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#1 |
I have a time traveling visitor - I have just now figured out what he's doing and why he's here. He has something to do with my miscarriages. What I don't know is WHO he is how to stop him.
NEVER TRUST AN UNDEAD ELF It was June of Two thousand. My journal entry reads thus: "It was a ghost rider, he was beautiful and ethereal, and he wasn't wearing much more than a loin cloth. He had the appearance of a young elf-like boy. Only ghostly white and pale. I was in a state of hyper awareness both awake and asleep. The Elf boy dismounted his horse. He was trying to be scary. I realized both he and his horse undead. (Zombies?) I liked his horse and gave it a pet. I realized it was a pun. He rode up to me on a "Night Mare." [I know now that a Night Mare is a character from a book series. Could be this Zombie/Vampire/Elf is in human form somewhere, if he reads Piers Anthony novels?] The rider dismounted, and said he wanted to join my aura. "Let me in," he said in an authoritative tone of voice. I'm not the type to let strangers "in" - not even beautiful undead elf-boys. I asked him who he was, and what he wanted with my aura. He refused to identify himself, or show me his face, even after I asked several times. So I said no. He was determined, and it was clear he wasn't going anywhere. I tried to wake myself by clapping my hands together, which would have pulled me back into my body, but it didn't work and I fell into a dream. I knew he had followed me there. In my dream there was a knock at my front door. I looked through the peek hole. "Let me in." Damn it. He was standing there pretending to be a delivery boy. I opened the door (MISTAKE!) And took the package from the undead boy who had a cap pulled down over his face, then pushed him back out the door and shut it. He pretended to fall down and hurt himself on my porch. Somehow he knew I was the sympathetic type. He thought I would let him in and nurse his scrapes and give him a band aid or something. He knew I couldn't just leave him there. He cried like he was dying. I knew it was a ruse, so pulling back the curtain I looked out the window and asked him if he wanted me to call a doctor or 911, but I wasn't going to come out. He gave up his ploy and left. But not before he took something of mine - and left something of his. I had a beautiful red rose vine in my front courtyard. I had planted them myself, babied them with fertilizer and special grow lights. I sang to them, weaving them carefully through my French style courtyard fence. And now they were stolen. Zombie Elvin Fiend! Rose-napper! Oh, my roses, my roses! [I would like to add that I had just suffered miscarriage #1. My grandmother, a painter, has a vine painted in her living room with a Red Rose painted for every one of her children. Also, in the astral, I have seen the female womb, and it does indeed look like a Rose. I think this is why the Red Rose is a symbol for Mother Mary, and for Lovers.] Where my beautiful vine once stood, there was a hole in the ground, and in it, he had left behind THREE SKULLS. Apparently three skulls was some personal symbol of his. A calling card of sorts. [This will be important later.] I didn't understand his actions at the time. Who knows why undead elves do what they do? Perhaps he was crazy. I considered the matter closed but I was mistaken. Still a magickal novice, I didn't know the clever little thief had just made a psychic connection with me. By taking something of mine, and leaving something of his. By this “trade,†he was able to burgle into my dreams at will, like Freddie Krugor. This fact became apparent the very next time drifted off to sleep. There he was waiting with a nightmare. He was trying to break me down. Sooner or later I had to give up. And let him in. For three nights straight he waited for me. I began guzzling coffiee. I showed up at my friends house begging them not to let me fall asleep. We went though the house ringing bells and burning sage. All to little effect. Like a vampire, he had tricked me into letting him in with his fake delivery. He had taken, and he had given. It was a done deal. The timing for this was awful, as a friend of mine was having a big bash to celebrate her wedding. What was I supposed to do? Call her up and explain "Sorry I can't make your wedding party, I'm having trouble with an undead elf." With bags under my eyes I went. I was shaken up, and a bit skittish. But I put on a brave face and did my best to act normal and have fun. Rattled nerves and all. I did my own reading on the Undead Elf boy. I saw him swallowed by a serpent. Even at the time I thought it looked oddly like a birth canal. Only now do I know that for a fact, that in mythology the fertility god/hero has to shoot an arrow, or spear, or something down the mouth of the serpent, which is indeed a female sexual symbol. The next day I had a scheduled appointment with the best psychic in town. I dragged into her office looking miserable I'm sure. Falling into the chair across from her I broke down in tears. "What does he want? Just tell me what he wants!" "He says he wants in." "I know that. But why?" "He wants your energy." After conversing with him a few minutes she turned to me and explained. " He's convinced he wants your energy and that’s why he’s stalking you, but he doesn't realize he wouldn't know what to do with it even if he got it- which he can't anyway. He's nothing but a mean spirited prankster. He's a little wimp and you need to stand up to him! That's why he hides his face, because if you saw him you would know he's nothing but a little wimp, and then you wouldn't be afraid of him anymore!" