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Old 02-02-2008, 07:29 AM   #21

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Normally if I want to be somewhere I end up there within a second or two. I suppose thats teleportation during a projection? Perhaps its simpler if you don't try to understand the dynamics and just let it happen.
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Old 02-02-2008, 09:45 AM   #22

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Perhaps its simpler if you don't try to understand the dynamics and just let it happen. i couldnt agree with you more

unfortunately my mind insists on trying to decipher the dynamics of EVERYTHING, so i will be attempting to shut that mechanism down long enough to make it to my destination in a simpler fashion. have you been able to meet another person in the astral that was also projecting at the same time?
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Old 02-03-2008, 10:49 PM   #23

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have you been able to meet another person in the astral that was also projecting at the same time?
Jenn this is really interesting, because I have, but the other person did not know that she was projecting. The other person remembered the events as a dream, but was later able to describe it to me when I told her about my obe (she remembered the dream). I will post the whole event later (when I gather my notes and maybe start an online journal). It seemed to me like I was in a dimension where people are who are dreaming go to. It is an interesting topic.
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Old 02-04-2008, 01:27 AM   #24

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The other person remembered the events as a dream, but was later able to describe it to me when I told her about my obe (she remembered the dream) OOoooo this is starting to get good let me know when you post your event, i must read it. LAST NIGHT i think i teleported successfully to my bedroom from a sleeping dreamscape in which i achieved lucidity. after this happened, i was going to try to find the person i want to meet, but apparently there was something else i needed to address at the time... so i got sidetracked. BUT, we've actually set up some times now to try and meet each other, and so at 10 this morning, i tried to project again (which i wasnt sure about since i spent a lot of energy last night), but get this - instead of projecting right away, i slipped into a dream where i was with an ex-boyfriend of mine, and not long after this dream started, he came up behind me and kissed me on my lower back as soon as he did this, i felt the vibes start and remembered the person i wanted to meet, and wondered if it was actually him that kissed me, and tried to "feel" around to see who was with me. but then i got all excited and lost the vibrations and my eyes popped open

i havent talked to him yet, so i have no idea where he was this morning, but it would be pretty friggin cool if it was him trying to wake me up

It seemed to me like I was in a dimension where people are who are dreaming go to i think we all kind of hang out together sometimes...i was once told that some of my antics in the dreamworld tend to attract a lot of attention from those who are "still sleeping."

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Old 02-04-2008, 11:13 AM   #25

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i slipped into a dream where i was with an ex-boyfriend of mine, and not long after this dream started, he came up behind me and kissed me on my lower back as soon as he did this, i felt the vibes start and remembered the person i wanted to meet, and wondered if it was actually him that kissed me, and tried to "feel" around to see who was with me. but then i got all excited and lost the vibrations and my eyes popped open
Its nice when something from a dream triggers the vibrations! Especially like that

The cool part about your experiment is that you are working with someone else. Both of you probably don't even have to be OBEing at the same time to make contact. This will be a really good experiment and great findings if you can get results. Good luck with it!
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Old 02-13-2008, 11:40 PM   #26

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Soooo, i got another chance last saturday morning to teleport to my target, i achieved a nice solid projection around 10am and was in my apartment. i tried to will myself to go directly to this person from my bedroom, but oddly i didnt budge an inch. i decided that maybe if i walked outside i would be able to travel more freely (this has happened in the past) so i spent a few moments doing some of my own work in my kitchen and then proceeded to the front door. i noticed an older woman standing at my door that i wasnt so sure about, and then suddenly she disappeared instantly. when i opened the door it was very windy outside, and for some reason i couldnt pull the door shut (i havent experienced this before..), and this gave me the impression that i shouldnt leave my home. then the projection ended. perhaps the weather was not conducive to travel ??

we are making progress though, we're both managing to gain lucidity on a fairly regular basis, close to the same time. i know that it seems like time shouldnt matter in the astral, but i honestly dont have direct experience with this yet, at least not with a situation as specific as this one, and ive always found it best to start with what i know. in the waking world, when you want to meet a person, the when and the where are relevant, so i'll work with that until i see differently. Also, i decided to ask for some guidance on how we could maybe achieve this, and sure enough two nights later i had a dream that i was in a train station and somebody was showing me how to operate the trains
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Old 03-14-2008, 02:18 AM   #27

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Originally Posted by Jenn Lynn have you been able to meet another person in the astral that was also projecting at the same time?
Jenn this is really interesting, because I have, but the other person did not know that she was projecting. The other person remembered the events as a dream, but was later able to describe it to me when I told her about my obe (she remembered the dream). I will post the whole event later (when I gather my notes and maybe start an online journal). It seemed to me like I was in a dimension where people are who are dreaming go to. It is an interesting topic. I had the same thing happen to me as well. The other person saw me as an someone else which I thought was interesting. I vaguely remember saying "don't see me" kind of like that dracula movie. I think that you can accomplish anything on the astral if you put your mind to it enough.
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Old 03-15-2008, 11:21 AM   #28

