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Old 04-12-2007, 05:28 AM   #21

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I apologize too, I tend to get all preachy and cought up with messages, I forget to read my posts through someone else's eyes, if I had done just that, I may very well have seen that it seemed like I was coming "out of the coffin" and trying to make a good name for "my kind". This is not the case. One of my greatest "interests" or "life-quests" if you like, is to constantly seek and explore and evolve. To be purely and 100% honest (this is really opening up, I don't know why I suddenly feel like I can write this) - yes, there was a time when I was so sure I was one of the "real vampires" - which shattered and brought down my view of the world and of myself, see, I've always been a kind and understanding person, the teachers at my daycare and elementary schools would tell my mother how remarkable I was, instantly comforting and sitting next to other children who were crying or were upset, perhaps even start crying myself and partake in their grief. I am a natural peacekeeper, as a teen I held long sessions helping even grown-ups with their relationship problems. (although I'm no angel, I have my dark moments too, unfortunately and regrettably ). "Realizing" I unconsciously sometimes feed off others and possibly hurt them, made me feel terrible about myself and I jumped down into a dark pit called "short period of depression", I wouldn't speak to anyone, I wouldn't do anything, just sleep (and dream of a perfect world).

Many years have passed since that time. All I know is this: I have never hurt anyone with intent, moreso, I have healed people who have asked for it. I can raise and sustain energy from non-human sources and keep the energy within my system, so that strongly suggests I am not at all a psychic vampire. I believe my "true nature", if I ever reach such a conclusion, or if it even exists - can not be described by any label/s, and this applies for everyone.

Tempestinateapot - thank you so much for that insightful post, there was the kind of understanding and insight I was hoping for, the mentality I see in these forums. I agree with everything written there, and I also want to underline that anyone can learn how to actively feed, err, actively exchange and raise energy off other human sources, the energy signature is very unique, and this sort of intake of energy can become very addictive and lead down a road of destruction. The thing is, anyone chosing to go down this road was a pretty bad person in the first place...

About past lives, I believe you relive your past lifes in this life, remembering lessons and situations happening before, as a certain theme based upon a certain past life plays out in this incarnation. I belive my psivamp past life has played out and taught me what I needed to know. So, here we go, once again:

No, I am not a psychic vampire.

ps. Thank you Journyman for sorting out our misunderstanding in PM, I appreciate the talk first - approach. Peace and love to you.

suggestion: since this thread has spinned way out of topic, what about locking it?
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Old 04-12-2007, 05:40 AM   #22

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suggestion: since this thread has spinned way out of topic, what about locking it? Oh, I don't know...some of the best conversations come out of topics that have slid off the main course. Going off-topic never bothers me unless the original poster is offended.
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Old 04-12-2007, 05:48 AM   #23

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Oh, allright then! Any comments on my lengthy post previous to this one?
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Old 04-12-2007, 06:57 AM   #24

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Wow. All I've got to say is... wow. Lots of information. I'll add my own two cents about the energy exchange thing.

I went to a seminar with a person who's name is Sang Park. He is Russian born and raised but of Korean descent. Anyway, he moved to America 15 years ago I think and has been studying energy and vibrational sounds used in Qi Gong. He is, energetically, a very powerful man. He was explaining the natural energy exchange between people and said that when a person is in a state of depression, or mourning, they naturally leech energy from people to fix their own energy problems. Same with people who are sick. I met a very negative person who was always complaining of some illness or another and she was always sucking energy from people. So much that some people I know who are very energy sensitive refused to sit by her on a bus. People who are perpetually negative are also perpetually feeding off other peoples positive energy trying to replace what they are missing. I think this could be the origin of the psi vampire, some one who is in such a state of depression that in order to keep themselves going their body naturally sucks the energy out of large groups of people and even worse, individual human beings. These people are not born this way but become this way through a negative self-image. Your not a little baby sucking the energy out of people who pick you up . Anyway this is just energy exchange as I understand it. I'll do it as a math equation...