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I was relieved that this guy was nothing to worry about. He was all an act. She said "You're going to get rid of him. You will find a way." Then she drew an inverted triangle on a sheet of paper and colored it in black. For lack of any other instruction, I took it home and used it in a banishing spell. [Only now do I know than an inverted triangle, in particular a black one, is a female womb symbol. At this point I still had not made the connection to the miscarriage.] That night I drifted off to sleep waiting for my elf. Oh, the things I was going to do to him if I managed to catch him. People would have to start buying Peppridge Farm, I mused, because Keebler was about to come up missing. I wondered what kind of cookies undead elves made. Perhaps they are sprinkled with little candy bats and only come out at Halloween. He must have sensed a serious elf-beating was in store because he didn't show up. A few weeks later, I got a call from my friend. The pictures from her wedding party had been developed, and she had noticed something strange. â€There are these weird lights in some of the pictures…†Good thing she wasn’t there to see my face. I took a breath to steady myself and tried to say something logical. Something that didn’t include the unlikely phrase ‘undead elf.’ “Sounds like there’s something wrong with your camera.†“Yeah, that’s what I thought at first too, but then I laid them all out across the bed, and I noticed that the lights are only in the pictures you’re in.†Connections are hard to break. He laid low for almost seven years. Only to show up again in August of two thousand and six. Perhaps the connection would have “expired†at the seven year mark. It’s a theory. I had fallen asleep and been woken up by the real life UPS man. I signed for the package and fell back asleep. It worked like the "Interrupted sleep" method. He used the identical ruse. As soon as I fell into the astral: Knock Knock. Delivery boy. There he was on the other side of the door, though the peep hole I could see he had a hat pulled low over his face. By this time I had almost totally forgotten. I opened the door. Notice - it is significant that the trick he used on me back in June of 2000 is a trick he learned here in August 2006. He's a time traveler. Like me. [I would like to add I had just suffered miscarriage #2. ] He pushed past me and into my living room, snatching two occult-related videos off my shelf. “Oh, you’re into Astral Projection,†as if he had found an answer. I was like “Well, duh.†He quickly dropped off two boxes and left, closing my door behind him. The realization of what had just happened came flooding back to me in a bad memory. Keebs was back. He was trying to make another trade. Two for two. [The videos he took were ones I had used to make an Art School project called "Birth of the Universe." It featured the woman as Goddess, the man as God, and footage of an unborn featus. It was mystical and moving, and won me the schools Video Editing contest.] In a fit of anger I ran back toward the door swinging it open. He was sitting there in my courtyard. Calm and curious, he’d dropped the scary act. He just looked at me. This time he had a pack of guard dogs with him. One of them being a great Dane who barked at me. I stomped and screamed, yelling “NO!†I grabbed up his two boxes, and flung them back at him. Then slammed the door shut. I still wonder about that. Should I have ran out into the courtyard and tried to get my two videos back? He had taken something of mine again, something of personal significance, again. But at least this time, I was unreachable to him. I had thrown out his things, and he could not find his way back inside. I got a reading not long after that I got a reading. “I see a Great Dane. A guard dog.†I was like. Uh huh. LAST NIGHT I FINALLY PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER *He shows up every time I have a miscarriage. *On his first visit he took ONE of something baby related *On his second visit he took TWO of something baby related *I have suffered, to date, TWO miscarriages *He left me THREE skulls in my "garden" [another womb symbol] *Does this mean there is a THIRD miscarriage on the way? I working on some theories as to his identity: *Could this be what the spirit of miscarriage looks like on the astral? *He says he wants in. Could this be the spirit of the child? *Let me in could also mean he is the father of the child. I can't let him in because I don't know who he is. I don't want to give birth to an undead elf, or get pregnant by one. But I don't want to have another miscarriage either. It's just too hard on me, physically and emotionally. The last one almost killed me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do here. |
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#2 |
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#3 |
There are some problems here.
