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Old 01-18-2008, 02:56 AM   #1

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Default Experiencing Higher self?, afraid of being a god
Experiencing one higher self is something that I find very interesting.
But is this something that should be done only If you are a seasoned OBE person.?

I guess I´m a little afraid of loosing myself as a person.
I had a dream a few nights, can´t remember what it was, but when I woke up, I felt that
the world was an illusion, that only I was real, everything in the world was created to fool me.
And If you were to figure out the truth, the simulation (the world), would end and my old life would cease to exist and I would be dead in a way...

This may sound that I´m afraid of trying OBE, but I´m not, just might not ready for my higher self.
I remember I called to experience it in a dream but I got afraid and stopped the process.
What your experience with experiencing your higher self?

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Old 01-18-2008, 03:08 AM   #2

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These experiences become mostly spontaneously, sometimes if you are in unusual psychic states. I have similar thoughts and abstract views very often, it is something, what can take you out of physical reality to the world of your thoughts. Dreams always produce this abstract views in some forms - they are "higher thoughts". But I think the real "higher self" is something more and it is very far from our experiences. Views you are describing are very useful and amazing. I can liken them to precise philosophical thoghts, they have similar effect to your mind and thinking.
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Old 01-18-2008, 04:21 AM   #3

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Experiencing one higher self is something that I find very interesting.
But is this something that should be done only If you are a seasoned OBE person.?

I guess I´m a little afraid of loosing myself as a person.
I had a dream a few nights, can´t remember what it was, but when I woke up, I felt that
the world was an illusion, that only I was real, everything in the world was created to fool me.
And If you were to figure out the truth, the simulation (the world), would end and my old life would cease to exist and I would be dead in a way...

This may sound that I´m afraid of trying OBE, but I´m not, just might not ready for my higher self.
I remember I called to experience it in a dream but I got afraid and stopped the process.
What your experience with experiencing your higher self?

Don't worry.
In my opinion, Astral Travel is just one more way of expressing yourself, or existing. I have found that my 'peak' experiences have not happened while I was out of body- but I have been able to use the OBE state to more fully explore those experiences.
For example, the idea of the material world as an illusion is nothing new, and it has been looked at and 'experienced' throughout the ages, by many others, and (also in my opinion) the ability of the people involved to handle these expanded awareness experiences had more to do with their development as people with a sense of basic interconnectedness than their ability or capacity to be out of body, which can be considered as a state of expanded awareness, but is actually just another way of experiencing reality, inner and possibly outer, whether you find a distinction or not.
If you look at religions and spiritual persuasions, you'll see that they were started by mystics that had these experiences and were able to make them part of who they were, and do great things with them. It was their followers who screwed things up in the process *ducks* so keep on doing whatever you feel called to do, and keep studying, because when you're ready whatever has to happen will.
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Old 01-18-2008, 10:53 AM   #4

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I wouldn't say that lack of OBE seasoning is really a limitation. I would however suggest that seasoning in self-exploration and nature of reality are strongly suggested. In addition to OBE, these can be addressed through meditation, lucid dreaming among others. The risk here is that your world can be shattered if you suddenly discover its not at all like you thought it was. It takes a certain amount of strong self image to avoid being shattered along with your world view. Encounters with higher selves, life after death, the divine, and gods of all kinds tend to suddenly put a whole new perspective on reality. If you feel ready to face the possibility that everything you know is wrong, then proceed.
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Old 01-18-2008, 11:36 AM   #5

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Experiencing one higher self is something that I find very interesting.
But is this something that should be done only If you are a seasoned OBE person.?
I've "met" my higher self, and I wasn't out of body when it happened. I wasn't even particularly in a trance state or trying to contact anyone or anything. "She" just came spontaneously.

So, no, you don't have to have a lot of OBE experience.

I guess I´m a little afraid of loosing myself as a person.
Ah, that's the ego talking.

Losing one's self as a person is something that mystics strive toward. It is to be desired, and it is, I believe, a necessary step toward enlightenment.

You won't lose yourself permanently.

the world was an illusion, that only I was real, everything in the world was created to fool me.
That's a good insight.

And If you were to figure out the truth, the simulation (the world), would end and my old life would cease to exist and I would be dead in a way...
Death to the caterpillar is the beginning of the life of the butterfly.

