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Old 01-05-2006, 12:05 AM   #1

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Default My OBE Thread
its kinda online journal:

I started with meditation and energy work 4 weeks ago and i had never even a spontaneous projection and today i had my 2nd and 3rd conscious projection. When i had my first a few days ago i wasnt sure wether it was a lucid dream but now there is no doubt for me. I had one of the minidreams you have every morning after awaking but if you dont stand up. i woke up again and felt the vibrations all over my body and i decidet to roll out of my bed so i did and fell on the floor LOL
i thought i was still in my body but my eyes were closed and i tryed to open them but i couldnt. i concentrated hard on opening my eyes and finally i managed but it were my physical eyes and i still was in bed!
i still felt the vibrations and decidet to try it again so again i rolled out of body and again i was blind but this time i didnt try to open my eyes. then i realized that this wasnt even necessary because i somehow felt where everything was. i went into the living room where my parents were talking about something. i tryed to understand what they were saying but i couldnt so i went back into my room because i wanted to look at my body. i went past the mirror and decidet to look at me in the mirror. i looked a bit smaller and younger than im in reality and then i was in my body again.
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:52 PM   #2

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ok i got out again this morning and heres my experience:

after the vibrations started i got out of my bed and went to the mirror to look at me again. everything was a bit blurry but i didnt bother. again i looked a bit smaler and younger than i really am. i stood there for a few seconds and looked at me. then i wanted to feel my astral body and touched my stomach. the next moment i woke up in bed and felt a very strong tingling and throbbing in the stomach. it was most obviously an energy sensation in my navel center. vibrations were weak and quickly faded away because the tingling distracted me. the sansations also went away after a few seconds.

here are my thoughts:

1. im currently reading astral dynamics (very good read) and first i wondered why i saw no melting effect even after a few seconds looking into the mirror. maybe looking into the mirror is like seeing yourself from the point of view of another projector because robert bruce says that you dont see a melting effect if looking at another projector.

2. touching the astral body seems to be like the touch of very strong awareness hands as described in NEW and most obviously leads to heavy energy sensations. maybe more experienced and energetically more developed people could try to touch the brow center to get 3rd eye visions or enable high level projection. since i do NEW for only a month now i dont think that it would be safe for me...
if i could learn to stay in the astral if i touch myself i could do energy work there and it would be easyer (if you can get out regularly) and far more effective than in the physical.

now what do you think?
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Old 01-14-2006, 10:15 PM   #3

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this morning i tryed to induce an OBE with the frequent nap technique.
i just lay in bed and tryed to calm my mind. after some time a lucid mini dream starts automatically. i then wake up after a few minutes (takes me that long to realyze im dreaming) and again try to calm my mind. i did this for nearly an hour when vibrations fadet in. they started in my head and spread very rapidly over the whole body.
i think because of the technique i wasnt able to stay concentrated when vibrations started (i sill was very dreamy) and they faded away as quickly as they started... i tryed to induce them again and noticed that when i move my body awarenass to a part of my body, vibrations will start exactly there and im able to move them around my body. that was quite fascinating and a cool feeling.
i examined the feeling more closely and now its quite obvious to me that vibrations are energy sensations. they feel somehow related to the tingly feeling that you get by doing energy work.
after some playing with vibrations they fadet away and i couldnt induce them any more so i woke up properly.
this wasnt exactly an OBE but still interesting so i write it here.
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Old 01-15-2006, 01:10 AM   #4

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I think it's very cool that you can induce vibrations and control them.
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Old 01-16-2006, 09:20 PM   #5

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yeah thanks but its still very hard for me to get to the right state for inducing vibrations.

