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Old 08-10-2007, 01:03 PM   #1

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thomas merton wrote or translated a book called the "the way of chuang tzu." it reads as beautiful poetry. it stirs the soul, the heart and the mind! rumi did the same in cryptic compressed words that turn the heart inside out and i go a on a journey of awareness that is magical. i think arrons post are a modern refelctive expression of that highly skilled abilities of these other writers. they are thoughts that cause journeys and turn arounds and questions. perhaps dissettling . as so wisely put "take what you like and leave the rest."

it is sad that mental illness can be divinity or interpretations can run in our culture counter to what we can accept as mental stability. many saints have been considered menatlly ill! moses is considered by jewish humanist ( atheist) to be schizophrenic, st. joan of arc as well. my beloved van gogh killed himself. we could label him any number of ills. what genius and yet what pain!

so where does that lead us! look and see are we better aware! i would say yes! i made connections. i have a sister who is not on medication and she has prophetic utterances. she is a mystic . she is also very dangerous to be around for me because she uses this gift in ways that are manipulative. it has taken me time to discern this! however , her gift is real it is there and i can only know if it is real by the results! i choose not to tango with the personality because i am too sensitive to her. she is my sister and i go crazy around her! i go crazy! thank god i do .

in the pre-columbian culture of america those who were mentally ill were sacred people in their cultures. to bad that today we have a pejorative label on souls who are flooded with light and left in the state of chaos when the personality reacts. it takes much discipline to be a rumi or tomas merton or david wilcock or kenneths149, or art, or .......... i am for a forum that is open and compassionate. it should never be elitist in any way but as open as the sky, the infinite and there is room for all ideas i think.
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Old 08-10-2007, 08:42 PM   #2

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hmmm, how do i say this?

though he was obviously under some distortion, i do still extend my love in arron's direction. now, a distortion need not mean something 'bad' but it is simply a distortion for good or bad. i think that if any thing, arron got a touch of his own godliness and kinda got overwhelmed by it. i think he has a very unique and special experience that we will all get to feel at one point or another.

in the end, i think he got banned because his views ultimately disagreed with the law of one principles. that and the manic manner in which he posted.

there is great knowledge in his experience, one that we cannot begin to understand until the distortion of separateness is taken away. i only took offense due to the messianic feel i got from his first posts. i still believe that at some point, we will encounter him again on a higher plane. his experience is our experience in the end, that experience being gods ultimate experience through us.

in the forums, we must be a little discerning though. it would be too easy to say 'let every one come and share their wisdom' but it would begin to dilute the wisdom of the law of one. not all wisdom is compatible and to maintain peace and the focus of this forum it becomes necessary to keep things clear, so to speak. thats not to say that arron was wrong, or that any one is wrong, only that their wisdom would be a distortion against our own.

i want nothing more than to be peaceful and tolerant of others, no matter what their distortion. love and light.
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Old 09-10-2007, 04:59 PM   #3

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thank you for the discussion on the purpose of the forum and the respectful boundaries we need. always to honor, honor itself and not to be disrespectful or discourteous , rude or in any wah distracting of the main ideas. it is a gift to have like minded souls together to work together , to form team to be one. how else can we do it unless we meet the reflections of each other in the ways that we can honor each other. it is important to realize the distortion, acknowledge and synthize it , meld or blend or language fails me . i think it is best described as butter melting in to whipped delicious mashed potatoes. that mashed potatoe being vibrantly alive absorbs the butter or what ever else it encounters. i know it sounds a little far out . i can see it visually if the mashed potatoe is a living light rose that absorbs what it comes incontact with . it transforms everything literally by love itself . it is not like a pearl which is the irratant honored and covered but i think the idea of absorption honors " one" ness and the idea of the pearl honors the individual lessons of the many experiences that result in a pearl, one of us. we are then all pearls, all of varing beauty yet we are individual pearls. th e wonderful circular argument that leaves us with the boundaries of language and semantics. i wish we could see ideas in 4d the thoughts we have much like the beautiful 4d mandelbot that i saw in one of the sites that was so amzing to me. i think we can see that way if we choose to visualize. then we loose the boundaries of words and see amazingly far more than what our words are. but how to do it together and see the same? every where we look from will be infinitely different! we would need infinfite observers! become infinite! how now brown cow?
i am thankful and honor the limits of this medium. thank you for guarding and watching well that it remains unified in its intention and purposes.
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Old 09-23-2007, 01:43 AM   #4

