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Old 10-14-2005, 08:00 AM   #1

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Dear David Mustardseed,

We can only answer questions as "correctly" as our experiences and beliefs allow. This applies to everyone. So there is no absolutely correct answer. Best just to test out what others say and if it does not fit with your experiences then place it to one side and take only what is good and fits. Ego does compound things but we all suffer from ego and from times when our ego is too great...until life sends us for a loop and reminds us we are human.

I am someone who phases. Phasing from what I have experienced is when you project a portion of your mental body. Phasing in real time can give one the ability to read minds. In the astral it enables you to communicate clairaudiently with other beings. A mental projection is very different from a full astral projection. Some might feel it is superior because you do not project your full senses in phasing - depends on definition used for phasing though. Mental projection of phasing generally avoids the complications of having astral sight and senses which could cause emotional reactions which could muttle the experience. However, we mentally muttle communications as we pass them through our personal filters, beliefs and opinions.

The next level is orbing which is a mini projection (ball projection of full consciousness, astral sight, astral hearing, smell etc.) You may see in black and white or full color. It is very similar to clairvoyance only you as a ball can move around the location and observe etc. Again like in phasing you still feel your body and have full awareness of what is going on with your projected orb. It is like sending out a probe that you can see through etc.

Then there is full scale astral projection where you project a very large amount of energy and consciousness into your projected double. I am not certain why the download problems are so great with this form of projection. It could be just the shear amount of energy and consciousness projected. But it is different then phasing and orbing (clairvoyance) where the information is steadily downloaded and the conscious mind is fully aware of the projected experience and able to monitor it through out the full projection.

As for negative entities....well some are just thought forms and aspects of our own negative aspects...so there is some truth in that some of it can be created. Also if we get overly emotional during projection it can create problems. So I do understand some peoples opinions on this stuff. However, as people gain experience working to heal possession cases etc. there becomes a new level of experience and awareness that negs do exist.

Take Good Care.

Deepest Respects,
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Old 10-27-2005, 08:00 AM   #2

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Wow, never really heard it described like that violetsky. Maybe I would have been a bit more intrigued with phasing if I had. That was a lot better than the elitist nonsense I'm used to
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Old 11-16-2005, 08:00 AM   #3

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sorry I missread that part, my bad.
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Old 11-19-2005, 08:00 AM   #4

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Now this is totally ridiculous. I have a threatening PM from this SpectralDragon member warning me to not post???

This is just ridiculous. Has this warning been authorised by the administration of this website or is this the antics of a loose cannon?

On the subject of the thread, Frank makes perfectly clear that the RTZ is included in his model. But he has repeatedly said that he does not like the term "real time zone" as, in his words, there is no such thing as "real" time and it is not a "zone" (this is a quote from his posts on the astral pulse). I dont really understand what he means by that exactly but he has repeatedly stated that the RTZ is perfectly encompassed by his nodel of conscionsess. Such evidence is there for all to see.

Many, many times he has talked about incorporating a RTZ projection just as Monroe did. But then what happens is you develop a skill of not having to go through all the beginning bits and it gets easier. Then it becomes phasing. The easier of it all is what Monroe and Frank are calling phasing. But unless you work at it and get to that stage you don't feel it at first. The phasing ability comes later and this is what Monroe was saying in his book.

Frank always says he di d not invent phasing. Frank always says it was Monroe who gave him the directions. Frank says he named his phasing model of conscionness in memory of monroe because of the help Monroe gave him. But he also says that his phasing model of consciosness is not the Monroe focuses. He teaches the Monroe focuses and then you learns about the whole model of conscionsness that frank calls the wider reality.

Anyone who is confused all they have to do is simply read Monroe's ultimate journey, in particualr chapter 11, turning inward. It's all explained in black and white to the extent where I'm surprised there is still an argument.

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Old 11-27-2005, 08:00 AM   #5

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So far I think I understand that phasing isn't about going somewhere or doing something. That makes me wonder how to avoid extremes such as falling asleep or just getting bored while waiting.
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Old 12-06-2005, 08:00 AM   #6

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Thanks all and Violetsky no apologies needed . On the subject of phazing I am not knocking it, not at all. I use it myself. My problem was with Franks attitude of agression and insistance on seeing Phazing as the ultimate reality, and the ONLY explanational model for our very existance. This is why I asked him. His arrogance however made a decent conversation impossible. It seems that he considers people who ask deeper questions his enemies.

