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Old 08-13-2008, 04:19 PM   #1

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hi jon, billy, and everyone,
for a more enlightened biblical take on reincarnation, you may want to see
and see bk "the soul's long journey:how the bible reveals reincarnation".

have a link that shares abundant info about christian heritage. so much it would keep you reading for days, by scholars that have studied steiner. an encyclopedic history. would most likely not be allowed here since controversial(pm for url, if interested). i am a researcher at heart - and if that separates me from this forum, i fully understand - nina

this is an excerpt:
"souls do not usually reincarnate in isolation but are attended by other souls that have some karmic link to each other. that is, families, groups, tribes and even entire races reincarnate together to continue their inexplicable and myriad interactions within prescribed patterns of fate. the primal law working within the cosmic mechanism of reincarnation is that the manner in which the human soul reacts to its fate in one incarnation creates the karmic pattern of the next. fate is essentially the law of moral consequence that offers the possibility of transformation of past transgressions in past lives into new patterns of behaviour in present and future lives.

heroes and villainies that have played leading roles in the drama of history incarnated to fulfil definite missions in the historical process. this was their karma. however every person has the potential to discover that their own individual reincarnation pattern answers the spiritual needs of their own unfolding destiny. history in this sense is a very personal affair. understanding this will provide you reader with the capacity to the understand the following statement: members of any great school of philosophy or art reincarnate together, as does royal courts and cadres of evil. so too do the souls that strive to form an opposition to the dark gods and all their works."
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Old 08-13-2008, 07:18 PM   #2

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most channelers strangely enough appear to be mostly christians and the bible or the one i read didn't actually speak very highly of psychics if that is what a channeler is.. well that was my interpretation of it any way.
so if you think about it and if that is what you allow your self to believe you will have a bias towards any other source of spiritual information as the bible has become your belief system or programming.

i believe the ra material is kind of like open source software as it allows you to take it or leave it if you like as you are not condemned to an eternal hell fire if you choose not to believe any of it where as the bible isn't as flexible and can cause a humans mind to literally crash or freeze up like a computer like buggy software.
at the end of the day both give you a choice good or evil as in the bible or polarize to negative or positive as in the ra material.

be nice to people love and respect them and there free will or dominate them hate them use them and take away there free will, its pretty simple when you look at it like that but as every one knows life itself is never that simple.. pain and suffering can bring out the best or worst in people.

as long as you are seeking the creator you apparently can not go far wrong its only when you stop seeking that things go wrong personally i want to slap the creator.
but i am still seeking
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Old 09-08-2008, 06:38 PM   #3

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Default Jesus Christ and the entity known as RA
hi! i would like everyone's opinions to help find spiritual answers together. i listened to the reading that david wilcock gave for a 'recovering christian'. can anyone tell me why someone supposedly channeling ra is more accurate than my bible? should i just believe it all and throw my bible away as so much garbage? so i should believe the people that wrote the bible, god's chosen prophets are wrong because ra is right? a disembodied entity that speaks through people seems like demonic possession, aimed at deceiving many. why? my heart and soul tell me that jesus christ loves me and everyone else. i am a christian and in addition have studied the edgar cayce readings for many years. edgar cayce believed that jesus christ loved us and made a supreme sacrifice spiritually when he willingly gave his life for humanity. and yet this very loving, caring, gentleman, edgar cayce is referred to as a brain washed christian on this website. please, bear with me, look at ec's life. all he did was give life readings for people that doctor's had given up all hope on, the desperate, the dying. edgar tried to love people as jesus christ did, by really caring. this is recorded fact. the people that followed his life readings recovered. look at someone's life work to see who they really are. get the picture folks? i mean, ufo's are great and all, but how do they honestly help anyone? if in fact edgar cayce was misguided spiritually in any way for helping people then i am also guilty as edgar was, because i believe that jesus christ is our savior and i help people at any precious opportunity i am given. i welcome any and all fair, open minded discussions. if i am missing something please let me know.
. 'love one another, even as i have loved you'.
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Old 09-08-2008, 11:12 PM   #4