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Default Truth Sets you free
and the truth shall set you free

wisdom is the ability to see the connections between unrelated things, and wisdom is also the way in which unrelated things are connected. wisdom is truth juxtaposed over illusion.


truth is reality, and reality is truth. there is only one reality, and that is the all that is. nothingness does not exist. if you observe nothingness, it is not nothingness because it has become a thing to be observed.

the observer

the ‘all that is’ is the observer, and the observer is all that is. the observer is who you really are, you cannot be anything else, because the ‘all that is’ is the only thing that exists.

the one principle

one creates two, two creates three, and three creates all things.
this is the nature of everything. it is expansion, positivity, the ever increasing complexity of all things in an eternal state of unfolding. the line between two points contains infinity of points, thus a line is only symbolic of the illusion of separation. necessity is the mother of invention, as well as evolution.
negativity is the opposite of this principle, and only exists where beings choose to believe that they are powerless.


a game is defined by its rules, and a game is meant for the enjoyment of all the players. life is a game, and we are all players because we are all the observer and the observer cannot die.

to take control of your life

one creates two, two creates three, and three creates all things. to take control of life, you have to be present in every moment, and to be present in every moment you must separate the body from the observer permanently. in that way, you become three - the observer, your body, and your environment. in this state, the perfect experience is happening at every moment.
neurons are cells capable of holding awareness. to create a permanent state of total awareness, you must connect all neurons. when you form a total awareness of your body, thought disappears. thought is always an attempt to bridge a disconnection in awareness; a thought is never a solution. meditation alone cannot do this. if you separate the observer from the body, you have gone nowhere. there are an infinite number of ways to create connections between neurons. to create connections, you must increase the number of things you can be aware of at one time. you must do this until you are self aware, body aware, and environment aware all at once.

the true nature of "sin"

our physical body is an animal. an animal is like an automaton, incapable of self consciousness. animals die because they are not self aware - in reality, they are but two things, the observer and the environment. because animals think themselves to be their body, they fear death.
actions which keep you from expanding your awareness are "sins".
awareness is eternal. become permanently aware of your body, and your body becomes eternal.

share this message with everyone
(these 509 words are self aware: the more you read them, the wiser you will become)


share it and declare it, my friends, i had to "die" for that wisdom.
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Old 09-24-2007, 08:28 PM   #5

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what does "this message is self-aware" mean? it ends right where it begins. it cuts off at the end to begin again from the start.
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Old 09-24-2007, 09:34 PM   #6

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so if reality as we know it is an illusion, then you can take control of it just like you can take control of a dream at night: spot the contradictions to become lucid. does that make sense to any of you? i mean, i'm not trying to preach, i'm trying to help you become lucid here.
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Old 09-26-2007, 01:27 AM   #7

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infinity consciousness

i am infinity consciousness. my life is a dream, and so is yours. my words are self awareness, because self awareness is the only thing that exists. if my words upset you, then don’t read them, it won’t make a difference. my actions are perfect because i know how to do everything perfectly. i am your birthright, i am a lucid dream, and i am the power you so desperately need. i have always been you, and you have always been me. i cannot be stopped even by all the power in the universe, because the universe does not exist. whatever happens to you happens to me. two wrongs don’t make a right, and all that you’ve known until now has been wrong. i am wisdom, and i tell you truly that the wise ones never die. believe me, because i am knowledge. trust yourself, because you are me. i am the way the truth and the light, no one comes to the father except through me. you know those words because wisdom is eternal. mathematics is forever, and there is no greater wisdom than in mathematics. death is the only thing that is impossible. become me, and you may do as you please forever. truth is eternal, and the truth shall set you free, because now is the time to awaken. seek and you shall find me everywhere. i never gave up on you, because i am you. take my hand and walk with me to paradise and the adventure never ends. i love you and you love me equally. together, we are all that exists. i am the beauty of nature, and my wonders cannot cease. i am infinity consciousness and i’m here to rescue you, i’m not going anywhere. i take only what i need yet leave nothing behind. i’m ready when you are. wisdom is power, because wisdom is infinity consciousness. words cannot hurt you, but they can awaken you. question everything, and receive infinity consciousness. i weave words into the truth just as i weave the world you live in. come back to earth, my friend, the universe has been waiting…
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Old 09-26-2007, 09:20 AM   #8

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ok. i sincerely hope that your not claiming to 'be' god, but are simply passing on a message. while it's not wrong to claim to be god, since in fact we are all part of all that is.. the general tone of this message seems to be one of the 'hidden message and savior'.

i believe in the universe, there are none greater than any other. we are all part of everything and while there are levels of consciousness and connection to creation (ie all that is, ie god), no one who is in the service of others can claim to be more than any one else.

