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Old 01-06-2008, 02:52 PM   #1

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i just turned 18 and i feel like a wander

i have seen my fare-share of ufo's on many times

had dreams that seem like crazy but the more time passes-by it seems more and more real.

there is much more i can get into but once i get that one thing i need then i might push more out to public
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Old 05-20-2008, 03:33 PM   #2

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Default 3 waves of wanderers
i thought everyone would find this interesting. i always like to hear information like this coming from other sources independent of this website. i think it adds support and validity to dw's words.

this info comes from a hypnotherapist who has regressed hundreds of people over several decades. she started off specializing in helping people who suspect themselves to have been abducted by aliens. her research has lead her into many different areas, one of which being the wanderer phenomenon. she has regressed hundreds of people who say they have come here to earth to help with this transition.

she says that there seems to have been a pattern of three major waves of wanderers. the first of which are now in their 40's and 50's:

they had a difficult adjustment and many wanted to commit suicide in order to return 'home'. they normally have a good home life, excellent occupation and everything that we would consider to make up a good life. but something was missing because they never felt they belonged here. they didn't like the violence and ugliness they found in this world. they wanted to return home even though they had no idea, consciously, where that home might be. and the next major wave (the bit about " especially no children" stems from the idea that children can create karma that will tie a wanderer to the planet. and many wanderers do not want to get bound by the karma here):

a second wave that i discovered, came about ten or more years later. these are now in their twenties and thirties. some of them have adjusted very well. under hypnosis, they say they are simply here to act as a conduit or a channel to conduct the type of energy to the earth that is needed at this time. these people lead very nondescript lives, often unmarried with no responsibilities (especially no children). they have jobs that allow them plenty of free time to explore their true interests, which seem to center around helping people. they appear to have no problems and have adjusted to this world much easier than the first wave. and the most recent wave:

the third wave is definitely the special children (so-called the indigo children) who have come and are still coming in. some of these are now in early puberty. these are indeed the special ones, and have been called the hope of mankind. they need to be understood because they function at a different level and frequency than other children their age. even their dna has been proven to be different. down through history there have always been stories of child prodigies; children who had talents far beyond their years. they were few and far between. science could not explain them, yet i think their abilities come from talents learned and perfected in their past lives. however, the new group seems to be different. while the ones in the past were rare and unique, there seems to be many more of this new wave of children who are exhibiting the abilities of genius. and to sum it all up:

all of these three waves that i have observed, came to help earth in her time of need. most of them had never had lives on this planet so they find it a difficult place to live. even though they don't know it consciously, they are fully aware of their mission on earth. it is not hidden under layers of past lives and karma. the newest wave is not being as hidden as the others. the powers that be that make these decisions about who to send, are making them more noticeable, because the time is growing short to make the changes that will either save or destroy our world. i would like to inject one personal opinion. i feel i belong to the middle group, and i would like to thank the first group for coming through first. the first group were the pioneers who paved the way for the rest of us younger folk to come through and have an easier time of it. while the last group, the indigo children, seem to soak up all the attention, it was the first group that, i think, had the hardest time with all of this.

you can read the source of this information here:

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Old 05-20-2008, 08:33 PM   #3

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she says that there seems to have been a pattern of three major waves of wanderers. the first of which are now in their 40's and 50's:

they had a difficult adjustment and many wanted to commit suicide in order to return 'home'. they normally have a good home life, excellent occupation and everything that we would consider to make up a good life. but something was missing because they never felt they belonged here. they didn't like the violence and ugliness they found in this world. they wanted to return home even though they had no idea, consciously, where that home might be.
i resemble that remark, foosnik...thanks for this post and links!

"wanderer" comes up time and again with me in my connections and journeys
at my shaman workshops.

and it is so wonderful to finally realize "we are the ones we have been waiting for" and we can be such positive and wonderful energy and influence the next few years as the shift unfolds and love and selfless service gets stronger and stronger and stronger right in front of us!
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Old 05-21-2008, 01:14 AM   #4

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were these waves just when the greatest concentration of wanderers were incarnating onto the planet? i am wondering, because i have suspected that i am a wanderer, and am only 17 years old. though i have wondered if it is just my ego wanting to be "special" or something of the sort.
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Old 05-21-2008, 01:22 AM   #5

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honestly i hadn’t think that i could be that, so called, wanderer, before i read this post foo… the second wave describes exactly how my “in general” life has unfolded

i guess i can understand better my desperately feeling of “i want a way out of here”, because that has been my background thinking since i was a kid; still i am quite well adjusted to this world, indeed.

well, i might be speculating, but it still makes me seriously think about …
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Old 05-21-2008, 04:32 AM   #6

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i resemble that remark, foosnik...thanks for this post and links!

