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Old 01-19-2008, 06:16 PM   #1

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dear friends,

interview with bill and kerry.


be well, be love.


norwegian politician discloses global network of deep underground 2012 survival bases — project camelot founders bill ryan and kerry cassidy

on january 5, 2008, project camelot first released their ground a breaking 2012 disclosure by a well-placed norwegian politician. in it, he describes a massive network of deep underground survival bases.

because the source is highly reliable, this disclosure report could be the closest thing to a smoking gun we've seen in years!

spanning the world and interlinked by a sophisticated high-speed transit system, these bases are designed to shelter the 'chosen' during the coming years of global tribulation.

it is no wonder that this report has spread across the web like a digital wildfire, and in this revealing interview, project camelot founders bill ryan and kerry cassidy offer even more. listen in, and you'll get a rare, behind-the-scene view of this timely personal eyewitness account, plus the scoop on developing reports that have yet to go public.
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Old 01-20-2008, 12:56 AM   #2

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ok, i just finished listening to bill and kerry and i still am not sure that i know any more than i did before. this is the first time that i have actually heard them get a chance to say anything. so i think they were trying to get as much into the short period of time they had. this has got to be hard for them because it is only a small part of what they are subjected to every day. if they are sure they know who this is and they can verify everything he says then i am on board. one of the concepts that i still have a hard time grasping is the concept that we are all going to panic. i think it is because i rely on my military training and because i feel that as long as i know the truth then i can deal with it and work on finding a solution. i am wondering how others would interpret what is being said.
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Old 01-20-2008, 03:59 AM   #3

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these interviews and such create quite a bit of "fear" if you take them literally. can anyone honestly say they are out buying 5 years worth of food right now? it sounds a bit y2kish i suppose. depending on spirituality, does 5 years worth of food in a cave really matter? if this guy actually wanted to go public, im wondering why he didnt use mainstream media or his real name for that matter. he did claim he didnt care if the public knew anymore. pc claimed they have his real name, but they chose not to release it. if the idea is to avoid fear, id say having no knowledge of this might be a persons best bet. because it doesnt really make me feel any better about anything really. its actually created more doubt in myself than anything. basically the guy just told me, that myself, my wife and my 2 kids are going to die, good luck! if this doesnt instill fear or doubt in some of you, then please enlighten me a bit. i dont see anything positive in people knowing/believing this information except making them more afraid.

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Old 01-20-2008, 06:57 AM   #4

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having read the info from the alleged politician in norway, i have a couple of comments about the authenticity of the whole thing. the base that he mentioned does exist. there is a large radar there, if memory serves me correctly. what i am less sure of is that the government is considering taking to million of its population underground. thats half the population. that would be very generous of the government to try and do that, but i do not think it is going to go down that way. people left at the surface will freak out. that means most families will be split. if they really do have a plan, it will be a lot fewer people who get, what they assume will be a ticket to survival. they are only being told a part of the story anyway. the earth will be remagnetized to support fourth density and that means third density cannot survive over or under ground. better to spend the time waking up and learning about spiritual identity and positive polarization.
mike from norway
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Old 01-20-2008, 07:55 PM   #5

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okay, now i'm confused. david, why did you post bill and kerry's interview without any comment after recording your beautiful audio blog yesterday titled "the bright side", and posting for all to hear and enjoy for free? unless i heard you wrong in the recording, you discounted this "doom and gloom" message and recommended we stay positive, so what's up? do you think there's merit to what bill and kerry share?


[moderator: we can't guarantee an answer from dw here as he seldom comments on the forum-others are welcome to comment though]
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Old 01-20-2008, 09:44 PM   #6

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i think part of the confusion (about dw posting here) is that 'lighteye' whose profile title says 'moderator' signs off on all his messages using the name david. i think this causes many people to think he is david wilcock, and perhaps to avoid confusion he should consider posting his last name or last initial after his name? i am quite certain many people that have posted here (at one time myself) initially get the impression he is dw, which is misleading as well as potentially misrepresentative of dw.
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Old 01-20-2008, 10:06 PM   #7

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hi kelly!
one message being valid does not invalidate any other message. the future is not set in stone, because of free will. ultimately, what you choose will determine your path. so here you have two perfectly valid paths, and simply becoming aware of both of them can be a tremendous benefit and extremely helpful in choosing your reality. as david said in "the bright side"; "if you tune in to a positive reality, that will become your reality"
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Old 01-21-2008, 12:08 AM   #8

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it's difficult to judge whether any of this evidence is totally reliable yet..........

i did listen to one or two of the phil schneider interviews a few months ago (who was the other person who has mentioned these underground tunnels), and he did seem to know what he was talking about. however, when i did a little further research, it appeared he had some health issues which made his reliability seem more questionable.

i don't know what to think......yet.

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Old 01-21-2008, 03:11 AM   #9

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thank you manny for your encouraging words. you are absolutely right... we have a choice and a path to choose to create our own reality.
despite the doom and gloom, which will always be someone's reality, i get to choose the path of love and light. we all have that option.

love and blessings to you

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Old 01-21-2008, 05:03 AM   #10

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hiya folks,
thanks to dw for reminding us to stay positive, the free lecture was great! i agree with manny ....

as i read all these fearful predictions, i keep remembering star wars episode i where qui-gon jinn says: "always remember, your focus determines your reality". in this doom and gloom case, i'd rather focus on peace and love, because that's what we wanderers come here for: to be beacon of lights, most of us do this quietly while some have big projects making influential materials, nevertheless it's the same expected results. if we lose our love/light anchor, then we are not doing our jobs properly, not helping raise the consciousness ... remember the maharishi effect.

