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Old 11-27-2005, 04:34 AM   #1

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ive never actually (or consciously) astrally projected.
however, i remember a month ago i fell asleep and i kept flitting in and out of sleep and sleep paralysis and i kept feeling like i was being thrown into the wall in front of me and then dropping down, but it was a kind of flying/floating sensation.
then i sensed a female entity and i immediately orgasmed. it was very strange, it was not like a regular wet dream. something told me the entity was definitely female, but she was almost formless and seemed somehow like an alien. i orgasmed and ejaculated almost instantaneously after sensing this presence.
was this just a ♥♥♥♥ed up wet dream or is it possible this was some kind of astral succubus or something?
all types of strange things have happened to me within the past year l that im having a hard time seperating what could be an active imagination and what is a real etheric phenomenon.
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Old 11-29-2005, 07:50 AM   #2

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Hello there Kalonek, Just wanted to share a very similar experience with you. In the early part of June 2006, I rolled over in my sleep and momentarily opened my eyes to see a distinct ball of white light gently flash 1 time. It appeared just inside my window at head height. I sat up in bed quite intrigued, . . . wondering really if I had imagined it. ( thats never happened before ) I felt no fear or negative atmosphere in the room. I then prayed ( as I often do to the God of the Bible ) more out of expressing my surprise than anything, and quickly fell back to sleep. ( by the way the time on my night stand read 3:00 AM ) About an hour later, I was awaken to the sudden feel of someone getting into bed next to me. As I was semiconscious I didn't react at first. Then the obvious realization ( to me that is ) that there's no one around ( since my divorce ) hit me. I was quite stunned but not afraid as I looked in the faint light of my bedroom to SEE nothing but FEEL the shapely, soft, smooth, WARM body of a woman. She was gently wrapped around my left side with her head laying on my shoulder and her rather long hair draped across my chest. It was quite stunning as she/it, what ever, caressed my chest and abs with her hand. I'm not exactly sure how long the experience lasted but I had time enough to switch between reveling in it and thinking to myself is this OK to let happen? Is this a harmless encounter with a projected human ? Or is it something sinister?? The encounter rather slowly and gently became erotic in nature, and as she went to slide on top of me, I rather hesitantly ended the meeting by rolling out of bed. As I said before, it didn't feel threatening at all but it was most unexpected, so I played it safe I guess. That was about 5 or 6 months ago, and its never come back. I enjoyed your post. . . . Desertprojector1
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Old 01-11-2006, 08:00 AM   #3

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Astral sex isn't uncommon. Either that or somebody's "fantasy" perfectly fit you, like how you intone someone's vibration to summon them, and they ended up, well, yeah. That's all I got.
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Old 03-14-2006, 08:00 AM   #4

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Default Sex with astral projector while in my body
I just wanted to share a weird experience that happened to me a few weeks ago at the beginning of summer.

I was dreaming that my house was on fire, and suddenly felt an extremely huge sexual arousal out of the blue. I became lucid, and recognize the feelings I had felt a few montes ago (in february/march 05) when I had had problems with a succubus or some kind of astral sexual entity after I stayed a few nights in a monastery. I woke up in a matter of seconds, and felt physically a body of woman over me, her legs firmly around me, even delicate and soft fingers getting out of my own hand. I was still half asleep, so I didn't moved, but my eyes were opened. And that when I saw "her" : in my physical body, I was staring at a transparent but concrete shape of woman over me, very distinctly, like when I see my own astral body when I'm OBEing. Anyway, I was thus seeing with my physical eyes some kind of astral entity having sex with me, and I was physically feeling this, it was even "better" than real sex, and I was clearly feeling everything in every detail. What is even stranger about this, is that it lasted about 25-30 seconds, which is VERY long, before, near to climax, I realize what I was doing I tried to stop it, which worked immediately (the shape and feeling disapeared). I kept my eyes opened during the whole experience, which indicates me that I wasn't dreaming or anything (I got up after as it was the morning) but probably using my astral sight over my physical vision. I talked later to some friend of mine who indicated me that this was often used in tantra for example to have sex with our astral body with someone at distance. I therefore guess it was an astral projector, maybe unconscious and thinking she was dreaming.

