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Old 10-16-2005, 08:00 AM   #1

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First of all, if you read what I said carefully, I already conceded this could just be a neg. secondly yelling and laughing at me telling me your right I'm wrong is not helping me it is just you trying to impose what you believe on what I believe. yes it could have been a neg attack, but if you can't at least entertain the idea that maybe it was death then your being very closed minded.

I mean not every thing you see is a neg, just cause it scares you doen't mean it's a neg, hell it could have been a person, and I was just experiancing astral sight. people can change to any form they want to also. I do not think I am special, at least not any more then the fact that I am my own person and I have my own place in the world. this is just something that happened and I was talking about it.

True , but its not death itself , true it can be a person , but everything that you said points to it being a neg , just saying it how it is , sorry i bothered , i will not view your posts anymore.

Fact is i read carefully , fact is your very closed minded for thinking your talking to death and nothing else , so say whatever you want but the facts remain.

So if you are not willing to even listen to ``its not death``and wont believe anything other than you met with death then im just waisting my time and knowledge on a brick wall. You are just foolish and nobody can help you .

And lastly , about the my trying to put my belief over your? , thats ridiculous , its obvious the only one with belief problems is you ,
As already stated i will do my best not to view your posts anymore as i am just wasting my time . Funny how you already know the facts that its not death yet you still push the ridiculous belief further , thats all goodbye to you.Say whatever you want because im not going to bother with it anymore. Pointless negative chatter.

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Old 10-24-2005, 08:00 AM   #2

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oh yeah! i forgot, last nite there was this show called "Ghost Whisperer" with Jennifer Love Hewitt and she can see "lost" souls. and a little boy was talking to the spirit, and his mom said he was just an imaginary friend, but it was an actual spirit. so it probably is possible, so i wonder if u raise a kid to keep their sight and open mindedness to it, would they have that sight still as they grew up if u taught them it was ok??
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Old 10-27-2005, 08:00 AM   #3

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so im kind of facing a dilemma like in the movie, "The Matrix", Neo, the main character, wants to find out of this world is real or fake, then someone, Morpheus, says he can show him the door, but only Neo can open it. When he finds out the real world is a fake, he freaks out and doesn't believe it. After awhile, he accepts it. So the question comes down to this...red pill or blue pill lol
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Old 10-27-2005, 01:56 PM   #4

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This is a big topic and I admit that I didn't read all the posts, but here is a side effect that I often get. When I have a long OBE during the night, I sometimes sleep through my alarm clock in the morning. Then I feel pretty drained in the morning for a couple hours. That's the worst that's ever happened to me!
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Old 10-29-2005, 02:28 AM   #5

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so you mean, floatingadam, that you have learned how to astral project and the worst thing that has happened to you was you slept too late???
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Old 10-29-2005, 03:35 AM   #6

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Yes, so far. I've had a few scary things happen, but nothing bad ever happened.
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Old 10-29-2005, 06:29 AM   #7

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but dont u think if God wanted us to be able to see energy, he would make us see it then?? We do see energy. Do you think that matter is anything but slow energy? Anyway, when you look at an object, what you are looking at is reflected light (zero-rest mass energy) from it. You see nothing but reflected energy coming at your eyes, exciting your rods and cones, which then transmit the images they create as electrical impulses to the brain. So really, when you look at 'matter' all you are seeing is energy impressed on the matrix on your brain.
If you mean 'subtle energy', God did mean for us to perceive it. That's why God installed a nifty organ called the pineal gland in our brains. So, really, you know what they say about preconceived notions....
Or is it opinions?
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Old 11-23-2005, 08:00 AM   #8

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I understand this and even said as much "could have just been something playing the part". yes it seems unlikely that I saw the real thing. however a couple of reasons why I think to the contrary. first of all as soon as I was coaxed into the bathroom, and closed my eyes the voices went nuts, as if they were terrified of something. now this could be seen as a neg just playing with me tryin to get me to be afraid. then the apparition appeared and there was a moment of complete terror at facing ones own mortality.

once again the sheer imagie can be enough to inspire this. however at no time during any of the ramblings of the voices or my own train of thought in dealing with them had death in any form come up. so this would be coming out of left field if a neg was doing it.

then there was the act of death hitting me with his scyth. it happened so fast I couldn't have reacted if I wanted to. when he landed that blow, it hit something insde of me (not in the physical). it was as if the scyth rebounded off a cord inside of me, (the image that came to mind at the time was a golden cord/string/thread inside of my body). it was a quite profound experiance.

now all of this seems crazy I understand, but it's what happened. I talked to my fathers friend about all of this. I have talked to her about alot of things, she is quite adept at going astral and all of that, as a matter of fact she flys around as a dragon most of the time or a half woman/dragon, usually without even thinking because she has become so used to the form. basicly she knows the ropes and how to defend herself.

either way when I recounted the experiance for her she told me thats deaths way of saying hello and letting you know it's not your time. she has spoken to death on many occasions, and said most likely he was letting me know something was going to change in my life. and I guess looking back, the spontanious OBE's and lucid dreams and all that really started happening alot after that. so that was a pretty big change.

