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Old 10-17-2007, 01:49 AM   #21

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my, what a great deal of confusion here. i don't have all the answers by any means, but i know who does. what god's purpose is in putting us all here is beyond my knowing, and from what i gather beyond the knowing of even the 7th octave. at first you'd think that an omnipotent, omnipresent being would have little need for such foolishness. what purpose would such a being have in creating such a thing as this universe in the first place? it wouldn't have been done for our benefit because we did not exist until his thought created us. what was there before? dare we say that god failed to understand himself? i doubt that. was he lonely? if that were so then he still is. our separation from god is only an illusion. do we dare to place ourselves on level with the creator that we might provide him with company? i don't think so. what was it? what possible benefit could a supreme being get from the creation of this reality? one thing seems to be for sure, nothing can come from nothing. what exactly happened in the beginning? what was there before the beginning? if there was anything at all, then that wasn't the beginning. it has been said there is no beginning and there is no end. that would indicate a sphere. no wonder that particular geometric shape repeats itself over and over again throughout existence. no, there is absolutely no way we can ever answer these types of questions until perhaps we graduate 7th density.

what then, can we determine is the purpose of life on any scale? why is there a duality? to what possible benefit could all this strife come? i think i may have an answer. it is a driving force behind everything in nature. it is reflected perfectly in every living thing. it is the answer to the age old question, "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" the answer to that question is the egg. what is the promise of the egg? reproduction. god desires to reproduce just as every other living thing does. the concept of reproduction involves the concept of duality, just as a cell such as the egg starts with division. the one becomes two, the two become four, etc. but here is the catch. what possible use would there be if every cell were exactly the same as every other? each a clone of the previous? there still would be no variety, each exactly the same. there would be no difference in thought, no difference in appearance, no difference at all. everything would be like a white piece of paper. but if you place a black dot on the paper then there is the potential for something different and suddenly it becomes interesting. look! there is a black dot on that piece of paper! it is different from all other pieces of white paper! duality is born. it makes no difference where on the paper the dot appears, it still invents duality. if it is in the center then there is an inside and an outside. if it is on the side then there is a left and a right side, or a top and a bottom side, or a front and a back side.

now we have purpose. diversity. the potential to be different. but still, that is only part of the picture. in order for that dot to move anywhere it must be acted upon by a force. this action requires the law of cause and effect. anything "acted" upon by anything requires energy and the aether was born. you can extend that line in any direction but it will still be under the control of the force acting upon it. therefore it's potentiality is always known. can we say boring? there is no real life there. ahh! but imbue that dot with the concept of free will and now you have the potential for unlimited variation. the concept of motion is here introduced. motion requires in turn another concept, that of time. thus we have established the concept of time/space. now we have another problem! with the granting of free will there is no control to prevent the dot (dark) from going all over the place until there is no white space left! at best it will bring into being a new concept, that of chaos! there is no order, there are no limits, there is no meaning to it all. so there will be meaning, it is necessary to bring into the tapestry the concept of order. order is achieved by structure. structure is achieved by the application of geometry and math. obviously random structure still will not of itself achieve order. therefore, rules or laws must be established by which structure can bring order out of chaos. now we have all the necessary requirements for creation. one of the first laws to be established is the law of attraction. the law of attraction establishes the magnetic nature of all things. "that, that is like unto itself, is drawn." next, we can't just have organized structures just popping up all over the place! the next rule to be established was the law of deliberate creation. "anything at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an equal or greater force. anything in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an equal and opposite force." of course, none of this will be of any use unless there is at some point, something that is acted upon by a force greater than itself. even with free will established. the dot has no ability to replace the white space next to it. since all things have free will, there then is a need for a stimulus to start the ball rolling. this stimulus is provided by another law, the law of allowing.

you can take this train of thought anywhere you wish. i just provide it as a means to stimulate your thought. we very definately have free will. everything appears to come from one original source, and we definately are all one. diversity is the ultimate purpose of creation. positive and negative are two sides of the same coin of duality, without which there would be no creation. we are indeed gods in the making.