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i personally not a fan of the bible, no disrespect intended. i think it depends on how you interpret the bible. i believe the bible has been altered in a lot of spots, words added in and twisted. the bible does have some good quotes especially in the new testament, but you know how word of mouth goes you tell one person and by the time it gets around to 3 different people it is different. the reason i don't like the bible for the most part is because it is fear based. heaven and hell punishment. imo i told myself if i fear god then that is not god
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Old 09-08-2008, 11:46 PM   #5

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just a thought, here - i would attempt to draw distinction between three things: jesus/yeshua and his message, the bible, and the christian religion.

there's no doubt in my mind that jesus was one of the greatest teachers humanity has ever had the privilege of receiving; his message was divine, and his love was something that brought untold peace, inspiration, joy and succour to many millions.

i believe that the bible is a vast collection of writings spanning millennia - some of it positively divinely inspired, some not quite so positive. luckily for us, although coming through to us through the ages in a distorted and piecemeal form, the bible contains much of the essense of jesus' teachings, as well as other good stuff!

i don't subscribe to the notion that everything in the bible is the 'word of god', and should necessarily be taken as pure undistorted truth, not to be questioned.

then there is the christian religion, which as all religions is a man-made thing. the roman church, for example, have murdered millions. much that is taught today by religious figureheads is fear-based and dogmatic. of course, not all of christianity is so tainted, millions of christians are authentically divinely inspired by love, and act to increase and multiply love throughout the world, as do some adherents of all the world's religions.

in the christian world, millions of loving souls are taught that to question the religious tenets they are taught, such things as the fear of god and eternal damnation, incurring the wrath of god by not following the 'law', the need to war against non-christian peoples and convert them, etc., is forbidden. i know this from personal experience as a young christian. i was taught that free spiritual inquiry, unshackled from religious dogma was an abomination in the eyes of god.

i know that many god-fearing christians bury and deny their own 'shadow sides' for fear of damnation. i don't personally believe that this is what jesus taught, and i do believe that the ra channelings are meant to aid in offering a renewed, less distorted take on the law of one to those souls who wish to pierce the strictures of fear and dogma which has built up throughout much of the world of organized religion.

i believe that the channeling mechanisms used by jesus, cayce, rueckert (ra channeler) and wilcock are much the same. all are messengers, not the message. all i feel have demonstrated a great and abiding love for their fellow man. and above all, the message is ever the same and eternal - i feel and intuit this to the depths of my being.

the message is one of love, and oneness - and is totally devoid of the need to have any fear for our continued being, and becoming. we have no need of an outer authority to dictate the means and ways of our personal journey - each is his own 'saviour', guide, and contains his own inner connection to god. there is no right way or wrong way to live in the eyes of god - each will eventually forge their own path, and none shall be lost.

as always, if this doesn't sit right with you, disregard. this is just my personal take on things, subject to distortion and further clarification, and is not meant to represent the views of divine cosmos. mark
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Old 09-09-2008, 12:47 AM   #6

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hi starwhite, no one should have a book called the law of one and here's why, imho; every channel is unique and is distorted in one way or another, the law of one is first distorted through the transmiter and then through the receiver. ra does not claim ownership on any specific collection of words ect.... discerning what resonates with your being is strongly encouraged and repeatedly indicated throughout any teachings of the law of one, it is in fact what we often bring attention to here in the forum which is the first distortion in the law of one, free will. not just acknowledging it's existance and just breifly glance at it, no, we are encouraged to take a huge spritual breath in and completely embrace free will, recognise it in every moment and observe it as a flowing stream of loving liberty .............................sylvain.............. .............
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Old 09-09-2008, 12:57 AM   #7