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I think that you can accomplish anything on the astral if you put your mind to it enough i agree

although, it does seem that some things require something of a herculean effort to accomplish...i have had a few more attempts at meeting this person since my last post, but still without success, almost like something is blocking the way...its really odd. it seems this experiment is on hold for the time being though, at least with the person i was working with. hopefully i'll be able to start working towards it again soon.

maybe i'll try to visit other people that arent actively trying to find me only with the best intentions in mind of course. then i can use your dracula move
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Old 03-18-2008, 02:58 AM   #29

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I think that you can accomplish anything on the astral if you put your mind to it enough
i agree

although, it does seem that some things require something of a herculean effort to accomplish...i have had a few more attempts at meeting this person since my last post, but still without success, almost like something is blocking the way...its really odd. it seems this experiment is on hold for the time being though, at least with the person i was working with. hopefully i'll be able to start working towards it again soon.

maybe i'll try to visit other people that arent actively trying to find me only with the best intentions in mind of course. then i can use your dracula move Maybe you're trying too hard. Definitely worth trying something else for a while and come back to it - might be just the trick you need.

Good luck!
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Old 04-16-2008, 11:16 AM   #30

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AAAND.....i'm back.

SO, i've had more experiences with this silly little project of mine upon finding another victim and sadly i am finding it incredibly difficult to draw any conclusions based on everything i've seen thus far. i'm trying this experiment with a person i've met and see on a fairly regular basis, he's not an active lucid dreamer but he's had relevant experiences, and more importantly he's willing to donate his mind to my research
so we've discussed briefly over the past few weeks me trying to just gain entrance to one of his dreams and he's totally open to it, but i havent actually sat down and focused on this particular task yet at all in fact, which is what makes last night so odd.

i've seen this person 5 or 6 times over the past couple of weeks in unconscious dreams (normally i see him in his apartment), but last night when i saw him i became lucid instantly, we had direct eye contact, and i walked right up to him and said his name and he smiled. i asked him if he recognized me and i dont remember a response, so i reminded him of my name and then i told him that we were in a dream, that he was dreaming right now, and asked if he understood me. im kicking myself because i cant remember his reactions exactly, all i recall is that we maintained eye contact the entire time, but im fairly certain i didnt get much else from him. there were 3 other people around us, and i ended up spending my time showing them how to fly and trying to help them to wake up (why? i have no idea.) before i lapsed back into unconscious dreamland a while later.

unfortunately all he remembers is vaguely having some kind of interaction with me, but no worries, i find it very encouraging that this happened without any effort on my part, so i am damn curious to see the results upon the application of my intention.

the parts that stick out in my mind the most however are the fact that i didnt have to do any teleporting, i just kind of found him, and also the location where we met. it was here in austin on a street downtown but it seemed to be a really odd place for me to be seeing him especially since we've never been there together. i checked a map looking for clues, and as it turns out, the location is exactly halfway inbetween where he and i live. NEAT HUH?

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Old 04-16-2008, 11:26 PM   #31

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There you go!!! If you want to meet someone you will just be drawn to them, and the location isn't so important. That sounds like a good experiment... Have you talked to your friend and does he remember any of it?

Anyway that is great!
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Old 04-17-2008, 11:12 PM   #32

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thanks !

he actually doesnt remember much, he said he recalls some kind of interaction with me but he cant be sure. if i can make it through this week with my mind intact, im going to start focusing on meeting him this saturday, so we'll see what happens after that. it kind of seems that it might require more than just wanting to meet someone..i dunno...the last time i tried to meet a person i was met with a HUGE amount of resistance, although part of me suspects that this was the result of forces at work with my best interest in mind...but who knows. too many unknown variables tough time to be a scientist
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Old 04-18-2008, 01:59 AM   #33

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Wow great progress for sure! My last experience was the same way, I didn't fly to the person's house, I just willed to be there, like once I was out of body I lifted up into the sky and 'bam' I was there instantly. Me and the friend of mine that I spoke about before tend to have a very telepathic link to each other in general. I think that has a lot to do with how well you will hook up in the astral - do you find that is the case with you both?

Keep it up. Great stuff!