Positive person (energy = 100%)
Negative person or person going through grieving (energy = 60%)

Positive person (100%) consoles negative person (60%) ----> Positive person feels slightly drained (80%) negative person starts to feel better (80%)

The positive person gives their energy to the negative person to help them feel better, it's a natural process and only the really energy sensitive people would notice it happening. Now let's point out if your energy was at 60% you would be dying and if your energy was at 100% you would be newly born. But still you get the idea. I don't think the negative person is a psychic vampire I just think that they need support, and that support comes from the extra energy of the positive person.
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Old 04-12-2007, 07:59 AM   #25

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Well put flash_hound, I just want to add that energy deficit could be a result from many more things than only physical illness and depression. Starting to raise energy as in NEW, projecting warmth and light to someone in need (as in some types of healing), going through a tough awakening etc. many things can lead to an increased need for energy. As far as I can tell, most of the psychic vampire support groups around the net define a psychic vampire as a someone who is born with a "damaged" energy pattern, where they can't fill up their own energy needs just by sleep, proper diet etc. and have developed skills over several life times to cope with this energy deficit by feeding off outside sources. These skills can vary in strength and nature and usually come in "save money by buying paranormal skillpackages" with all kinds of paranormal abilities and traits, and the awakening to one's true nature usually occurs somewhere in the later teens, for some earlier, for some later, usually when the physical puberty is over, the mental and "spiritual" if you like, kicks in, with all the hormones and everything changing and racing rapidly, although now it's pure energy and soul-developement going on rather than your limbs growing.

If this is truth or not, I can not say. But thanks again for pointing out that exchanging energies with other human sources is natural and a way for the circle of life to go around. It's when you do it actively, and take in too much energy in order to hurt others, it gets bad and becomes an act of egoism and evil.
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:58 AM   #26

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Just a thought, but...

Depression, etc. does not necessarily constitute a lack of energy.

Have you ever heard the phrases "feel the tension in the room", "feel the force of their anger"? Negative emotions produce a sort of energy in and of themselves... that is a concept behind empathy, as well.

What I'm trying to say is, there is not necessarily a lack of energy in all cases, just different kinds.

My depression does not constitute a lack of energy for example, just... "sad" energy, "down" energy. Tiredness is not a symptom of my depression. I just sleep to "escape". One wonders where I go...
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Old 04-12-2007, 06:56 PM   #27

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I've been through that sleep to escape state, it sorta sucks to wake up...

Well, as far as I can understand, a severe lack of energy will most probably lead to depression, and then you will sort of go into a state of "hybernation" (heh), where you fall asleep and your subconscious kicks in, starting to feed from any source it can. This is the danger of not balancing your energies, if you don't you can become a threat to others without even knowing it.

So: lack of energy mental / physical / emotional illness or depression

Maybe I wasn't too clear on that.

But I have to disagree with you... I am a very peaceful creature, I have only felt what I can call "hate" two or three times in my life, when hating I felt very "strong", my energies and the adrenaline was rushing through me etc, but when the hatred faded, I felt very drained, very ashamed of the fact that I resorted to hatred in the first place and that was very tireing and energy-consuming all in all. Hating might make you feel "powerful" when your at it, but afterwards when you realize how destructive such a feeling is, you (in my opinion and experience) will become really "low". Hatred is never a good thing.

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Old 04-12-2007, 08:31 PM   #28

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Yeah, there are more people than you think that are unconsciously feeding off energy. Even when you are stressed and feel hate you can unintentionally take energy. Or cause something bad for that person. I believe that if there is enough will to make something happen and you put all your emtion into it then it has a very good chance of happening. Isn't that why people pray? And if their hearts are really in the prayer then it will come true, at least most times. Almost all religions have the intention to change something in the world, which some people call magick. That's all it is, really. To change something in the world. If you live with intention, then you live with magick. That being my definition of the word. Witches do magick with spells. Chritstians, Jews,ect. do this with prayer. Even practices like Reiki have 'magick' in them. Send something out and it will return to you 3x as great. Wiccans: An harm none, then do what ye will. Golden rule: Do unto others as youw ould have them do to you. We are all connected with the energy of the universe, and if we aren't careful we can abuse it. When we start abusing it, bad things happens
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Old 04-12-2007, 09:29 PM   #29

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What a beautiful post blacktiger, I agree with everything written there. But someone once explained to me you can sort of "hurt" another person without it being an evil act, see, all you do is wich for (magic/pray/intention etc.) their karma to catch up with them and jump them in the face. I actually see no harm in doing this to someone, but maybe it's a crime to meddle with someone else's personal growth.

