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Trercakaressy 10-29-2005 10:14 AM

Newbie APr need help
Hello guys brand new poster (first time), and wana be projector just need some help http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...on_biggrin.gif.

so, Ive been trying astral projection, but have come across some trouble, and would like some in-put.

I have been doing all the exercises, balacing chakra's concentration breathing ect... for about a week now, but each night, when im actally trying to project, it has failed. I do not think its my concentration, since i practice martial arts, and meditate standardly, but i could be wrong.

When i first start, i complete the relaxation drill, then i clear my mind with the breathing technique until i feel concentrated and relaxed, i feel if i stop concentrating, i could probably be asleep in less then three minutes.

I have tried two things from here, at first, i used the falling techinque, i felt like i really was falling and felt myself going deeper.

Then i start to notice, a tingle or vibration, which soon spreads to my whole body, but i do not really feel paralized, but rather, no motivation to move and a slight numbness. after a while, what feels like my heart rate goes up fast, almost as if i was going to jump out of an airplane kind of excitment. last night, i even felt rapid eye movement. then i decided to start pulling on the rope, but that just made all feelings go away and i was just in a deep meditation with no "heavy body" sensation.

The night earlyer, did all the steps, but went straight to pulling, same basic thing, felt tingle, then incresed heart rate(or chakra activity rather it seems from what i just read), which in a way broke my concentration because i thought i was suppose to feel the tigle after the paralasis.

I think my trouble is actually getting into the trace, any advice?

Thank you for your time on reading this guys, any input?

Trercakaressy 10-29-2005 11:29 AM

Anybody? http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...on_biggrin.gif

shihoodiacarf 10-29-2005 12:42 PM

only a week??????????? I would keep doing what you are doing for atleast 3 months, if you still have trouble get back to us. Sounds like your doing good to me. One bit of advice is to wait as long as you can to try to exit. If you go too soon nothing will happen. Its better to wait too long and have the vibrations go away than to go to soon and ruin it before you even have a shot. ALL my beginning OBE's came without me trying. I hit the vibrations and let it work itself out. I mearly thought "oh, here are those vibrations I heard about. I am going to OBE (very calmly mind you)" and the next thing I knew I was a ball of consciousness floating about in the RTZ. If I did try to get out I waited longer than I thought I needed to which seems to work for me atleast. WHen you first think "OOOO OOOO time to go!" Wait. Wait until the feeling evolves a bit, think "ok... i am entering stage one!" instead. Go until atleast you feel you are at the next stage.

Trercakaressy 10-30-2005 06:50 AM

Ok, so just keep doing what im doing and aventually it will happen? Thx alot http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...icon_smile.gif

and one more thing, i do this propped up in my bed, at night, bout 1 hour before i go to bed, so it is dark in my room, is that a problem?

Snweyuag 10-30-2005 07:08 AM

It can be. Typically the first successful projections are done during the daylight hours.

Tactattcahhaw 10-30-2005 07:29 AM

Light helped me the first times, but it sounds like you'll be out of body in no time. One thing to remember, you might actually project, you just end up being in the wrong consciousness after the mind-split (if you've read Astral Dynamics) but That will be fixed in time. So yeah.

Good luck and best wishes,

Trercakaressy 10-30-2005 07:36 AM

Ok, well typically I cant use daylight hours, from 9:00 to 3:30 im school then im doing martial arts for the rest of the day.... so will a lamp or something work?

oh, and is it a problem that im feeling the tingle and heart race before that i REALLY feel heavy? i do feel a small wave come on, though its more of a numbess the paralasis.....

Trercakaressy 10-30-2005 10:39 AM

Also is thier any experienced AP'r (at least one concious intensional) that could gimmie their IM or IM me? id like a lil bit of talking got few more questions http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...icon_smile.gif THX

btw my AIM is Absursion, but i have other im's.

shihoodiacarf 10-30-2005 10:59 AM

oh, and is it a problem that im feeling the tingle and heart race before that i REALLY feel heavy? i do feel a small wave come on, though its more of a numbess the paralasis..... Alot of projectors share sensations but it is all very personal when it comes down to it. I dont think anybodies exits match anyone elses exactly, let alone everyone. I would completely ignore the process, the more though you put into the sequence of it and the more mental activity you have during the process the worse off you are IMHO.

