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Old 06-02-2007, 01:12 AM   #1

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Default CEP2plet's notes
Well, I've been keeping notes on my experiences and I thought it'd be a good idea to share some of the notes. Like here's one about just last night...

"Well, this is a surprise. You're very much similar to a serial killer caught not too long ago in our office. Hahahaha! Congratulations, you got the job!" I was in a board meeting office room in some building in a downtown sector of a big city, because I saw the city skyline out the window of the room I was sitting in a chair in. The meeting was over, I got the job as an "engineer" of some sort, I can't remember which specifically. I saw myself, and I didn't look like myself, I was somebody else. I had some hair growth, curly brown hair, I was in my late 30s/early 40s from the looks of the wrinkles on my face, I was wearing a business suit, I didn't know where I lived, or about my past, or whatever. I enter a larger room full of cubicles, and there's a hallway next door to a "maintenance" room. I heard some noise coming from it, like some workers were doing some construction or remodeling work in the maintenance room. I walked towards the noise. The hallway leading to the maintenance room was almost a carbon-copy, design-wise, to my bedroom in the real world. As I got closer, the noise began to change; it wasn't construction work anymore. It was now office work, like in the cubicle room I past on my way to the maintenance room. And when I looked through the doorway to see what was going on, I noticed the main "electric switch box" directly across the doorway into the room. The room was also full of cubicles, but there were clones of this person, over and over again, in each of the cubicles. The room glowed with a weird bright green. And on each of the computer monitors, were, like, videos with static and glitching in and out were clips of this cloned guy murdering me in different time streams. They all turned and looked at me all at the same time. Then, this is where I remember what the woman in the board room was referring to; this guy was the serial killer. He had curly grayish-white hair with some growth to it, he was much older than me from the wrinkles on his face, late50s/early60s maybe, and wore a gray trench coat with a dark dressy shirt and tie and black pants under the coat. He wore dark sunglasses and he smoked. All the computer screens began to levitate out of the computer monitors, slowly began to merge together in a larger monitor, like a T-1000 in T2 forming back together after being blown up into tiny pieces from a bullet after being covered in liquid nitrogen. And this static-filled, glitchy screen began to become white, it made white noise hissing noises, and then started forming into a person. And that person was the killer. Somehow, I remembered each moment in each different time stream that this guy murdered me in all different kinds of ways. And now, somehow, this was going to be the last one. He had a gun. He smiled, raised it aiming at me. He pulled the trigger, and the bullet went into my chest right above my heart. I fall down, I'm feeling no pain because I'm in shock, I twitch a bit, I'm bleeding to death. My killer walks up to my soon-to-be-corpse, and reaches up to his face, and begins pulling off what looks to be a mask! It covered perfectly his face from his nose up. When he took off his mask, his face was the person's face that I was in the body of! He laughs, and it seemed to echo. Then I die, I'm leaving the person's body I was occupying, and everything goes white. And then I wake up in the maintenance room, this time, as a different person, one of the remodelers working in the maintenance room. The guy that was my killer, was somebody else, too. We looked the same as our "past selves", but now we're different people with different jobs. We were both remodelers, I was his son, and he was my father. We worked a family remodelling business, and were now working in that maintenance room. "Are you alright? You can't sleep on the job, you know. If they catch you or me sleeping, they might hire some other crew. Did you take a look at that electric switch box?" I said I was fine, looked over at the switch box, and walked toward it to check it out. When I opened the box, there were no fuses or electric switches. Instead there was just a mirror. And as I looked at the mirror, I could see behind me, that guy that was my killer, that was now my dad, was smiling. Then the mirror began to ripple. I looked at the ripple and it was circular, like something dropped into it. And then it ripples again, and this time, I saw a drop of "mirror substance" drop into it, but the direction which it was dropping into it was from the door, which was on the other side of the room. So, if you can imagine that, it's like there's two forces of gravity going on. One force of gravity keeps me and my dad standing on the floor, while another force of gravity makes the drops of mirror substance fall from the hallway through the maintenance room doorway into the mirror in the electric switch box. And then I turn around, and I'm in the office restroom. At this point, I decide to take a vacation. So I walk out of the office restroom, into the cubicle room, and into the board room, and ask the woman who gave that one guy that engineering job for some time off. She was alright with that, and offered me her chair. I sat in it, and I flew off out of the board room into the city skyline. WOW! What a view! Everything is just beautiful! Somehow though, that one guy that was my killer that's now my dad, he was flying in a chair as well. He shouted towards me (because of the long distance between us) that he was going to check out a summer home in the country just northwest of the city. He invited me to check it out and stay there with him. I said sure, why not? So I followed him flying over the city still, we're past the downtown sector and now over a body of water. There were private airplanes flying in the air with us. They did these really cool tricks of dipping down into the water and out back into the air. I thought it was cool, so I decided to try it out myself. I took my chair and swooped down and skimmed the water and swooped back up again! Wow, what a ride! And then we neared the end of the body of water, which ended with a HUGE waterfall. Just beautiful! The bottom of the waterfall deposited into a river, and we kept going northwest. It was now getting towards night time. It was a tree-filled area, this countryside we were flying over. We now got closer to the ground because we were getting closer to his residence. Through the trees, though, I somehow loose sight of him. So, I landed my office chair, and thought I heard him land just ahead of me, so I decided to walk it from there. I was walking up a hill, and, after I reached the top, there was a cemetary ahead of me. It's night time, and I think he landed just ahead of me... in a cemetary. I kind felt weird now, after everything else had happened, that he leads me to none other than a cemetary. Well, I figured "what-the-hey, I could turn back and fly back to the city whenever I want". So I walked through the cemetary a little bit. Then I heard something, like talking in the distance. Then some clanking hits in the distance. I shouted out to see if my dad would respond. Nope, nothing. "Well, forget this. I must have lost him." I thought. So I walked back to my office chair, sat back on it, and started flying back in the direction of the city. Just then, some "thing" ran up behind my chair, and I could see the shadow of it running up behind me because there was a big white-blue telephone pole light coming from the northwest direction of the cemetary. It looked big, hairy, and dog-like, I guess sort of like a werewolf, and it jumped up and grabbed my leg, and yanked me down to the ground, where it then proceeded to begin chowing down on my anus and private area. AAAHHH!!! Gross! Well, I wake up screaming in my bedroom in the real-world (well, what seemed to be the real-world at the moment). "Goddamn, that was quite an experience," I thought to myself. Multidimensional self-murder, a flying vacation, and now a werewolf making a snack off my ass! So I get up to go to the bathroom, and I walk out my bedroom door. But instead of walking out into my house hallway, I walk out onto a gravel street that is adjacent to the cemetary where the werewolf ate on me. There's all these machine-shed warehouse-looking buildings around, and I'm right by the white-blue telephone pole light. I run into one of the warehouses, and I'm looking around for something. I can't remember what I was looking for, but I found the craziest thing of all; my office chair. But wait, it wasn't my office chair, it was a girl. Or was it? I couldn't tell the difference. It was too dark to see any more details than a silhouette. So, somehow, me not being able to differentiate between a girl and a chair makes me go nuts, and then, finally, I wake up screaming. NOW the dreams over! Right?? Well, actually, no, it continued on, because I wasn't actually all "there" back in my body yet. So I had to wait a little bit laying in bed. Then, after a couple of minutes, there's this oscillation sound, and I was now completely me again. In other words, I had all of my "senses" or "myself" or whatever, back together again as a whole. Now, it's over. And I had the weirdest feeling in my head, like there was a lot of pressure in it. It wasn't a headache or sinuses; it was more like I could taste the fluids in my head, almost. Well, it was weird.

