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Old 05-02-2006, 02:28 AM   #1

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Default Does anyone get mysterious "Clicking" While medita
When I meditate, it seems that w hen I reach a certain point in my meditations, I hear something in the wall "click". Somtimes its my TV clicking.

I know when at night things start to cool down, and the house settles, or even the TV cools down you hear clicks sometimes.

But its been getting too obvious lately that I'm hearing them in the walls and in different parts of my room when I'm right at the cusp of sleep or consciousness.

I asked my fiance about this and she thought that was odd. She thought she was the only person wh ohad that happen to her too. She gets the same type of odd clicking noise in her walls etc.

Anyone else walk under streetlights and have them turn off? We get that almost every night we go for a walk.

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Old 05-02-2006, 03:41 AM   #2

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I think the clicking is related to pre-OBE popping noises that can happen right before a person separates. Here's a chart that maps about where these things happen for me on the way into an OBE:

http://www.saltcube.com/out-of-body/cha ... =how-close

The streetlight thing seems to come and go for me. There was one light that I would turn off every time I looked at it or pointed the top of my head at it but either it's been adjusted or I've lost energy because I don't affect that particular one any more. There was one night I was boiling over emotionally and went out for a walk and turned off nearly every one I went by. There are some people who say they can do this on command but I'm not one of them, a search for SLIders should give you more info:

http://paranormal.about.com/library/wee ... 12400a.htm
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Old 05-02-2006, 04:08 AM   #3

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Thx. I am just wondering, because it really is a noise inside the house. It isn't in my head. Its clearly something else happening.
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Old 05-02-2006, 04:09 AM   #4

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Oh wow that chart is fantasic. That site is a good site too. I visit there often.
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Old 05-02-2006, 04:19 AM   #5

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I have 2 more to add to the chart.

When I wake up in the middle of the night, I can see patterns, flashing on and off rapidly. The pattern is almost the same thing every time. Hard to explain, but I can draw it.

Also sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, and get a rapid speed slideshow of images one after the other that is very dim, but noticeable. I mean it goes really fast like you were looking at slides in rapid succession. Almost like a "download" of something. I get the impression that is exactly what is going on.

Sometimes I can get the rushing sounds but thats just the sound of my ears flexing into a sleep position. Usually hear it while coming out of sleep or going into it. I also can sometimes hear myself start to snore.
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Old 05-02-2006, 10:24 AM   #6

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Though I never thought enough of it to post about it, I began noticing the room noises when I first started using BWGen a few years ago. Late at night, lying in bed, listening to those binaural beats as I drifted off to sleep, those noises would scare the hell out of me, because they would abruptly and sharply break that dazed pseudo-silence in which I was zoning out, and then I'd lie there in the stillness wondering if I would hear (or see) anything else. The wood in my desk or chair creaking; something tiny and hard knocking against the plastic of my PC tower; perhaps a sound like a knuckle rapping once against the wall in the far corner of the room.

Having recently read Astral Dynamics for the first time, I believe they were, I don't know...whatever. Creations of my subconscious to sabotage the "unnatural" process of a conscious exit. I've never consciously projected, and I've only once gotten into the pre-exit vibrational state (it was actually the first time I used the Saltcube Timer, though I've had zero results since) -- the vibrations appeared, then ceased, I fell asleep, and then I experienced what I assume was the actual projection as a dream during the "download" process just before awakening. So if it's a pre-exit phenomenon, I would assume it's pretty early in the sequence.

For what it's worth, Crow -- a lot of time spent in the mind-blanking void of "nothingness" meditation has helped me find and apply to all areas of my life a sort of "rock-in-the-stream" mentality. I don't know if that makes any sense -- I think the image came from something I saw in a kung fu movie once. The idea is that the rock is solidly half-buried in mud and sediment, and sits there calmly as the water rushes past, over and around it.

Anyway, that sort of meditation aids in dealing with the noises -- it helps me remain passive, still, and placid as the noises wash over me, and my state remains relatively undamaged. It's just, you know -- peace.

I know you didn't specifically mention that they were bothering you, but man, they were definitely a roadblock for me, so if you're looking for a solution, I hope this helps.

I wish you the best of luck with the streetlights.


