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Old 09-16-2008, 11:06 PM   #1

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Default Strange OBE - lucid night!
Hello friendly friends,
this night was a fantastic night! I was in bed dreaming, and suddenly i got completely
lucid, I knew i was in my bed and i felt aware of my sourroundings in my room.
I was very happy about this so i wanted to try to seperate from my body.
I was paralyzed as you normally are (in my experience) when you get completely lucid,
so i was afraid if i "forced" an exit to hard, I might wake!

But anyway I "willed" myself out of the body, trying several things. First i tried to roll over
as it didnt work i tried just to lift my head up. This worked pretty well.
But the thing is that i wasn't having very good vision, so i tried to say "Grant me better vision"
and other such affirmative demands. It worked to a degree but most of the imagery was,
(eventhough it was at my bedroom) not quite like it normally is.

I remember looking out of the window seeing an awesome green tree, which i got pretty in awe over,
i didnt see it at first but only after i demanded better vision a couple of times.
Normally there isn't a tree so it might be some residue from the dream plane?
I was hower 100% concious and i had my reasoning with me, always going over the things i have read
what you needed to do when having an obe.

I got into the body again after a bit, but then suddenly after i exited again the same way as i did firstly.
I had all in all 5 exits after another and each time i praciced with better sight, getting further away from the body
and all such things that I read.

One of the times i tried to get away from the body, i suddenly was another place, but still 100% aware of myself
and my sourroundings. I was given a magazine in my native language and I read through it (tabloid magazine with lots
of scandal stories about known people etc.) I didnt get to remember the distinct articles much but what I did remember was
the date on the front cover of the magazine. I had to be very focused to see the date but i managed after some energy raising and
affirmations, to read the date 1969 from it.
Before entering the body I willed myself to remember this date and the name of the magazine.

Upon entering I thought to myself "I gotta goggle this magazine, so i can maybe see the content again in real life", but somehow
this desire triggered a lucid dream, so in this dream i dreamt i searched for the magazine and the date on google.
When i read the magazine (in the dream) I saw some other images/stories than i did earlier, one in particular caught me.
Was something about a dead girl or lady. Within a few seconds of the article a Grim face with a green fog like aperance exited the magazine
(quite a startle me). Afther this shock i entered my body again (as i was lucid also i know that), and decided to use the fear from the previous shock to get out of body again (I use a lot of fear created energy when i obe from dreamstates) and i managed to exit my body one last time.

I think all in all i was out 5 times in this night, being completely aware every time, but I think i lagged energy cause i had to use a lot of
concentration to see things. I also noticed that i have a hard time remmeber images like in that magazine, but the year i got pretty good.
I was tring to do a verification with real life (the magazine and compare it to real issue of magazine), but it failed cause i was more aware of
the year of the magazine than the name of it. I will remember that next time .

Sorry for the wall of text, but i just had to tell about this one, as it is my first time with so many exits in one night.

Take care!
BoboStin is offline

Old 09-17-2008, 12:38 AM   #2

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i love those nights, in/out/in/out.....seems like you're busy the whole night huh?
how did you feel upon waking?
were you tired?
sauppyshurb is offline

Old 09-21-2008, 09:54 AM   #3

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Hi Neil,
yeah it was quite awesome, my problem is that I didn't know if i was seperated or if i was just
experiencing the "sleep paralysis".
From very early life experience, I had a lot of sleep paralys and i was afraid of them, so i willed
myself to wake from them, and became very good at it.
So these years I try not to wake myself up by sudden movements (even though those could be
movements of the astral body), its a balance of "force" i have to make so i test the astral bodys
ability to move out, but at the same time try not to move the physical body.

Its a bit hard to explain, but it seems like I am in a phase now where i train this "awareness"
of seperation of the physical body. I have had these sessions a lot of times the recent half year.

I wasn't realy exhausted or tired as I woke up, more like in a WOOOWW state. I was pretty amazed.
OBE'ing always leaves me in a state of awe and I am quick to write it all down, many times bothering you
guys inhere with it ;D
BoboStin is offline

Old 09-22-2008, 01:07 AM   #4

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I just wanted to add that when you went away from your body and ended up 'somewhere else' you phased into the astral. So chances are that the magazine thing and the other stuff you saw were astral environments or possible scenarios, not necessarily RTZ environment.
Nice to see your experiences.
Dyerryjex is offline

Old 09-23-2008, 02:11 AM   #5

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Hello again
Sorry to bother you all again but I have an importan question.
When I go lucid and from that get out of body, Its always in the room where i sleep,
that I start out. But many times there are things which are out of place such as my last obe,
there was a bigggg tree outside my window reaching all the way to my room(on the third floor of a building of flats),
its not there normally.

Question 1: How can I get these elements out? My goal first with obe's is to verify things, forexample text in a book or so and then quickly re'enter.
But I keep getting strange things thats not part of the real time zone. What am i doing wrong?

Question 2: Also I think I need more energy as some of my OBE's have problem with clear vision unless i reallyy concentrate and also demand good vision.
Maybe I should chant something? I used to chant OOMMMMMM and that was very powerfull for me; one time i thought i was put onto a 400.000 volt
electric fence when i was chanting OMMMMM just as i was out of the body, with the energy body still in the same place as the physical.
What is the best way of getting more energy once you are out of body?

Question 3: ok last one, I feel that its hard to talk to other people (except you guys) about OBE and astral stuff. Not afraid of redicule but that they dont understand. Many don't even know about dream paralysis and so on. Talked to a doctor friend of mine and she said there was no such thing, so I am already stuck in the beginning . Do you feel alone with your knowledge?

Hope someone can help me

Best regards
BoboStin is offline

Old 09-23-2008, 02:29 AM   #6

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hey mreee,

reality fluctuations are quite common in the RTZ.
i'm not sure if there is anything you can do to make them nonexistent. maybe some others have a suggestion?..

as for the feeling alone with our knowledge - i've certainly experienced some ridicule and a little estrangement due to talking about it. if you can get past it, and realise that folk will always ridicule whatever they don't understand, or can't explain, then you can get to a point where you don't take it so personaly.
plus being selective/more careful about who you discuss this stuff with helps, but could still leave you feeling a little like an outsider..

tho i will say, talking about it might bring a few surprises - you never know who else might be interested in these topics...
sauppyshurb is offline

Old 09-23-2008, 03:19 AM   #7

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Hey guys. I can vouch for that. I 'came out of the obe closet' at my church last year and was amazed to find that about 40% of the (small) congregation actually has spontaneous experiences, and at least two people knew who Robert Bruce was. I actually taught my minister some things about it. So you never know.
I'd never tell anyone in my neighborhood, though. Too many people of rigid belief systems around here. But you never know.
Anyway, I was going to speak about reality fluctuations, a couple of things Robert has said and also some comments and opinions of myself.
Reality fluctuations are ways to shift into the Astral, and are also indicators of past of future events, (a tree there in the future, a tree in the past that was cut down for whatever reason).
But there is a third reason (or second?) that the tree could be there, and the fact that it seems to persist (twice you saw it?) makes me think that it is a message from your subconscious to you.
Someone said that the day dreams stop speaking to you, it would not be a good thing (not the exact words, and I can't remember who said it).
So maybe you're supposed to decode the riddle of the tree- what does it mean to you, what can it symbolize?
That kind of thing.
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