"wanderer" comes up time and again with me in my connections and journeys
at my shaman workshops.

and it is so wonderful to finally realize "we are the ones we have been waiting for" and we can be such positive and wonderful energy and influence the next few years as the shift unfolds and love and selfless service gets stronger and stronger and stronger right in front of us!
yeah man. thanks to the information and links you shared a while back i now understand what it is to be a shaman. i find shamans fascinating, especially the part about "soul retrieval". it is thought provoking.

so thanks to you too, my friend.

were these waves just when the greatest concentration of wanderers were incarnating onto the planet? i am wondering, because i have suspected that i am a wanderer, and am only 17 years old. though i have wondered if it is just my ego wanting to be "special" or something of the sort.
yes, this is what she found to be the times of greatest concentration of wanderers coming through. but, vandance22, for the simple fact that you are here on this forum and the wanderer experience resonates with you then you most likely are a wanderer. you are very much ahead of the game, at your age, for trying to keep your ego in check. i don't think you are trying to be special, you are just trying to find who you are. we all have to do that. it is part of the human experience.

honestly i hadn’t think that i could be that, so called, wanderer, before i read this post foo… the second wave describes exactly how my “in general” life has unfolded

i guess i can understand better my desperately feeling of “i want a way out of here”, because that has been my background thinking since i was a kid; still i am quite well adjusted to this world, indeed.

well, i might be speculating, but it still makes me seriously think about …
did you ever feel like, when you were younger, that you were a mixture of being very wise but also very naive at the same time? like you were naturally very kind and gentle with other people but all the scams, back-stabbing, swindles and overall emotional and physical violence shocked and surprised you a bit?

the second wave is kind of like the "chameleon" wave. because they are very bright and they know how to fit in and get along with their peers quite well. but at the same time, in my experience, i never felt like i really did fit in. i always kind of observed people and found people to be very interesting, but i never felt like i was really a part of the group.

anyway, i think the second group is really good at living harmoniously with other people. their gift to the world is harmony. but the second group also has a hard time dealing with the warrior nature of earth.

love to all,
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:09 PM   #7

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pretty cool post, thanks foosnik... i feel sort of presumptuous thinking i'm part of this, but for what it's worth that first one really clicks with me. there's this part of me that thinks there's this mission i'm here for, but it's kind of a hollow feeling. maybe it's just human nature to glom onto something like 2012. certainly will be quite a let down if that's all it is.
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Old 05-21-2008, 09:11 PM   #8

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if true, this would make me a first waver. i never felt at home in the roles we are expected to grow into, career and family, specializing and procreating. even the experience of a pretty girl on my school bus having a crush on me filled me with a kind of dread, and a questioning about what was being expected of me. looking back, i suppose we might have become one of those inseparable couples like my sister's parents in law, bonded for 70+ years. i had a difficult adjustment after college, where i had majored in philosophy and economics, with some business courses thrown in to be "practical". my roadblock to suicide (and i had a cousin who did take her own life - she'd be in her 50s too) was that i had become acquainted with near-death literature and felt i'd just get sent back for another round! astrologically, i have sagittarius rising with a very splayed chart and major planets in a grand water trine (b. 3-11-55). when i was 13 and starting to get prompts from certain adult role models in my life to specialize, to become this or that, i mentioned to my sister that i felt uneasy with the idea. her response was comforting: "there's still room in the world for a renaissance man." it's still the best solace i have.
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Old 05-22-2008, 06:52 AM   #9

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pretty cool post, thanks foosnik... i feel sort of presumptuous thinking i'm part of this, but for what it's worth that first one really clicks with me. there's this part of me that thinks there's this mission i'm here for, but it's kind of a hollow feeling. maybe it's just human nature to glom onto something like 2012. certainly will be quite a let down if that's all it is.
i'm not saying that i particularly resonate with the first wave, but i have been wondering similar things about how it could just be human desire to grab onto something more important that material existence. i do wonder if i am only drawn to it because it seems important. in any case, it certainly feels like i have some sort of a mission, and have had others tell me that in various ways. the doubt could just be some sort of defense mechanism? i don't know, but it seems like a way of taking the blue pill and "[having] the story end . . . you wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe."
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Old 05-24-2008, 05:12 PM   #10