This post has grown a lot since the OP, good job friends! And thank you Wrong Eye for creating this post

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Old 04-13-2007, 02:36 AM   #30

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Thanks, haslameth. I hope this will make people more aware of what even thoughts can do. Just wanted to add something, a technique I read from a book, forget which though. If you do happen to think something bad about a person, which is only human, then right after the thought think "cancel." I find that this is very helpful and using it can stop conflicts that don't need to happen.
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Old 04-13-2007, 04:23 AM   #31

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I don't want to come across as a "know it all", but a couple of things said in this thread prompted me to say something.
Your not a little baby sucking the energy out of people who pick you up I would almost bet the farm you've never had children, much less a baby. It seems some people have the Hallmark card vision of what a baby is all about. A long time ago, I had a career as a labor and delivery nurse. I worked in a teaching hospital, which means we had a lot of poverty level mothers, and not just a few "crack babies". These babies are a mess emotionally. Not only do they have a high degree of stress, they also increase the stress of everyone around them. One of my own children was an extremely (I mean extremely) high strung baby. No matter what I did, he could not be comforted. He would scream at the top of his lungs, literally for hours while I was holding him. There was absolutely nothing wrong with him physically. He's in his 30's now, and it's very obvious to me that he came in with a lot of unresolved past life issues. To some degree, we are, shall we say, exchanging lots of energy with each other. I love him dearly, but life has never been easy with him, nor with me. So, no, I don't believe babies are born into this world with a "blank slate" as many psychologists would have us believe. Sorry, just speaking from experience.

Wrong Eye said:
Depression, etc. does not necessarily constitute a lack of energy. and Tiredness is not a symptom of my depression. I don't mean to offend, but "tiredness" actually is a symptom of depression. A very well known symptom. I've been clinically depressed in my life, and understand it well. It's not usually the cause of depression, but can be, particularly when the tiredness comes from other physical ailment. But, when nothing else physical is going on, depression will cause tiredness. It feels like the need to escape by sleeping, but there is a lot more going on physically. There are a lot of chemical problems going on. Which brings me to my next comment...

I think that, to some degree, people are mixing up physical energy drain with psychic energy drain. Yes, they are intimately linked, but there are also very different actions going on, with often completely different causes. You can have physical energy drain by being physically sick. This is at a chemical level, and won't be corrected until the physical problem is corrected. On the other hand, you can be perfectly healthy physically and experience psychic energy drain...created by yourself or others. Your own strong emotions can drain your psychic energy...as in becoming angry. Blaming that on another person, "he/she made me mad", will bring about an instance of you being the cause of leaking your own energy. No one can make you mad, that is a choice that you have made. If someone is around who will soak up that energy, it's still not always the case that they "sucked" it from you. You gave it freely, probably unconsciously, but you made the choice to become angry.

Our bodies and consciousness are intimately linked, but you (the universal "you", not anyone in particular) can't make a blanket statement that someone stole your energy. For one thing, you are missing the point that we constantly exchange energy (which has been shown scientifically), and the biggest point that you are responsible for your own life and how you interpret things. I already see someone saying that they didn't ask to be robbed, beaten, etc. At the risk of being very controversial, I think that person did on some level. We make a lot of decisions about how our life will go before we incarnate. We are the masters of our own ships. With my clients, I see how laying the blame for their lives at everyone else's feet is detrimental to their recovery. I've even learned to recognize this in myself. It's the easy thing to do. The hard thing is to take control of your own life and make the best of what you've got.
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Old 04-13-2007, 05:15 AM   #32

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I think that tempestinateapot made a good point. Just because you are experiencing a strong emotion doesn't mean that it is giving you energy. In fact a lot of the time with strong emotions you "spend your energy" feeling them. Like when you cry for like 3 hours you feel spent after words, you use up all that negative energy that is resting inside of you. Same with anger, although I think anger can be a lot more dangerous.