If he is my child why won't he show me his face? Why won't he tell me his name? Why does he looks like an undead elf? Why is he using harassment and nightmares? Why is he reading Piers Anthony books? Why is he surprised to learn I'm into Astral Projection? As it stands, I don't know if I want to bring this entity here. That would be one creepy little boy. Albeit very pretty. |
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#4 |
I don't mean through you- if he is your lost baby, then he needs to go back to the light, not into you.
If he is a neg, which I suspect is what you believe, then you need to do countermeasures. The list of questions are questions only you know the answer to, because regardless of his origin, the images you are perceiving are coming from your memories. He is energy showing himself to you, but the symbols are yours, unless there is some karma or past knowledge. |
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#5 |
The images he's been using so far, skulls and roses, are pretty standard and translate into all cultures clearly. Everything else he takes by being able to walk directly into my head.
The first reader I went to [and she is very good] says he is not an aspect of myself or my subconcious. She said where he comes from is a place I've never been. I don't doubt that karma and past lives play into this heavily. This may even be related to some future event that hasn't happened yet! I tried to explain I'm not "rejecting" him because I don't love him. His anger would make perfect sense put in that context. Now that the morbid and sad part has been dealt with, I kinda have to laugh. Damn, that gene really threw didn't it? I mean- if (IF) this is my future kid, he's certainly is an adept. He's going to scare the neighbors and all his classmates. The same reader told me my son and his father would be exceptionally close. Lots and lots of mutual respect and admiration between the two men. They're going to be involved in some kind of movement, and he's going to write a book that will get a lot of acclaim. What I don't understand is: Why does he feel he has to hide his face and name??? WHAT'S THE BIG SECRET? |
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#6 |
There have been several new developments in the last hour
I am 99.999% sure I have the identity of my attacker- it is a man I have met recently- it is not my future son, but someone who wants to make damn sure he never gets born. I really should have known, b/c I have already met and spoken with my son in the astral twice, and this elf doesn't have the same energy/personality. Some theories: 1) Has a personal vendetta against me. 2) Has a personal vendetta against my child. 3) Psycho religious-fanatic who thinks I'm an Alien/Nephilim and has taken it upon himself that I don't pass on my genetics. 4) Crazy Christian fanatic who thinks my kid might be the Anti-Christ. I have some ideas on how to stop him. And I will stop him. I try to do a reading on myself every few months - Check out last months: ![]() ![]() ![]() "I am able to see what is behind me, looking at the past with a new understanding of why it is baron, bears no fruit. Bringing two halves together in a twist like DNA twisting them together with my hands and in the future bear fruit - with a vengeance." Last month this made no sense at all. Today it is all too clear. And believe me, when I catch up with this guy there will be vengeance. To attack me is one thing-That I could forgive-But to harm my children... |
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#7 |
Interesting but also disturbing thread! I know you have done a lot of reasearch, but the thought struck me; are you sure this all isn't just metaphoric? I mean, dreams can be very symbolic. it's usually a matter of interpretation... But then again, those "intuitive dreams" of mom's and mine are never to be messed around with
![]() mom had several miscarriages before having me, I know I can not understand how it must be, but I understand it, to use modern language: has to totally suck. I hope you will have your Child when you're both ready, and all the forms of suffering shall be kept to a minimum. sorry for your loss. Of all things, I must agree, why the secrecy? I think the body, uhm, the Being as a whole, knows very well what is about to happen long before us physical world conscious mind - versions know what's up. So. Perhaps this is "just" a way for your being to try and tell you about the miscarriages that was about to happen? Although I'm more of a "fan" of the more paranormal version, with the lights in the photos and all. (was this the thing in the pm?) edit: I just realized my avatar is a big red rose... lol. |
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#8 |
I want to be clear that I see him on the astral plane- not just dreams. I sit up out of my body and he is there waiting. Then, after I have seen him on the astral, he follows me into my dream. His ability to enter my dream is secondary.