the future is always in flux anyway. a few weeks ago i borrowed cosmic voyage and cosmic explorer from the library, there were some discussions about parallel realities and changing future timelines. these had been verified scientifically using strict remote viewing protocols. the way i see it, if sometime in 2012 there are many micro-wormholes opening up, then we will have all the options to explore, to move our consciousness via this micro-wormholes and to create whatever realities we want. but we begin at the present moment.

another great dialogue:
obi-wan: master yoda says i should be mindful of the future.
qui-gon jinn: but not at the expense of the moment.

what can i say? i'm a great fan of sw ....

love y'all
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Old 04-01-2008, 09:34 AM   #11

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Default Norwegian message on Project Camelot
wow, this one on pro cam is so doom and gloom.


about the underground bases, phil schneider (who was murdered due to his whistle-blower activities) mentioned in his lectures that governments the world over have been building these for many years, named dumb (deep underground military bases). apparently for preparation of either the coming one world government or world catastrophes. some of his 1995 lectures are posted in internet, type his name on video.google.com and you'll see them, quite worthy of watching/listening.

the power that be is inciting fear, confusing people, and seemingly trying to speed up the realization of these earth catastrophe scenarios ... at least that's what i got from reading henry deacon's note and this latest letter from norway, and from the spate of worldwide events.

let's hold the love and compassion vibes (maharishi effect), folks. hopefully after convergence movies come out, more people will be informed to let go of fear, thus neutralizing the effects of the shadow govt activities.

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Old 04-01-2008, 05:54 PM   #12

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i don't have the timestamp on the newest video at the restaurant, but did david say something about a celestial object moving towards earth from underneath the orbit?

what is the validity of the info on "planet x" type event?
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Old 04-01-2008, 08:42 PM   #13

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dear friends,

i've sent them some info about me and offered my services as to confirming/denying the source. we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

be well, be love.

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Old 04-02-2008, 04:05 AM   #14

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on the subject of the underground camps... it would not surprise me if they are for the people who refuse to take the chip. just a thought. "they" say they are for illegal aliens, but that makes no sense because "they" - the power elite, are deliberately opening the borders in order to make the north american continent, which consists of mexico, usa, and canada, into one country.

all the better to control you my dear.
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Old 05-01-2008, 01:48 PM   #15

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i think it is well to remember that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, so it is important to repay doom and gloom with love and light, and so transform those negativities into something worthy, into something of benefit. reacting negatively to fear breeds only more fear.
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Old 05-01-2008, 07:15 PM   #16

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i whole-heartedly agree with the pervious comment. the letter (emails) from the norsk fortell a torrid time for the 'terraneans' (that's you and me). personally i'd rather be up top seeing whatever happens first-hand. come what may, it is in our destiny. it could be worse, i might be britney! **** happens.
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Old 05-02-2008, 03:06 AM   #17

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this one got straight through my filter and caused me to manifest a very unpleasant feeling in my stumach . maybe because it feelt so close (i live in norway), and maybe because there where something in the story that reminded me of a dream someone told me about a loong time ago (the elevator that went sideways).

but now i feel that its just terror. there are underground facilities and a lot og fishy things going on up here. but thats old news.
to many contradictions in this story. dont feel or think that this is lad is honest.
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Old 06-01-2008, 06:52 PM   #18

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hi anupama, i can imagine how this would hit home if you heard it about your own country, but trust me things like this are happening all over the world.

what we need to remember as lightworkers and conscious creators are all the choices that are available to us. this may very well be their future reality, but it does not need to be yours. there is no law that says we'll all experience the same [or even similar] things.

i remember d w talking about the 'looking glass' which shows you the future probabilities. (more on the lg at project camelot.) david was explaining how this device shows the future, but if 2 very different people use it they will not see the same future(s). apparently it's pretty accurate up 2012, and then it kinda fractures into different outcomes, at least that's how i understand it.

so my advice; be grateful for revelations like this, because it can be very helpful in choosing your own future. kinda like the old saying that a prophet whose predictions don't come to pass, is the true prophet, because the very act of alerting people to this probable outcome has allowed people to choose a different outcome.

i used to be married to a very psychic woman, who was also an excellent channel, but she couldn't control it very well. so we were driving home late one night and she started freaking out at the oncoming headlights. finally i realized that a different entity was using her body.

we had a lengthy conversation, (he was very intriqued by how cars work.) he claimed to be from the future, and went into a lengthy discourse about all the earth changes that were coming, and how he wanted to warn us. i listened for a while and even pulled out a tape recorder when we got home, so i got part of it on tape.

finally i just told him that i realized this was a probable reality but i was choosing not to participate in it. he was greatly offended by this, but i kept telling him this was not my future, because i was choosing a peaceful transition. he started getting very argumentative, and i finally said, "just look around; you will not find me there in your present."

he got very quiet for awhile, and finally admitted that even tho my ex wife and her son were there he could find no trace of me, either in his past or his present.... funny how we chose such completely different paths in this life.
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Old 06-01-2008, 08:03 PM   #19

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dear friends,

i've sent them a list of the members of parliament with photos so they could check to see if their source is indeed who he claims to be - a norwegian politician.

be well, be love.

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Old 06-01-2008, 09:04 PM   #20

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i definitely think we should remember when looking at such messages, especially from someone afraid to show their face, that the government has a highly sophisticated counter intelligence program that would definitely target a truth speaking website like project camelot with so many whistle-blowers. david's definitely taking the right approach, we have to validate this source before we take any stock in it. even if it is validated it doesn't mean all that much as we all know that even though he says he has nothing to gain from telling us all this doom and gloom, the power of fear plays right into the governments plans. but who knows he could be on the level, in which case i definitely still agree with the above posts about creating your own future, and i also really dont think our et brothers are just gonna let us all get massacred, especially those as open to them as we are here on this forum.
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