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sorry i should rephrase that, there are a series of books of course but not in the same cense as the "bible", meaning the law of one is an evolving philosophy. ra is simply participating as messenger, teacher and student.............sylvain............
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Old 09-09-2008, 01:30 AM   #8

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i really appreciate everyone here! i think whats really important is people caring and loving one another. thats what this world needs. i find lots of good input from this site. its probable that the bible itsself is imperfect due to tampering, this is pretty much evident. however, there is lots of truth in there too!
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Old 09-09-2008, 01:36 AM   #9

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a disembodied entity that speaks through people seems like demonic possession, aimed at deceiving many.
all respect, light, and love intended, i have to point out that ra has reached very few souls relatively speaking, especially compared to a book replete with stories of disembodied entities communicating with us regular folk, which is considered as the truth by hundreds of millions.

listen for the quiet voice in the woods...
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Old 09-09-2008, 02:36 AM   #10

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religion can be a very touchy subject as i'm sure you'll agree. while i was brought up catholic and in general go along with the majority of teachings i am not a church going individual. but that's another subject entirely. what i did want to mention was that a few months ago i had listened to some audio clips by gregg braden. i really enjoy his voice, style and the subject matter that he talks about. i don't represent him in any way. i've never met him either, so hopefully the moderator will allow this . i believe it was in "speaking the lost language of god" clips that he went into some discussion of the bible and parts of it that were removed. it was a really interesting narration as i had never heard much of what he spoke of before. anyway i think that it would be a beneficial thing for you to listen to. just my two cents worth.

take care,
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Old 09-09-2008, 02:54 AM   #11

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hi! i would like everyone's opinions to help find spiritual answers together..
hi, jon. i'm the ferocious billybobbutterball...i read your 11 posts to get a better idea of where you are coming from. (besides north dakota )

you are asking legitimate philosophical questions, but there is a seeming problem in that they come across as an attack on some foundational pillars of which this discussion forum revolves around. those posting have supposedly read and signed off on the policy requirements before doing so. ideally all have at least a working knowledge of the work and person of david wilcock, and are familiar with the body of information known as the law of one, as found in the ra material. (a short-cut to the five volume set is a very much appreciated and most helpful study guide available on site.)

so, if we are going to find spiritual answers together on this site the study guide is a must read. fair enough?...can't answer your questions by saying: read the ra stuff that covers it... or can i?

i listened to the reading that david wilcock gave for a 'recovering christian'. can anyone tell me why someone supposedly channeling ra is more accurate than my bible? the first response to this sally might as well be, "why not?" evidentally you are not familiar with the many thousands of critiques levelled at the two testaments which argue effectively against their very legitimacy. i have written elsewhere on this site about my own experience of unconversion. there are many wonderful spiritual truths to be gleaned from both works -- i.e., if you are skilled enough to separate positive truths from false ones.

virtually all christians that i know are only familiar with one side of the issue...they have a bumper sticker mentality that reads, "the bible says it; i believe it; that settles it, so there!"

when i left the organized church i was set adrift. i never lost belief that there was some kind of god running things, and that was enough for a while to hold me together as i pondered the big question. then i ran into this site and the ra material. all of my major philosophical problems with the bibilical/god problem were resolved. it resonated with me. in comparison -- on studied examination -- the bible just didn't make real sense -- unless you were conditioned to simply accept it on faith. (it never sat well with me that jehovah calls for the killing off all those various peoples, but then he is sovereign of the universe so not to be questioned)

should i just believe it all and throw my bible away as so much garbage? so i should believe the people that wrote the bible, god's chosen prophets are wrong because ra is right? . no, that is no reason for you to throw it away. i just question who wrote what. (cayce supposedly did as luke) why should i glibly accept those strange ones who are assumed to be god's chosen prophets when i even doubt the "holy books" as being the word of god. (and i don't mean merely translated incorrectly, a disclaimer that some employ to get it off the hook)

a disembodied entity that speaks through people seems like demonic possession, aimed at deceiving many. . well, jon, put that way, that would be my first thought also! for sure, that is a big problem with channeling, negative entities get into the mix... and that is one reason why only very limited channeling sources are allowed in postings on dc. if you read the account of the ra material origin you would be impressed by the care taken to keep the channel tight and clear. it was extremely difficult and a few times it broke down, but the placed alarm bells went off to warn them. the bibles were put together by commitees.