i woke up at about 5 am and it took me some time to realize that im awake, when i looked at the clock it was 5:15. the first few minutes i tried to remember my dream for my dream journal but it seems that i was up too long and i recaled only some brief moments. i slept for only 4 hours but i felt very refreshed and wide awake. i am awoken at 6:30 normally but i wasnt tired at all and decided to use the time and do some energy work and to meditate. i finished at 6 am so i wanted to try to sleep for the last minutes.
for a long time i lay awake and tryed to calm my mind with the hope that it will go wandering and i will fall asleep. well it did wander but i didnt fall asleep but after some time vibrations fadet in. i decided that i should give it a try and used several projection technique with no succes. i turned to the other side and i thought that it must be time to wake up (that moment i left the body but i didnt realize it ). i stood up and walked around in the room. it was dark and thats nothing special in the morning. this is the first part of my projection before any reality fluctuations were noticed and my memory of that part is very bad since i didnt bother with hammering things into my head because i didnt know i was projecting...
then at a moment i felt very weak and fell to the floor. i thought that projection is in progress and that my rtz-double is doing some crazy things and sucks energy out of me. at that time i felt a presence in my room that was very familiar, i thought it was my brother. i managed to stand up again and my light was on and i could see everything. i looked at my clock and it showed 6:45. i thought: 'hey i should have been waken up since 15 minutes' so i wanted to dress on. i then saw out of the window saw my garden but everything was out of stone. i thought that this cant be and that im still dreamy and my subconscious is playing me a joke. i looked away and then again out of the window, again everything was out of stone. i did it again and this time there were cars driving in my garden...
i thought that here is definetly something wrong and then that i maybe died during sleep (dunno why i thought that). then i realized that i must be out of body. i felt for my body and woke up in it a moment later. i looked at the clock: 6:49.
sorry for this novel-like-post.

i still dont know why i woke up that early but there is no other explination to me then to have an OBE...

it definatly was much too long because of the crazy anomalies and because i can hardly recall the first part of the projection.

i think the presence in the room was my own body.

the waekness could mybe result from the dream mind starting to work but i cant explain why i was able to stand up again.
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Old 02-10-2006, 10:04 PM   #6

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I tryed to project this morning because i had still two hours time after waking up. i calmed my mind for and when i thought that i was in the right state of mind i tryed the point shift method. i imagined myself standig up and walk to the door of my room. the imagination was very vivid: i felt the floor under my feet and and the door when i opened it and i really felt myself being there. that really surprised me and i woke up (?) sitting on a chair in the kitchen. my father came in and asked what i do in the kitchen. i sayd that i try to project then reallization came that im supposed to still be in bed and i woke up properly. on awakening i felt myself somehow being dragged to the direction where i imagined myself to be (like theres gravity coming from that direction) and i was sure that this feeling would lead to a projection if im able to hold it but i wasnt able.

Was this a projection? during projections i dont feel my body if i dont intentionally touch something or feel for it, but this was just like real walking.
Because of this and the lack of exit sensations i tend to believe that this was a visually induced lucid dream. What do you think?
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Old 02-14-2006, 01:08 AM   #7

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i woke up last night (maybe false but i dont know. it felt reall) in a state just right for projecting. i dont know why ive got the idea but i induced vibrations by doing the full body circuit in that state and it worked. i then stod and i was pretty sure that i was having an obe. it still felt so incredibly real, just like waking life. i walked to the mirror and there were some reallyty fluctuations, but i didnt notice them as such maybe i was partially dreaming. i wanted to see my hands melt so i looked at them. first nothing happened then my fingers started to become shorter and shorter and i just thought 'wow that looks cool'.
i walked to a playing card (that isnt there in real life but were there a week ago), picked it up and it was the card that lay there a week ago. i then wanted to try to go through a wall but first i asked for some light, since it was quite dark in the night but it didnt work. so i went to a wall and wanted to step through it but it didnt work. after that i went away from the wall a few meters and ran straight into it lol
but still it didnt work and the wall felt really solid. i wanted to look at my body but it wasnt in bed although the bed had a form as though somebody is lying in it. after a few seconds i saw some flashs of white light inside my invisible body and thought that this were energy discharges. i went into the living room adn my father were there. i think this is the point where the expereince drifts of to a dream completely. i wanted to get beck to my body but still everything felt so reall that the only body i could focus on was the one im in. i went back into my room and dived into my body. i had an indefinable feeling and knew i was back, but i wasnt because a new dream started at this point, so the reentry was a false awakening.
it seem s that this was wake up-->obe-->lucid dream-->false awakeing-->dream. Is this high level of reallytya product of energy work?
Im very confused...
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Old 02-14-2006, 05:46 AM   #8

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For some reason, when you slip into the astral or a lucid dream from an OBE (not the regular way) things become more realistic: You may not be able to walk through a wall (most frustrating) or do certain things you could do in an RTZ OBE. Some have theorized that the astral is a different environment that closely matches your astral body (thus making it harder to consciously manipulate) while the RTZ seems like 'real life' but is more 'out of phase' than your body double thus you can go through walls, etc. As for lucid dreams, who knows. I've had lucid dreams that were completely outlandish (making it obvious it's a dream) and had dreams that were so realistic that at some point I lose lucidity and continue as a regular dream.
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Old 02-18-2006, 10:21 PM   #9

