Hi, I am 30 years old lady. I am married before 7 years. When I was unmarried I am very passionate to doing each work but after marriage I become so dull, don’t know the reason.I don’t want to be like this. I want to be like as I was earlier.
Dear, first make a list of your own favourite things which gives you pleasure and please and excite you. Listing your favourite things will also help you see what types of passions are really within you. Find them. Seek them out. And act on your passions from today.
Hey, for rediscovering your passion think about the things you enjoy doing most. Maybe there is one thing in particular that you have been thinking about. It really works out dear.
Hey folk, try something different thing, keep a passion jar. Fill an empty jar with all your favourite items/events/wishes which all are written on various strips of different coloured paper. And each day pick anyone strip and do what is write on that paper, it makes you happy and passionate.