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foosnik - i can't get the hang of the quote thing, but i'd like to comment about your remark on feeling wise and naive at the same time. it's so great that you put into words what i've been thinking for years, and wondering about it. i'm constantly amazed when i'm reading on this forum, that so many experiences are the same. it helps not to feel so alienated and different.

anyway, what i have always felt was that i had this understanding that noone else around me had, but at the same time i couldn't get into any of the social games being played because i just didn't understand them. and definitely can't understand all the violence etc. that moves in this world.

but at the same time i have felt within me a lot of destructive thoughts that shocked me on another level. recently i heard someone say it was designed that way, that we come equipped with all those negative tendencies. then i thought, well maybe that's so we can understand the human perspective in order to be better able to heal it. one of my healing teachers told me that i was going through everything so that someday i would be able to understand someone who came to me for healing. that made sense. at least it gave some validity to all the suffering i seemed to be experiencing.

oh yes, and the 3 wave thing. i remember first being exposed to this idea in a get together with someone who was bringing info from the [a channelled group] (bunch of crazies, i thought to myself) many years ago. the woman said that everybody who was in the room was part of the first wave of volunteers coming as lightworkers to help this planet, and that we had the most difficult job and therefore we were the strongest and best of the volunteers. that was news, since i felt about as strong and effective as a gnat.

no way, i thought would i volunteer to come to this god forsaken place and go through all this hell. still, that episode stayed in my mind, and now a lot of pieces are falling into place. i believe she did talk about it being 3 waves.

so thanks, foosnik, for bringing this up. i love all these pieces of the puzzle coming together, and being able to share the information with the wonderful peole on this forum.
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Old 05-25-2008, 09:56 AM   #11

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thanks foosnik and everyone for your info and thoughts - it is comforting to be able to see a 'framework' into which to fit life experiences and helps in understanding others' life choices. i see where i fit into the first wave, my children into the second and the newest generation of my great-nephews/nieces into the third - how interesting...
i have often thought that i should not have married and had children because i feel i have done a poor job in those roles - however i felt at the time that i needed the 'security' of someone close who would love me when i felt so lonely and unloved by the world at large...
still, too late for regrets - my focus now is to make amends by nurturing the special young ones with whom i have the privilege of interacting with - and maintaining the positive focus i have found in being part of this forum...
i am so grateful for you all!
love, kathy
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Old 05-25-2008, 04:31 PM   #12

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many times in this incarnation, i have been reminded of all the love, compassion and freedom that lies beyond. a strong sence of sharing this existance is what fuels the urge to help in any way possible. i always come back to the same conclusion, no matter what the consequences, no matter how difficult the incarnation, when offered a way out, i volunteer to return in a heart beat. i remember that which lies beyond and know that it will still be there and simply feel that we are all entitled to it.

we wanderers answer the call of "work", over and over till the end. even at the last minute if things are going right, we still come back to check and make sure, volunteering for what ever final task needed, big or small. the battle for freedom has allready been won on other planes, we know this, and volunteer to help the transition on this plane of existance..................sylvain................ .....
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Old 05-25-2008, 06:53 PM   #13

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oh yes, and the 3 wave thing. i remember first being exposed to this idea in a get together with someone who was bringing info from the [a channelled group] (bunch of crazies, i thought to myself) many years ago. the woman said that everybody who was in the room was part of the first wave of volunteers coming as lightworkers to help this planet, and that we had the most difficult job and therefore we were the strongest and best of the volunteers. that was news, since i felt about as strong and effective as a gnat.

no way, i thought would i volunteer to come to this god forsaken place and go through all this hell. still, that episode stayed in my mind, and now a lot of pieces are falling into place. i believe she did talk about it being 3 waves.

so thanks, foosnik, for bringing this up. i love all these pieces of the puzzle coming together, and being able to share the information with the wonderful peole on this forum.
yes, yes and yes. i think the first wave is the strongest and had a much more difficult time because the world they entered into was still so raw and entrenched in self-defense. i have often thought this way of my mother. she was born into a sadly misguided family that was so confused, damaged and hurt that they had all turned abusive toward each other. and my mom seemed so out of place in the family. it was a hard fought battle for my mother to unlearn all of the defense mechanisms that her ancestors had employed for their survival and change the pattern of abuse for herself and her kids. whereas many people, including probably myself (maybe i am selling myself short), would have started spinning out in a downwards spiral of self-pity and anger. but she fought like a gladiator for emotional stability, health and happiness. i truly love and respect her and i feel her struggle was much harder than mine is.