And figuring out the truth is actually enlightenment. Losing your ego-self is the goal of many religious, mystical, and spiritual practices the world over, and there's good reason for that. The things you can see, know, understand, and learn when you step away from your monkey mind are far greater than anything you can do or think or be with your ego. The difference is like comparing Crown Jewels to trinket jewellery you'd buy in a truck stop. Yeah, you might lose your cheap truck stop jewellery, but it's not something you really need, anyway.
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Old 01-18-2008, 03:58 PM   #6

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Experiencing one higher self is something that I find very interesting.
But is this something that should be done only If you are a seasoned OBE person.?
IMO one has nothing to do with the other. If you want to meet an objectified Higher Self, you have to project or phase or whatever. But tuning into your HS and just for some time be that bigger aspect of yourself instead of projecting it outside yourself is IMO very well attainable in meditation. Happened to me. I can recommend it.

I guess I´m a little afraid of loosing myself as a person.
The Chinese call this "Ru Ding", the fear of ego death. It can vary in strength and can happen to experienced meditators most strongly. It is one of the strongest fears a human being can have when fully experienced, because your ego tries to make you believe its existence equals your existence. Which is not the case. But because of this "simulation" you start to fear the end of ego existence, or dominance, would be the end of your existence. Which is not true. Part of you is mortal, and the ego is involved in that. Part of you is immortal, and will continue when this ego has lost its grip on you.

I had a dream a few nights, can´t remember what it was, but when I woke up, I felt that
the world was an illusion, that only I was real, everything in the world was created to fool me.
And If you were to figure out the truth, the simulation (the world), would end and my old life would cease to exist and I would be dead in a way...
There are people who believe that only as much Universe is created as we perceive. That each one of us lives in its own Universe bubble that interacts with others. That there is no shared physical Universe but myriads of mini-Universes influencing each other.

This may sound that I´m afraid of trying OBE, but I´m not, just might not ready for my higher self.
Your Higher Self is the aspect of you that is coordinating your incarnation here. It's been with you all this life and has tried its best to help you in what you try achieve here. I'd say there is no need to be afraid.

I remember I called to experience it in a dream but I got afraid and stopped the process.
What your experience with experiencing your higher self?
I remember myself doing things I thought not capable of or being wiser as I seem now. I can remember another me that selects futures and gives me hints on how to make them happen through signs. I remember being that me and this me at the same time. I remember understanding part of what it means to make a future. None of these experiences made me afraid. (And sometimes I'm just so very easy to scare... )

Take good care,
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Old 01-18-2008, 09:16 PM   #7

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Thx for the replies, right now I don´t believe in anything, I´m seeking answers to what ever they may be so I don´t have any world view to shatter.
And yeah, I guess I´m a little afraid of the ego death, but since this happens every night in a way I should not be afraid.
I´m gonna order the Proteus mind machine that I hope will help with my trance, obe, and other things

Btw, what is the diffrence between the trance state and Meditation, I find them very similar.

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Old 01-18-2008, 09:29 PM   #8

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Trance state is something totally different, if you are in a trance state, you can´t feel your body, your body has no responses by nerves, you aren´t in room, where your body is, but you are only in your mind. In a deep trance you are only your consciousness existing with free volition and its thoughts. You have obviously better psychic potential - you can do everything, only thinking on it means you are doing it and it appear in a moment.

Meditation can be a method to get trance or meditation can continuing in trance state too. Meditation is something like getting higher self, improving mind or getting abstract views to some problems. Trance is only concrete state, where you can use potential of unconscious mind.
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Old 01-18-2008, 10:47 PM   #9

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Going back to ego death, I am going to make a bold statement and prob. everyone here will disagree with me, but to me the 'fear of ego death' is something the ego has created to cement it's belief in self-existence.
I really don't think you can have ego-death- you can evolve your ego to the point in which it realizes it doesn't have the type of reality it thinks it has, but it can never be destroyed in the sense of ceasing to exist. If your ego really dies it had to be objectively real in the first place, and it never was.
I believe this is why Carl Jung spoke in terms of 'ego emergence' instead of 'ego death'. But I could be wrong about that.
JMO, don't throw things at me.
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Old 01-18-2008, 11:04 PM   #10

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We can´t know, if ego exists after material death. But it neverminds, because ego never can notice, that it doesn´t exist.

The second thing, we can make our lives almost eternal, when we get control of "our and astral times".
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Old 01-18-2008, 11:24 PM   #11

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I get the impression that we have experiences when we are ready for them,yeah?
so surely you'd get to experience your higher self only when you're developed enough to deal with it?
is that how the universe works?
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Old 01-18-2008, 11:41 PM   #12

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Hmmm. I guess sometimes. It may be that you sometimes get experiences as a chance to grow into them - a challenge. Sometimes you get them after overcoming something - more like a reward. I think usually you would know only much later in hindsight, I guess.