I understand you might not believe and you don't have to. if it was a neg, well they pulled off the act very well even though I don't think a neg would have hit me I think neg simply would have stood there and said boo and tried to get me to run. either way it was a profound experiance and alot has changed since then, some good some bad. but it was deffinately a turning point in my life.
Negs Can Hit You. They do not just say boo all the time.
Dude , seriously its a neg , its good to think your important or something , because every1 is , but you havnt seen death , its a simple neg attack , voices is the neg , it can use any voice , dont you get it , seriously , you can think what you want but you did not see death , everything you said is what negs do , he hit you by attacking your etheric body ,it IS a neg playing games with you , but believe whatever you want , your helping the neg feed off your energy , good luck to you , your gonna need it and remember NEGS CAN TAKE ANY FORM , ANY VOICE , TOUCH YOU , AND DO ANYTHING . If you still think the same way read that part starting from NEGS again until you understand because im trying to help you but if you dont want to listen thats fine the choice is always yours.

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Old 12-04-2005, 08:00 AM   #9

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hey everyone! it just came across my mind a couple days ago, so I was wondering: Are there any side effects to learning astral projection? Like after I am able to project, will I see entities like ghosts in the real world or other strange stuff?
You will become more sensitive to everything , sure you might see some ghosts or whatnot , but just because you cant see 1 right now doesnt mean theres nothing there , its like saying , if you take off a blindfold, can you see ,do you want to see whats really there? , or do you want to be blind? , its your choice , and it may seem strange but its quite normal , theres alot more beings beside us humnas around then you think , they dont all just come to you for you too see , they are always there , doesnt matter if your blindfolded or not

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Old 12-16-2005, 08:00 AM   #10

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But, before parents evolve reaching required level of knowledge about how to wise drive children development there are much more to do. Science must to evolve, accept reality of non-physical realms, accept reality of Negs, accept reality of subconcious interaction among Negs and Human Beings, accept reality about energy raising, ...

And then, conflicts like those of X-Men doesn't be as common as initially we might think. Sequel of an enough evolved science would be knowledgeable worldwide and such knowledge will bring new education strategies worldwide applied.

Furthermore, at the worst case, science evolution doesn't be need as we can think at first moment. Let's take into account this forum... do you think that scientific world look with courtesy this non-standard knowledge exposition media..? If science doesn't gets the pole-position driving the new education strategies, more advanced and open attitude of non scientist people (me, you, and the other sincere people members of this forum, and another like this, sincere seekers of truth) will do... NO DOUBT ABOUT IT..!!! Sometimes I guess if change will not come from some inventors team... driven at his discovery works by Robert Bruce's experiences and anotherelse like him.

My best regards,
Natalia Parker
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Old 12-22-2005, 08:00 AM   #11

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hey everyone! it just came across my mind a couple days ago, so I was wondering: Are there any side effects to learning astral projection? Like after I am able to project, will I see entities like ghosts in the real world or other strange stuff?
Hi SSJYamiVegeta..!
My theory about your experience is as follow:
About Belief Systems, a thought from mine is they are not only sets of unconcious rules that exert conditioning pressure onto our potential capabilities. They, too, exert action onto our sensory capabilities putting limits to our sensory experiencies.
Of sure, the fact of have been successful in OBE redefined your limits of sensory experiencies. The OBE experience is far from "normal" (i.e.: physical) experience and that, surely, has shocked your belief system redefining it and, then, allowing you to perceive at "normal" state (i.e.: physical state) things like Negs, spirit disincarned faces, ghosts, etc.. In another words, OBE experience broadens the bandwidth of phenomena accessable by you at "normal" state.
Now, I've a question for you, SSJYamiVegeta, you have residual thelepatic capabilities..?
Good luck..!
Natalia Parker
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Old 01-22-2006, 08:00 AM   #12