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today i woke up early and decidet to try to project. it took me nearly an hour to achieve the right state to project. i managed for the first time ever to maintain full waking consciousness all the time up to this state. earlyer i drifted off to sleep afew times before i could project, so when i projected the mind was a bit dreamy but this time not. this time i also felt no vibrations as i fell them usually but i felt as though my whole body was moving like turbulent water. its hard to describe but i felt rushing sensations like the body rushes if that makes sense...
anyway i tryed to in to induce vibrations by doing the full body circuit (it worked once before although im not sure whether this was a dream) and the inner movement became much stronger. i tryed to get out by rolling out of body and it worked but i felt a great deal of my awareness being still in the physical body so i felt both the projectable and the physical body equally strong. thats also hard to describe...
to concentrate solely on the projectable body was very hard this time and movement was very hard. nevertheless i walked to the wall and tryed to walk through it head first. i came very close to the wall and i could fell it and see it very close but i couldnt move further. then i walked to another wall and tryed a technique that i did once before in a lucid dream:
first i reached with both hands through the wall. then i held the wall from the other side and pulled myself through the wall. this time it wasnt a problem since my subconscious knew that it is possible because i did it once before. i was really happy about that and lost concentration for a moment and was back in the body. my dreams seem to be a great help for projection. thats cool
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Old 02-23-2006, 05:32 PM   #10

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This one was spontaneous. i woke up in a semi sleepy state and realized that my body was gently swinging. a few seconds after this realization vibrations fadet in and i floated out of my body without the slightest mental efford (that was a cool light feeling). i was blind. for some reason most of my projections start blind but i dont bother and soon sight fades in. i stood up and walked to the wall of my room to go through but i didnt manage it. i tryed the same technique as last time but that also didnt work. the door was closed but i thought if im really that solid then i should be able to open the door. i opened the door and went into the living room where i knew my father was in watching tv (i felt his presence). at this point sight faded in. i looked at the spot where i knew my father was sitting but i didnt see him. i tryed to get some attention from my invisible father but nothing happened so i went into my brothers room.
he was just about to put his bedding into his daybed. i tryed to get his attention and it worked: he looked at me and was quite surprised and fascinated. i decided to make him come with me but at this point a very short dream started and i was back in my body. while i was writing this down i heard my brothers daybed sliding shut. does anybody have an idea why my father was invisible to me although i clearly knew that he was there? i veryfied this after standing up and he sat exactly where i felt him.

btw my door was closed after waking up. but i didnt expect to open the real door...
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Old 03-06-2006, 08:43 PM   #11

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yesterday i was at my grandparents'. i woke up and just layed there and after a while vibrations fadet in on their own accompanied by a slight sinking sensation. this surprised my and they fadet away, but i didnt want to miss the chnace and induced them again by recalling the sinking sensation. i stood up and walked a bit. because i didnt plan to project i didnt know what to do, so the projection was short. immediately after it a short lucid dream started and i woke up completely. the invironment was nothing new to me so unluckyly i didnt find anything to confirm that i wouldnt have known anyway
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Old 03-09-2006, 05:02 PM   #12

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I tryed to project this morning because didnt have to go to school early. after some time of trying to calm my mind i thought that im propably in the right state of mind to induce vibrations. i did the full body circuit and vibrations fadet in but only in some parts of my body. i felt my heart(-chakra) racing and felt very strong vibrations in my hips that kicked my hips out of body. at that time i thought that my physical hips moved and that its over because i moved and i broke my concentration and immediately fell asleep. now you shurely think: 'why does he write such a boring experience into this thread?' that is because i have an i dea concerning the dreams i get after 'failed' projection attempts:

1. i can think more clearly that in other dreams although i think im awake. that is because of
2. every such dream starts with a false awakening and takes place near my body.

so here is what i think: false awakening ARE dreams but they are dreams that are highly influenced by a projection that is going on just at the same time. for me it is like this: whenever i experience vibrations im going to have an OBE whether with normal consciousness or dream consciuousness because i never just came to full consciousness directly after vibrations. i either had an obe or a flase awakeining. i wonder if this is true for everybody and here is my problem: i often heard from people who experienced vibrations but werent able to get out and gave up frustrated. this is a question for all these people: did you directly return to full waking consciousness after vibrations fadet away or did you also have such a 'dream'.
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Old 03-09-2006, 09:10 PM   #13

