats wrong with me?

somethings not right, huh?

same goes for the majority of the music industry. being a musician myself, i hate the fact the most of songs today are all just the same $%$#, in different package, meant only to be sold and nothing else. people could feel like i'm insulting their music, but i can't understand that people just listen to this music just because they like it, dough they know its just the same thing they heard million times before, and only intended to make money by it, and nothing else. faked feelings, faked intentions. this makes me angry.

i mean, i would like those songs myself, as well as many melodies which i can find catchy, but i refuse to, cos i know what they are truly made for. so as i said, i end up insulting people's music, and feel no guilt about it...

i kinda comfort myself by thinking that i'm actually meant to be like that, in the name of justice or something. but i know that people are suppose to be like that and think that way, cos it's their choice. but why don't i feel sorry when i attack, or even destroy this ignorance they call "belief"?

so... any ideas?

edit: ok, maybe i didn't use the right words. i would never assault anybody and do him physical harm. when i say attack, i mean attack verbally, through conversation, and i wouldn't "attack" the person, i would attack those beliefs. so i wouldn't really insult a person, at least not directly. but then again, i wouldn't mind if they felt bad after i attacked their beliefs, and proved them wrong.

sorry for not making it clear the first time.

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Old 08-21-2008, 06:36 AM   #2

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perhaps you are seeing more of what i believe carl jung would've called your "shadow".

i've observed in my thoughts totally cruel intentions which i have not carried out (er, at least not to the extreme). basically, i'm saying that i know i am capable of committing horrible acts to other living beings, but choose not to do so. i observe these negative thoughts in my consciousness as potentialities, but do not physically carry them out.

hope this helps. just my initial ramblings.

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Old 08-21-2008, 12:42 PM   #3

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well, it's not that i would say horrible things. i would however, dissprove everything what i find wrong, with mostliy logic and pure sense, but this should not be right, since people have the right to believe in anyhitng thy want, even when its wrong, from my perspective.

thanks for the reply

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Old 08-21-2008, 02:11 PM   #4

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what you hate and love in others is what you hate and love in yourself. your perceptions are a waking dream, all designed to show you what needs work inside. regarding the music industry, your issue appears to be the financial or commercial appeal to your creations. do not let your ego claim or write your creations. success is the ability to create for the sake of the creation.
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Old 08-22-2008, 03:42 PM   #5

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hello wintersun, hope all is well.

i am knew to the law of one, and it is hard to believe, but i am drawn to it and i dont know why!? but it feels right!! it has replaced my strong christian
beliefs. and thats a inner struggel.

i know some times its hard to hold your emotions when you feel you are right
and others are wrong and they are mocking you, but your path is just your path and not others, you know the difference between right and wrong, and that voice in your head that tells you to lash out, take three deep breaths and say to yourself calm for each breath, and that upheval within yourself will go away and with time it will disapear. this does work!!

and on the music note. i work in music and i deal with major acts, and you are not alone with your veiws but at the end of the day its just a product that sales. there is no wrong and right in music!!! only emi, live nation and all other big label's say there is, as soon you sign a big deal you have just lost most of your creative control, thats why they sign young artists not mature artists who have an opinion. but the industry's changing the main labels are loosing and going broke! and the independent labels are comming out of the wood works giving more real music and not just a product.

it is hard when you love your job as much as you hate it.
"sorry cant use the word hate, how about dislike with a passion"

i hope this helps a little bit

all the best

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Old 08-22-2008, 04:46 PM   #6

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you are experiencing what happens when you have convictions that get challenged. you are also experiencing what happens when other people who have convictions feel when they are challenged. two people that think they are dealing with closed minded idiots.

what can you do? plenty. detach yourself from your own convictions. go higher up into a god like perspective. look down with compassion and say to yourself- time will change everything -
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Old 08-22-2008, 07:13 PM   #7

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thank you so much for such wonderfull replies

i gave it even more thought these days, and here's what i found out:

the fact that i am challenging those beliefs, is that i have a detaild arguments to prove my opinions, but the people start to make up stupid excuses, wich have no meaning even to them, but only to justify their ideals. this is when i get angry, and, since they are actually convincing me that the "grass is yellow", i start to disporove their oppinons. by the time i actually have proven my point, they feel bad, cos they can't preve me wrong. and i wont let them.