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Old 10-17-2007, 03:38 AM   #22

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i like this song, i think b/c it reminds me of my youth, i feel the lyrical content resonates w/ the state of things/law of one...i often can find so much peace in a simple song, some will enjoy, some will just hear a cheezy tune from the '80s :d

take it as you will


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Old 10-17-2007, 08:51 AM   #23

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... we are indeed gods in the making.
those are all great thoughts. however, i personally prefer to take one step at a time.

we may indeed be "gods in the making", but...

i just love using metaphors.

here's another one.

imagine a man walking in the desert. he is thirsty, desperate. he suddenly sees an oasis in the distance. at that moment, that oasis is the fulfillment of all of his hopes and desires. he will finally have a chance to drink from the source. the oasis may be quite real, mind you, not just a mirage. so, the man, in all of his desire for relief, runs toward oasis... in his blissful ignorance that there is a cliff right in front of him. and only when he steps though the empty air, and his body starts inevitable journey toward the earth far below, he realizes he was acting foolishly. but, by then, it's all too late.

what i'm saying here that we need a more practical approach. look carefully, and take one step at a time. this is the world we live in, and as long as we are in it, there are cliffs and cliffs to be wary of, and climb instead of fall off.

it is easy to succumb to the illusion and feel love is not very powerful with all the lights turned down and the veil around us.
love, however you define it, is what people believe love is, and it is very easily abused in this world. that is what i mean by "it's not that powerful". love cannot prevent being used and abused. it just doesn't have that power. it has some other powers, but not that one. other emotions are more powerful in preventing abuse. anger is one, for example, as i've already said. no being, none to my knowledge, will feel comfortable when it's faced with and angry opponent. a really angry opponent, strongly determined to defend its freedom.

however, anger is a good tool only in the beginning. it takes just too much energy.

in the end, what is really needed is just pure determination, intent, will. there are many words for it. love, sorrow, anger, and all the rest of the bunch become just emotions. each no better or worse than the other one. each has its place, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses.
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Old 10-17-2007, 12:05 PM   #24

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well... the cup is half empty or the cup is half full, it's up to our free will to choose. the final state of the cup is determined by the choice we make.

in your right hand is life.

in your left hand is death.

both are real. both exist in great proliferation all around us.

either one can be focused on, and become the sum total of what we see and experience in this reality.

we can prove that either one exists by our focus -- by how we interpret what we see.

- david
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Old 10-18-2007, 02:45 AM   #25

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when i first came to this place, i was in awe of the amazing things i'd discovered.

however, the more i think about it, the thing that really bothers me is the whole issue of so-called [b]"free will"

the more i think about it, there really isn't any such thing as [b]"free will"

any "free will" that we possess, in the purest and truest sense, is, i feel, very small.

we are like "sparks of the divine", of infinite consciousness, encased inside this biological robot body, slaves to the ebb and flow of our personal environments, which we have no control over- only influence- for this is a reality of our collective consciousness, not just our own.

i feel that there is no such thing as free will.....because......if we could only life the veil....if we could only allow others to see and feel the true unity of all beings and all of creation.....then there wouldn't be any evil, for goodness sake!!!!

it is not people who are evil!!! [b]it is only their ignorance!

we are all innocents and we all deserve freedom from this pointless, perpetual slavery.

i am cynical too about white robed beings going about in these space-crafts. very advanced beings wouldn't need to use a machine, for one thing.
another thing is that i've heard that the "bad guys" can dress up as, pretend, to be "the good guys".
you only have to look to religious scriptures across all the cultures to see how we've been manipulated by these "more advanced" beings since the very beginnings of time as we think of it........

only those who are serving others by at least 50% will get through?

well, i suppose if you believe in free will, then it seems more or less justified.....when the people who aren't choosing to serve others by this amount aren't going to witness death and destruction, but are only going to be taken to another earth.....that is if the beings giving this guidance are telling the truth.