why? my heart and soul tell me that jesus christ loves me and everyone else. i am a christian and in addition have studied the edgar cayce readings for many years.. if your heart and soul informs you so, then that's it. so be it! he does live in your heart. for some time i concluded that the evidence pointed to the figure of jesus as being merely a figure constructed to fit into the in-place myths. because of my respect for the ra material i now believe he was a real figure. supposedly his (jesus) soul group had been involved in many of the great religions of history. the phonetic connection between the hindu story of krishna and his entourage sounds like a guy with a speech defect describing the biblical personages. (see: suns of god

the ra describes jesus as at that time being a high 4d wanderer... great compassion sans 5d wisdom/knowledge. supposedly he is now studying in 5d. jesus was certainly something special in his opening a channel to a higher power. as i understand it, when a christian gets to "heaven" he will be met by an higher entity of equal density. but really, with all the time/space, space/time, business time is a real illusion... it doesn't really exist in the way we 3d'rs think.

edgar cayce believed that jesus christ loved us and made a supreme sacrifice spiritually when he willingly gave his life for humanity. and yet this very loving, caring, gentleman, edgar cayce is referred to as a brain washed christian on this website. . i'm not sure about any sacrifice bit....what made it supreme? is dying for something superior to living for it? i'm suspicious about all this blood business.goes back to when women were running the priestesshood business and menstrual blood was the mystery of new life...when the men got unruly and took over they needed something as dramatic... but how do you get menstrual blood from a man....well, ya don't, so ya open an artery. ugh!

cayce was indeed "brain washed" yes, he had a christian mindset. the ra says that they had to be very careful with cayce otherwise he would revolt and shut down. the path the ra took was to offer medical/health advice. since the ra knew nothing about human physiology they did a crash course in it. it was a long time before the reincarnation stuff came up. surprise!

please, bear with me, look at ec's life. all he did was give life readings for people that doctor's had given up all hope on, the desperate, the dying. edgar tried to love people as jesus christ did, by really caring. this is recorded fact. . i know, i read cayce stuff, and was a member of are for some years. i've made the lame joke that if david wilcock is the reincarnation of edgar that this time he came back on steroids.

the people that followed his life readings recovered. look at someone's life work to see who they really are. get the picture folks? . cayce wasn't perfect. it's incredible to me that he didn't follow the health advice of his own reading ... which resulted in his early death. a person that i have great admiration for is carla rueckert .... sure, she is sometimes cranky in the morning, as she readily admits... but she has devoted her life to helping those thirsting for spiritual truths despite health issues that would sideline such wimps as myself.

i mean, ufo's are great and all, but how do they honestly help anyone? . are you kidding? they open up the mind and stir the spirit...of course on a mere material plane they did give us the silicon chip and a few other goodies.
you asked why the govermental secrecy?...spend some time on project camelot.

if in fact edgar cayce was misguided spiritually in any way for helping people then i am also guilty as edgar was, because i believe that jesus christ is our savior and i help people at any precious opportunity i am given.. are you claiming that people on this site say that edgar was misguided for helping people? are you suprised that i think it is great that you help needy people? but how do you manage to sandwhich jesus in between you and cayce? ...is this a testimony rather than an intellectual query? cayce was
misguided by negative spirits. when he worked with 'money' questions things often went bad.very bad! more is now understood about the 'limits of edgar cayce's power' (there was a book using that title)

i welcome any and all fair, open minded discussions. if i am missing something please let me know. . orthodox christianity offers no compromise and thus doesn't mix with new thought philosophy. when i became a christian my first act was to follow the admonition in the book of acts and spent a day burning all my esoteric books...including the cayce ones. if you try to compromise the two systems you are treading on forbidden ground... in the ancient days of the burnings you would be tortured and torched. if you mix the two you cannot identify yourself as a "christian" perhaps the best course is to introduce yourself as a freethinking "follower of jesus".