the problem is, that most people are not objective at all, and get attached to things and ideals. i mean, if anyone would come to me right now, and prove me that david w, or the law of one is wrong, and if the argumen was as half as good as the ones i use agains those stupid ideals, then by all means i would admit it, and say, yes, the law of one is wrong.

so it comes to this, that this is not my mystake, but theirs, cos they are the ones that are convincing themselves and myself something that deosnt make sense even to them. but they litherally brainwash themselves, and make believe. so again, this is then their fault.

however, i should realize that if i am in any way more objective, more self sufficent, more spirtuall or whatever, that all this is exactley the way it's supose to be, and that by not respecting their limitations and stupidity, i actually am wrong.

cos, maybe i don't know how many lifetimes before, i was probobaly like that. so we can't blaim them.

very little people can drop their belifs the same moment they are proven wrong. i personaly can, and did, and will if necesery. and all becose i'm not attached to anything. if my mother was a whore (and she was very close to that, but thats another story), i would admit it, i wouldnt pretend like it's not true, and make stupid excuses.

there is one truth, and we all can realize it. it's just that the limitations i just mentinoed, are preventing us from understaing it.

and again and again... i should unerstand it. and let them be like that. thats my problem, cos it's hard.


sorry for being so emotional here, but i think all i said was from the heart, no matter how emotional it may have sounded. i hope somebody found somthing at least valuable in all this.

i love you all
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Old 08-22-2008, 08:57 PM   #8

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you have received a lot of good advice here. don't beat yourself up over being human and being frustrated with others, and being a human being frustrated with yourself. this coming to the front of your mind and pondering why you feel exasperated is your spiritual and mental self growing!
be you, and keep pondering your growth, then just let go and be happy!
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Old 08-22-2008, 11:54 PM   #9

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hi there.

i noticed something rather weird about me, but it kinda worries me.

i would actually be eaten alive from feeling bad after i would accidentally hurt an animal, or refuse to help somebody, but at the same time, i would feel no guilt at all to attack somebody who is acting illogical and and who is making himself believe some things which can not be.

this mostly applies to the people who are not open minded and who refuse intelligent arguments for the sake of their beliefs, and make all sorts of stupid arguments just to justify their beliefs. i'd feel no guilt at all to smite them to the ground, no matter how they feel. and this kinda scares me, cos i actually am not valuing the free will by doing so.

but how can this be? i know i am very compassionate, but when somebody is insulting my intelligence (like lots of common christian floks), i actually feel bad if i don't explode.

but again, the free will.. whats wrong with me?

somethings not right, huh?

gee whiz, dino...and i thought you were a nice-a kinda guy!

maybe this will help some by putting your life trials in proper perspective:

"what we call trials are merely a series of problems during the course of our life that we have to resolve, just as school children or university students are given problems to solve and then given more difficult ones as they progress. of course, the time always comes for them to leave school or university, but no one ever leaves the school of life. so, the exercises and efforts humans have to make during the course of their life are endless. instead of complaining and rebelling at having to bear yet another load and overcome yet another obstacle, they should first of all understand the cause and significance of these trials and then be glad they have new experiences to try and new truths to discover, for these experiences and truths are the only true riches. " omraam mikhaël aïvanhov

that insight from omraam' society came just in time to fit your need...obviously an example of spiritual serendipity!

so, dino, your chosen mission to work on is obviously to develop more tolerance and compassion for relative idiots. until you achieve some mastery in this sphere these types of people will keep on coming into your life circle --over and over back again-- until you finally get this particular lesson right.


hey! you are doing okay. its bit by bit, not mountain by mountain... think about it ... these people are doing you a big favor. they don't know why, but they are responding to your spiritual call for helpful practice.

yes, you are doing just fine! bbb:d
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Old 08-23-2008, 01:40 AM   #10

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i just gave it even more thought today! and i found out something very very interesting!

it appears that my councience really does show up on steroids when i try to destroy some peoples ideals, but not with everyone!

now thats strange, cos, those are all random people! and guess what i also found out. those people where i would feel guilty and feel are all what you would call younger souls. really!!

i had at least 15 situations i can rember where i tried to explain them that their views are wrong, and i would feel so bad that in some cases i wouldnt be able to sleep!!

so its kinda like i'm not supose to be doing that with some people (cos they're probobaly not supose to be knowing all this), while with some people i'm perfectly ok with doing it?

now watch this!

if i woldn't say what i intend to those people i am supose to, and keep myself from doing it, i would feel inceredibely bad, and guilty, same as when i would talk to those people who i'm not supose to!