the thing is though, it doesn't make sense to me.
the whole belief in "free will" doesn't make sense to me.

i do trust david wilcock. i can see a pure heart, honesty and a gentleness of spirit just through his eyes.

however, i can't trust these white robed beings....not just yet.

joseph smith, the prophet for the mormon church, was visited by such a being known as moroni. it all sounds very, very similar.....i can even see many similarities in the ascension stuff and the teachings of the mormon church. they too believe in different 'kingdoms', or dimensions.....and believe practically no-one will go to hell, unlike some of the other religions.....
there are many similarities in mormonism and freemasonry.....and i think many of us will have heard a bit about them!

i hope i will be able to find some answers soon.

sincerely, love.
dear amelie

i didn't realize the level of hurt you are struggling with -- such doesn't show up in many of your communications. you most often seem full of questing vigor touched with a dose of sauciness.

agreed. as you can witness, life is a tremendous struggle! some wit once commented that if life was going too smoothly then one wasn't pulling his/her share of the load. you have obviously challenged yourself mightily! from the readings it is pointed out that many souls are so ambitiously eager to accomplish a geat deal in their incarnation they bite off more than they can easily chew. but we are assured by these questionable guys in the long white robes that nothing goes to waste; there are simply no mistakes.

i see that i have just a few moments before i have to leave, so this posting will be sketchy. (maybe i can continue later.)

and, yeah, i came from a mormon background on my father's side, so i know something about it. in fact my great grandfather was a president of the 70. i know that he ritualistically consigned his descents to follow him to whatever, forever .... ! talk about a gross violation of free will! the book of mormon has to rank as one of the lowest register's on the scale of believability. it set a record on the use of the repetitive, "and it came to pass"
i don't recommend anyone joining the church of jesus christ and latter day saints -- unless they are aiming for a career in the fbi -- or think it a neat idea to assemble a harem in the utah wilds.

yes, some "ets" from the lower densities do use physical space ships. others examples are described as thought forms. your objection really misses the mark. do a search on llresearch.org. also there is a book available on that site called secrets of the ufo. (it predates the ra material but is still quite valuable.)

about the question of free will. people keep talking about free will -- taking it for a given -- without ever stopping to first try and define the term. it is one of the most difficult question in philosphy and theology.

my favorite theologian, w.g.t. shedd used much of 1800 pages in his 1894 magnum opus, dogmatic theology wrestling with this problem. i've never seen anything better. trouble is contemporary theologians don't understand what he said ...they pay shedd lip service -- even misuse some of the terminology -- but it is obvious that they just don't "get it."

last year i posted a list of shedd's negative and positive definitions of the will on the previous divine cosmos site... but i can't find it via a search of the archives. in fact i can't even find myself listed in the archives (double eeek!)

a concise, workable description concerning the will goes something like this: "the freedom of the will is the inclination of the permanent spiritual self." for better or worse the so-called freedom of the will is found in an individual's power to self-determination...no more, no less. its not so much what we can do or can't do, its that we express our nature our vital choices are not really free because they are governed by our nature. spastic actions of mere caprice cannot be really considered real examples of free will as we like to think of it.

one can make a choice to start smoking...then develop the habit. one cannot later painlessly eliminate the habit by using a mere wave-of-the-hand free-will choice... by an act of the will a suicide can jump off a cliff...but can't reverse the action by a belated free will choice.

i'm getting desperate trying to help! look! get hold of a copy of the third millenium. it will smooth your mood!

gotta go!!!