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Old 05-02-2006, 11:41 AM   #7

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Thanks for the reply. I appreciate taking the time to reply to me.

The sounds don't bother me or distract me at all. I have just come to notice them. Like I hear them when I'm in a particular zone of thought. I realize I am in it at the time I hear the "click" on the drywall, or the settling of a warm TV or computer monitor after it had been on all day. It also sometimes does sound like a single knuckle tapping the drywall from the inside.

It doesn't bother me, I can get past it. I just have been close a few times, and still no actual luck. The only time I think I was there was when I was on some heavy meds after I lost my finger, woke up, tried to get out and partially think I did. But I felt like I was stuck in sponge unable to lift myself out. But it was so groggy I couldn't see.

From that chart that Matt Provided from that excellent website, I've come to the conclusion I reach light to moderate relaxation. SOMETIMES if I'm lucky I reach heavy relaxation while staying awake.

My trouble then is getting to the point I am in a heavy relaxed state and NOT falling asleep.

Does the saltcube timer really work for that?
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Old 05-02-2006, 12:23 PM   #8

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Thx. I am just wondering, because it really is a noise inside the house. It isn't in my head. Its clearly something else happening.
I can't say of course for sure what you're hearing but on the edge of sleep I'll sometimes hear a great deal of stuff, like a thousand people talking all at once or sometimes just phrases here and there. They can sound very real, and to an extent I guess they are real. The sounds you're hearing mayb actually just be from a physical source like you're becoming more aware of the house settling. They might also be pre-OBE sensations.
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Old 05-02-2006, 12:28 PM   #9

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From that chart that Matt Provided from that excellent website, I've come to the conclusion I reach light to moderate relaxation. SOMETIMES if I'm lucky I reach heavy relaxation while staying awake.

My trouble then is getting to the point I am in a heavy relaxed state and NOT falling asleep.

Does the saltcube timer really work for that?
My approach for using the time is to go ahead and fall asleep and then let the timer wake me up. It's then by staying perfectly still that you can watch your body fall back to sleep. That can take several tries, but that's ok since the timer will beep again after a few minutes. It's just a matter of hovering there and sometimes when the timer beeps your body doesn't wake up at all and you're already in paralysis.

Here's the latest and greatest way I've found to go from paralysis to an OBE. You have to be in very deep paralysis for it to work the best, you open your mouth slowly and breathe deeply. So far when I've done that's it's started the separtion process as soon as my mouth opened. Here's a journal entry on it:

http://www.saltcube.com/out-of-body/cha ... jsp?t=9998

Good luck!
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Old 05-02-2006, 12:30 PM   #10

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I have 2 more to add to the chart.

When I wake up in the middle of the night, I can see patterns, flashing on and off rapidly. The pattern is almost the same thing every time. Hard to explain, but I can draw it.

Also sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, and get a rapid speed slideshow of images one after the other that is very dim, but noticeable. I mean it goes really fast like you were looking at slides in rapid succession. Almost like a "download" of something. I get the impression that is exactly what is going on.

Sometimes I can get the rushing sounds but thats just the sound of my ears flexing into a sleep position. Usually hear it while coming out of sleep or going into it. I also can sometimes hear myself start to snore.
What does the pattern look like? I'd like to see a drawing of it.

I think that the strobing effect might be where you've just passed over a nonphysical frequency that has a 'station' on it and you get a blip.
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Old 05-02-2006, 12:39 PM   #11

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>>>>I can't say of course for sure what you're hearing but on the edge of sleep I'll sometimes hear a great deal of stuff, like a thousand people talking all at once or sometimes just phrases here and there. They can sound very real, and to an extent I guess they are real. The sounds you're hearing mayb actually just be from a physical source like you're becoming more aware of the house settling. They might also be pre-OBE sensations.


No I know all about those. I've heard people say my name, heard a dog bark when everyone was still asleep etc.. Those clicks are not that.

In fact I just heard one now. I get them, it sounds like the house settling as the temp changes as night falls.

But I tend to get them at specific points of time when I'm meditating, thats the point I'm making.
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Old 05-02-2006, 12:53 PM   #12

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Thanks for the tips. I'm going to set my laptop up next to my bed tonight and try the timer.