I had forgot until now- but I remember the second time he stopped by I went to a reader and asked "Why is he here?" and the reader said "He's here for the children." I dismissed the reader as being a total idiot. I thought he was making stuff up off the top of his head. Someone else has come up with an interesting theory: The Elf is not here to kill my children, but to steal them. He is stealing them because they are, in fact, HIS. He is coming to collect his children, and take them back to his world. A very, very, interesting concept. The problem with this is I don't recall having astral sex with him. Although, back in 2002 he told me during the dream part (not the astral part) he was getting me pregnant, and also another female from his own dimension. He was very boastful about this, that he had females pregnant in both dimensions at the same time. Like that made him "cool" somehow. My friends started cracking jokes about "Leyla's Mac-Daddy Elf." I cannot trust the information - because he told me this in a dream- he did not tell it to me in the astral. Also, we have this famous family story about when my grandmother was pregnant with my Aunt. She woke up in bed, in sleep paralysis, and something was attacking her. Then, someone came swooping in and fought the thing off, and a voice came out of the darkness saying "I have saved you again." Of course, being Christians they believe it was Jesus. After that she had a dream she stood in a graveyard at the foot of baby's grave and the headstone had the letter H. When my aunt was born, she had a Hole in her Heart. I believe this was due to the attack my grandmother came under while she was pregnant with her. Now I am having to wonder, if this is perhaps a multi-generational attacker. If my grandmothers attacker and mine are the same. I hope I figure out whats happening, but I can't get pregnant NOW. I don't even have a b/f much less a husband. Not to mention I'm a starving artist, and babies cost $$$. I need like, three or four more years. I have a beauty pageant coming up, my gown is being special made, and I'll need it to fit. I really want to win this title BAD, and everyone says my chances are good. It would suuuuuck to miss out on a nearly guaranteed win. At the same time I also have a dance troupe audition - and we might be going on tour. I'll be under contract, so they can't just drop me. But even if they move me from dancer to tour manager I can't think of anything worse than traveling while pregnant. It would be miserable. |
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#9 |
Reminds of the Erlkonig (The Elf King) who would try to entice away people's children.
I only wanted to comment on the "delivery boy" bit... When I lived in a haunted dorm, I had an experience where I kept drifting off to sleep and waking up, thinking that someone was going to come through the door. I just couldn't shake that feeling of "someone's about to come in." I finally shook off the sensation in the waking world, telling myself that if my roommate came through the door, no big deal... and I finally drifted off to sleep. In my dream, a woman dressed in scarlet 70's style clothing came through the door and had a brief chat with me.. she had strawberry blonde hair that waved to her shoulders and she was a bit on the heavier side, she had a very "Mom" kind of look to her, and in my dream I mistook her to be a college staff member from admissions or something. The only thing I recall her saying was something along the lines of "Oooh but you're just so pretty, I could just take you home with me!" (Like how you'd talk about a cute kitten or something, not something ominous) I was intrigued by the dream since it had occurred in a dream version of my bedroom, with no variations (I rarely dream about the room I'm in). After speaking to a friend about the experience, he mentioned that that nagging "Someone's at the door" feeling is a spirit's way of basically "ringing" your doorbell and asking to enter your astral space. It's supposed to be a polite way to enter your space, with your permission, so that they can speak to you. A few months after that experience, a student across the hall had a voice teacher visit her who had the ability of physically seeing spirits... the teacher said to her "I can see a lady standing on your balcony.. she's surprised that I can see her." Her physical description matched the woman in my dream exactly, and I had not shared my dream with either person, nor had I met the voice teacher. The only other time I had an experience like this was when I was trying to locate the spirit of a friend's pet, and felt that same "Someone's knocking" sensation before drifting off to sleep, and in my dream I opened the door to see a cat sitting on the stoop. I don't mean to imply that this elf fellow is a polite visitor, sounds like he's not... I guess I had somewhat assumed in the past that if a spirit went to the trouble of politely asking to enter your astral space vs. barging in, they were being respectful of your boundaries ... there seems to be a real type of decorum that's involved here. But I'm hesitant to jump to conclusions because it's not like you'd just open your door to ANYONE... if you use a Ouija board in the physical realm, all kinds of low level nasties are clamoring to "get in" and "get closer" and asking you to "let them closer" and polite as they may pretend to be, they are far from.... but I still feel that things are different regarding these rules in the astral than they are in the physical so I don't want to make a parallel of those rules just yet. The only time I met some negative haunting-related spirits in a dream space, they said on a Ouija board that they had "come to the dream fence" to ask us to buy the board, and I don't recall any dreams at all. Somehow I don't think negative entities would be that forward about an approach with trying the "front door"... but again, I don't want to generalize.. I just find it interesting. Just wanted to comment on the delivery boy experience... there seems to be a bit of a precedence for this and how spirits seek to enter our space. Perhaps it was a more ancient and formal ritual. I am missing the key ingredient for how one would "look through the peephole" and tell whether someone is worth letting in or not, lol. Sounds like you did good at least in that part, Leyla. |
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#10 |
stargazer:: I was intrigued by the dream since it had occurred in a dream version of my bedroom, with no variations (I rarely dream about the room I'm in). Yes, it's always an exact copy of my bedroom or living room.
