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Old 07-06-2008, 05:45 PM   #1

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Default marriage vows????
Does anyone have any of the Neale David Walsch books?
I have several but not the one that has what I am looking for in.

what i am looking for is a copy of the marriage vows that is in I think
Conversations with God book two or book three.

I am curious to see how different they are from say conventional, for ever and ever in sickness in health etc etc.

thanks in advance
Edisesyethisp is offline

Old 07-07-2008, 02:36 AM   #2

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Hi Sophia,

I haven't read any of these books could you tell me more about the books what they are about and the way the other writes I've heard of him at the church of humanity but I don't know much about them apart from that.

Love and Light Louise
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Old 08-06-2008, 07:26 AM   #3

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Would this help sophia?


Or you can see if they have it in your local library.
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Old 08-06-2008, 01:18 PM   #4

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Soul Traveler..thanks honey..I was actually hopeing to not have to buy another one ..I have several of his books..I thought it was jsut a set of vows not a entire book...dang

Angelwings...here are two of his book I just found online


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Old 08-07-2008, 03:16 AM   #5

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i found them...yeeeeeahhhhhhhhhh

the vows are in book 3
on page 129, 130 , 131
they are awesome
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Old 11-06-2008, 07:22 PM   #6

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i made a copy of the marriage vows as i found them to be awesome and personally think everyone should say them at a wedding... I actually made a pretty docuemnt with roses attached but it wont attach to emails...says cant read so it is pretty in my files lol so will copy just a simple copy here.......i defiantely need to take a puter class. lol
__________________________________________________ ________________________

_____ and _____ have not come here tonight to make a solemn promise or to exchange a sacred vow.

____________ and __________ have come here to make their love for each other; to give noticement to their truth; to declare their choice to live and partner and grow together....out loud and in your prescence, out of their desire that we all will come to feel a very real and intimate part of their decision and this makes it even more powerful.

They've also come here tonight in the further hope that their ritual of bonding will help bring us all closer together. If you are here tonight with a spouse or a partner, let this ceremony be a reminder ...a rededication of your owm loving bond.

We will begin by asking the question: Why get married?
_________ and ___________ have answered this question for themselves, and they told me their answer. Now I want to ask them one more time . so they can be sure of their answer, certain of their understanding , and firm in their commitment to the truth they share.


This is the Ceremnony of Roses, in which ___________ and ________________ share their understandings and commemorate that sharing.

Now ______ and __________ , you have told me of your firm understanding that you are not entering into this marriage for reasons of security....
that the only real security is not in owning or possessing , nor in being owned or possessed.
...not in demanding or expecting, and not even in hoping that which you think you need in life will be supplied by the other.
...but rather, in knowing that everything you need in life.
....all the love. all the wisdom, all the insight, all the power , all the knowledge, all the understanding, all the nurturing, all the compassion, and all the strength...resides within you.....
and that you are not each marrying the other in hopes of getting these things, but in hopes of giving these gifts, that the other might have them in even greater abundance. is that your firm understanding tonight?

(They say , It is )

And ___________ and _____________ , you have told me it is your firm understanding you are not entering into this marriage as a means of in any way limiting, controlling,hindering,or restricting each other from any true expression and honest celebration fo that which is the highest and best in you ---including your love of God, your love of life, your love of people, your love of creativity, your love of work,or any aspect of your being which genionly reperesents you, and brings you joy, is that still your firm understanding tonight?

(They say , It is .)

Finally _______ and _____________, you have said to me that you do not see marriage as producing obligations, but rather as providing opportunities....
..opportunities for growth, for full Self expression for lifting your lives to their highest potential, for healing every false thought or small idea you ever had about yourelf, and for ultimate reunion with God through the communion of your two souls....
...that this is truly a Holy Communion..., a journey through life with one you love as an equal partner, sharing equally both the authority and the resposibilities inherent in any partnership, is that the vision you wish to enter into now>

(They say , It is )

I now give you these RED roses, symbolizing your individual understandings of these Earthly things that you both know and agree how life will be with you in bodily form , and within the physical structure called marriage. Give these roses now to each other as a symbol of your sharing of these agreements and understanding with love.

Now please each of you take this WHITE rose. it is the symbol of your larger understanding of your spiritul truth. It stands for the purity of your Real and Higheset Self and of the purity of God's love, which shines upon you now , and always.

(The preacher now gives the female the white rose with the males ring on it and the male the white rose with the females ring on it )

What symbols do you bring as a reminder of the promises given and reeived today ?

( The each remove the rings from the stems given them to the minister, who hold them in his/her hand as she he/says)

A circle is the symbol of the Sun, and the Earth, and the Universe. It is the symbol of holiness, and of perfection and peace. it is also the symbol of the eternality of spiritual truth, love and life....that which ahs no beginning and no end. And in this moment, ______ and _______ choose for it to also be a symbol of unity but not of entrapment. For love cannot be possessed nor can it be restricted. And the soul can never be entrapped.

Now ______- and ____________, please take these rings you wish to give to one another.

( They take each others rings)

____________ please repeat after me .
I, ________ ask you _____________to be my partner, my lover, my friend, and my wife.

I announce and declare my intention to give you my deepest friendship and love....not only when your moments are high ...but when they are also low.....not only when you remember clearly Who You Are.....but when you forget...not only when you are acting with love.....but when you are not....I further announce ...before God and those here present ...that I will seek always to see the light Of Divinity within you....and seek always to share...the Light of Divinity within me ...even and especially ...in whatever moemnts of darkness may come . It is my intention to be with you forever...in a holy Partnership of the Soul.....that we may do together Gods work....sharing all that is good within us ....with all those whose lives we touch.

(The minister turns to the female)
________________ do you choose to grant _____ request that you be his wife?
( She answers , I do )
Now ____________ please repeat after me
I __________-- ask you ______________-- ( she makes same vow)
( Minister turns to him )
___________ do you choose to grant___________ request that you be her husband?
( He answers I do )

Please then both of you , take hold of the rings you would give each other, repeat after me; With this ring......I thee wed....i take now the ring you give me ..(they exchange rings) ..and give it place upon my hand...( they place rings on their hands) ...that all may see and know ...of my love for you .

( The minsiter closes)

We recognize with full awareness that only a couple can administer the sacrament of marriage to each other, and only a couple can sancitfy it. Neither my church, nor any power vested in me by the State, can grant me the authority to declare what only to hearts can declare, and what only two souls can make real.
And so now ,In as much as you _______ and ________ have announced the truths that are already written in your hearts, and have witnessed the same in the prescence of these your friends, and the One Living Spirt -- we observe joyfully that you have declared yourself to be ....husband and wife.
Let us now join in prayer.

Spirit of Love and Life: our of this world, two souls have found each other. Their destinies shall now be woven into one design, and their perils and their joys shall not be known apart.

____ and _______ , may your home be a place fo happiness for all who enter it : a place where the old and the young are renewed in each others company, a place for growing and a place for sharing, a place for music and a pplace for laughter, a place for prayer and a place for love.
May those who are nearest to you be constantly enriched by the beauty and the bounty of your love for one another, may your work be a joy of your life that serves the workld , and may your days be good and long upon the Earth .
Amen and Amen
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