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Trercakaressy 11-06-2005 02:55 PM

ok so still 1 more question http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...on_biggrin.gif

Is it bad, that i am not getting the heavy feeling BEFORE vibs + heart race?

here is my order:

stretch, muscile relaxe, sit up on some pillow on my bed, breathing exersize, fall sensation(or rope depending on which way im trying)numbess kinda, vibrations/tingle, heart race, then it goes away and i feel nothing. am i doing something wrong or am i ok?

shihoodiacarf 11-06-2005 03:16 PM

same exact thing that happens to me 9 times out of ten... probably more like 95 times out of 100 recently (or thats how it feels). Keep working at it and the order doesnt matter, everyones progress towards exit is personal and different.

Trercakaressy 11-07-2005 03:54 AM

Sweet, so i guess ill justkeep trying, ive been trying 1-2 times a day, is that enough?

Tactattcahhaw 11-07-2005 04:13 AM

Yeah, that's plenty, tyr shifting the times though, or try different methods for differnet times of the day, and by doing so, vary those after trying, perhaps you'll get more effect.


Trercakaressy 11-07-2005 04:41 AM

Some times i find my self trying one method for like 1-2 mins then switching to another, as if i cant really find one that works, should i just pick ONE, per try and stick with that one, if it fails, i try another, or that one again, or is it ok to switch mid proscess?

shihoodiacarf 11-07-2005 11:11 AM

I dont switch until I have felt vibes come and go or a rush in my heart center and neither of them produce an exit. I wait until I KNOW I should have projected but either messed it up myself or something went wrong and then try something else. Usually by then I am so relaxed and ready to go it takes far less time for a method to reach its peak where I can project.

Trercakaressy 11-07-2005 11:17 PM

Hey, thanks for all your help guys ^-^

Trercakaressy 11-07-2005 11:19 PM

Pretty much the only question i have now, is, when im relaxed and attemping an AP, my eyes are closed right? (asking cause i once heard differently) Deep relaxation would seem to come easyer with eyes shut http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...icon_smile.gif

Snweyuag 11-08-2005 05:04 AM

The eyes are to remain closed at all times.

Sometimes I have issues with this, so I use a makeshift blindfold.

Trercakaressy 11-08-2005 11:19 AM

Excellent http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...on_biggrin.gif

shihoodiacarf 11-16-2005 08:32 AM

Any progress Coco??? http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...on_biggrin.gif

Trercakaressy 11-30-2005 12:35 PM

Hey, well kind of, no OBE yet, here is what’s happening now.

I relax for bout half an hour browsing the net or playing a game, and then get ready for the attempt.

I tense all my muscles, and stretch and get comfy trying to prop myself enough but not too much.

Then I usually use the falling technique, it seems if I don’t concentrate enough ill fall asleep, if I “hold” my mind and keep trying to go down by a freefall, ladder, or an elevator like sensation as a breath out.

I feel my feet and slowly my legs go “numb” or if I move them, asleep, but if I continue to move the feeling goes away.

Almost EVERY time I try, about 10-15 minutes in, I feel strong vibrations, although not so much in my top area (face head neck upper shoulder) if my concentration breaks and I say oh here it comes, it will usually last a few seconds longer then slowly fade. If I stay concentrated my heart will seem to beat fast, (NOTE: NO HEAVY SENSATION/UNABLE TO MOVE) and last long and be more intense, but all the same it will fade, but I will still be kind of un wanting to move /numb in a lot of my body.

Any one got any advice? It seems I am unable to enter the trance state.

layevymed 11-30-2005 07:35 PM

When you feel the vibrations and concentrate (say OM in your head)- try doing the rope method (with your imaginary hands) even if you don't think you're in a trance. Let me know what happens.

Trercakaressy 12-02-2005 11:50 AM

Ok ill try that thanks,

on a side note, i tried this new technique, i sent all my energy to my head (forgot who said to trythis but it really did something) i instantly felt the vibrations, heart race, but then, i felt like a REM(rapid eye movement) and it got so intense i COULDNT keep my eyes shut, so tonight im going to try it with something over my eyes.

EDIT: forgot to say, it was the most intense vibs yet, then i thought, oh wow i might project, and well, you all know what happend then.

Trercakaressy 12-08-2005 11:24 AM

Any one know any spiffy or differnt (effective) trance techniques?( no sounds or brainwave indunce trance stuff)

Deengealf 12-10-2005 12:16 AM

I have some problems like these too. Yesterday at night, I went and sat on a couch. Then stretched and relaxed, and then concentrated in my breath, and cleared my mind. Soon after this, I started to feel like goosebumps all over my body, they came and went. And also heard a buzzing sound. Then I entered I think in a very light phase of hypnagogenic (however it spells) images, and when I notticed I was "sleeping" I could my heart race. And then it just faded away. I couldn't do anything more, so I stopped trying. Any suggestions about this? What can be done in this case, and also, how do you know you're ready to exit?

GitaraMoya 12-10-2005 12:31 AM

A week!!!?? This is the typical and perfectly understandable views of a Newbie at this place. I was like it. stil am a bit :p But oyu must understand it can take several years to do this stuff properly. I recommend MAP book. It is very informative and can help you achieve your goal of projecting in 90 days.

Trercakaressy 12-10-2005 01:10 PM

ok thanks, i guess i will just keep going at this every night, ill give u guys an update with my problems/wins in a few week/months, thanks everybody.

Grenader 12-10-2005 01:21 PM


I have some problems like these too. Yesterday at night, I went and sat on a couch. Then stretched and relaxed, and then concentrated in my breath, and cleared my mind. Soon after this, I started to feel like goosebumps all over my body, they came and went. And also heard a buzzing sound. Then I entered I think in a very light phase of hypnagogenic (however it spells) images, and when I notticed I was "sleeping" I could my heart race. And then it just faded away. I couldn't do anything more, so I stopped trying. Any suggestions about this? What can be done in this case, and also, how do you know you're ready to exit?
For a while I had problems like that because I didn't think I was in a trance and was afraid to move. When I said "wtf" and tried to get up (like with my body) I just popped out and floated around for a while. If you're not ready, you'll either wake up, or not be able to move. If you are, you'll be the most surprised person in the room. I think the fear of messing up is the worst thing. (IMVHO). http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/wink3.png

Trercakaressy 12-11-2005 08:29 AM

cool, thanks alot every one http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...on_biggrin.gif

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