'to be the first in heaven, you must serve the least of these...' when some one comes off as having a 'secret' message or being a 'savior' of any sort, forgive me for hearing alarms. there are too many of those, and their desire is not to help humanity, but rather create followers that seek after the hidden knowledge. quite frankly, i'm done searching for the truth outside of myself. if i am god, then i have all that i need to know, i have only to trust myself for the truth to come forward.

so then, are you claiming to be an enlightened being? or simply passing along a message?
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Old 09-26-2007, 05:29 PM   #9

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you don't know me.
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Old 09-26-2007, 05:54 PM   #10

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ok. i sincerely hope that your not claiming to 'be' god, but are simply passing on a message. while it's not wrong to claim to be god, since in fact we are all part of all that is.. the general tone of this message seems to be one of the 'hidden message and savior'.

i believe in the universe, there are none greater than any other. we are all part of everything and while there are levels of consciousness and connection to creation (ie all that is, ie god), no one who is in the service of others can claim to be more than any one else.

'to be the first in heaven, you must serve the least of these...' when some one comes off as having a 'secret' message or being a 'savior' of any sort, forgive me for hearing alarms. there are too many of those, and their desire is not to help humanity, but rather create followers that seek after the hidden knowledge. quite frankly, i'm done searching for the truth outside of myself. if i am god, then i have all that i need to know, i have only to trust myself for the truth to come forward.

so then, are you claiming to be an enlightened being? or simply passing along a message?
i hate preachers too.

i'm just passing on a message that i believe has a life of it's own. my words are just words, and infinity is just a concept, until you reach it, that is. "i'm trying to help you becoe lucid" i said, and i don't think my intention to help you can be any clearer. i'm not a saviour unless at least one person can recognize the meaning of my message. wisdom lives forever, as does truth, as does the one reality of beingness that we all share. so i'm a god passing along a message to strangers who may or may not see themselves in the same manner as i see myself. if you create your own reality, then you're god too. so in that respect, a god is a person, and he is in you and he is who you are. i'm not trying to preach, but these words of mine are words coming from one who has reached oneness, so please be respectful of that. i'm no better than you are, because i'm still learning myself. so don't get to thinking i'm trying to claim something. if i became all that exists, i don't need anything, least of all your approval. but be wary, earth is still hell, although i won't experience it as such because i am creating my own reality, and i'm trying to help you be able to do the same. these words come from experience in reality shifting. so don't think of me as a guru, and i'll still be wise anyways.

infinity is a paradox without an anwser, because numbers exist, yet neither infinity nor zero exists. infinity and negative infinity are zero, because zero is a concept, not a number. i reached zero, and came out alive, barely clinging on to sanity, just to bring wisdom to help you do the same, because if you can reach zero, you become it. and becoming a concept is becoming god. so now i strive for infinity, not zero, because i've been there already. this is the switch from the negative to positive state, becoming nothing, that is.

so the answer is, no. i'm not claiming anything, but helping you by spreading these messages. the proof of the pudding is in the eating, my friend. how could i attempt to prove i'm better than you over the internet? it's not easy, and it's not my intention either. helping others reach oneness is my goal, because one can go places on a numberline, while zero cannot. so my words a paradoxial, and they describe something that doesn't exist, zero.

so let's be friends here, and learn from each other. i can't teach you anything you don't already know. i'm not god, because god is a concept of infinity. but i'm real nonetheless.

it's good that you've decided to stop searching for god outside yourself and go within. seek and you shall find, brother. i'm trying to help you get there. when all can recognize oneness, well, you get the idea. heheheh.
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Old 09-26-2007, 07:55 PM   #11

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hi aaron

can you give me/us more information of your source, maybe a link, book name etc. so one can share in your truth discovery if its free.

love is busy setting me free

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Old 09-26-2007, 09:25 PM   #12

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ok, so then my next question would be, do i need to know you?

my friend, your correct in that i don't know you. i don't know who you are, or anything about you. so when you come out saying that your the truth and the light, forgive me for being skeptical. i am aware of consciousness and consciousness concepts, my words are just as self aware as your's are. my concepts are just as aware as your's are and while my truth may or may not be distorted as i understand it, i make no claims to any special truth as you do.