I'll wake up around 4-5am and give this a shot.

Let me try and get paint out and draw it. It'll be hard to do though, it seems "pixelated" when my eyes are closed though. You can see tiny little squares that make up the entire strobing pattern.

I'll try and draw an approximation of it. What it reminded me of was the kabbalistic tree of life, as it would be if it were wrapped around a sphere. I saw the pictures of it in The Cross at Hendaye by Jay Weidner.

I'll put it on a webpage and link it here.. Geesh any picture I've been drawing doesn't do it any justice. Its so hard to pinpoint. There are some thicker lines and alot of tiny lines The pictures doesn't do it. Its similar to a flower seen on cathedrals but not quite.

http://img71.imageshack.us/my.php?image ... ape8od.jpg

It doesn't do it justice though, but the basic outline is there. But its the same pattern.

I know something has happened in my dreams I feel ALOT of energy and feel like I'd come out of paralysis when I get this flashing pattern.
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Old 05-02-2006, 02:46 PM   #13

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spirits passing through objects can make clicking sound
i won't discuss this, just an observation
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Old 05-02-2006, 08:44 PM   #14

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Thanks for the tips. I'm going to set my laptop up next to my bed tonight and try the timer.

I'll wake up around 4-5am and give this a shot.

Let me try and get paint out and draw it. It'll be hard to do though, it seems "pixelated" when my eyes are closed though. You can see tiny little squares that make up the entire strobing pattern.

I'll try and draw an approximation of it. What it reminded me of was the kabbalistic tree of life, as it would be if it were wrapped around a sphere. I saw the pictures of it in The Cross at Hendaye by Jay Weidner.

I'll put it on a webpage and link it here.. Geesh any picture I've been drawing doesn't do it any justice. Its so hard to pinpoint. There are some thicker lines and alot of tiny lines The pictures doesn't do it. Its similar to a flower seen on cathedrals but not quite.

http://img71.imageshack.us/my.php?image ... ape8od.jpg

It doesn't do it justice though, but the basic outline is there. But its the same pattern.

I know something has happened in my dreams I feel ALOT of energy and feel like I'd come out of paralysis when I get this flashing pattern.
Your image reminds me of something I see quite often, a drop fallling on a liquid medium and making ripples in it.
Here's the description: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=1451
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Old 05-03-2006, 06:51 AM   #15

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I posted a picture of my drawing to another website, and someone else recognized it, and drew his own pictures of what I've been seeing.

http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/7078 ... cev2dc.jpg

This is very close to what I see, but I don't see it in color at all and not so detailed Its very pixelated.

I showed this to my fiance and she said she sees that picture all the time at night. In fact the one time we tried salvia divinorum she said she saw EXACTLY that picture.

I found a possible explanation for it. Entoptic images. A good explanation of it is found here.

http://www.pd49.dial.pipex.com/pockets/ ... toptic.htm

I do remember the times I've been able to see this were after surgery, and also a few times I was in an ultra relaxed state. It was also w hen I came close to my first OBE.
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Old 05-05-2006, 12:06 PM   #16

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...Been lately hit on the back of the head with a frozen halibut?

On a more serious note, those clicking or (in my case) "snapping" sounds are clearly audible, seems like they are related to a certain stage of falling into a trance. I get them before entering hypnacogic state, sometimes even as I'm just concentrating or reflecting on spiritual issues.

Daem0n's note makes very much sense, I wish he(?) would give us some more info on spirits "moving" through objects. For instance, I can differentiate the strength of the sounds, perhaps they might relate to the conditions (or strength) of the spirit entities. Also, the exact locations are very noticeable.

I had at least 8 or 9 clear snaps during this morning's trance. (Extra sounds bother me no more, either). I knew I'd be having an OBE after staying up very late, then doing a good am workout. I was very aware of the surroundings. Anyway, I consciously thought/questioned the source of the sounds and "reinforced" my protection. I met several entities after separating (this happens during somewhat conscious state: "ok, here we go" followed by a dreamlike state, sometimes I have trouble figuring out the moment of separation and whether I'm still in control or controlled by subconscious.

