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#1 |
has anyone here had success with teleportation to different locations during OBE/LD? each time i do this i experience something unique, sometimes i arrive instantly at my destination as soon as i think of it, sometimes i experience the travel and feel acceleration through darkness, and during one particularly odd instance, i was carried by the wrists and ankles. interestingly, during the times that ive perceived the travel, my energy stores seem to get depleted, while if i manage to teleport within a second or two, i still have plenty of energy afterwards to continue with the projection.
normally i ask aloud to be taken to a destination, i havent tried picturing a target yet although this seems to be a logical method, what techniques are people here using, and where have you gone? im beginning to feel that i need to divorce myself from the spacial constraint currently imposed on my mind by my own physical perceptions of the 4 dimensional environment i inhabit here, time and distance certainly seem to be more malleable in the astral, if not perhaps capable of being dispensed with altogether... and of course i still wonder whether the travel itself is just a trick of my mind, maybe it just comes down to the unification of two events in time and/or space, the unification of the jennifer event with the karnak temple event ...or, something... ![]() i think if i can take my perception of distance out of the equation in my mind, this might be a solution to successful travel. if i can maybe trick myself into believing that egypt is no further away from me then the telephone sitting on my desk... jennifer |
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Teleportation in the astral is mostly reffered to as (i forget the name). But u just think of where u want to go and your there.
The reason you only sometimes get it is probably because you didn't hole the destination in mind good enough. You can also if you want fly supper fast upward to everything blurrs and that usually changes your location. But be careful, bc when you instant travel, sometimes you just go to a 'replica' of the place you wish to go, and not the actual place. It's best to manually travel, ulsee its a very distant place, but then again u can travel as fast as u want. JS |
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#5 |
But be careful, bc when you instant travel, sometimes you just go to a 'replica' of the place you wish to go, and not the actual place. what do you mean by this? are you talking about the difference between traveling from the astral to a real time location or the astral counterpart of the location? how would you know the difference between the place you wanted to get to and a replica of it?
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#6 |
I think he means a self created replica of the place, since everywhere you go in the astral is an astral counterpart of the physical place.
That is, you can go to the great pyramid in Egypt, as in the RTZ energetic equivalent, or you can go to the image you yourself projected after looking at pictures and reading about it. I'm not sure why this is something to be 'careful' about, though. |
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#7 |
Yes that is what i mean.
But what i mean by be 'careful' is not to be cautious. But mabye there is a ceatrin something that you will want to see or know about a specific place. If you travel to the real time zone equivelent like CF said, everything will be as it should (unless reality fluxations occur), but if you go to your created replica, your mind will fill in for blanks that you cannot remember. Thus creating things that should not be there, or are in the place of the real object. But remeber i have yet to project. JS |
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#8 |
Yes that is what i mean. |
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#9 |
normally i ask aloud to be taken to a destination, i havent tried picturing a target yet although this seems to be a logical method, what techniques are people here using, and where have you gone? im beginning to feel that i need to divorce myself from the spacial constraint currently imposed on my mind by my own physical perceptions of the 4 dimensional environment i inhabit here, time and distance certainly seem to be more malleable in the astral, if not perhaps capable of being dispensed with altogether... and of course i still wonder whether the travel itself is just a trick of my mind, maybe it just comes down to the unification of two events in time and/or space, the unification of the jennifer event with the karnak temple event ...or, something... Just for the record, does the RTZ mean "real time zone", and is this referring to what is actually happening on the physical plane? If so, then I cannot confirm that in obe's a person can view the actual world as it is taking place in our physical reality. It can be possible, but from what I gather the world we view during obe is a replica created from another dimension that parallels the physical world. |
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#10 |
I sometimes want to go somewhere and also ask for help getting there, but I have never been teleported there. Interesting discussion here, too -- where is it we are while in a dream that looks a lot like the physical world, but some things are out of place?! |
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#11 |
ok, so this is what im getting so far - if i travel to the RTZ equivalent of a location, it should look exactly the same as it would to another person traveling to the same destination. so in theory, it should be possible to meet another person projecting to the same place. ive heard of people achieving this, but ive never actually talked to someone thats pulled it off.