Old 10-18-2007, 03:57 AM   #26

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love, however you define it, is what people believe love is, and it is very easily abused in this world. that is what i mean by "it's not that powerful". love cannot prevent being used and abused. it just doesn't have that power. it has some other powers, but not that one. other emotions are more powerful in preventing abuse. anger is one, for example, as i've already said. no being, none to my knowledge, will feel comfortable when it's faced with and angry opponent. a really angry opponent, strongly determined to defend its freedom.

however, anger is a good tool only in the beginning. it takes just too much energy.

in the end, what is really needed is just pure determination, intent, will. there are many words for it. love, sorrow, anger, and all the rest of the bunch become just emotions. each no better or worse than the other one. each has its place, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses.
love just is. its not something i feel that can be grouped in with 3rd density emotions...your analogy is like saying an angry man who abuses someone is more powerful than the force with which all in the physical world was created.

you seem to be basing your ideas on what can be observed in the day to day energy transactions within the context of the 'illusion'. and/or the ability to control what you percieve to be desirable and undesirable events occuring.

the use of 'love' in an abusive situation is a dependent variable varying on how much love an individual is able to bring forth from within themselves. if your defintion of love is simply to say a nice thing, or to act in a certain way, your defintion misses the mark. love is a way of being, not necessarily dependent on specific action or word. this 'state of being' has a profound effect on ones surroundings and effects events on a subconscious, metaphysical level which ultimately filters down to the menial events you may observe within the context of our illusion. there is much going on beneath the surface!

if we could all easily call upon the power of the one to get us out of any undesirable situation, that doesnt leave much room for learning, growth, polarization, free will or choice, basically this existence would be pretty pointless.
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Old 10-18-2007, 09:16 AM   #27

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that is a great advice david wilcock gave, but i have this impression you don't see the whole of it. the point is that you have to focus on something in order to see it.

without focus there is no seeing, no knowing, no understanding. you can focus on either reality, as it is, beautiful or ugly in the moment you look at it, or you can focus on what you wish it to look like. both are valid, but should be used for completely different purposes.

for, example, have you ever had a really painful surgery, or maybe a dentist operation? i've had some of those experiences. what is the first thing you try to do when you feel the pain? focus on something else, something beautiful, in order to not feel the pain? it's so natural reaction that i'm often surprised how people don't see it. physical pain, spiritual pain, it's all the same. we tend to focus on something else in order not to think about it.

focusing on the reality is the first thing one has to do. if you don't know what reality looks like, how are you ever going to know how to change it? it takes a great deal of pain to see it for what it really is. only after you see where you stand, you can focus on where you want to be. but, as i said, there are myriads of free wills out there, competing over one thing or another, so you shouldn't really expect your every wish will just automatically be fulfilled.

the only way out of it all, that i'm aware of, is to help others understand in what kind of the world they all live in. as long as some beings are still believing in their wishes, instead of knowing what reality is, there will be one being or another out there trying to impose its will upon others... hoping it will all pay off in the end. i call that line of thinking simply "a merchant's mentality - put some energy into something, and expect great rewards in return". that line of thinking is the most common mistake a being, not just a human one, will make.

give your best and expect nothing in return. that is the only way out.
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Old 10-18-2007, 10:42 AM   #28

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as i read the thoughts here i began to remember the scripture that says we are sheep and each has gone his own way. i don't mean to trivilize or infantalize the metaphor. i think we are like sheep in that we follow as a collective and we al;so wander as a collective. we also love as a collective and hate as collective. this i thinkis a definite connection to group psychology and also our connection to divine intelligence. the ideal i ahev is kindness andi have chosen this as demonstrated in service as a high school teacher and chaplain. it is difficult job. ti is like hitting cliffs often hoping that their is a direct way to the oasis. however life sailing to get to your destination there is hte need to tact orn a zizag up to the mark. as in sailing the winds , the boat ,the crew and skipper work as a team. all together the skipper is as good as his crew. so all we are like sheep as good as our leader. i think.kenneths149i hope i am making some sense.
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Old 10-18-2007, 05:31 PM   #29

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i respectfully disagree regarding the point. the point of his statement is that you have the free will to choose what you focus on in the reality that surrounds you. what you choose to focus on, whether it be the positive or the negative aspects of that reality, for both exist in unlimited abundance, will determine the sum of your own reality.