My OBEs are like this a lot. I'm always somebody else, or no one (invisible). There have been a couple times where I was myself. But those were rare occasions.
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Old 06-02-2007, 02:43 AM   #2

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Here's another one I had early this morning...

I came home from college, and I was throwing a memorial party for all the classmates I've met in my life. A lot of them showed up, but not all. It was being held at the house I grew up in when I was going to school. I was sitting in the front lawn of it as people showed up. I walked in the house and walked upstairs to where my parents' bedroom used to be. There was a small crawl-size door that went into the closet that was in my old bedroom. But this time, there were two of them, one going into the closet and the other going into my old bedroom. I crawled in the one that went into my closet, and instead of ending up in my closet, I end up coming out of the second one going from my old bedroom into my parents' old bedroom. So, I tried again. I crawled through the one that went into the closet of my old bedroom, and this time, I ended up in the closet. I open the closet door to enter my bedroom and there's this girl I knew from high school standing on the other side of the closet door in my old bedroom. She said she was working with the FBI. They were tracking my online activity and said that at some point I had accessed a "BASS" server, the "BASS" network being known for hacking, fraud, and ID theft. I told her it was just some network I found on the Internet, and she got angry that I was acting innocent. She obviously thought I was involved in something, but whatever, and then I came back and awoke.

That part where I was crawling through the same crawl-door, and ending up in different locations is pretty important. The "suspension" of cause-and-effect, where familiar doorways lead to locations they don't necessarily lead to in the real world. And plus, even the appearance of things being added on or out of place altogether, things not necessarily being in their locations in the real world or just plain nonexistent in the real world. It reminds me of the quantum logic problem about matter shifting in and out of the real world. If I covered a pen with a box, the question of it still being there underneath the box is answered with both yes and no. It's still there, under the box, but then again, no, it isn't, but then again, yes, it is, but then again, etc. So, there seems to be something similar going on in both the RTZ and the astral dimension. Just a thought.
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Old 06-02-2007, 03:51 AM   #3

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In quantum physics an object exist in what is called superposition. This is its natural state. Superposition is where something exists in every location it can possibly exist. So in essence it is everywhere at once. It is only when in the presence of an observer that it collapses into the one location. In essence we make our own reality. I can see how this could be a bit skewed in RTZ. Things seem to be a bit more loose when it comes to the natural laws of reality.