A cause of depression could be an energetic issue just as much as an issue with the chemicals in your brain. Just because "modern medicine" has diagnosed it one way, doesn't mean that it is necessarily true. People are still far from understanding the brain.
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Old 04-14-2007, 02:13 AM   #33

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I think that, to some degree, people are mixing up physical energy drain with psychic energy drain. Yes, they are intimately linked, but there are also very different actions going on, with often completely different causes. You can have physical energy drain by being physically sick. This is at a chemical level, and won't be corrected until the physical problem is corrected. On the other hand, you can be perfectly healthy physically and experience psychic energy drain...created by yourself or others. Your own strong emotions can drain your psychic energy...as in becoming angry. Blaming that on another person, "he/she made me mad", will bring about an instance of you being the cause of leaking your own energy. No one can make you mad, that is a choice that you have made. If someone is around who will soak up that energy, it's still not always the case that they "sucked" it from you. You gave it freely, probably unconsciously, but you made the choice to become angry.
I agree. Just wanted to add some of my experience. One of my ex-friends (after a couple of huge fights we decided that we don't really need each other), decided one day that I actually was a psychic vampire, and not just messing around imagining stuff (he's very catholic and fundementalist, I am sure that "insight" shook his world theroy to the ground, and I was given much of the blame). I am pretty sure he scanned the net for all possible info, including the false and made-up info written by roleplayers, fakes, lifestylers and plain nutjobs, and then he would sort of hate / fear me. I could just sit in a room and suddenly feel this incoming channel of prana flowing into me. At the time I wasn't that skilled in energy work to cut off the link, but I was sensitive enough to feel the "positive" effects of this energy pouring down into me, seemingly out of nowhere. Then later would my xfriend come up to me and give me hell about how I stole his energy. I did nothing lol, I believe all the xfriend did was thinking "oh my god, he's draining me, he's draining me WTF SHOULD I DO?!?!?" and automatically start pouring energy into me. This happened like too many times, and in the end I couldn't bother to explain to him again and again and again that I did not suck his energy into me, he did this by constantly telling himself that I stole his energy. And it wouldn't help that I also told him I was pretty sure I wasn't a vampire after all. Sigh.

And about depression, yeah I've been there too, for two shorter periods in my life. You become so tired you can't find motivation to do anything, and you almost become blocked mentally, making studying and socializing very hard, painful perhaps even impossible. So. You sleep to escape.

Am in a rush so I can't check the post for spellchecks etc. will do that later.
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Old 04-14-2007, 09:46 AM   #34

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I know tiredness is a symptom of depression. However, I don't seem to experience it. That is all I meant.

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Old 04-14-2007, 09:59 AM   #35

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No, I'm sorry. I misread the sentence and didn't see the "my".
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Old 04-14-2007, 10:12 AM   #36

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That's fine, Tempest, it's ok. Even Stephen Hawking misreads stuff.


I like the term "Big Crunch". It sounds like universal breakfast cereal.
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Old 04-14-2007, 09:51 PM   #37

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The term depression is very general, and the various versions of a depression differ very much from one another, also you can make a distinction between "light" and "heavy" depression (ok I'm not sure that's the english equivalents but you get the idea).

ps. hahahah the ladybug on my tummy is really tickling me!!
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Old 04-15-2007, 10:02 AM   #38

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The "heavy" type at least is called "major depression".

I believe depression has its roots deeper than the brain, and mental illness does too. I've had unexplained things happen, for example. I do believe it is something "more" than just brain chemicals.

There also is a distinction between "construct of the mind" and "astral", as in sometimes the brain does not affect astral reality. I'm learning distinctions as I go, because my imagination does not affect things a lot of the time.


What ladybug? If that comes from Stephen Hawking, I am going to bash my head against the wall. (No not really)
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Old 04-15-2007, 08:27 PM   #39

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I think chemicals and hormones are just the physical results of a much bigger process, like you can tell through aura vision that a person will be sick long before any physical symptoms show up.

I long for the day when we all (humans) realize you can't really distinguish the physical, mental, spiritual and other parts of what makes a Person, because they are intimately interconnected with each other. For some reason we really like separating things, as in "this is right, this is wrong", "heaven / hell", "jew / christian / musilm" etc... I wonder what that need comes from.
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Old 04-16-2007, 09:58 AM   #40

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For some reason we really like separating things, as in "this is right, this is wrong", "heaven / hell", "jew / christian / musilm" etc... I wonder what that need comes from.

Plain and simple. Humanity's need to order, stabilize, classify, understand everything. And like they said in my Logic class...

We abstract away from reality to understand it, because its complexity is too high.
I do believe these things have their place, because without order things would be wildly insane and crazy (sometimes positive, sometimes negative), but... when with separation comes hatred and boundaries, that's when I think it is highly harmful.
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