stargazer: "Someone's at the door" feeling is a spirit's way of basically "ringing" your doorbell and asking to enter your astral space... there seems to be a bit of a precedence for this and how spirits seek to enter our space. Oh yes - I had no doubts whatever that if I had let him cross the threshold of my door in the dream, he would cross the threshold in the Astral. "Let me in!" Remember, I would not let him across in the astral- so he's trying to "trick" his way in through a dream. I understood very much that those were the rules. It's like a vampire- you have to grant them permission to enter. Reminds of the Erlkonig (The Elf King) who would try to entice away people's children. I looked it up and my heart is about to pound through my chest. The Elf King: Ancient mythological being known by many names throughout Europe: Erlking/Alberich/Oberon. Not only is he a "Night Rider" from "The Land of the Dead" and notorious "Child Thief," but, he lives in an "Enchanted Garden of Roses." Remember in Midsummer Nights Dream Oberon and Tatiana were fighting over a Stolen Child. Also, I think he was the inspiration for David Bowie's character, Jareth the Goblin King, in the movie Labyrinth. Do you think this guy could be real? |
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#11 |
Ooooh Garden of Roses... that bit was new to me. Creepy.
Leyla I know you've mentioned something before about having problems with people stalking you online and such, but you lead such a fascinating life that you should really consider blogging or writing a book of some kind. Your family's spiritual history is so much material already, just to start with... your writing is so evocative, that I would love to see it in an expanded form of some kind. Has anyone ever told you that before? You have the kind of writing that really imparts more than just words.... there's a hint of a whole world there and a world that's really interesting and complex and it draws you in and promises more than just a sum of its parts, I guess much like what the kids these days feel like when reading Harry Potter. It's a rare gift. |
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#12 |
stargazer -
Thank you. I have been chipping away at a book for sorts, a collection of my experiences. I think you picked up on that psychically. I have done some online digging on this Elf King. He is one of the characters that is said to lead the "Wild Hunt." Across most of northern Europe, belief in the Wild Hunt was once widespread. Complete with riders on ghostly horses, and accompanied by a pack of barking dogs. The Wild Hunt carried off the souls of the dead and is led by a psychopomp--the leader of souls to the Underworld. To even look upon the hunting party is to risk death. People all over the world have reports of witnessing this hunt. As recently as London newspaper reports from 1950. People report hearing phantom hoofbeats and the baying of dogs. "The object of this phantom hunt varied greatly, and was either [that of] a visionary boar or wild horse, white-breasted maidens who were caught and borne away bound only once in seven years, or the wood nymphs, called Moss Maidens, who were thought to represent the autumn leaves torn from the trees and whirled away by the wintry gale." The every seven years part jumped out at me. A variant of the Wild Hunt in which the hunter chases after a supernatural female is known from Sweden to the Tyrolean Alps: "My father and my grandfather were out hunting in Solerud Forest one day. That evening they heard a strange barking; there was one hound barking very shrilly, and there were also two with a deeper cry.... All at once, a woman came running by with her hair streaming out behind her. Next came the hound that barked so shrill, and then the two others. Shortly after, along came a man with red hair and beard. He had a gun with him. He just went straight along. Father said this was Oden's hunt." "The woman is variously a wood-wife (Germany or Switzerland), a mermaid (W. Jutland), one of the "hulder-folk" (Sweden), or an elf (Denmark). The hunter chasing the woman always appears as a solitary figure. Our German tradition says nothing about the reason why the airy hunter pursues the wood-wife." This part also jumped out at me, because unlike the other wild hunt, he always comes alone. He is completely unarmed. What do you think he wants? I don't think he's here to kill me, or steal my soul. He's tricked his way though my door twice now and hasn't attacked me. This is only wild speculation on my part, but, I think he's provoking me in order to lure me out of my house. He steals the most valuable thing he can because I won't let him in. He knows I will have no other choice to go out to meet him to try and retrieve what he has stolen. He wants some kind of confrontation. Well then, a confrontation he shall have. I haven't figured out how I'm going to get him yet. But I will, it's a matter of time. I've figured out this much. Thank you for the lead, stargazer. |
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#13 |
Wow, that's some story... If it is indeed the Elf King or something similar, there might be another reason why he's not showing you his face. You might have already found it in your research, but just in case you haven't:
"According to German and Danish folklore, the Erlkönig appears as an omen of death, much like the banshee in Irish mythology. Unlike the banshee, however, the Erlkönig will appear only to the person about to die. His form and expression also tell the person what sort of death they will have: a pained expression means a painful death, a peaceful expression means a peaceful death." |
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#14 |
Leyla, I agree with Stargazer. You should write novels. I usually won't read posts past the first couple of paragraphs (short attention span, I guess), but you had me hooked!