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Old 06-09-2007, 09:34 AM   #4

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How 'bout them spiders?

Woke up in the astral again to see one of mine, it was on the outside of my canopy this time, lookin' at me. It knows I kicked it out. Hope it's not plotting vengance. LOL.
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Old 06-09-2007, 11:41 AM   #5

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They're comin', don't worry . Couldn't get out and get the notes today, I'll try again tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.
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Old 06-10-2007, 08:50 PM   #6

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I got my old notes yesterday. They're in a messy stack, and I'm going to go through them today and find the ones with spider descriptions. The stack is thick, so it'll take a little bit of time to find them all, as the stack of notes covers 2 years of OB activity.
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Old 06-27-2007, 04:18 AM   #7

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OK, blah blah blah, spiders, yes I know, SPIDERS!!!

Here we go, a brief description of spiders:

December 8-9, 2006:

In this particular one, a Godzilla-like creature scorches an entire subdivision of some lakeside suburb of a large city. There were zombies everywhere that began with one rape, and David Icke was a martial arts teacher there as well. Castle dungeons as well as train networks that brought the whole city together. Well, in the parking garage of one of the train stations/entertainment locations of this city, there were white, sickly-looking spiders crawling around the garage. They hid around vehicles and stuff. They didn't seem to be involved or connected at all to the zombie epidemic that sweeped the city or the Godzilla-like monster, so they were just sort of, well... there. They didn't seem harmful or anything, just kind of out of place in that parking garage.

December 27-28, 2006:

OK, I saw hordes of spiders that were of the same species in the middle of world-split in semi-Beetlejuice world where reality was split in two, one the "positive" world of matter, and the other the "negative" world of anti-matter. However, in this world, matter and anti-matter could meet up with each other in certain locations, providing the possibility of cancellation. These spiders were about the size of spiders in this physical world. These spiders were all black and to small to see their details.

There were other, larger spiders that had some red lining on their bodies. They were all black, except the red lining. These spiders also salivated.

There were also half-spider-half-humanoid people/creature/things as well. They were intelligent and could speak. They acted a little too human, as some were in relationships of a personal nature with other, seemingly incompatible, humanoid people/creature/things as well.

Also there were some spiders that swam in the sewage of this place. The sewage was everywhere, so they were pretty common as well. They were also too small to differentiate details.

With these spiders and spider-humanoids, there existed their anti-material counterparts as well.

Sorry, this will do for now, sorting through more notes...

There's one particular kind of spider I found that I might not have written down in my notes. It's a spider with a body about the size of a large dufflebag that wraps its legs around a person's waist from behind, and sticks its fangs into a person's back. The effect from whatever it's injecting in its host is instantaneous. The spider uses other humanoid bodies as hosts to tap into their minds from their backs to control their minds and use their neural networks as an extension of their own, and use the intelligence of the humanoid as if it were its own. That kind of spider was probably the weirdest one I've ever come across.
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Old 07-05-2007, 11:53 PM   #8

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Putting the spider topic on hold for a bit...

You know, I was wondering what if all these experiences in the astral are "decision sequences", like they're situations simulated in order for us to make certain decisions in them that we would not otherwise make had we not been in those simulated experiences. The decisions we make while awake affect the physical world both directly and indirectly, and our decision-making here is somewhat consistent, due to the consistency of our environment. Plus, here, it's easier to make agreements and contracts with others, so it's directed more to structure. But while out-of-body, we do "other things". We're in situations that we typically will never be in physically. But being in a different environment with different rules, our decisions may be different as well.

Speaking of "other things"... I've read recently somewhere about how our physical presence, and all of matter, in the Universe is a "disturbance" at the quantum level. Now that there's a new understanding of ether or empty space today that was considered not there from the misinterpretation of the Michaelson-Morley experiment, matter is some kind of disturbance in empty space. So, if that's the case, then our normal waking life (activity and metabolism) is our standard level of disturbance, and when we sleep, relax, meditate, or induce AP, the "amplitude of our disturbance" maybe decreases, so we can do "other things"? Kind of like a processor, maybe? We're saturated with processing information of this Universe, that we're sort of a half-frozen computer grinding through a huge process that could take hours, but then when we decrease that disturbance, we can free up some space on the processor to do other tasks that we wanted to do as well, but couldn't with the standard disturbance rate? Well, that's kind of where my thought about APs and dreams being "decision sequences" came up. We're processing commands and instructions through the decisions we make, and in order for us to make certain sequences of decisions, it's necessary to conjure up the proper settings in order to make those certain sequences of decisions, otherwise we won't make them.

Something to think about for now...
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Old 07-06-2007, 12:45 AM   #9

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That's a great way of saying what I've always believed. Except I think that we make the decisions in our more 'free' state and test it in our longer-bandwidth 'more limited' state.
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