i have another story for you. this story applies to what you were saying about the fact that you could be going through all of this in order to understand and help heal someone else. i have also learned that it is much easier to empathize with someone if you have experienced it first hand. my cousin said something to me the other day. she had a really hard childhood and has had a difficult adult life as well. now she is about to adopt a little girl. her and her husband were looking through the different profiles of the children in the orphanage and they both immediately fell in love with this one little girl for seemingly inexplicable reasons. when they met with the social worker and heard the little girl's story they found out that her story was virtually identical to my cousin's. so my cousin said to me that she truly feels she went through all the crap that she did so that she could help this little girl. in any case, who better to help the child then someone who has been through, and triumphed over, the same circumstances? pretty amazing, if you ask me.

it makes me feel a little less alone and out of place being a member of these forums here. even my own family thinks i am kind of crazy. but i think we all have to forget a lot of things when we come here in order to really soak up the true human experience.

thank you to everyone for being loving and open-minded,
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Old 05-26-2008, 04:27 PM   #14

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wow! what a cool thread! (speaking of cool threads, did y'all know that you can rate these threads on a scale of 1 to 5 stars? just click on the 'rate thread' button and choose your stars. the only problem is, most ratings are either 0 or 5, not a lot in between.)

i've never exactly labeled myself as a wanderer, (because i don't care for labels in general) but that first wave description virtually described me to a t. and most of the 2nd wave description, too! especially the part about not having children; that just never appealed to me. i even have a goddaughter that i can practice my parenting skills on... ... how perfect!!
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Old 05-26-2008, 11:50 PM   #15

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wow! what a cool thread! (speaking of cool threads, did y'all know that you can rate these threads on a scale of 1 to 5 stars? i would never rate anything under five because i wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

i've never exactly labeled myself as a wanderer, (because i don't care for labels in general) i'm the same with labels and i don't think that it would change anything if i found out either way. i am a little bit curious though. however although i have somehow felt different a lot of the times, i never longed to go home in any way (i would be in the first group based on my age). i haven't had a hard time with things. i have fit in at times (although not always) and almost to my chagrin i was fairly popular in highschool (i liked people from all crowds) and kept getting voted into positions i didn't want. (student council etc.)

i never felt at home in the roles we are expected to grow into, career and family, specializing and procreating. i have never really got the whole career thing, i always thought that what i wanted to be when i grew up was wise as opposed to a doctor,or whatever. i did always long to have a family, to share my love with.

the one thing that has happened to me to make me think i might be a wanderer happened about 20 years ago. i went to a psychic for the one and only time in my life that i have. he told me that some ets were trying to contact me. he also said something about a room with a golden sphere in the middle of it, spinning. (does that mean anything to anybody??) i'm pretty sure i threw out the tape of the reading because i thought it was baloney.

i basically until really recently counted that as a wasted $20.00 and had basically thought the guy was whacked. i'd love to relisten to the tape now and see what else he had to say.

fun thread, thanks everyone.

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Old 05-27-2008, 03:28 AM   #16

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... i don't think that it would change anything if i found out either way. i am a little bit curious though. however although i have somehow felt different a lot of the times, i never longed to go home in any way.
hi megan, thanks for your response. this longing to go home was very strong in me when i was very young; even almost to the point of me killing the body, just so i could go back home. i told my story here last year; it was a very defining moment for me.

the thing is that even tho i fit this definition, i can pretty clearly remember at least half a dozen other lives here on earth, so that would probably indicate otherwise ... ... who knows? like you said, megan, i don't think it would really make a difference either way ... ... ...
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Old 05-27-2008, 08:54 AM   #17

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i'd have to say that i would qualify as a first-waver. interestingly, i didn't have a huge desire to go "home", and haven't been of a suicidal ilk at all. but i felt like i really did try to reject this planet, or this incarnation, or what was happening in them...

as a kid i had pretty bad asthma. smoggy days, over-exertion, and as well overly emotional situations would set me off.

and i was tested and found to be allergic to just about everything: grass, house-dust, dog and cat hair, all dairy products. i got shots every week for a couple of years as treatment, to build up my immunities or whatever. i hate to think what crap was in those shots. hi ho, done is done.