Sorry I can't help you with your specific issues, but I very much enjoyed your post. I also appreciate your humor amid such a serious topic. Best of luck with your mysterious undead elf. |
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#15 |
Something clicked in my brain. A time-referance-marker went off like a cherrybomb. My cell phone number spells out (in part) ivy tea pot. I just imagine a little ivy painted tea pot. Last night I was like "WAIT - IVY TEA POT!!!" I posted about this years ago. A woman gave me an ivy covered tea pot in the Astral. She called me to step with her out of the dream, into the astral, and I did. We stood next to a large old cypress tree, I was drawn to it and leaned up against it. Then she told me the story of the "Cypress Woman." A young man should be careful when he goes riding past the swamp, and sees a beautiful young woman standing there, because she might not really be a human woman at all but the spirit of a Cypress tree. He will often become enchanted with her, pick her up and take her to his home. There, they can be happy for years. She will have one or two children by him. And then one day he will come home to find her disappeared along with his children. She has taken them back to the swamp, where they have walked into the water and crossed back to her dimension. They send their women out to do this because their population numbers are running low. The way she was eying me up, it was clear she meant me. She said Cypress women had long slender fingers, nodding towards my hands. Then she handed me an ivy decorated teapot. She said it was mine. I have given it to her when I had been her grandmother, and she was returning it to me, now that I had reincarnated. Soon after this I had a vivid lucid dream, I was standing in a swamp, holding an ivy covered tea pot. It occurred to me that this was a womb symbol, the round bowl of the pot, and the ivy being like a family tree. It was gold paint, and very fine detail. Then, in the distance came a terrible clattering and din and the barking of dogs. The spirits of the Cypress trees began to reach out for me, calling my name, trying to pull me across to safety. I now realize what was going on here. It was the Wild Hunt. The Erlking "pursues the little wood wife." WOODWIFE: Dryad. Greek myth said Dryads were nymphs. Each one an oracular priestess with her own personal tree spirit. Like the Bible Prophetess Deborah who sat under a tree bearing her own name: [Judges 4:5] Dryads were priestesses of Artemis whos souls dwelt in their trees. Scot said in his day there were feminine spirits called Dryads in Greece and Druids in Scotland. They can shape shift appearing as birds or women. "They know out thoughts and can prophesy of things to come." Here's the clincher - When I dreamed the Erlking, and he showed me pictures of his world, it was ...a swamp. A Cypress tree filled swamp. Cypress tree: "Tree of Death" [Remember the Erlking leads a parade collecting the souls of the dead.] Cypress should be used at the time of a death of a friend of loved one. A sprig of Cypress should be thrown into a grave to give the deceased luck and love in the after life. It is the symbol of eternity and immortality. There there is this AMAZING illustrated children's story about the Wild Hunt, the Erlking, and why he "pursues the little woodwife," here called a moss maiden: ... ild-X.html Before anyone can ask: No I do not believe I am some kind of tree spirit. I just can't wrap my mind around it. Even though all paranormal signs point that direction. I know this was a known fact amongst the Druids. Maybe it's my Western bias. But damn it - I'M NOT A TREE. What's going on? Is he collecting the wee cypress souls and taking them home before I can even give them birth? Is it easier that way? This is just weird. X files weird. And reminds me closely of the alien abduction featus theft stories. |
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#16 |
Hello, Leyla.