. 'love one another, even as i have loved you'. same here, friend! ... billybobbutterball aka bill gieskieng
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Old 09-09-2008, 03:09 AM   #12

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hi starwhite

can anyone tell me why someone supposedly channeling ra is more accurate than my bible? should i just believe it all and throw my bible away as so much garbage? so i should believe the people that wrote the bible, god's chosen prophets are wrong because ra is right? a disembodied entity that speaks through people seems like demonic possession, aimed at deceiving many.
i believe that whatever it is that resonates within you is the truth. i also do not believe in any one source as being completely accurate. everything is distorted in its own way and it is up to us to find our own version of the truth. with me it is a combination of many different sources coming together to be what i believe to be true.

the ra state themselves that the material is distorted. i feel that this is a combination of the entity it is being channelled through and the law of confusion. they do not want to infringe upon our free will in any way by giving us direct answers. it is for us to figure out what feels right. no one can tell you what is truth and what is not.

the woman who channelled ra for the law of one books, carla reuckert, calls herself a "magical christian". david, on the other hand, is a completely different entity and therefore each ones own consciousness is likely part of the distortion when the material is channelled.

the bible is distorted through years of translation, among other things.

edgar cayce is referred to as a brain washed christian on this website. please, bear with me, look at ec's life. all he did was give life readings for people that doctor's had given up all hope on, the desperate, the dying. most people here, from what i have read, hold edgar cayce is very high regard. if you think about it though, his advice was also channelled from a higher source.

i believe that jesus christ is our savior and i help people at any precious opportunity i am given. you are completely free to believe whatever you like. most service to other (sto) individuals like to help people at any opportunity they are asked to, which, in my opinion, is most of the people on this forum.

your path is your own to follow. no one can tell you it is wrong if you feel it is right. i have to wonder though, if you are so sure that the bible is the absolute truth, what you are doing here. you may want to read the law of one books. i'd start with the study guide.

all the best to you.

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Old 09-09-2008, 03:53 AM   #13

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i really appreciate everyone here! i think whats really important is people caring and loving one another. thats what this world needs. i find lots of good input from this site. its probable that the bible itsself is imperfect due to tampering, this is pretty much evident. however, there is lots of truth in there too!
there is nothing wrong with believing in the bible. however, the bible could of been distorted as any message is distorted when passed on and on. however, the bible like you said, has many positive messages and lessons in their like treating those as you would want to be treated or loving your enemies despite their persecution and faults as they might be misguided.

the problem is, the bible and religion has been used to control mass amounts of people through fear and damnation by the people enforcing it or hundreds of years. there has been many wars over nonsense. quotes such as ''god wills it.'' priests making money off of people by making them believe they can pay their way to heaven. people doing all sorts of sins, the thinking if they get baptized their sins are gone and it will not come back to bite them in the butt. some popes and religious figures became corrupted and used the bible and religion for their own personal gains and agendas. i cannot even count the times i have seen people force christianity down people's throat and would treat others with disrespect and anger when they did not want to become a christian.

another reason why some people discredit the bible is the fact that e.ts exist. if there is hell, do they go to hell too. nobody knows the answers until you die. i don't think god would create all these souls just to see half go to heaven,and have go to hell. what was the point of creating them in the first place? did all those before jesus who believed in many gods and the ancient humans go to hell too?

on the law of one, nobody is telling you to take it as fact. you can believe or not. your choice. i am personally skeptical because you never know if it is just a pile of crap.