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Old 04-18-2008, 02:30 AM   #34

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HA! i knew it! i was going to mention it in the last post but forgot, im so glad you mentioned telepathy. he and i are definitely cultivating a substantial telepathic link, i began to notice it over the weekend and it has been increasing during this past week. i think it definitely helps that ive been really really focused during meditation on silencing my mind, and im getting him to do the same thing. i think youre totally onto something here...hes the first person ive encountered that is actually capable of receiving information from me (normally im the only one reading minds ), so this could be a primary factor. im also going to try to keep track of how much impact my emotions have, at the moment, it seems like most people that pull this off successfully know each other REALLY well, or are just plain in love with each other...let me know what you think. i have to wonder because my guides and teachers show up all the time, and i dont seem to have such a strong emotional connection to them, at least not one that i am immediately aware of. or allowed to be aware of. they have super secret ways

still waiting for that online journal of yours beone
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Old 04-18-2008, 03:05 AM   #35

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HA! i knew it! i was going to mention it in the last post but forgot, im so glad you mentioned telepathy. he and i are definitely cultivating a substantial telepathic link, i began to notice it over the weekend and it has been increasing during this past week. i think it definitely helps that ive been really really focused during meditation on silencing my mind, and im getting him to do the same thing. i think youre totally onto something here...hes the first person ive encountered that is actually capable of receiving information from me (normally im the only one reading minds ), so this could be a primary factor. im also going to try to keep track of how much impact my emotions have, at the moment, it seems like most people that pull this off successfully know each other REALLY well, or are just plain in love with each other...let me know what you think. i have to wonder because my guides and teachers show up all the time, and i dont seem to have such a strong emotional connection to them, at least not one that i am immediately aware of. or allowed to be aware of. they have super secret ways
Sounds like we are in similar situations, So are you and this guy friends or something more or none of my business? lol PM if you care to

I feel the same way about the reading minds part, sometimes I feel like I walk alone in my own little world. It's so nice to come to a place like this where everything makes 'sense'!

I agree with the 'having to know each other well or be in love' it definitely creates that connection. There was anothe thread here I just read with the almost opposite having happened, where the couple has never met in real life only in the astral. They saw each other once in reality and were afraid to approach one another.

I read a book that deals with something similar, I think you would enjoy reading it as much as I did, the author is Dion Fortune http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dion_Fortune - the name of the book is 'Moon Magic'. That book started me back on OOBE again just recently.
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Old 04-19-2008, 02:30 AM   #36

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I dont have anything to hide and it's certainly relevant to the experiment. we have been seeing each other for the past three weeks and we are extremely compatible and comfortable with each other, but its a very relaxed situation so im able to maintain my focus and devote time to my own endeavors. we are however growing close to each other, so im expecting that this will aid attempts at contact in the astral.

I feel the same way about the reading minds part, sometimes I feel like I walk alone in my own little world. It's so nice to come to a place like this where everything makes 'sense'! yeah, you know, i finally got to a point where i wasnt willing to settle anymore, i always find myself in relationships feeling completely alone and waiting for the other person to at least meet me halfway which is something theyre just not capable of, so everybody loses. needless to say this current situation is quite refreshing

btw thanks for the tip on that book, i hadnt run across this woman before (i tend to be a bit skeptical when it comes to the theosophists...) and i totally going to order the book you recommended as well as The Mystical Qabalah. my lucid activity is definitely increasing and i want to encourage it further. im guessing her books will inspire me...it seems she managed to figure some things out
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Old 04-20-2008, 04:24 AM   #37

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still waiting for that online journal of yours beone
Got it started! Its going to take a while to get it all caught up though.

Looks like you are making good progress

One way to help your partner remember the experience (because they might be dreaming, while you are AP) is to cause something out of the ordinary that gets their attention. I mean, you don't want to scare the whiskers off of your partner but at the same time if you do something is maybe a bit shocking then they might remember it later. The thing is that you don't have much control over whether someone else remembers what happens or not--its hard enough for us to remember ourselves-- but people will sometimes remember things that are either emotional ot really wierd. The trick would be for them to wake up during or right after this your meeting.

Then again they might find you and snap you out of a dream
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Old 04-22-2008, 01:48 AM   #38

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btw thanks for the tip on that book, i hadnt run across this woman before (i tend to be a bit skeptical when it comes to the theosophists...) and i totally going to order the book you recommended as well as The Mystical Qabalah. my lucid activity is definitely increasing and i want to encourage it further. im guessing her books will inspire me...it seems she managed to figure some things out
This title in particular is a fictional story, although the practices in it are not. She has done a lot of non-fiction texts as well. I hope you like it
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Old 04-22-2008, 02:28 AM   #39

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Dion Fortune (a made up name, her name was Violet Firth, if I remember correctly) lived in the late 1800s and not only wrote fiction, was very influential in the Magickal community, so to speak. She wrote a very interesting Self Defense book (which is helpful, btw), which shows you how people thought of metaphysical things back then. Other than the Victorian style in which they are written, they are easy to understand and fascinating to a geek like me.
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Old 04-22-2008, 02:40 AM   #40

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That is correct
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