Does anyone have ever had some kind of experience of this type, or have any information about it ? Thanks
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Old 04-05-2006, 08:00 AM   #5

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Thanks for your answers both of you. Fayt, yes I know what a succubus is, as I say in my message, I had had problems with succubi in early 2005 after having spent a few nights in a monastery (maybe attracted by some monk's sexual frustration). I even saw one one night just near my bed : it looked like a 30cm black peanut floating in the air and staring at me with some kind of yellow eyes. But it didn't look very dangerous, I tried to grasp it with my astral hands but they entered in some kind of jelly which sticked to them, and my hands and forearms immediately started to vibrate really strongly, which brought me back to my body in a matter of seconds.

However, this experience this summer was quite different, the feelings were stronger, and usually in my previous experiences with succubi, I only felt a part of a woman body over me, usually the waist and part of the legs and stomack, and when I looked with my astral sight in that direction I couldn't see anything, it was just a feeling. This time I saw a complete shape and it was already there and "active" when I woke up (and I was in the physical, not half in the astral as the other times). Strange ...
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Old 04-24-2006, 08:00 AM   #6

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A succubus is a neg (negative being) that feeds off your sexual energy and takes the form of a female , basically it has sex with your etheric body and makes you release alot of sexual energy and it feeds off that energy to make itself stronger

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Old 08-05-2006, 08:00 AM   #7

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Does anyone have ever had some kind of experience of this type, or have any information about it ? Thanks This does sound like astral sex .Succubus /incubus sex may be initially pleasurable but it is predatory .

The victim will feel something sitting on the chest.Although the neg may take in the illusion of someone hot and sexy . Look again thru the illusion , clairvoyantly .

They look gray or grey gold to black .They do put on pretend faces but beneath them look like flat faced bats or rats they have wings and also arms .Their legs are skinny and leathery .

They suck energy . The victim is lured by sex but gets drained instead .They may wake after a few pleasurable advances to feel the chest is trapped one time . The first initial sex episodes can be just homing in on the prey and making them weaker and also easier to connect to .

It becomes hard to breathe and the energy is drained and makes one feel as if their soul has shrunk into their chest . Much like shock makes blood pool to vital organs . The heart races and the skin burns as if nerve pain . The pleasure is not of course their main objective so subsequent attacks become worse .

Sleep Paralysis is being unable to move or wake . It is a common symptom . Bites can be felt upon the neck and head or elsewhere and show up clairvoyantly and can even leave an impression physically .

If you felt no fear no heart racing no anxiety or paralysis or nightmare associated with it then it is reasonable to assume you have had an astral sex encounter .

The fact that this one seems clear and light and you felt it pleasantly seems to be astral sex . And yes your partner may have sought you out or you may have invited her unconsciously .You may also have been astrally taken as it were without your conscious acceptance

So if you find it pleasurable and do not experience anything negative than you might accept and enjoy this in the future and accept that you have an astral girlfriend who you may learn to recognise in the physical life by careful attention to the clues she presents astrally this said recall that the most projectors will look like a young adult aged 26 to 32 and will be an ideal weight and their natural hair colour not dyed or greyed or bald with age so it may be difficult to ascertain the real identity.
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Old 12-24-2006, 12:02 AM   #8

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I've had a similar experience as well. Probably closer to Desertprojector's experience. A "woman" was in bed next to me. I was most certainly awake (I assume anyway, this didn't seem like a lucid dream to me.) I don't remember if my eyes were physically open or not, but I do know that I couldn't see this woman, I could only touch her. It was really a fascinating experience to touch something and feel it in so much detail, knowing that it didn't physically exist. In a lucid dream, maybe this isn't so strange, but to be awake and experience that, it's very cool!

Though, I never felt that she was another "real" being or another projector, simply that she was a product of my fantasy/imagination.
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Old 12-24-2006, 10:42 AM   #9

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I know this unattractive kid teenager at school. Once I use to go to school. Then she appeard as two angels two copies of them looking at me in very close proximaty of my body once in the OBE state. She probably wonted my flesh badly. She gave me a bad fright because it was a Big WTF to copies of the same angel im out of here type reaction.

ahhh I don't think in reality she is a angel. But she appeared like angel because of all the light around her. And very graphical detail of her face. She just appeared threw in my astral eyes out of the blue.

God to bad shes not my type at school. I would of hooked up with her for going soo far just to contact me.

Soo ugly people turn pretty in the astral. You like them hot right.
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Old 12-26-2006, 12:27 AM   #10

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Yeah, I've had a couple of dudes show up and try to pounce on me while in the astral. People I know from real life.