i don't view the bible as the sole source of how we are supposed to live, but don't push it away either because it does have good lessons and teaching mixed with some distorted things.

whether the bible is factual or not, fake or real, it doesn't matter. what matters is how you live your life and how much you love others. it doesn't matter what you believe in.
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Old 09-09-2008, 04:34 AM   #14

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thank you for commenting! i look at people by their works. a thought provoking passage from the new testament comes to mind: when john the baptist was in jail, he asked, 'how do we know that jesus is the messiah'? when jesus heard this said, "go back, and tell john what you have seen and heard: blind people see again, lame people are walking, those with skin diseases are made clean, deaf people hear again, dead people are brought back to life, and poor people hear the good news. so by their fruits ye shall know them! this is why i know edgar cayce was a man of god. he really cared about people and actually helped many people that were beyond medical science's ability to cure. in many instances what ec stated in his readings meshed with the bible perfectly, such as reincarnation. as far as sacrifice, as i understand it jesus was the 'lamb of god' as he took the sins of the world upon his shoulders, so we wouldn't have to, and died in our place, as 'the wages of sin are death, according to scripture. by doing this he demonstrated pure love for us. now, i have studied the ra material and found many things that make sense as well. i am sure it all fits together somehow like a big jigsaw puzzle.
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Old 09-09-2008, 05:34 AM   #15

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as far as sacrifice, as i understand it jesus was the 'lamb of god' as he took the sins of the world upon his shoulders, so we wouldn't have to, and died in our place, as 'the wages of sin are death, according to scripture. by doing this he demonstrated pure love for us. how did jesus take the sins of the world upon his shoulders? we still all "sin" and we still are all responsible for our faults for the law of karma is very real. alot of religions say that jesus came here to die for us, take the sins of the world, and save us. what did he save us from? there is nothing to be saved from. in my opinion he showed an example of love which leads to light, but remember all paths lead to light. he was not the only person that came to earth and taught a message of love because gandhi, martin luther king, buddha,mother theresa, and many others did the same. why should he be called the son of god, the lamb of god? they repeat it so much in church that it sticks to the brain like gum. repetition works, but when you think rationally to many of the things that are said in church,by religious leaders,and in the bible you will be able to understand that it does not make any sense at all. i think instead of focusing on the messenger we should focus on the message. that is the important thing. jesus was an instrument of love. he brought a message of love to aid humanity in the expansion of consciousness.i was a hardcore christian and i used to think the same. i escaped those ways of thinking by simply thinking with my own mind and feeling with my own heart. some humans feel they need authority like an alpha dog. religion does more harm than good in my opinion. it enslaves the mind, keeps people in fear, and create separation. take what resonates the rest disregard because you should never take what someone says for granted. peace and love.
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:47 AM   #16

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as i am seeing it most enlightened souls on this plane such as jesus christ, mahatma gandhi, buddha taught love, tolerance, and patience. to answer your question, when jesus willingly chose the way of the cross, he was, according to christian beliefs, 'the sacrificial lamb of god'. their scriptures state 'the wages of sin are death'. so supposedly if you repent, you do not pay this penalty. in that respect we need to take responsibility for our own actions, and not assume we can get away with anything because we would be forgiven. this is where the law of karma comes in, or cause and effect!
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Old 10-08-2008, 08:32 AM   #17

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um, i hate to be the one to break this to you, but the bible is channeled material too.

the only difference between that and the ra stuff is that the ra stuff doesn't have an elaborate socio-political and economic framework built up around it.

oh, that and, you know, the stuff about stoning people also.

oh yeah, and the stuff about how having slaves is cool.

and... the other stuff about how us men own our wives and all that.

oh yeah! and...

wait. i'll just leave it at that.
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Old 10-08-2008, 01:12 PM   #18

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i want people here to know that i think the law of one series is awesome and simply divine! i am grateful and priviliged to be a small part of it all! i study many sacred writings in my spare time. i've noticed a few people who mistakenly think my earlier posts were confrontational, for this i apologize if i came across wrong. peace and love to everyone this day!
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Old 10-08-2008, 02:42 PM   #19