I enjoy the thread and all of these points are very good and interesting. Thanks for the input

Regards Mustardseed
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Old 12-08-2005, 08:00 AM   #7

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Novice, no good can come from this.
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Old 12-11-2005, 08:00 AM   #8

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Folks, just my two cents, but please, let's take the high road here -- there's no shortage of venom in the world, no need for more.

Meanwhile, back to phasing...

Major Tom, can you discuss your phasing techniques in a bit more detail? You mentioned phasing while not laying down; that's what happened to me. But I can't do it again! Or it may have been orbing, which brings me to my next request.

Violetsky, can you tell me more about orbing and your techniques for doing it? Perhaps that will be more do-able than the OBE.
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Old 01-07-2006, 08:00 AM   #9

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Dear ALL,

All I can hope is that this thread has been a learning experience for everyone. This is US vs. THEM at its finest hour - sad indeed.

First it starts out with someone making a negative comment about another person Frank. Then what happens? To defend Frank someone decides they must do their best to find something negative to say about the person they feel is on the other side of the the US vs. THEM battle --Robert. Now I am sure David Mustardseed did not expect it to go that way but I am not surprised at all. Then it compounds as people react and attempt to defend Robert. Reaction creates even more reaction. Best to cool off everyone and if you can it would likely be helpful to self reflect on the waste of time reaction and defense is. It only entrenches warring sides and listening stopped even before the argument started. Partial listening may occur but usually only enough to find yet another thing to draw into the mix. Is this valuable? Maybe to some but no fun to most.

Defense externalizes and distracts. Even governments use war to distract their population for internal issues the country is facing. Hopefully, everyone involved sees the futility in all this. NO ONE is perfect or will fit everyone elses perfect paradigm or ideal of perfection. NO ONE person will suceed in universal agreement of human perfection.

If I remember correctly David you are a Christian? Then you will be well aquainted with the saying, "He without sin cast the first stone." In US vs. THEM senerio this biblical statement should be broadened to He without sin and whose friends and those he respects are without sin cast the first stone. Hatfields vs. the McCoys is a classic example. This is why Don and other moderators felt uncomfortable that tone of the thread and about this incarnation of it as well. (Seriously I did accidentally erase the initial thread unitentionally but none of the mods were sad to see it gone.)

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Old 01-18-2006, 08:00 AM   #10

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Major Tom - Thanks for that post, it explains the difference really well!!
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Old 02-17-2006, 08:00 AM   #11

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I think that the reason why phasing is so popular is that it bypasses some of the things about projection which are the most difficult to learn. The idea of holding the awareness outside of the body is not easy to adjust to, and the symptoms which precede separation can be a bit distracting as the pressure builds up to the point of triggering the projection reflex.
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Old 02-18-2006, 08:00 AM   #12

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Dear Novice,

Spectral Dragon is not an administrator nor a moderator. I read the PM he sent to you and it did not request you stop posting from what I could see.

Novice, it is nice you like and respect Frank to the point where you wish to defend him. Just as it is nice that Miramac likes and respects Robert Bruce and wishes to defend him. However, likely to those who have no sides in this situation both sides have failed miserably to be good embassadors. The arguing on the board has not helped Robert's reputation. As a close personal friend of Robert Bruce's I know this is precisely what he tries to prevent. And Novice....How are you helping Frank's reputation by attempting to find fault with another person? Do not answer this on the board. If you wish to answer it do so in a PM to me. Frankly, I do not wish to see Frank or Robert Bruce's name included even one more time in this entire topic.

The US vs. THEM bolony has gone quite far enough. If people do not stop taking sides than I will be left with no choice but to lock this topic which is silly because this topic should be an easy one to discuss without sides. Let us talk about phasing and leave name dropping and sides out of it. Thank you.