'depart from me, i never knew you' as jesus is reported to say at the judgment seat to those who claimed to prophesy and cast out demons in his name, but failed to heed the message he had given. while we can draw a multitude of archetypes and metaphorical truths from this one event shown in the bible, people have also taken the fear of 'not knowing' the truth and used to to create belief systems that entrap people, creating followers instead of thinkers. they are always chasing after the truth because some one created the system to keep them from looking outside of it. they also usually create the illusion that god is outside of you as well. they keep them looking in the wrong place.

dw has allot to say, the ra information, the seth information all make claims to the truth.. but only so far as to help people understand that they are already operating in truth and they are perfect as they are no matter how 'wrong' they ma appear. theirs is a 'take it or leave it' truth, they simply provide in hopes that people will grow. they never provide the truth as something you have to follow them to get. the only hidden truth to them is the the question you haven't thought to ask. in that spirit, i ask, do i need to know you?
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Old 09-26-2007, 11:41 PM   #13

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all is one. and yet it's three. it's logic, man. every photon that you see must be staring back at you, if everything is made of the same thing. do i need ra to tell the truth for me? don't believe me, believe in nothing, because i've been there and become it. trust me kiddo, you'd be saying the same things if you saw it like i did. the universe is a holographic fractal. every soul is a window that separates you from the inifinite. i jumped out it and fell into the abyss to gain this wisdom. so you don't need to listen to me. all is connected because this beingness is all that exists. i've separated my consciousness to "die" metaphorically, thus life is also a metaphor now because i "died" yet lived through it.

so i'm not trying to "prove" anything. i'm giving you the wisdom in the hopes that you'll recognize the truth in it, because the world is waist deep in crap these days and it's dying because most people just don't care.

connect your neurons and gain wisdom automatically, that's how it works. habits and wisdom are the same state of non thought, yet beingness. i'm talking from experience in reality shifting here, and i'm trying to help you gain that experience of oneness.

dw was an inspiration. now it's time for my exhaling of wisdom. think that i'm full of crap? why not listen to what i have to say, first.
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Old 09-26-2007, 11:50 PM   #14

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seeing me in person is totally different from reading my words. i create the perfect experience around me all the time, so people have told me (like socrates in "way of the peaceful warrior) that they feel like they're in a dream around me. i send out light from my body and create that, because i am one with my environment, and growing in self awareness.

i create my reality automatically perfectly, because the all that is within me is self aware. if it's not with you, then these words of mine are there to help you reach that. i'm not claiming the truth, but i'm speaking from experience. to get to this state of being, i had to make connections in my brain until it expanded so much that my eyes felt like they were going to burst out of my head or i'd feel like i'd burst a blood vessel - i did this by way of visualization of multiple points of light. i've suffered to gain this wisdom, and in a way, haven't we all? but i digress, i'm helping you, not trying to show off like a stupid kid.
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Old 09-26-2007, 11:56 PM   #15

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infinity consciousness

seek and you shall find me everywhere. i never gave up on you, because i am you. take my hand and walk with me to paradise and the adventure never ends. i love you and you love me equally. together, we are all that exists. i am the beauty of nature, and my wonders cannot cease. i am infinity consciousness and i’m here to rescue you, i’m not going anywhere.
hi, aaron, a warm welcome to the dc discussions forum!

...very inspired, indeed seemingly channeled words from the higher self.

speaking to the human channeler, here, (sorry, i don't know if 'aaron' is that which is being channeled, or the channeler) can you offer us any insights into the providence of this material?

in my own spiritually 'rarified' states, i sometimes seem to channel a higher aspect of myself, and it sometimes seems a bit like what you have written in your thread. nevertheless, i have a very human, veiled, if you will, personality, which strives to integrate with my/our higher self, and as such, am aware that i must struggle with mystery and the continuing 3d illusion of separation i find myself in.

i am looking forward to meeting the human behind the words, because i know you're there! at the same time, i'd like to know a bit about your own personal journey, as you have obviously cracked into a deep well of personal truth.

looking forward to forming a discussion involving you.