I feel that as I am gaining control/wisdom/experience, I will be able to move more freely to the locations where I desire to go. yes i agree with this completely. i, unfortunately, have no patience. i want to move freely now. ![]() when i first started projecting, it was always into my bedroom, and all of the dimensions of the room as well as the furnishings were correct, i observed my body on the bed and my cats curled up next to it. since nothing struck me as out of place, i assumed this to be RTZ. i do suspect that it can be the "actual physical" world at times. during a two week period when i was continuously projecting into RTZ, i kept getting pulled downwards slowly into the earth, but this meant moving from my second floor apartment through the floor to the apartment below me. i retained vision the entire time and saw the layers of wood and other stuff that made up the floor/ceiling between the two apartments, i could actually feel passing through the matter, and then i floated down into the dining room below and heard my neighbors having a conversation while they were watching tv. this is the only time during a projection that i actually felt rude for intruding somewhere, and felt i needed to move on. i ended up moving down into the basement and then into the ground, and that was a little freaky. where is it we are while in a dream that looks a lot like the physical world, but some things are out of place?! excellent question. id like an answer ![]() what i find interesting is that when ive been in RTZ, it wasnt exactly fun, in fact it was kind of uncomfortable...almost like you need the physical body to make it manageable or something. im guessing this is why people always talk of "raising their vibrations" to get out of it and to a more pleasant zone. so riddle me this, why is it that when i do raise my rate of vibration and get to comfortable level, aberrations take place around me, all of a sudden the inconsistencies with physical reality are introduced, and the environment isnt an exact replica anymore? HMMMM? and i agree, it seems demanding to be taken to a specific place works reasonably well, but it hasnt been %100 accurate, so i am going to give visualization a shot. ![]() |
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#12 |
I dont think i understand wat it is ur saying but ill give it a shot.
you say u dont feel comfortable in the RTZ, so u raise ur vibrations. Raising vibrations is wat u do to get out of ur body into the RTZ. But you can try to project to a higher dimension (if this is what ur talking about). This pretty difficult do for most people. But if u do suceed and go to higher planes, things become more abstract and harder to understand. Then plane u probably went into when inconsistencies started to occur is the astral plane proper. JS |
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#13 |
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#14 |
Real Time Zone is the area in the astral that is most like the physical. You can say that it's a more subtle version of the physical, or an energetic copy of the physical.
This roughly corresponds with what some call the etheric. However some consider the etheric to be the most 'like reality' in between the RTZ and the physical. Robert (and I also) considers this part of the astral. However, the 'astral proper' would be any zone or area or consciousness focus that is higher than the RTZ. This can go from the 'lower astral' all the way to the higher astral. Then on to the buddhic, mental, etc. which are technically above the 'astral proper'. For example, I routinely have OBEs with separation to the RTZ and then usually go to the astral via vortex, portal, or fly up and phase shift into the astral. So you see it is really a matter of perception and what system of classification works for you best and describes your experience best. To me, it's all the astral, even when I'm sitting here in my back room playing with the computer. But my head has always been in the astral, to the consternation of my family members and friends. ![]() |
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#17 |
yes i agree with this completely. i, unfortunately, have no patience. i want to move freely now. Interesting how you felt rude for intruding, I have also felt the same way. Somehow I feel like people can see me, and some people can. Once I was flying around this apartment building in an astral world very similar to ours. Now I have no idea where I am in the astral, universe, or wherever it is that I go when I project, but this was kind of like a city-setting, older brick buildings. I would fly into an apartment and see old ladies making tea or whatever, and I could hear the radio playing old-style music (it was like where the oracle lives in the matrix). Sometimes I would fly out of a window, be up about five or six floors, and hook back into another apartment. I kept getting drawn back into this one apartment, which reminded me of an elementary school somehow... bright red painted window panes and other accents. As I entered this place for the second time, a bell up on the wall started ringing (like a fire bell), but this bell was to signal that I was there. Two older women went into another room and sat down, where there were several seats arranged in a circle. I flew down into a large leather chair and sat/floated indian-style. I could sense that one of the women wanted me to sit in the blue plastic chair which was next to me, but I did not want to. She called out to me and asked me my name, which I did not feel like telling her for some reason. However I went to her and extended my hand and said, "Pleased to meet you". We shook hands, and I moved to the other woman and extended my hand, but she did not move. I thought to myself, she can't see me. At this the other woman replied "No, not yet". Something here freaked me out and I was instantly back in the physical. Of course I was asking myself, "What was all this about?" I wonder, what were their intentions? Anyway, yea, sometimes I do feel like I might be intruding, and I wonder if it could get me into trouble as well? |