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Old 01-19-2008, 03:29 AM   #13

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But is this something that should be done only If you are a seasoned OBE person.? I think that the fact that you are experientially (sp?) aware of such an event makes you not as limited as you thought you were... I have no conscience memory of ever meeting any representation of my higher self... (seemingly) not that I am aware of. And I have had hundreds of Full Exit Events...
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Old 01-22-2008, 02:40 AM   #14

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We can´t know, if ego exists after material death. But it neverminds, because ego never can notice, that it doesn´t exist.

The second thing, we can make our lives almost eternal, when we get control of "our and astral times".
One of the reasons I'm learning this. Extend your time here on earth, get the best out of it. Even when it's not even ON earth!
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Old 01-22-2008, 02:53 AM   #15

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My mystical experiences were mostly based on the principle extend time - consciousness. It was like a hour of abstract experiences in five second in "real time". Consciousness is expanding and it seems like long time in a small while. It is possible to have this type of experience frequently. Of course we can extend time on some astral planes too.
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Old 01-22-2008, 08:30 AM   #16

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I really don't think you can have ego-death- you can evolve your ego to the point in which it realizes it doesn't have the type of reality it thinks it has, but it can never be destroyed in the sense of ceasing to exist.
I'm not so sure of that. Years ago when I was having my breakdown, an event that took years and was, I am positive, initiated by prayer on my part (silly me, I asked for healing and to be made over!), my ego slowly broke down until, for a period of a day or so, I really felt like there was nothing left. I felt like a turtle without a shell, it was terrifying.

It was like being peeled, like an onion. Layer after layer came off, and when we got to the middle... there was nothing, but I was still there. It was an extremely peculiar feeling.

The ego is, I believe, necessary for navigating the material world. It's like a diver's equipment. You MUST have it or you can't be in the environment. However, it really isn't part of you.

What happened with me was that once I reached the middle of the onion, so to speak, a new ego started to form, a significantly different one than the one I had before (which is a good thing; I was pretty fragmented and damaged). I am genuinely a different person now. I have most of the other person's memories, and my subconscious is quite similar (fixing that is what I've been doing lately), but I am so different as to have required a new name and everything. I think it's fair to say that my previous ego is "dead". Certainly the "person" I was then is gone.

And this is why I say that your ego never goes away permanently. It's like losing a toe nail. You grow a new one.

NOTE to people reading this thread: My experience was an extreme one. I was highly dysfunctional and emotionally unwell. In order to proceed, the breakdown was necessary for me, but MOST people proceed without such drastic measures. I was just THAT badly messed up that we (God and I) had to demolish and start over. That's not common, nor is it usually necessary. I'm a strange case.

I say that so that people don't fear that if they pursue spiritual growth they'll end up in the looney bin. That's actually a pretty unlikely scenario. Me, I just have to be different...
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Old 01-22-2008, 09:47 AM   #17

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I think we agree here, just using different terminology. But you are still you, regardless of personality or even beliefs.
I think that both psychology and the New Age and New Thought movements mean different things when they say ego- I probably mean something entirely different.
But essentially, I think we agree.
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Old 01-22-2008, 10:05 AM   #18

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But you are still you, regardless of personality or even beliefs.
Yes, which is something I learned. I used to think that I didn't exist (no, seriously, for years I felt like I didn't exist, like I was just this collection of thoughts, emotions, abilities, etc.). Then I found out that I ALWAYS exist, regardless of the state of my ego, and that the me that always exists is the true self.

Not that I could have put it into these words back then. Back then I just knew I felt like a turtle without a shell until I grew a new one.

I think that both psychology and the New Age and New Thought movements mean different things when they say ego- I probably mean something entirely different.
Well, I mean the material personality we use to navigate the world, interpret our surroundings, make decisions, etc. It's something we wear while we're here, and it's not the true self, it's just the self we use while we're in this environment.

This is why during deep meditation and similar practices, you find you "lose" your material personality for a little while. You're leaving the material environment, not unlike a diver coming out of the water into the air. In our true and natural environment (the spiritual), we don't need our earthly self.

And yes, I think we're probably in agreement.
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Old 01-22-2008, 02:20 PM   #19

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I think HS is a long way from Godstate or avatar but I urge you to continue to explore the various aspects of the self . What did your HS look like and what did they communicate to you ?

The uniting of the HS with the GA for knowledge & communication with them is a desired goal of the magician and is thought by some to be essential to ascension and enlightenment .

Here is an example of a cosmology of self ;
archangelic self
light watcher
guardian angel
higher self
lower self
guardian demon
dark watcher
archdemonic self
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Old 01-22-2008, 07:29 PM   #20

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I have no conscience memory of ever meeting any representation of my higher self... (seemingly) not that I am aware of. And I have had hundreds of Full Exit Events...
Ever asked for it?

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