never fit in either as a kid. and early on i figured out, "this all just isn't right! this isn't how it's supposed to be! what have they done to this place?!" it was obvious to me in about 1975 at the age of fourteen that we were pooping in our own bed, that distribution of resources on the planet was entirely out of whack, and along the way tricky-dick nixon resigned and got pardoned and i knew the score with politicians and their kin right then and ever since. i can see why many might have wished to check out stepping into such an incarnation.

in my early teens i was gifted with a series of dreams and out-of-body experiences which didn't make things easier, but absolutely gave me a direction to look in and search, a quest to be joined. this is perhaps why i never really thought of bowing out of the game. i was given a direct set of experiences that we are something much more than just a biological extrusion of nature eventually due to just rejoin the compost heap. we are consciousness and continue after we drop these vehicles.

perhaps the apparent strength of first-wavers is mostly due to the long haul we have had waiting to come to this time we are now in. i've had a sense for these times coming since i was in my early teens (i'm 46 now) but to finally see it unfolding is amazing. and it's great to be awake, too. i think i spent about a decade trying my damnedest to stay asleep, late 20's through mid-late 30's, but it never really worked. i was just waiting really.

the long haul certainly has allowed for lots of work to get done, experience to be acquired, karmas balanced (hopefully). it allows for a great deal of perspective as well on just how quickly the world has changed. i mean, really, the first, hefty, and clunky, hand-held calculators had only just started coming out from texas instruments and whoever else in the early seventies, when i was in junior high school. now there is the i-phone.

but most cars can't get 30 mpg?! frustrating world!

anyway, just some stray insights from a "first-waver". which, as a title or placement doesn't matter - all waves will meet the shore together soon. all this time we've been out at sea, water molecules circulating, not becoming waves until the continental shelf rises under us, and the ocean becomes shallow, and we all pile up onto the shore as one huge wave...

2012ish would be my guess for the big "surf's up dudes!"

waving hello/goodbye,

love, blessings, and abundance,

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Old 05-27-2008, 05:38 PM   #18

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"this all just isn't right! this isn't how it's supposed to be! what have they done to this place?!" thanks leo for sharing your story. i am always very interested to hear people's story. i am constantly surprised at how what seems like common sense (like what you said above) just isn't to other people. like, take this glaringly obvious contradiction in the bible for instance. how can you say to love all people as if they are yourself and then turn around and say, "except gay people." like gay people are not human or something. this, to me, is just ridiculously obvious. but other people still blindly follow this scripture even though it is obviously far from perfect. don't get me wrong. there is a lot of wonderful knowledge in the book but it is not the end all, be all of truth.

one more thing, i agree with everyone here that labels are probably more detrimental than anything. labels segregate people instead of unifying them. extraterrestrial or not, i am still one with all people, animals, plants, planets, etc.

and i love being here, on earth, during this time with all of you beautiful people. in the midst of the great intensity here is the potential for a very intense love to be born. and that is why i am here.
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Old 05-28-2008, 07:02 PM   #19

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i think the language we have to learn to survive in this world is the biggest limiting factor that causes us the most problems yet with out it how would we function ?

putting labels on things like car,sky,tree,ect makes sense and doesn't seem to be the problem its only when we label other humans does it seem to go wrong, by calling another a wanderer a indigo or a crystal person may do more harm than good.

i am not sure if its because language is supposed to be predominately left brained but i am starting to understand that by labeling some one it some how puts a wall up between them and my self and gives the illusion of duality.

i have noticed dw has made a point of this several times in his video's... 'they' is another word he says to be wary of.

when dw channels ra .... ra refers to us as one entity the human species yet we
label each other to the extreme race color looks ect ect yet beneath the skin our anatomy is pretty much the same.

the only distinction that seems to be of any importance is that we are all transmitters of "energy" love or fear and that we have to choose which energy we allow our selves to transmit, recognizing making the distinction and healing of our hidden fears or thoughts is what i believe he means by our shadow selves.

there are two rivers one is gentle and deep and leads to the ocean the other is rapids shallow full of rocks and leads to a-dam.... our choice
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Old 05-30-2008, 04:04 AM   #20

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the only distinction that seems to be of any importance is that we are all transmitters of "energy" love or fear and that we have to choose which energy we allow our selves to transmit, recognizing making the distinction and healing of our hidden fears or thoughts is what i believe he means by our shadow selves.quote]

yes and this energy includes, forgiveness, compassion, joy, and most of all gratitude ( thankfullness and gratefullness ) any catalyst that pulls you away is casting your shadow clearly and present opportunities for polarization or balance and also helps us gauge the resonance among our chakras...............sylvain.....................
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