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#18 |
I flew down into a large leather chair and sat/floated indian-style. I could sense that one of the women wanted me to sit in the blue plastic chair which was next to me, but I did not want to. She called out to me and asked me my name, which I did not feel like telling her for some reason. However I went to her and extended my hand and said, "Pleased to meet you". We shook hands, and I moved to the other woman and extended my hand, but she did not move. I thought to myself, she can't see me. At this the other woman replied "No, not yet". Something here freaked me out and I was instantly back in the physical. WHOA, that is cool, it sounds like you crashed a seance. i dont really ever feel like i could get into much trouble...ive always felt that we're protected there from getting into anything we cant handle. hope im right
![]() MAN, so i wonder what my problem was in the RTZ, it actually has been a few years since ive projected there, so maybe it was an energy issue or something. And now i really want to see a sunrise. SO, my first teleportation attempt in this experiment was at 4am this morning. In fact i didnt fall asleep until 4 ![]() i was still moving when i opened my eyes, and thats where things got weird. i found myself moving through this huge nebulous region of enormous grey clouds, i had no idea where i was, but i got spooked right away. i shut my eyes again and suffered an irrational fear of being swept up by a tornado, and i think that started to happen, but i freaked and lost the projection. a few moments later i projected again and experienced the same result, although i was starting to get freaked out before i even opened my eyes. i got one more shot at this, and i dont really remember what happened, but i know it wasnt a success, and i ended up moving into an unconscious dream. my observations so far: 1) i only used words to get to my destination, i didnt retain a visual of anything, this may have had an effect. 2) i think i had more than enough energy to have pulled this off if i knew what the hell i was doing (which actually surprises me because ive had my fair share of delicious pale ale over the past few weeks), otherwise i wouldnt have been able to project multiple times. 3) maybe i should try for a target that is a little closer first, one time when i teleported from the office i work in to my bedroom, i was carried, and there may be a clue here. of note also is the fact that i am very familiar with both environments. 4) i wonder if i confused the situation by trying to visualize moving over the ocean. 5) WHERE the devil was i when i opened my eyes?? ive never been to that place before. land of confusion ?? i appreciate all of the input ive received here so far, its really helping me to focus on this. lemme know if you have any further ideas ![]() jennifer |
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#19 |
i held it in my mind, but i repeated this a few times trying to add more feeling to it each time, and then i felt sudden acceleration. the motion persisted for a few moments, i continued to keep my eyes closed, and i tried to envision moving over ocean. my destination is actually 3792 miles away from me across the ocean. i also tried to visualize the place i was trying to get to, but ive never been there or seen pictures of it so that wasnt working for me. ![]() It also seems like you have two things in mind: a location, and a person. Try and concentrate on whichever you have a stronger connection with. If you don't know this place, or have never been there, then maybe just focus on the person? I have met people with whom I am connected to during obes, but the meetings do not correspond to where we are in the physical world (because we are both in the Astral). I think that you'll be there in no time Jenn Lynn, you've had better results than me with long-distance travels so far! It sounds scary about the tornado though... I wouldn't want to be in the middle of that! |
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#20 |
It sounds scary about the tornado though... I wouldn't want to be in the middle of that! man, no kidding, i have this seriously weird thing going with tornadoes, it is NOT COOL
![]() and i think youre completely right, i confused the whole situation by thinking about it too much. would you believe thats a pattern in my life? i got all excited that i was out and was going to get a chance to travel, so i lost some of the focus i cultivated for myself before achieving the projection ![]() i definitely have a stronger connection to the person, but i think im going to wait on that and maybe try for a destination im familiar with. i want to have a good handle on this before i start attempting to find people. im really fired up over this right now, i hope that means i get to try again tonight ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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