I met several entities, some of whom I recognized from earlier OBE's (they actually reminded me of the fact we had met and where). I had to use some protection against some of the aggressive ones and knew I was doing the same in physical, as I was also saying it aloud. One of the entities that I had previously met mentioned that I was not in their registry, and I felt like I'd gotten away with someting...

Anyway, I slipped back into a dream from this and had a good 5-hr nap. The only reason why I remember today's journey is that I came "to" a few times and chose to separate again.

I've paid more attention to the exit process lately, it feels almost like pushing through a film of "Saran wrap" when you go through the walls. I had one spontaneous OBE while sick with the flu, and it was really hard to penetrate the walls, and my vision was very cloudy.

I know this stuff affects everyone close to you. My husband had a very bad day today. I wonder, whether my usually successful "blocking of the spirit influence" in turn infests him (instead of me). Do they have some sort of permit to afflict someone you are closely linked to? Maybe I should ask Robert.

My husband has been very sick (ever since I had my first spontaneous OBE) and we're spending a fortune on doctors and tests but not coming up with any answers.

LoneCrow, consider this, perhaps the projecting difficulties you are experiencing are for your own good and protection.
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Old 05-06-2006, 12:21 PM   #17

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LoneCrow, consider this, perhaps the projecting difficulties you are experiencing are for your own good and protection.


I have considered this, and even the answers I get when I meditate are similar, like "you are not ready".

When I get into meditation, and I'm deep in thought, I think to myself. What are my intentions? Why do I want to continue. The only real reason I can come up with is "exploration" and to have fun etc. To experience something beyond our sense of reality.

It is more or less ... "I need to know" if all of this is truly real, and the only way is to experience it myself.

But I have thought to myself or "heard" that exact thought many times in the last year. Like the fact that it would probably be better if I didn't.

But what confuses me is that in my dreams I can remember them most of the time. I do things in my dreams I probably wouldn't do in real life. If I were conscious fully in the dream world I would act more humane and or logically.

My intentions are always pure. I want peaceful exploration, and to get "closer" to God however I can. I seek knowledge and truth. So what if there are some negative forces out there. I am the type of guy that wouldn't take crap from any spirits. I know that part of my nature, the self defense mechanism is not right. You can only overcome hostility and fear with love.

Its a big lesson to learn self control like that.
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Old 05-06-2006, 09:44 PM   #18

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"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."

It's an interesting journey you're on. You have a good level-headed approach, LoneCrow. I think you will get the answers you're seeking as long as you remain patient with the whole process.

"Seek, and it shall be reveiled."

I tend to analyze and question my intentions as well. Just like you, I don't want to borrow anyone else's perceptions about what takes place, but rather find my own answers.

I think having a strong psyche is a necessity when one goes exploring, and he/she will have extra protection as long as the intentions remain pure. But down the road there's always a possibility that one might start using the acquired skills and knowledge for wrong reasons, and that's probably why patience and slow going is better than "manipulation and shortcuts." Hope you get what I mean.

Yesterday, in a hypnacogic state I heard a clear voice say, "do you think she's ready, can we use her?" I heard no answer though. Curious... I don't think I want to be "used" -especially without full awareness of what's going on and why.
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Old 05-07-2006, 02:15 AM   #19

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Odd. I'm claraudient SP and hear stuff all the time but its just like background chatter of being in a room full of people. You sometimes can pick out specifics but rarely does it apply to me.

I get what you mean though. I doubt I'd use any exterior travel for naughty means.

I would use it to explore mysteries though, to answer questions I've had burning in my head forever.

I always said I'd explore the moon and mars. One of my first hypnogogic images was of mars' surface. It was like a camera totally going on its own flying around on mars.

Id love to visit the akashic records.
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Old 05-07-2006, 12:32 PM   #20

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Hey Lone Crow, I was just speaking in a general sense... Please excuse me for being ignorant, but can you explain what clairaudient SP means, exactly. And how you benefit from it. I have a very religious background, hope those biblical quotes did not make you feel uneasy.

Someone posted a link earlier, I'm not sure if it was in this topic or some other, but it was sort of a revelation to me. Like, WOW, these things really happen! I'm in the process of reading it at the moment, so I just have to post this link that got me so excited, because I can relate to it.

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