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jalef: did you directly return to full waking consciousness after vibrations fadet away or did you also have such a 'dream'. Excellent question: I think that dreams are almost always associated with 'failed attempts' (at least for me). I have been mixing OBE's and dreams lately- this morning I had a 'false awakening' in which I actually visited someone (sort of verified.) So I think you're right.
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Old 03-10-2006, 02:40 AM   #14

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Jalef - congratulations! Keep trying, keep exploring, stay objective as you are. Thank you for posting your experiences, please keep doing so. It is extremely valuable for others to confirm that their (and your) experiences are similar to each other. I recognise many of the phenomena you are describing from when my OBE experiences first began many years ago. A case of reaching out gently to explore the environment and 'special physics' of the experience - similar to my own response to the same situation.

Keep posting your journal!

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Old 04-18-2006, 02:24 AM   #15

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thank you crispassion and cftraveler for your feedback. yesterday i had an OBE again but didnt have the time to post it here immediately.

i woke up in the perfect state to induce vibrations so i did. the first time they reached their peak i heard a buzzing sound and voices just like you tune in to aradio station. this broke my concentration and vibrations fadet away but i induced them again and this time exited without problems. then the problems came: movement was very hard i kept being draged bacj towards my body. i read that this can happen sometimes and will becaome weaker when i go away from my body so i did. when i was about ten meters away i could move freely again. i wanted to get out of the house but since my pevious attempts to go through a wall wernt very good i just jumped out of the window and it was no problem. i landed outsido of my house where my father stood (not really maybe a thought form) . he told me that im not alowed to be here. i wanted to ask why but then i wanted to learn how to fly. i read that i have to focus on my destination not on the flying itself so i did and indeed i was flying. it was hard to maintain the flying but still very enjoyable. i did this for the next few minutes and during that time the projection turned into adream i think because background music started to play that carryed over to the dream immediately after the projection. i was surprised how long the projection lasted and decided to return to my body i focused on it and immediately was back in my bed but not in my body. i felt myself lying in bed and at the same time struggling in bed (i dont know why i struggled). very weird feeling. after a few seconds i made the reentry. it was a false awakening and a semi-lucid dream started. as i said the music carryed over until i told it to stop and i was amazed about the psychic abilities i have just because i projected (only in the dream).

there are a few thing i want to point out:
1. the 'radio effect' during vibrations. was it haluzination or something else?

2. i had problems with reentry. i think i read about it in asteral dynamics. Robert Bruce sais this is because the physical body fals asleep too deeply. this sounds logical because it leads to
3. i didnt awake imediately but had a false awakening. this is because my physical body wasnt ready to awake completely yet.
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Old 05-02-2006, 05:11 PM   #16

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this time there are two perts:

1. i woke up and rolled on my back to prevent myself from falling asleep and i calmad my mind. after some minutes a dream started and i fell asleep...
then very suddenly and surprisingly i woke up and vibrations started. they were strongest in the back of my head. when thy reached their peak i heard an electric sound and my brow chakra strobed. vibrations were that surprising this time that i wasnt able to focus and they faded away and i couldnt induce them again. they faded away very slowly and my whole body kept on tingling for minutes.
the remarkable thing about this is that i returned directly to waking consciousness and didnt have an obe-like dream. this of course ditroys my theory mentioned above. i have no idea what the electric sound was and why my brow chakra strobed...

2.in the night i finished meditation and enery work and lay on my side for sleeping. as every night i tryed to stay conscious when falling asleep so i calmed my mind and waited for the dream to start. after some minutes i was still nearly awake nad vibrations started again very suddenly. again they were strongest in the back of my head but this time my brow chakra didnt strobe.
they faded away but this time i was able to induce them again. i left my body but i didnt knew if im out or not because everything felt so real and i was more awake then i have ever been during projection. i noticed that i couldnt see anything so i did the same mistake as in my first blind projection: i opened my eyes and was immediately back in my body. this time i had no problems opening them so my body wasnt paralysed.
i closed them, induced vibrations again and went out again. i walked around a bit, still blind. i tryed to focus more on the environment in order to feel it better but instead i focused on my body and was back again.
i left one more time and now i wanted to leave my room. i didnt want to wake up anybody by walking around so i tryed to teleport into the living room. at first it seemed to work because i saw the living room in front of me for a split second. then i got the feeling as though someone is strngling me. i didnt feel hands or anyone else at all but there was just the feeling of great pressure in the throat. after this i was nearly back gain. for some reason i lay in bed again (not in my body) facing the opposite direction as my body did. i lost concentration and a small dream started until i woke up.