now how about that??

what if... and i am saying what if... what if i am supose to be like that?? what if i am supost to chalenge those peoples ideas?

look at it this way... what i am doing, is that i am presenting to those people another view, which of course makes more sense then their view, and then what happens is that they just kill them selves while fighting with their own thoughts, reason, belief and whatever more...

so in a way, i am presenting them the things that they keep lying to themselves. and this makes them feel bad, cos they cant stand the truth.

how guilty can i be, if all i'm doing is giving them the truth, they keep away from them while brainwashing and lying to themselves?

so, all i'm doing is letting them know the truth. and it's their problem and their fault they can't stand it.

now, when you look at it this way, isn't it that the higer self is actually doing the same thing?? think about it.

also, when i tried to speak with my higher self, i felt a very strong tingling kudanlini feeling in my back. i have it very often, and it always guides me.

i also got 11:11 syncronisities, and a few songs just opened up in my winamp playlist which mean a lots of postive stuff to me. one of them actually describes this situation very well, and descirbes someone who fights for justice.

all this seems to be telling me that what i'm doing is actually allright!

now that's wierd.
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Old 08-23-2008, 02:07 AM   #11

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gentleness, knowing that people's views are sacrosanct and perfect, and will offer them their road home. patience. we'll all get there. force in making people see belies the fact that none of us have a better view of reality than any other. none of us can define for another the validity of their road. we're all in mystery, and confusion. this is the way it's supposed to be. a gentle offering, made without the strong arm, or expectations.

your path is perfectly becoming, as is for all. rest assured. wow - if i could only tell you what i've gone through just to be able to breathe - to beg, lie, borrow and steal. a benign finger pointing, nothinng more. that is wisdom, and love.

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Old 08-23-2008, 02:11 AM   #12

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gentleness, knowing that people's views are sacrosanct and perfect, and will offer them their road home. patience. we'll all get there. force in making people see belies the fact that none of us have a better view of reality than any other. none of us can define for another the validity of their road. we're all in mystery, and confusion. this is the way it's supposed to be. a gentle offering, made without the strong arm, or expectations.

your path is perfectly becoming, as is for all. rest assured. wow - if i could only tell you what i've gone through just to be able to breathe - to beg, lie, borrow and steal. a benign finger pointing, nothinng more. that is wisdom, and love.

well, i know that things are suppose to be that way. but then, how do you explain those things i just wrote there? the fact that for some people i do feel guilty, and for some don't?
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Old 08-23-2008, 02:59 AM   #13

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all negative emotions are routed in fear with no acceptions. your subconsious core beliefs are filtering the fear into anger. write down the current core beliefs that may be causing the problem. on a seperate peice of paper write down "i am so happy and greatful now that i believe" at the top of the page. next write down replacement core beliefs that are the oppisite of the old ones. throw away the old core beliefs and read the new ones a few times a day. it may take upwards of 4 weeks for your new set to begin really embeding on your subconscious.
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Old 08-23-2008, 04:17 AM   #14

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i think you just need to be fine with having some of those things there. it will move on eventually.

but perhaps something like eft could go down a treat, huh?

who knows why we do half the things we do? although it seems to be more confusing why other people do the things they do. i guess i'm learning.

and perhaps you think you're right about some of this stuff when you are in fact wrong. for instance, the music, if people enjoy listening to the music, then perhaps writing simpler tunes isn't such a bad thing. live and let live.
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Old 08-23-2008, 04:46 AM   #15

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try talking to atheists about the law of one who only have one understanding of spirituality/religion and that is christianity, and they despise christianity therefore they despise everything having the slightest bit of spirituality in it. it is impossible to help them realize that there is divinity within this universe and within themselves.

in the end i just realize that faith is a choice of free will, and those who have better intuition can't deny faith. the only thing i don't like is how elitist and cocky atheists are towards people of any faith.
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Old 08-23-2008, 06:25 AM   #16

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i think you should relax a bit my friend. i understand the frustration you are expressing but the assertion of your opinion over others (despite its validity) is not productive in any light. you are creating an environment that is counter productive to the spreading of positive energy that is so integral to a painless harvest. in the words of ra:

questioner: how does a third-density planet become a fourth density

ra:i am ra. thus, the entry into the vibration of love, sometimes called by your people
the vibration of understanding, is not effective with your present societal
complex. thus, the harvest shall be such that many will repeat the third density
cycle. the energies of your wanderers, your teachers, and your adepts at this time are all bent upon increasing the harvest. however, there
are few to harvest.