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dear starwhite,
longtime cayce person myself but have come to accept limitations. you may want to see the "christ jesus" thread or search here under steiner and some prior posts will surface. i've shared links to more pro-biblical interpretive works. http://www.bibleandanthropsophy.com
yes, as billy wrote about luke and how cr identified how cayce, in an earlier life, had been luke's nephew and was responsible for writing luke. scholar there went on to include further info in his are column that he apparently used his uncle's journals. i share this because the way it first reads, it is somewhat confusing, and i wrote the author directly for clarification. apparently, steiner also informs us that the experiences were those of luke, the physician.
looked more in depth at steiner to see what was in harmony with ra.
he gave this from "the book of revelation and the work of the priest":

"wherever the influence of lucifer is not, and wherever the influence
of ahriman is not, that is where there exists what comes from the
progressive divine spirituality which is linked to the evolution of
humanity. if, in the realms into which the luciferic constantly streams
and into which the ahrimanic constantly streams, we look towards the
divine that holds the balance, we find there pure love as the
fundamental force of everything that streams continuously, forming the
human being outwardly and giving him soul and spirit inwardly. this
fundamental force is pure love...this love is something inward; souls
can experience it inwardly,it would never achieve an outward position
if it did not first build itself a body out of the etheric element of
light. when we observe the world in a genuinely occult manner we cannot
help but say to ourselves:the ground of the world is the being of
inward love appearing outwardly as light."
he continues:
"the universe,in so far as the human being is rooted in it, is the
being of inward love appearing outwardly through light. it is being
because it has to do with all the beings of the higher hierarchies who
are carried by this love and who inwardly experience this love which,
however, if we want to employ an abstract idea, appears as light. the
outer appearance of beings is love, and the outer appearance of love is
trying to understand lucifer and ahriman, or devil and satan. steiner spoke about the dangers of trance material...christ is pivotal according to steiner.
all for now - nina
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Old 10-08-2008, 03:40 PM   #20

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starwhite -
its great that you question, for everyone on a path should question, even if it means questioning there own beleifs and hearts at time to go deeper with in themselves to find there truth. what you ask is of great importance to yourself and many.

as i see it, the bible and many other texts and holy scriptures can easily be misinterpreted, even as being passed along from person to person and even as the reader themselves. almost like a life riddle of god and life entwined with the inner mysteries of the world. i was baptized lutheran and i have always questioned the christian faith and others aswell, i felt it never gave me full understanding and seemed to leave more questions than complete answers, as it is littered with fear and a dogmatic way of view.

your question about can the law of one series be more correct than the bible? i find that more labeling on a lable that does not need to exist. for they are both great messages one can learn and grow from. but the bible, again, not knocking, is at times hard to percieve and has been rewritten many times to incorporate things that have yet not been experianced. also, please keep in mind that the bible is also channeled material yet from a different time and referance point. so it shall be re-iterated in a different form.

i sense from you that you are a very deeply caring person who seeks knowledge and the truth yet are a bit worried about your beleifs and which way you should beleive. fear not you peace loving fruitful child of light that this should not be of worry. for your beliefs do not make you who you are, that just feeds the egoic mind and form and disperses the pure form of your inner self. it is not what your beielfs are and what you feel you should beleive yet what you feel to your core and feel is right. love from deep in your heart and give that unconditional love to each and every soul, lost or found, and you will be ok.

remember this, for you questioning the validity of the texts and scriptures and wondering about weather or nor something is correct, you are missing the key point that we are all one and part of this loving universe, no matter the beleif or not, that is the underlying truth that we are all one. so rest assured, you are loved more than you can ever imagine, no matter your beliefs or what you think is right. cause really... both are correct, it just depends on how you look at it

you have my light.
Lapsinuibense is offline

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