sorry for this huge post but i dint want to miss out anything since so much happened...
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Old 06-25-2006, 06:53 PM   #17

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this isnt really an OBE but since nothing else happens i post it...

i woke up in the morning and wanted to know what time it is but i was too lazy to turn around and look at my digital clock. then i saw an image of my clock appeared and showed 7:51. as i saw it something made me think that it couldnt be that early and the clock changed to 7:55 and the image vanished. after this i lokked at it and the time was 7:51.

i this is called remote eye projection by robert bruce. the fascinating thing is that the first impression was objective while the second was influenced by expectations.
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Old 08-05-2006, 01:06 AM   #18

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finally after 3 months without an OBE i got out again.

first i did some energy work to wake up completely and to prepare myself for the exit. then i just calmed my mind and waited for the vibrations to come. during this time i fell asleep a few times but in the end i partly awoke in the perfect state. i say partly because i was aware of the dream mind thinking. i induced vibrations and they were remarkably strong especcially in the throat area. when they reached theyr peak i stood up and encountered an old problem: it felt so real that i didnt know if i was out of body or not. i looked around and everything looked normal. i tryed to walk through the door but without succes. then i saw that the door had a relief that wasnt on my door so i knew i was out. i opened it and wolked into the living room to look for validations. since this was my first OBE after 3 months i just wanted to walk a bit arround and go back to my body to have a clean reentry. i saw my grandmother and my mother and walked back to my body and lay down to reenter. but i couldnt! i just felt some parts of my physical body vibrating. then i realized that what i saw wasnt the physical rality because my grandmother doesnt live in our house so i stood up and walked around again. i saw a figure from a dream i had before the projection in my parents sleeping room. there was also a very spectacular sunbeam shining on her , the scene was really beautiful so i came closer. i talked with her a bit and then felt that my consciousness shifted back into my physical body and i woke up.

all together 1:15 hours passed. although i dont know how long the projection itself lasted i think that it was the longest projection i ever had. that is surprising and i think its due to energy work. i hope that this is the end of my OBE-less time.
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Old 09-23-2006, 07:09 PM   #19

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here is my first short phasing experience or at least i think it is.

i woke up this morning and still was very slepy, so i tryed to OBE. i calmed my mind but tried to hold the intention to have an OBE, then all of a sudden and without any exit sensations i am standing in the bathroom. i was so surprised that i immediately woke up completely...
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Old 03-30-2007, 02:04 AM   #20

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i was out again yesterday. im sure the reason for why dont get out regularly is lack of practice since ill have school finishing exams in a month. so i find it a bit surprising how easy everything was yesterday.
i lay on my side and was about to sleep with a usual slight intention of having an obe. for some reason i didnt lose consciousnes but went near the sleep boarder in about half an hour.
i realized the i was paralyzed and tryed to induce vibrations. first i tried to imagine a falling sensation like im about to relax deeply, this worked most of the time but this time not. i tryed the full body circuit and weak vibrations started. after repeating it 3 times the vibrations reached their peak but still were very weak. i tryed to make them stronger but without succes i realized that vibrations were fading away and decided to try to get out.
i moved my arm and it was very hard because i felt a part of my awareness still in my body. i kinda felt felt both parts: the heavy paralyzed physical arm and the seemingly weightless astral arm. i wasnt sure wether i was was out or just woke up. so i moved the rest of my body (somewhere here seperation was complete) and stood up in bed, i thought that i was awake.
at that moment i heard a voice coming from my computer (it sounded like when in old films robots talk). i thought (and still think) that this was an audio halcination. i wanted to make the voice go away and shook my head ( at that moment i thought that this audio halucination came because i wasnt completely awake yet and that by shaking my head i would wake up). then i woke up.

i still dont know why i twas that easy. i have no clue what factors really lead to an obe. lets see when the next obe will come but i dont expect anything to happen until my exams are finished and i start practicing regularly again.
i dont knoe why the vibrations were weak. the first time i had an obe they were quite strong. maybe they just feel weaker because of the energy body evolving. nevertheless the obe wasnt powerfull at all but this could also be because i didnt exit at the peak of the vibrations, so i was too late.
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