One guy showed up and tried to put the moves on me, lying about who he was, and while this was going on, his WIFE showed up, hot on his tracks. There I was with this projected couple in my bedroom. (Both of them were psychics working in my area.)

It's funny to think about now.
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Old 12-26-2006, 01:59 PM   #11

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Once someone is tortured they know how it's like.

So they learn not to laugh when people get hurt.

I've had a emotional astral fight with a friend I knowed as nick.

He was weak at start so I got him good. But it must of really disrespect him because im not one of the dominant males. So he got angry enough to win.

The fight was intense. So intense it got me back into my body. Then I witnessed a blue body hovering over my physical body with my physical eyes open. Then he flouted up and disappeared.

From my experience. The old saying goes like this...

The true beauty is what is inside.

Even tho she appeared unattractive in the physical world in illusion she truly is a beautiful soul.

Now people who are beautiful physically and beautiful in the inside is the full package

I can't explain the two copies focusing on me. With such close space to me the two copies energy would go nuts but it didn't.

Even Robert Bruce wouldn't explain this because this is just too unknown.
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Old 01-05-2007, 07:59 AM   #12

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An evil spirit might, however, produce such an appearance in order to draw energy from one.

I don't think it's in it's power or vibration to do this.

I know what your on about. Your probably thinking enochian.

If you think about it we all manipulate each other including non physical.

What about the extra terrestrials we experience in out of space in the obe state.

They manipulate us into a different dimension without forcing it on us.

Guides or Angels give a gentler motherly type manipulation to get you on the right track.

However lower density spirits give a harsher more controlling type of manipulation.
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Old 01-09-2007, 03:53 AM   #13

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Every astral animal can mimic the effects of sexual energy transfer.

It's manipulation for the succubus to have sex.

Or it could be something else

The problem with having sex with astral wildlife is we connect to their vibration. So their could be hidden agendas things we don't like about this certain spirit that we attune are vibration too because of making this connection.

That way we are lowering or raising are vibration in these sexual encounters

It's really up too the projector to buy into the experience or not. Unless he/she is truly convinced it's a mystical experience.

As I see it higher vibrational beings only transfer love energy back and forth.

It's almost like sharing salvia. The salvia represents the energy transfer.

These experiences are away from the flesh.

A good example of physic vampires is the lower awareness we have. We are not aware of our actions as if we were stupefied by alcohol and we would react the same if we were under the influence.

anyhoo !!

I went off topic

To answer your question.

Enochain is magical symbols to summon spirits. Spirits who look like angels that could be demons, the demons in enochain could actually be angels.

It's a risk. Or a gamble.

If so this could be a good warning not to tamper with enochain.

Why did I mention enochain to you ???

Because sometimes we often confuse higher spirits contacts as succubus.

This delusional thinking is originated from the lower vibration way of thinking.

A big main energy loss is probably the loss of sexual fluids. From the wet dream of succubus experience.

Also the succubus doing all the hard work while succubus lover stays parlyzed in the physical body.

You might think this is rape. And you dam right it is.

If Im wrong about this let me know.
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Old 01-09-2007, 08:21 AM   #14

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AP: A big main energy loss is probably the loss of sexual fluids. From the wet dream of succubus experience. I beg to differ with that particular assertion. Being female, and having had the experience (and no fluid loss), I can tell you that the energy drain is more fundamental than that. I don't know how many other female members have had the unfortunate experience and want to admit it, but when it's happened to me I had to sleep the entire day to make up for the energy loss.
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Old 01-09-2007, 08:31 AM   #15

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For a bit more info on enochian magick, go to http://www.mysteriousbritain.co.uk/occult/john_dee.html
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Old 01-09-2007, 08:36 AM   #16

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A good point.

Physic Vampires are real energy zappers. It's possible. Let you decide.


The physic vampire could just be a neg stimulating the sexual chakra just so they can connect easier to the victim. That way they can gain control of the person.
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Old 01-09-2007, 08:54 AM   #17

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Ah, this is an interesting thread. : p

A few nights ago I "awoke" to find a woman with her legs around my neck and talking dirty talk. I could also smell everything, ahem.

My mind was somewhat divided at this point and I didn't want to say anything offensive but nor was I happy about the two kids in the corner of the room laughing and taking photos of me/us. I then decided that I'd interpret this as being an invasion of privacy and, being somewhat immobile, spat in the direction of the camera, their reply to which was "what the hell is that?".