it is a simple application of the law of attraction at work. it does not decrease the abundance of the opposite of your focus, but it does decrease it's appearance in your personal experience. over time, if your focus is on the positive, less and less of the negative will be allowed into your experience. this also applies to group consciousness as well, because it is a primary law of creation.

your relative success in applying this law is largely dependent upon your emotional investment. there are really only two emotions. one feels good, the other feels bad. both of these emotions are communication from your inner self. if what you are feeling is bad, then your inner self is telling you that what you are focusing on is not in keeping with what you really want, as decided by yourself prior to this incarnation. by changing your focus to what makes you feel good, you increase the power available to those things and decrease the power available to those things that make you feel bad.

when this is applied on a massive scale by the cooperation of a multitude of individuals, then true change can be brought about. this is the problem with many of the so-called truth sites such as infowars. even though a lot of the information provided there is in fact true, it draws focus to the very things that you do not want, giving them power to continue. not only does it draw your focus away from what you really want, but it does so by drawing out very strong emotion. the information does have it's place however, it serves to awaken us to the need to focus more on the positive.

once again it is a matter of focus. when mother teresa was asked whether she would participate in an anti-war rally, she replied that she certainly would not, but were there a peace rally she would gladly participate. it's all a matter of focus. simply, we need to focus strongly and emotionally on what we really want, not on what we don't want.

we do agree on one thing though. spirituality is not an atm machine. one should certainly deposit freely, not expecting return. it's much more like a certificate of deposit, it does pay out in the long run with much compounded interest.
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Old 10-19-2007, 02:29 AM   #30

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i didn't realize the level of hurt you are struggling with -- such doesn't show up in many of your communications. you most often seem full of questing vigor touched with a dose of sauciness. funny. :d

yes, some "ets" from the lower densities do use physical space ships. others examples are described as thought forms. your objection really misses the mark. do a search on llresearch.org. also there is a book available on that site called secrets of the ufo. (it predates the ra material but is still quite valuable.) why does it? moroni was one of them. one of the greatest conspiracy researchers says that the mormon church is another front for the actual illuminati.

synchronicity....wow. it's everywhere.

my parents have seen ufo's.

my brother was born on the same day as joseph smith. he also looks a lot like him! (a strong believer in the church, very brainy and popular too- he's a lawyer).

this conspiracy researcher's work i am drawn to.....i was thinking about how he is from the same town as my father.....and how both he and my other brother got arthritis at a very early age......hmm.......
perhaps we're all aliens? :d

anyway, i'm off to bed. back again tomorrow!

night, night.
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Old 10-22-2007, 03:48 PM   #31

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love just is. its not something i feel that can be grouped in with 3rd density emotions...
and, having said that - you're on the right track!

what we perceive as love is what we believe love is.

what you have in mind is something altogether different. you can't call it "love" since you'll just confuse people. just like i confused you. what we need is a new word for this something you speak of as "love".

btw, love is a very real emotion in the astral. i had even exploded myself once by filling up with energy that felt like pure, unconditional love. it was so overwhelming (which was my intent at the time) that my astral body couldn't take it. it literary exploded.

looking back, i can only assume my intent was to free my experiences from the confinement of my astral body, so that a being i met could integrate them into himself if he wished to. i was really impressed by that being. it had so much more to learn, and i felt so close to it...

very strange things can be done in that non-physical world out there. i really died then, but i didn't really die. it's still a mystery to me what i actually did.
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Old 10-22-2007, 04:04 PM   #32

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by changing your focus to what makes you feel good, you increase the power available to those things and decrease the power available to those things that make you feel bad.
your points are quite valid, except for this one.

if i understand you correctly, what you say is that if you're feeling good, that is the ultimate sign that you are doing all the right things in life? this surely can't be your point. why don't we just take anti-depressants and live "happily ever after"?

also, we seem to again be confusing concepts. focusing on something is a way of seeing it. intending what to do with what you see if a completely different thing. you can't intend to do anything if you don't know where you are. focusing on either positive or negative too much turns into intention to keep the situation as it is.