This is amazing. Here's the clincher - When I dreamed the Erlking, and he showed me pictures of his world, it was ...a swamp. A Cypress tree filled swamp. Wasn't the picture you posted back then that of a tree, and you also told us about his death? [EDIT: Here: ... light=tree Somehow this sounds a bit related to me, because I remembered instantly.] Take good care, Oliver |
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#17 |
Korpo: Wasn't the picture you posted back then that of a tree, and you also told us about his death? OMG! (slaps forehead) Yes, it is a tree. I didn't even think of that.
Seriously, I'm afraid I might be going over the edge. This has got the be the craziest, most "out there," thread I've ever posted. I'm almost embarrassed. |
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#18 |
As long as you are able to sit back and analyse yourself instead of going automatic or obsess you are not even close to the edge. Weird experiences, true enough, but I don't think you are going over the edge.
Maybe you are just close to the point where in hindsight things began to make sense? There is always a sense of acceleration and of being overwhelmed close or at the turning point, at least in my experience. Maybe you can finally puzzle enough of this together to resolve something in your life that stretches beyond this incarnation. Reading your words about the woodwife seems to indicate that. You even specifically mention that something was waiting for you until you incarnated. Take good care, Oliver |
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#19 |
Okay, I believe I now have a handle on the situation. The Wood Wife/Moss Maiden is Mother Earth. She is the source of life and all things creative. Naturally, she is stalked by Death. Wherever there is a concept of Mother Nature it could hardly be failed to notice it is natural to Die. To be Born is to Die.
"The language of mysticism is frequently expressed in terms of a sacred quest a spiritual journey to retrieve a treasure from a giant, monster, or even death itself. often there is imagery associated with a descent - a descent into the unconscious." Over and over in several different myths the Goddess has a confrontation with Death, and Death tries to keep her. [Persephone/The Descent of the Goddess] She always refuses him, saying "I love you not." In the end she comes up with a compromise and says to him "Enter into me and so be reborn." Here's the Taoist version: "The Dark Lord came unto her. He stood outside the boundary of the circle which barred his way and begged her to let him in. [Sound Familiar???] But the Goddess feared him for he was large and powerful his strength much greater than hers He would rape and hurt her and seek to subject her to his will... She feared him and she would not permit him to enter in. Then he entreated "I seem large and threatening only because you ignore me." He sought only to be with her and to love and protect her he was her strength and she had need of him even as he had need of her love. Then the Dark Lord knelt down before her and wept. His weakness melter the cold heart of the Goddess of the Heavens... She knew pity and love and she let him in and they were joined as one... The core of her being expanded and flowed into the four corners of the universe and she gave birth to planets and stars. The white goddess became the mother of all living and it was love that had made her so. The love of another who suffered for her." Now I see why he was asking "Let me in." All the dead must find a womb that they can be reborn through. But I am still not understanding why he won't show me his face or tell me his name. This quote is offered: The Goddess alone is barren. And the God alone is forlorn. It is only when the male and female are united that the Goddess is impregnated and creation can spring forth. I guess there's my answer. But - I am still not covinced 100% it is the Death aspect of the God I am dealing with. Suppose this is a crafty impersonator? I can't trust this entity, who so far, has done not else but terrorize and steal my unborn- I assume so I will have to go retrieve them. If he loves me, he's sure got a funny way of showing it. |
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#20 |
But - I am still not covinced 100% it is the Death aspect of the God I am dealing with. Suppose this is a crafty impersonator? I can't trust this entity, who so far, has done not else but terrorize and steal my unborn- I assume so I will have to go retrieve them. If he loves me, he's sure got a funny way of showing it. ![]() Have you considered that this stranger is a darker aspect of a person you in some way already know - the demanding, straightforward, aggressive, dominant, male, Yang part? People not always come forward as wholes, but as aspects as well. Maybe you encountered that person in several ways already, and this is the creepy part of that person. I think we all have one. Just a guess. Take good care, Oliver |
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