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so im kind of facing a dilemma like in the movie, "The Matrix", Neo, the main character, wants to find out of this world is real or fake, then someone, Morpheus, says he can show him the door, but only Neo can open it. When he finds out the real world is a fake, he freaks out and doesn't believe it. After awhile, he accepts it. So the question comes down to this...red pill or blue pill lol
Certainly, at Neo's case it requires a bid amount of courage in order to choose to live at a real world (doomed, nightmarish and nasty world compared to Matrix's beautifull world). Neo might have stepped back to Matrix's world escaping from the Morpheus's real world (as if it had been a bad dream) and to continue living a "true life" with all the Matrix plasures offered; ending its life as anyone of the other billions of human beings living his apparently true lives. Obviously, with the difference done by the fact involved by Neo's knowing of truth. But, you might blame him for such an election..? A logical election done the psichological stress done the facing endeavour of to live at a doomed world.

At your case, SSJYamiVegeta, instead of courage it is required common sense and desire of to improve your quality life, something only achievable having the complete set of sensorial data, conceived by God for us (human beings).

Back coming to Neo's attitude, life at Matrix world don't differs substantially from life outside Matrix world, exception done about its quality and comfort. So, although Neo run away from Matrix world, success ratio is lowered. Of sure, at a doomed world expectancy of life is significantly lower than at Matrix world.

Inside Matrix world or outside Matrix world, remember, "Life is Dream" (Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Spanish literature classical author (1636))

My best regards and good luck..!
Natalia Parker
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Old 02-14-2006, 08:00 AM   #13

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As already stated i will do my best not to view your posts anymore as i am just wasting my time . Funny how you already know the facts that its not death yet you still push the ridiculous belief further , thats all goodbye to you. There are a number of people who would say the exact same thing about any psychic ability, and who would call everyone on this forum crazy and deluded. Be careful what you throw around as facts. Nothing is really as clear-cut as it appears.
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Old 02-26-2006, 08:00 AM   #14

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so ur saying kids with nightmares are having neg attacks? i remember when i was a kid and would wake up at night scared cause i couldnt fall back to sleep, so i ran into my parents room and fell asleep with them, possible neg attacks...
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Old 03-07-2006, 08:00 AM   #15

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...lol i dont think i understand u. see i bought the book "Mastering Astral Projection" a couple months ago. i never astral projected yet (well one time i felt this weird thing like my body was re-entering my body, pretty cool). the reason why i havent tried it yet is that i am afraid that when i re-enter my body from astral projecting, i don't want to start seeing things like demons or walking around and hearing voices cause that would scare the ♥♥♥♥ out of me (pardon my french heh) and i dont want to be driven crazy. i can handle it on the astral planes but i dont want to deal with it on the physical plane. i want to see everything normal, hear everything normal, and then when i astral project, i can handle. So please, from any experienced astral projecter, WILL I see/hear anything out-of-this-world when i return to the physical plane?! Just want a straight forward answer heh, thanks!
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Old 03-08-2006, 08:00 AM   #16

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Hi SSJYamiVegeta..!

I want to advice (to you and another members posting in this forum thread) entire reading of following Astraldynamis forum thread:


and, there, in special, Alex's (Inner Sanctum Member) post.

My best regards...
Natalia Parker
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Old 03-18-2006, 08:00 AM   #17

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Pretty much. Except that it's not exactly as much of a 'no going back' situation as The Matrix. You could fall out of practice, voluntarily or not, and your 'sight' would probably suffer from lack of use.
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Old 03-24-2006, 08:00 AM   #18

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but dont u think if God wanted us to be able to see energy, he would make us see it then??
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Old 04-13-2006, 08:00 AM   #19

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If they want to, yes. But don't forget that the reaction of friends (school, etc.) can make them decide to drop it. And it isn't always comfertable, imagine a kid who has empathic abilities, or telepathic... could be very confronting, to downright scary. So while you're at it, teach them how to protect themselves first. And right after that, to be responsable towards using the abilities.
You're right Jeroen... I cannot avoid to especulate with an X-Men scenario where children with empowered abilities are rejected by its pairs.
My best regards...
Natalia Parker
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Old 04-18-2006, 08:00 AM   #20

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Yeah, I liked that movie.

Well, to the original poster, I haven't actually had an OBE yet (though I'm using Mastering Astral Projection right now) but in various books I've read, people do seem to increase in sensitivity after having some OBEs, and there are various anecdotes with psychokinesis, claravoyance and all that. So, I would expect there to be some side effects.

But, just like someone said, it's not like making these things exist. You're just seeing what was always there.
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