i don't know if i'll describe this so that people can understand...

one knows that something is, and one feels secure in the known situation. we are all so afraid of change, any change, for better or worse. clinical psychology is full of patients who are afraid of getting well. their illness is the state of being they know so well, and being cured will put them in the situation they don't know at all. the fear of the unknown is so overpowering, that you can't even imagine it until you try to change yourself.

take one step toward the real understanding, and the pure panic overwhelms you. it's simply too terrifying. simply put, you start feeling very, very bad. if that fear stops you out cold, then you've lost any chance of understanding.
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Old 10-22-2007, 06:22 PM   #33

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as cathy o'brien says, there is really nothing to fear.

the human spirit is capable of overcoming all odds. (just look at her and dave pelzer, for example).

all we need to do is stand up for what is right, no matter what.

and we are going to win.
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:36 PM   #34

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focus isn't about ignoring something, its more about being focused on the potential outcome of something.

people who are afraid of getting well, as you said, they are focused on the fear of getting well, not on the getting well.

if your focused on your fear, then the fear overwhelms you and freezes you in place. if you are focused on the best possible outcome, the fear becomes something to work past.

in any situation there are a few things to focus on, the fear, the worry, the problem as an obstacle. you can also focus on the good of the situation, the challenge, the outcome being better, the excitement of life's many challenges.

ignoring the problem solves nothing, that is simply denial. when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade right? otherwise if you ignore them, they sit in the corner and rot, draw gnats and become an even bigger problem.

focus isn't about being not focused on the problem, its about focusing on the good in the problem. being focused on the good in life helps us see things as challenges, not obstacles. fear debilitates us, worry stresses us, negative emotions cloud our thinking and make it harder to move through life's challenges. focus isn't about ignoring something, it is merely a way of looking at life that allows you to make the most of it. no one here is suggesting any one ignore the bad things and only 'focus' on the good situations in life, that would be foolish!

love and light
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Old 10-23-2007, 05:22 AM   #35

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i can not speak to the subject of psychology. i have taken several courses in psychology and frankly, i personally believe it to be a pseudoscience. therefore i would proceed into a path of negativity. i much prefer to approach things from a standpoint of spirituality.

recently, i had a bout with the darkness and became overwhelmed due to my own constant focus upon the negativity of the circumstances in my life. i came here to this forum seeking help from the spiritual community here. i did indeed receive much reenforcement from the many kind souls who frequent this lofty place. although i received much support and understanding from many people here, i also discovered there were many others who were experiencing similar circumstances.

i credit dw with the insight to provide me with exactly what i needed at that particular time. i made the choice to stop focusing on all the negative things going on around me and try to focus on the positive input i received. several things happened immediately after making that decision. i started to feel better and the dark cloud hovering over me began to lift. the next day i picked up the phone and got a job. it turned out i could not perform the job because i needed money to pay for my own gas. it was a contractor position with a courier service. i was able to work 3 days and was out of money. it costs about $35 a day and pays bi-monthly. my calculations indicated i needed about $550 to make it through a full pay period to the next payday. it seemed hopeless but i was not to be deterred. on a hunch, i picked up the phone and made a call to an attorney of mine who was handling a debt repayment plan for me. i had not been able to make any payments since june and they had suspended my account. they had been waiting for my call to determine what to do with the money left in the trust account. it was $550. the check is on it's way.

it's all about the focus. :d

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Old 10-23-2007, 07:48 AM   #36

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that is my point, ewhaz - one shouldn't focus on something good in order to ignore something bad. though, people also tend to do just the opposite - to focus on something bad in order to ignore something good, only because they fear the change.

those patients don't actually focus on fear itself. only very few of them do that, when they fall to panic attacks. most focus on their perceived situation, either by going into depression ("poor me, no one can help me..."), or manic condition ("i'm not ill, i'm feeling great!"). or even manic depression, also known as "emotional rollercoaster", when they often switch between the two.