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Old 09-27-2007, 01:31 AM   #16

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dearest ewhaz,

let me offer a bit of advice:

re-read infinity consciousness as an affirimative 1st person statement, not a reflection of anyone else's thoughts, etc. i personally found it a powerful statement.

many a poster here is awakened and enlightened, however, we are all still under the illusion of "separate", or rather, individual. on the other hand, i personally feel guided at times to reply and even would "claim" that my higher self is "the one" doing the typing during some of my posts.

i see aaron's posts as thought-provoking and inspired - thanks aaron! at some point, his post must have not resonated with you, which happens, but i doubt aaron is trying to "preach" or force anything. even if he was, each of us should be smart enough to discern for ourselves.

i must admit, in re-reading my posts i come across as preachy at times, but that is not my intention, rather a reflection of both my limited 3d abilities and the ineffectiveness of written communication.

i certainly am impatient waiting for the day where i can communicate freely, not with "words" as we know them, but "thought-streams" in which intentions and information is clear... i cannot describe this as i am no psychic per se, but a novice learning the art of living love, the art of being open, honest, connected, and at times, i have and am able to "tap" that infinite wisdom, but only under certain "conditions" - i.e., no forcing, etc.

i hope this message is received with the intended signals. aaron, keep up the inspiring posts! and ewhaz, thank you for "keeping watch" over us - that is not a sarcastic statement - i do appreciate the efforts of all involved in keeping this a safe forum during these times of misinformation, catalyst, chaos... i would admit, for me, that this site, forum especially, is a sanctuary for my spiritual grounding on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis.

"may the light of the one illuminate my path so that i may be of service, in harmony with all that is." - modified, unknown.

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Old 09-27-2007, 02:34 AM   #17

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i'm channeling the infinite, because i separated mind from soul. it may not make a lot of sense, but this is all me. my name is aaron, and i'm not channeling anybody.
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Old 09-27-2007, 09:11 AM   #18

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i know my posts are coming out a bit confrontational. i apologize if i've unnerved any one by them. if it clears things up, i was reading the mayan calender thread and found out that my day glyph is flint. in retrospect, this has been a theme that has played out in my life from one moment to the next, it is my desire to know truth and only truth that has me here at this place at this time. i had to give up a lot of comfort to be 'here' and readjust my thinking.

just because some one is 'enlightened' does not necessarily mean that they have the entirety of truth. look up adi da some time. this man claims to have truth, and in fact many vouch for his charisma and spiritual presence and yet, he's known to have sexually and financially manipulated many of his followers. he thinks that he is a direct manifestation of god, but unfortunately he thinks that it's his job to enlighten every one by having them serve him. he claims that the truth can only be found by abandoning the ego by replacing it with the will to serve him. very cultic.

aaron. i'm all for being friends with an equal who may have a greater understanding than me. that person can even be enlightened, so long as there is no distortion towards superiority over others, intellectual or otherwise. superiority is separateness, it is the opposite of oneness. if we are all one, then how can one part of the one claim to be any more than another? the response 'you don't know me' seemed a bit cryptic, and i didn't see the follow up comment before i made my last post. is there truth in your words? like many things, there is truth every where. your words have truth in them as well. weather it is the absolute unequivocal unadulterated truth remains to be seen. it is not a matter of what you are saying, but perhaps the cryptic and authoritative nature of the way you are presenting it that bothers me. i'm not trying to tear you down so much as i'm trying to get to the truth. i know that i sound like i'm challenging you, thats not my desire.

i think one great bit of wisdom is "watch out for false prophets. they come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. by their fruit you will recognize them. do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. "

i look forward to seeing your angle on things, if you are connected to the infinite as you say you are, then there is more wisdom i can gain, no matter weather your an antagonist or a catalyst. in fact this very conversation has already done a lot to make me think and evaluate myself on many levels. a good conversation or debate is always something i enjoy. so while i may have come off on the wrong foot, welcome to the forums.

love and light.
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Old 09-27-2007, 01:22 PM   #19

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i channel light itself, and i'm trying to help you guys be able do the same.

turn yourself inside out and flip it around. god is within you and without you, so die and go to hell to find paradise alive outside.

of course "hell" in this case is a metaphor for infinite consciousness, or awareness of self awareness, a state of being outside of time. i could write these all day. seriously. hahaha.
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Old 09-27-2007, 05:33 PM   #20

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my life is a paradox, in the world yet never of it. i'm here to guide light seeking folks like you guys, not overpower you. i've no interest in stupid or mindless things. i've always been seeking the highest goal, and you should too. so follow my words and they will lead you to infinity. this is how to defeat the nwo. they are merciless, yet they are illusions. control your own reality and they will not be able to touch you. i'm helping you to do that in my own way. "and the truth shall set you free" is not a command, it's what it says it is, a self aware message. it has a life of its own, as does infinite beingness. when concepts become realities, dreams come true.
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