Moderator and Administrator,
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Old 03-02-2006, 08:00 AM   #13

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Old 03-10-2006, 08:00 AM   #14

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Major Tom:

Your explanation accords with Monroe to a great extent. I'm not sure where this phasing and frank comes into it. I think mustardseed has some kind of a personal grudge. Perhaps personalities and beliefs, old versus the new, are coming into it. But that's how mystics and scientists have been locked for the past several generations. Science will take over eventually and the situation about where frank calls the wider reality will becaome known.

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Old 03-11-2006, 08:00 AM   #15

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I don't understand why it has to be something versus something else- such as mystics vs scientists. Isn't balance what's most important? Seems to me, those who are fanatically on either one side or the other are bound to have only incomplete knowledge.
I consider myself a mystic (though I do know that different people are going to have different perceptions of what that actually means). On the other hand, I approach my "mystical practice" in a very scientific way- meaning, I think of my body as a laboratory of sorts; I do exercises and perform experiments, and based on the clear results I attain, I gather more and more knowledge. Robert Bruce seems to be this way as well. He seems to be a pretty balanced person in general. And I tend to be more comfortable following the teachings of someone who seems uninterested in fighting others or trying to prove that his way is better than someone elses. Robert just presents what he knows to whomever is interested without ego, or drama, or conflict.

Why can't the phasing model be a compliment to everything else, as opposed to something that is in conflict? Of course, it all has to do with the one who is doing the perceiving and comparing. Egos get in the way too often.
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Old 03-29-2006, 08:00 AM   #16

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The one thing I still don't know about phasing is a clear description of how to take an active role in the process from the beginning. It sounds like it is something that is supposed to happen on its own.
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Old 03-31-2006, 08:00 AM   #17

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The same might be applied to the thesis in phasing circles about not really going anywhere. It might be the case, but it doesn’t feel like it, and, by itself, doesn’t help develop the initial technique to explore what is available.
Shinobi, thanks for that, the above really struck home with me personally because I was having a hard time with the idea of "not going anywhere" when the few occasions I have projected, I have been "walking around my bedroom".

I'm personally getting the hang of the whole concept bit by bit though, thanks to everyones helpful comments!
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Old 04-02-2006, 09:00 AM   #18

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I wonder if the idea is not that ALL negative entities and such are a figment of your own mind, just the ones that are in what they call Focus 2 ?

I don't know, I personally can't comprehend the concept of no negative spirits or entities because from what I have read and seen it must be that they exist.... I agree that the concept of the "Wider Reality" (from what Ive read) is a bit far reaching to describe all of existance, but I agree that phasing in itself could be helpful as an alternative "exit procedure".

So far personally in trying it all i've done is fall asleep
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Old 05-13-2006, 08:00 AM   #19

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Getting back on topic, I read that the biggest obstacle to all things out of body is fear and that this is why remote viewing tends to be easier to learn.
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Old 05-20-2006, 08:00 AM   #20

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I would suggest that it might be more helpful to use language that describes how things seem – since, as humans, we really aren’t wired to get whatever is REALLY going on, trying to insist that reality is starkly at odds with personal experience becomes something of a road block. That is the case, even if your view of what is REALLY going on is absolutely correct. A well known example of that in mundane reality might be centrifugal force. There’s really no such thing, it’s often referred to as an engineer’s illusion, but the fact is that it feels real, you can act like it’s real, and doing so is productive.

The same might be applied to the thesis in phasing circles about not really going anywhere. It might be the case, but it doesn’t feel like it, and, by itself, doesn’t help develop the initial technique to explore what is available. I could construct an argument that you’re really not going anywhere even as you walk across a room (and it would be right), but it’s not especially useful or congruent with most persons’ experience; at least, not until one has really started to plumb the nature of our experience and reality. Using it as a starting point to teach a baby to walk is clearly self defeating.

OMG Shinobi, I've had the same thing on my mind for quite some time now. It's odd to me, this over-emphasis on the idea of "not really going anywhere". As a mater of fact, just a few weeks ago I was thinking about the same analogy that you make about walking across a room. Yes, I could say that in ultimate reality I'm not really going anywhere... but I still feel movement... it still feels like I'm traveling.
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