Trercakaressy 10-30-2005 11:02 AM

ok so over all, tingle-rsuh = good...? http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...on_twisted.gif

Trercakaressy 10-30-2005 12:33 PM

Forgot to add, the EXACT day i started the engery work, my dream memory and vividness increased ten fold, i basicly DINT dream, or NEVER remembered, but now, i dream so vividly i can almost feel it... this is a good sign right? i read something about dreams in the book..

Snweyuag 10-30-2005 11:52 PM

It's a good sign that you can remember them vividly. This will be important when it comes time to remembering the OBE you just had.

Trercakaressy 10-31-2005 01:32 AM

Excellent http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...on_biggrin.gif so i guess i should just keep doing the same thing every night?

oh and, while ive heard of many techiques; rope, the one where u feel you forward and body behind, all energy to head, are they all workable or do some work for some people and vise versa?

Btw ty for help guys http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...icon_smile.gif

Snweyuag 10-31-2005 05:09 AM

If I were you, I'd vary the exit techniques you use. Even if you find one that gets you close but not quite, and you feel it could get you there, it never hurts to try others because you might find one that works a little better, or a lot better. Even if you don't, you can use the one you like as a fallback until you get 'fluent' at projecting.

Trercakaressy 10-31-2005 05:13 AM

Thanks for all the help sorlac. and nice Nightelf icon, looks just like my warrior http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...icon_smile.gif

Trercakaressy 10-31-2005 06:37 AM

Pretty much my last question, when do i stop the breathing meditation, when i attempt to fall into trance, or do i use it while falling into trace?

Trercakaressy 10-31-2005 07:11 AM

ok, is thier any extra advice any 1 has as to increase my chance to AP?

Trercakaressy 10-31-2005 08:28 AM

ok, by the book Mr. Robert Bruce wrote, when he describes the tance feeling, i DO feel like that right befoee the buzz, but not the super heav,y could this mean im in a light state of trace?

shihoodiacarf 11-01-2005 05:15 AM

Holy questions batman!! http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...on_biggrin.gif I agree with the given advice of trying varied techniques. I have used every technique under the sun and have had success with about 7 of them. Its all individual, whatever works for you works. I would find one solid technique to use about 5 days a week and practice something new 2 days a week. If you can establish 3 or 4 usable techniques and one really strong one your success rate will soar.

ok, by the book Mr. Robert Bruce wrote, when he describes the tance feeling, i DO feel like that right befoee the buzz, but not the super heav,y could this mean im in a light state of trace? I usually hit a super heavy feeling as my 3rd sensation, not my last. I usually get a numbing, then a deepening of awareness, then heavy, then tingly and feeling of fingers/limbs being out of place, then light/floating followed by my exit.

Pretty much my last question, when do i stop the breathing meditation, when i attempt to fall into trance, or do i use it while falling into trace? I never stop the breathing meditation. Most of my exits in the beginning where spoiled because I simply got so excited I stopped focusing and lost it. If you keep doing it and when you are about to exit focus entirely on it and stay calm it will increase your chance of success greatly. Usually I will begin to breath deeply right as I am exiting which seems to propel me out. I usually feel an expanding and shrinking with my breathing while I slide into a light or a tunnel.

It's a good sign that you can remember them vividly. This will be important when it comes time to remembering the OBE you just had. Precisely. I have had many OBEs mostly forgotten because I wasnt mentally focused enough to remember them. Its so frusterating to be in a full blown OBE for 10 minutes and come back barely clinging to details of the experience and forgetting most of it like a dream. You KNOW you where OBE, you know it was amazing, but you cant remember enough of it to be satisfied by the experience leaving you less satisfied than when you began.

Trercakaressy 11-01-2005 01:21 PM

Wow, just wow, thanks alot, that pretty much awnserd everthing, thanks alot guys, ill get back to u later with ym success/failer in few months.

TYVM http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...on_biggrin.gif

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