loo, b1, s13, pg 141

so it is assumed that most people will not be making the transition. most people are not ready for it, therefor most people dont need to know this information. it is probably/possibly detrimental to their contract/agenda here to even be learning about it, as it could alter their goals by changing their outlook on the incarnation in some way. trying to force someone to understand is wrong on many levels, not just the ego's drive for its own awknowledgement.

all souls are not equal in terms of advancement, there is no way that everyone will understand. most people probably have a long way to go before they even choose to understand, and by taking that into your own hands you are trying to choose for them.

i recommend not getting into these conversations in the first place. if you find yourself in one simply "agree to disagree" and continue on your merry way. talk about this with those that already talk about it.

now, if someone genuinely asks you to share your beliefs with them, that is the time for learn/teach teach/learn interaction via the dissemination of the loo material.

saying its their problem that they can't understand it is unfair. their problem stems directly from your actions which is making you "their problem" i am not the higher self, nor are you.

a person, regardless of knowledge of the loo, or any other teaching (which, by the way, is of little importance to the harvest, as stated by ra.) knows what is in their best interests. whether you view that as wrong or not is of little import, as nothing is wrong, all is as it should be. trust in the other-selves own judgement and divinity, trust in the knowledge that they are where they need to be. i have learned if someone wants my opinion, they tend to ask for it....

continue spiraling ever upwards,
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Old 08-23-2008, 07:09 AM   #17

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judging or critisizing myself is the worse thing i can do, no matter how i respond to others. getting caught up in "them" and "their ignorance" is a trap for me. whatever they are doing is right for them, how can i possibly judge what they are doing or where they are at? of course, easier said than done, but the understanding comes first, then the action can follow.

everything is appropriate at the time it is done, because that is what the frequency is, and nothing else can happen. my ego might tell me i am not where i'm supposed to be, or doing what i "should" be doing, based on my assessment of where i should be in this race to sainthood, but ultimately of course that's all a waste of time.

how i try to function these days: when i'm looking at someone else, come back to myself, when i'm judging myself or others, remember i don't need to judge, when i am lost in the past or the future, remember to be here now, all done in baby steps, increments, bit by bit. all those little bits eventually accumulate to a big bit, and suddenly i find myself in a whole new frequency! wow, what an adventure.
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Old 08-23-2008, 01:19 PM   #18

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ok, i understand all you people are saying. and once again, i know those things are supose to be that way. but you are missing the most important point.

which is, why the heck is my coucience letting me critisize some peoples beliefs, while some others not?

basicaly you are saying me that even my conscience is a product of my ego.

if so, i'll have to stop listening to it. is that what you are saying?
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Old 08-23-2008, 02:06 PM   #19

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ok, before i decide to start distrusting my concience (which makes me feel so bad and so wrong right now), i'm gonna look into this possibilty that what my concience is alowing me, is actually ment to be.

look at this

david wilcock, project camelot:

now, the beings that are above 5th density, like in 6th density, you have the unifying of service to self and service to others. negative and positive are the same. they come together, and some people get really freaked out when we say that, but it's true. there is a level at which the creator uses the negative path and the positive path to promote evolution. could this mean that 6d beings are alowed to use both what we would call positive and negative, to achieve the greater good?? i know i know, all of us here are 3d now, but i'm just putting out the possibilty! maybe it could be of some meaning.

i mean, how can you guys know that if i'm chalenging some people's belifs is not going to trigger something positive, or lead them to evolve??

maybe that's why i am alowed to do like that with some people, while with others i am not. and again i repeat, all of those who i was "allowed" to argue with, were older souls (i can sense that).

please consider all the possibilities bofere you discard everything i said. don't ignore other facts as well, cos i really could use some objective wonderer insight here.
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Old 08-23-2008, 02:45 PM   #20

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hi wintersun,

perhaps you can try reframing your emotions in terms of "i would rather feel. . . " than "i shouldn't feel. . . " this makes it more about you. (which it really is all about you, anyway )

you feel whatever you feel. there really isn't any right or wrong about it. but recognize that feeling strong emotion toward another, be it positive or negative, actually draws you closer together. when you hate somebody, you are actually making an offer of your energy to them that, if accepted, will result in a karmic bonding between you. so, if there is a certain type of person that you would prefer not to have in your life, you would do better to pay them no mind.
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