"It's spit, get out".

The woman was still on top of me and I kind of lost awareness after that point, whether they left or not I don't know.

Yeah sure I have sexual fantasies but that particular scenario couldn't be any further from them.

So I'll end this by saying /boggle.
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Old 01-25-2007, 08:24 PM   #18

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It's really up too the projector to buy into the experience or not. Unless he/she is truly convinced it's a mystical experience.
I emphatically disagree . When a person is paralyzed , raped and fed upon , they know it and even in a coma that horrific experience would register with the soul and spirit .
As I see it higher vibrational beings only transfer love energy back and forth.It's almost like sharing salvia. The salvia represents the energy transfer.These experiences are away from the flesh. Higher Beings don't have intercourse with humans . They don't swap spit with them either .
A good example of physic vampires is the lower awareness we have. We are not aware of our actions as if we were stupefied by alcohol and we would react the same if we were under the influence. Being drained by a psi vamp is not like swapping spit . The drain causes a variety of symptoms depending on the amount and intensity of the drain including but not limited to ;
reduction of social skills and ability to care and be considerate for others
withdrawal from relating to others
irrational emotions
reduction of shielding
negative attachments
reduced immune system efficacy
self inflicted wounds
manifesting the catalyst of a terminal disease in the host
substance abuse
self destruction
demonic possession

I don't find anything benevolent in a vampire act . Imho , it is parasitic and malevolent , an act of non love and it causes horrific consequences to both the host and the victim .
Because sometimes we often confuse higher spirits contacts as succubus.This delusional thinking is originated from the lower vibration way of thinking. A higher spirit does not cause pain , paralyse , and rape . It would be very difficult for any sane person of normal intelligence to mix these two up .
A big main energy loss is probably the loss of sexual fluids. From the wet dream of succubus experience. This is incorrect . I agree with CFT . The energy loss may be negligible or devastating . It can be life effecting and usually is . It is certainly traumatic . I speak from experience as a victim , an exorcist and a clairvoyant , clairsentient witness .
Also the succubus doing all the hard work while succubus lover stays parlyzed in the physical body.You might think this is rape. And you dam right it is. Please send me a photo of your head and shoulders with your eyes looking into the camera in your bedroom , if you want help . I believe you are experiencing negative influence .
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Old 02-04-2007, 02:19 PM   #19

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my guide tested me with a succubus. the test was would i be able to resist the temptation of the momentary feel good sensation, while knowing that it is putting a drain on my own reserves. i lost the first time. I had succumb to the physical delight of sexuality at the cost of my own well being.
this illustrated some serious points and decisions that i still struggle with. sex can be so easy in today's mainstream. its everywhere. you can go get cheap thrills in dirty places across the globe. now you dont have to even leave your computer to meet someone in your own town. but does that make it worth it? someone once told me, "Sex without love is an empty experience, but as far as empty experiences go, sex is by far the best."
all im sayin is think about the quickest way to distract you from draining your reserves.

the second time the guide brought a succubus around i was strong. I immediately felt the sickening drain of it and steeled myself and denied the succubus. it was amazing how fast it reeled back when met with sheer resolve.
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Old 02-04-2007, 08:08 PM   #20

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my guide tested me with a succubus. the test was would i be able to resist the temptation of the momentary feel good sensation, while knowing that it is putting a drain on my own reserves. i lost the first time. I had succumb to the physical delight of sexuality at the cost of my own well being.
this illustrated some serious points and decisions that i still struggle with. sex can be so easy in today's mainstream. its everywhere. you can go get cheap thrills in dirty places across the globe. now you dont have to even leave your computer to meet someone in your own town. but does that make it worth it? someone once told me, "Sex without love is an empty experience, but as far as empty experiences go, sex is by far the best."
all im sayin is think about the quickest way to distract you from draining your reserves.

the second time the guide brought a succubus around i was strong. I immediately felt the sickening drain of it and steeled myself and denied the succubus. it was amazing how fast it reeled back when met with sheer resolve.
I respectfully disagree that this was a guide that tested you and brought the succubus . I feel it was one neg scratching another's back . There are a few types of demons that work in groups . There is a matriarchal yellow gray lion /bat hairy one that comes in a family grouping . One gives sexual pleasure to bait while the others bite , drain and harvest . A succubus is not a good time .
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