ok, there's really nothing more to be said about this. i think this is a good time to quietly step away.
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Old 10-23-2007, 08:11 PM   #37

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that is my point, ewhaz - one shouldn't focus on something good in order to ignore something bad. though, people also tend to do just the opposite - to focus on something bad in order to ignore something good, only because they fear the change.
i absolutely agree.
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Old 10-25-2007, 02:35 AM   #38

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that is my point, ewhaz - one shouldn't focus on something good in order to ignore something bad. though, people also tend to do just the opposite - to focus on something bad in order to ignore something good, only because they fear the change.

those patients don't actually focus on fear itself. only very few of them do that, when they fall to panic attacks. most focus on their perceived situation, either by going into depression ("poor me, no one can help me..."), or manic condition ("i'm not ill, i'm feeling great!"). or even manic depression, also known as "emotional rollercoaster", when they often switch between the two.

ok, there's really nothing more to be said about this. i think this is a good time to quietly step away.
very true...on a semi-related note, ive always found the law of attraction and 'the secret' stuff to basically be very misunderstood and misused concepts. to find what one is seeking, does not necessarily come from focus as much as from pure intent, and from polarizing on the path of service to others or service to self. it comes from advancing spiritually.

one has to have a backround 'awareness', to understand this though. for those who havent yet come to this understanding, such words will be meaningless. thus they are easily sold on such get rich quick schemes as 'the secret'.
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Old 10-25-2007, 04:00 AM   #39

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that is my point, ewhaz - one shouldn't focus on something good in order to ignore something bad.
that is right. i believe one should acknowledge that the bad thoughts are there but just not let them selves continue in that line of thinking, let the thought go but move on to other thoughts. instead of blocking it all out completely by for example, focusing on only good thoughts.
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Old 10-25-2007, 11:10 PM   #40

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first of all let me say this, 'the secret' has practically nothing to do with the law of attraction, and they should [not] be associated together. originally ester, jerry, and abraham were a part of the movie, but because of legal issues they voluntarily removed themselves from the film. they are not really associated with it either, except that channeled information about it and try to bring greater understanding of it. although i don't recommend 'the secret' i do highly recommend the materials offered by ester and jerry on their website. just do a quick search on abraham if you're interested.

the law of attraction is a universal law that is quoted in much esoteric channeled material from a multitude of sources including ra. the main premise of the law of attraction is "that, that is like unto itself is drawn." this law is in action throughout all of creation, not just our thoughts and deeds. abraham didn't invent the law of attraction, god did. he's just trying to teach it to us in all it's varied manifestations, and how to work with it.

one of the areas where it is evident is thought. thought is focus. where ever your focus(thought) is placed, you will draw more of that thought to you as you explore it's various permutations. the more you continue to focus on it, the more you think about it. if your focus is on something negative such as conspiracy for instance, you will start to discover that the depth of the conspiracies around us is almost incredulous! you will eventually discover that there nothing in your life that is not touched and/or controlled by it. it is almost a living entity of it's own, indeed it is controlled by one, but we can get into that at another time. after a while, if you are a seeker of truth, it can become quite overwhelming.

the point here is that you can change your focus. if you are against war then become pro peace. if you are against government corruption then become pro honesty and accountability in government. if you are against fossil fuels then become pro alternative energy sources. if you are against the destruction of the rainforest's then become pro rainforest conservation, etc.

every negative has an equal and opposite positive. work for the positive and let the negative be. the negative is self defeating and will fall of it's own accord. it's happening more and more every day as the light is continually streaming in to greater and greater degree.

at first i was put off by the film 'the secret' because it was very materialistically oriented and it bothered me so much that i asked dw what he thought about it. he declined to comment on it for several reasons, i'm sure one of which was not to violate my free will. i researched the hicks/abraham material much further and found it to be extremely helpful in understanding myself and my life and everything around me.

i hope this information is of service to you.
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